int main(int argc, char **argv)
	unsigned long k;
	struct test_data *td;
	t_start("fanout tests");

	run_tests(10, 64);
	run_tests(512, 64);
	run_tests(64, 64);
	run_tests(511, 17);

	destroyed = 0;
	fot = fanout_create(512);
	ok_int(fanout_remove(fot, 12398) == NULL, 1,
	       "remove on empty table must yield NULL");
	ok_int(fanout_get(fot, 123887987) == NULL, 1,
	       "get on empty table must yield NULL");
	for (k = 0; k < 16385; k++) {
		struct test_data *tdata = calloc(1, sizeof(*td));
		tdata->key = k;
		asprintf(&tdata->name, "%lu", k);
		fanout_add(fot, k, tdata);
	td = fanout_get(fot, k - 1);
	ok_int(td != NULL, 1, "get must get what add inserts");
	ok_int(fanout_remove(fot, k + 1) == NULL, 1,
	       "remove on non-inserted key must yield NULL");
	ok_int(fanout_get(fot, k + 1) == NULL, 1,
	       "get on non-inserted must yield NULL");
	fanout_destroy(fot, pdest);
	ok_int((int)destroyed, (int)k, "destroy counter while free()'ing");

	return t_end();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int ret, r2;

	t_start("exec output comparison");
		int i;
		char *out = calloc(1, BUF_SIZE);
		for (i = 0; cases[i].input != NULL; i++) {
			memset(out, 0, BUF_SIZE);
			int pfd[2] = {-1, -1}, pfderr[2] = {-1, -1};
			int fd;
			char *cmd;
			asprintf(&cmd, "/bin/echo -n %s", cases[i].input);
			fd = runcmd_open(cmd, pfd, pfderr, NULL);
			read(pfd[0], out, BUF_SIZE);
			ok_str(cases[i].output, out, "Echoing a command should give expected output");
	ret = t_end();
	t_start("anomaly detection");
		int i;
		for (i = 0; anomaly[i].cmd; i++) {
			int out_argc;
			char *out_argv[256];
			int result = runcmd_cmd2strv(anomaly[i].cmd, &out_argc, out_argv);
			ok_int(result, anomaly[i].ret, anomaly[i].cmd);
	r2 = t_end();
	ret = r2 ? r2 : ret;
	t_start("argument splitting");
		int i;
		for (i = 0; parse_case[i].cmd; i++) {
			int x, out_argc;
			char *out_argv[256];
			int result = runcmd_cmd2strv(parse_case[i].cmd, &out_argc, out_argv);
			out_argv[out_argc] = NULL;
			ok_int(result, 0, parse_case[i].cmd);
			ok_int(out_argc, parse_case[i].argc_exp, parse_case[i].cmd);
			for (x = 0; x < parse_case[x].argc_exp && out_argv[x]; x++) {
				ok_str(parse_case[i].argv_exp[x], out_argv[x], "argv comparison test");

	r2 = t_end();
	return r2 ? r2 : ret;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int listen_fd, flags, sockopt = 1;
	struct sockaddr_in sain;
	int error;
	const char *err_msg;

	t_start("iobroker ipc test");

	error = iobroker_get_max_fds(NULL);
	ok_int(error, IOBROKER_ENOSET, "test errors when passing null");

	err_msg = iobroker_strerror(error);
	test(err_msg && !strcmp(err_msg, iobroker_errors[(~error) + 1].string), "iobroker_strerror() returns the right string");

	iobs = iobroker_create();
	error = iobroker_get_max_fds(iobs);
	test(iobs && error >= 0, "max fd's for real iobroker set must be > 0");

	listen_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
	flags = fcntl(listen_fd, F_GETFD);
	flags |= FD_CLOEXEC;
	fcntl(listen_fd, F_SETFD, flags);

	(void)setsockopt(listen_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &sockopt, sizeof(sockopt));

	memset(&sain, 0, sizeof(sain));
	sain.sin_port = ntohs(9123);
	sain.sin_family = AF_INET;
	bind(listen_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sain, sizeof(sain));
	listen(listen_fd, 128);
	iobroker_register(iobs, listen_fd, iobs, listen_handler);

	if (argc == 1)

	for (;;) {
		iobroker_poll(iobs, -1);
		if (iobroker_get_num_fds(iobs) <= 1) {

	iobroker_close(iobs, listen_fd);
	iobroker_destroy(iobs, 0);

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	unsigned int i;
	struct strcode sc[] = {

	t_start("iocache_use_delim() test");
	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sc); i++) {
		t_start("Testing delimiter of len %d", sc[i].len);
		test_delimiter(sc[i].str, sc[i].len);

	return t_end();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int ret, r2;

	t_start("exec output comparison");
		int i;
		char *out = calloc(1, BUF_SIZE);
		for (i = 0; cases[i].input != NULL; i++) {
			memset(out, 0, BUF_SIZE);
			int pfd[2] = {-1, -1}, pfderr[2] = {-1, -1};
			/* We need a stub iobregarg since runcmd_open()'s prototype
			 * declares it attribute non-null. */
			int stub_iobregarg = 0;
			int fd;
			char *cmd;
			asprintf(&cmd, ECHO_COMMAND " -n %s", cases[i].input);
			fd = runcmd_open(cmd, pfd, pfderr, NULL, stub_iobreg, &stub_iobregarg);
			read(pfd[0], out, BUF_SIZE);
			ok_str(cases[i].output, out, "Echoing a command should give expected output");
	ret = t_end();
	t_start("anomaly detection");
		int i;
		for (i = 0; anomaly[i].cmd; i++) {
			int out_argc;
			char *out_argv[256];
			int result = runcmd_cmd2strv(anomaly[i].cmd, &out_argc, out_argv);
			ok_int(result, anomaly[i].ret, anomaly[i].cmd);
			if (out_argv[0]) free(out_argv[0]);
	r2 = t_end();
	ret = r2 ? r2 : ret;
	t_start("argument splitting");
		int i;
		for (i = 0; parse_case[i].cmd; i++) {
			int x, out_argc;
			char *out_argv[256];
			int result = runcmd_cmd2strv(parse_case[i].cmd, &out_argc, out_argv);
			/*out_argv[out_argc] = NULL;*//* This must be NULL terminated already. */
			ok_int(result, parse_case[i].ret, parse_case[i].cmd);
			ok_int(out_argc, parse_case[i].argc_exp, parse_case[i].cmd);
			for (x = 0; x < parse_case[x].argc_exp && out_argv[x]; x++) {
				ok_str(parse_case[i].argv_exp[x], out_argv[x], "argv comparison test");
			if (out_argv[0]) free(out_argv[0]);

	r2 = t_end();
	return r2 ? r2 : ret;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int i, j;
	struct kvvec *kvv, *kvv2, *kvv3;
	struct kvvec_buf *kvvb, *kvvb2;
	struct kvvec k = KVVEC_INITIALIZER;


	t_start("key/value vector tests");
	kvv = kvvec_create(1);
	kvv2 = kvvec_create(1);
	kvv3 = kvvec_create(1);
	add_vars(kvv, test_data, 1239819);
	add_vars(kvv, (const char **)argv + 1, argc - 1);

	kvvec_foreach(kvv, NULL, walker);

	/* kvvec2buf -> buf2kvvec -> kvvec2buf -> buf2kvvec conversion */
	kvvb = kvvec2buf(kvv, KVSEP, PAIRSEP, OVERALLOC);
	kvv3 = buf2kvvec(kvvb->buf, kvvb->buflen, KVSEP, PAIRSEP, KVVEC_COPY);
	kvvb2 = kvvec2buf(kvv3, KVSEP, PAIRSEP, OVERALLOC);

	buf2kvvec_prealloc(kvv2, kvvb->buf, kvvb->buflen, KVSEP, PAIRSEP, KVVEC_ASSIGN);
	kvvec_foreach(kvv2, kvv, walker);

	kvvb = kvvec2buf(kvv, KVSEP, PAIRSEP, OVERALLOC);

	test(kvv->kv_pairs == kvv2->kv_pairs, "pairs should be identical");

	for (i = 0; i < kvv->kv_pairs; i++) {
		struct key_value *kv1, *kv2;
		kv1 = &kvv->kv[i];
		if (i >= kvv2->kv_pairs) {
			t_fail("missing var %d in kvv2", i);
			printf("[%s=%s] (%d+%d)\n", kv1->key, kv1->value, kv1->key_len, kv1->value_len);
		kv2 = &kvv2->kv[i];
		if (!test(!kv_compare(kv1, kv2), "kv pair %d must match", i)) {
			printf("%d failed: [%s=%s] (%d+%d) != [%s=%s (%d+%d)]\n",
				   kv1->key, kv1->value, kv1->key_len, kv1->value_len,
				   kv2->key, kv2->value, kv2->key_len, kv2->value_len);

	test(kvvb2->buflen == kvvb->buflen, "buflens must match");
	test(kvvb2->bufsize == kvvb->bufsize, "bufsizes must match");

	if (kvvb2->buflen == kvvb->buflen && kvvb2->bufsize == kvvb->bufsize &&
		!memcmp(kvvb2->buf, kvvb->buf, kvvb->bufsize))
		t_pass("kvvec -> buf -> kvvec conversion works flawlessly");
	} else {
		t_fail("kvvec -> buf -> kvvec conversion failed :'(");

	kvvec_destroy(kvv, 1);
	kvvec_destroy(kvv3, KVVEC_FREE_ALL);

	for (j = 0; pair_term_missing[j]; j++) {
		buf2kvvec_prealloc(&k, strdup(pair_term_missing[j]), strlen(pair_term_missing[j]), '=', ';', KVVEC_COPY);
		for (i = 0; i < k.kv_pairs; i++) {
			struct key_value *kv = &k.kv[i];
			test(kv->key_len == kv->value_len, "%d.%d; key_len=%d; value_len=%d (%s = %s)",
				 j, i, kv->key_len, kv->value_len, kv->key, kv->value);
			test(kv->value_len == strlen(kv->value),
				 "%d.%d; kv->value_len(%d) == strlen(%s)(%d)",
				 j, i, kv->value_len, kv->value, (int)strlen(kv->value));

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	squeue_t *sq;
	struct timeval tv;
	sq_test_event a, b, c, d, *x;

	t_start("squeue tests");

	a.id = 1;
	b.id = 2;
	c.id = 3;
	d.id = 4;

	gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
	/* Order in is a, b, c, d, but we should get b, c, d, a out. */
	srand(tv.tv_usec ^ tv.tv_sec);
	t((sq = squeue_create(1024)) != NULL);
	t(squeue_size(sq) == 0);

	/* we fill and empty the squeue completely once before testing */
	t(squeue_size(sq) == 0, "Size should be 0 after first sq_test_random");

	t((a.evt = squeue_add(sq, time(NULL) + 9, &a)) != NULL);
	t(squeue_size(sq) == 1);
	t((b.evt = squeue_add(sq, time(NULL) + 3, &b)) != NULL);
	t(squeue_size(sq) == 2);
	t((c.evt = squeue_add_msec(sq, time(NULL) + 5, 0, &c)) != NULL);
	t(squeue_size(sq) == 3);
	t((d.evt = squeue_add_usec(sq, time(NULL) + 5, 1, &d)) != NULL);
	t(squeue_size(sq) == 4);

	/* add and remove lots. remainder should be what we have above */

	/* testing squeue_peek() */
	t((x = (sq_test_event *)squeue_peek(sq)) != NULL);
	t(x == &b, "x: %p; a: %p; b: %p; c: %p; d: %p\n", x, &a, &b, &c, &d);
	t(x->id == b.id);
	t(squeue_size(sq) == 4);

	/* testing squeue_remove() and re-add */
	t(squeue_remove(sq, b.evt) == 0);
	t(squeue_size(sq) == 3);
	t((x = squeue_peek(sq)) != NULL);
	t(x == &c);
	t((b.evt = squeue_add(sq, time(NULL) + 3, &b)) != NULL);
	t(squeue_size(sq) == 4);

	/* peek should now give us the &b event (again) */
	t((x = squeue_peek(sq)) != NULL);
	if (x != &b) {
		printf("about to fail pretty f*****g hard...\n");
		printf("ea: %p; &b: %p; &c: %p; ed: %p; x: %p\n",
		       &a, &b, &c, &d, x);
	t(x == &b);
	t(x->id == b.id);
	t(squeue_size(sq) == 4);

	/* testing squeue_pop(), lifo manner */
	t((x = squeue_pop(sq)) != NULL);
	t(squeue_size(sq) == 3,
	  "squeue_size(sq) = %d\n", squeue_size(sq));
	t(x == &b, "x: %p; &b: %p\n", x, &b);
	t(x->id == b.id, "x->id: %lu; d.id: %lu\n", x->id, d.id);

	/* Test squeue_pop() */
	t((x = squeue_pop(sq)) != NULL);
	t(squeue_size(sq) == 2);
	t(x == &c, "x->id: %lu; c.id: %lu\n", x->id, c.id);
	t(x->id == c.id, "x->id: %lu; c.id: %lu\n", x->id, c.id);

	/* this should fail gracefully (-1 return from squeue_remove()) */
	t(squeue_remove(NULL, NULL) == -1);
	t(squeue_remove(NULL, a.evt) == -1);

	squeue_foreach(sq, sq_walker, NULL);

	/* clean up to prevent false valgrind positives */
	squeue_destroy(sq, 0);

	return t_end();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    dkhash_table *tx, *t;
    unsigned int x;
    int ret, r2;
    struct test_data s;
    char *p1, *p2;
    char *strs[10];
    char tmp[32];

    t_start("dkhash basic test");
    t = dkhash_create(512);

    p1 = strdup("a not-so secret value");
    dkhash_insert(t, "nisse", NULL, p1);
    ok_int(dkhash_num_entries_max(t), 1, "Added one entry, so that's max");
    ok_int(dkhash_num_entries_added(t), 1, "Added one entry, so one added");
    ok_int(dkhash_table_size(t), 512, "Table must be sized properly");
    ok_int(dkhash_collisions(t), 0, "One entry, so zero collisions");
    p2 = dkhash_get(t, "nisse", NULL);
    test(p1 == p2, "get should get what insert set");
    dkhash_insert(t, "kalle", "bananas", p1);
    p2 = dkhash_get(t, "kalle", "bezinga");
    test(p1 != p2, "we should never get the wrong key");
    ok_int(2, dkhash_num_entries(t), "should be 2 entries after 2 inserts");
    p2 = dkhash_remove(t, "kalle", "bezinga");
    ok_int(2, dkhash_num_entries(t), "should be 2 entries after 2 inserts and 1 failed remove");
    ok_int(0, dkhash_num_entries_removed(t), "should be 0 removed entries after failed remove");
    p2 = dkhash_remove(t, "kalle", "bananas");
    test(p1 == p2, "dkhash_remove() should return removed data");
    ok_int(dkhash_num_entries(t), 1, "should be 1 entries after 2 inserts and 1 successful remove");
    p2 = dkhash_remove(t, "nisse", NULL);
    test(p1 == p2, "dkhash_remove() should return removed data");
    ret = t_end();

    /* lots of tests below, so we shut up while they're running */
    t_verbose = 0;

    t_start("dkhash_walk_data() test");
    memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s));
    /* first we set up the dkhash-tables */
    tx = dkhash_create(16);
    for (x = 0; x < ARRAY_SIZE(keys); x++) {
        dkhash_insert(tx, keys[x].k1, NULL, ddup(x, 0, 0));
        dkhash_insert(tx, keys[x].k2, NULL, ddup(x, 0, 0));
        dkhash_insert(tx, keys[x].k1, keys[x].k2, ddup(x, 0, 0));
        s.x += 3;
        ok_int(s.x, dkhash_num_entries(tx), "x table adding");

    ok_int(s.x, dkhash_num_entries(tx), "x table done adding");

    for (x = 0; x < ARRAY_SIZE(keys); x++) {
        del.x = x;
        del.i = del.j = 0;

        ok_int(s.x, dkhash_num_entries(tx), "x table pre-delete");
        s.x -= 3;
        dkhash_walk_data(tx, del_matching);
        ok_int(s.x, dkhash_num_entries(tx), "x table post-delete");

    test(0 == dkhash_num_entries(tx), "x table post all ops");
    test(0 == dkhash_check_table(tx), "x table consistency post all ops");
    dkhash_debug_table(tx, 0);
    r2 = t_end();
    ret = r2 ? r2 : ret;

    for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
        sprintf(tmp, "string %d", x);
        strs[x] = strdup(tmp);

    t_start("dkhash single bucket add remove forward");

    t = dkhash_create(1);
    for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
        dkhash_insert(t, strs[x], NULL, strs[x]);
    for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
        p1 = strs[x];
        p2 = dkhash_remove(t, p1, NULL);
        test(p1 == p2, "remove should return a value");
    r2 = t_end();
    ret = r2 ? r2 : ret;

    t_start("dkhash single bucket add remove backward");

    t = dkhash_create(1);
    for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
        dkhash_insert(t, strs[x], NULL, strs[x]);
    for (x = 9; x; x--) {
        p1 = strs[x];
        p2 = dkhash_remove(t, p1, NULL);
        test(p1 == p2, "remove should return a value");


    r2 = t_end();
    return r2 ? r2 : ret;