文件: sign.c 项目: student-t/PSPP
static void
output_frequency_table (const struct two_sample_test *t2s,
			const struct sign_test_params *param,
			const struct dictionary *dict)
  int i;
  struct tab_table *table = tab_create (3, 1 + 4 * t2s->n_pairs);

  const struct variable *wv = dict_get_weight (dict);
  const struct fmt_spec *wfmt = wv ? var_get_print_format (wv) : & F_8_0;

  tab_set_format (table, RC_WEIGHT, wfmt);
  tab_title (table, _("Frequencies"));

  tab_headers (table, 2, 0, 1, 0);

  /* Vertical lines inside the box */
  tab_box (table, 0, 0, -1, TAL_1,
	   1, 0, tab_nc (table) - 1, tab_nr (table) - 1 );

  /* Box around entire table */
  tab_box (table, TAL_2, TAL_2, -1, -1,
	   0, 0, tab_nc (table) - 1, tab_nr (table) - 1 );

  tab_text (table,  2, 0,  TAB_CENTER, _("N"));

  for (i = 0 ; i < t2s->n_pairs; ++i)
      variable_pair *vp = &t2s->pairs[i];

      struct string pair_name;
      ds_init_cstr (&pair_name, var_to_string ((*vp)[0]));
      ds_put_cstr (&pair_name, " - ");
      ds_put_cstr (&pair_name, var_to_string ((*vp)[1]));

      tab_text (table, 0, 1 + i * 4, TAB_LEFT, ds_cstr (&pair_name));

      ds_destroy (&pair_name);

      tab_hline (table, TAL_1, 0, tab_nc (table) - 1, 1 + i * 4);

      tab_text (table,  1, 1 + i * 4,  TAB_LEFT, _("Negative Differences"));
      tab_text (table,  1, 2 + i * 4,  TAB_LEFT, _("Positive Differences"));
      tab_text (table,  1, 3 + i * 4,  TAB_LEFT, _("Ties"));
      tab_text (table,  1, 4 + i * 4,  TAB_LEFT, _("Total"));

      tab_double (table, 2, 1 + i * 4, TAB_RIGHT, param[i].neg, NULL, RC_WEIGHT);
      tab_double (table, 2, 2 + i * 4, TAB_RIGHT, param[i].pos, NULL, RC_WEIGHT);
      tab_double (table, 2, 3 + i * 4, TAB_RIGHT, param[i].ties, NULL, RC_WEIGHT);
      tab_double (table, 2, 4 + i * 4, TAB_RIGHT,
		  param[i].ties + param[i].neg + param[i].pos, NULL, RC_WEIGHT);

  tab_submit (table);
文件: sign.c 项目: student-t/PSPP
static void
output_statistics_table (const struct two_sample_test *t2s,
			 const struct sign_test_params *param)
  int i;
  struct tab_table *table = tab_create (1 + t2s->n_pairs, 4);

  tab_title (table, _("Test Statistics"));

  tab_headers (table, 0, 1,  0, 1);

  tab_hline (table, TAL_2, 0, tab_nc (table) - 1, 1);
  tab_vline (table, TAL_2, 1, 0, tab_nr (table) - 1);

  /* Vertical lines inside the box */
  tab_box (table, -1, -1, -1, TAL_1,
	   0, 0,
	   tab_nc (table) - 1, tab_nr (table) - 1);

  /* Box around entire table */
  tab_box (table, TAL_2, TAL_2, -1, -1,
	   0, 0, tab_nc (table) - 1,
	   tab_nr (table) - 1);

  tab_text (table,  0, 1, TAT_TITLE | TAB_LEFT,
	    _("Exact Sig. (2-tailed)"));

  tab_text (table,  0, 2, TAT_TITLE | TAB_LEFT,
	    _("Exact Sig. (1-tailed)"));

  tab_text (table,  0, 3, TAT_TITLE | TAB_LEFT,
	    _("Point Probability"));

  for (i = 0 ; i < t2s->n_pairs; ++i)
      variable_pair *vp = &t2s->pairs[i];

      struct string pair_name;
      ds_init_cstr (&pair_name, var_to_string ((*vp)[0]));
      ds_put_cstr (&pair_name, " - ");
      ds_put_cstr (&pair_name, var_to_string ((*vp)[1]));

      tab_text (table,  1 + i, 0, TAB_LEFT, ds_cstr (&pair_name));
      ds_destroy (&pair_name);

      tab_double (table, 1 + i, 1, TAB_RIGHT,
		  param[i].one_tailed_sig * 2, NULL, RC_PVALUE);

      tab_double (table, 1 + i, 2, TAB_RIGHT, param[i].one_tailed_sig, NULL, RC_PVALUE);
      tab_double (table, 1 + i, 3, TAB_RIGHT, param[i].point_prob, NULL, RC_PVALUE);

  tab_submit (table);
static void
reliability_statistics_model_alpha (struct tab_table *tbl,
				    const struct reliability *rel)
  const struct variable *wv = rel->wv;
  const struct fmt_spec *wfmt = wv ? var_get_print_format (wv) : & F_8_0;

  const struct cronbach *s = &rel->sc[0];

  tab_text (tbl, 0, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,
		_("Cronbach's Alpha"));

  tab_text (tbl, 1, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,
		_("N of Items"));

  tab_double (tbl, 0, 1, TAB_RIGHT, s->alpha, NULL);

  tab_double (tbl, 1, 1, TAB_RIGHT, s->n_items, wfmt);
  Append table T, which should have been returned by covariance_dump_enc_header
  with an entry corresponding to case C for the covariance matrix COV
covariance_dump_enc (const struct covariance *cov, const struct ccase *c,
		     struct tab_table *t)
  static int row = 0;
  int i;
  for (i = 0 ; i < cov->dim; ++i)
      double v = get_val (cov, i, c);
      tab_double (t, i, row, 0, v, i < cov->n_vars ? NULL : &F_8_0, RC_OTHER);
static void
reliability_statistics_model_split (struct tab_table *tbl,
				    const struct reliability *rel)
  const struct variable *wv = rel->wv;
  const struct fmt_spec *wfmt = wv ? var_get_print_format (wv) : & F_8_0;

  tab_text (tbl, 0, 0, TAB_LEFT,
	    _("Cronbach's Alpha"));

  tab_text (tbl, 1, 0, TAB_LEFT,
	    _("Part 1"));

  tab_text (tbl, 2, 0, TAB_LEFT,

  tab_text (tbl, 2, 1, TAB_LEFT,
	    _("N of Items"));

  tab_text (tbl, 1, 2, TAB_LEFT,
	    _("Part 2"));

  tab_text (tbl, 2, 2, TAB_LEFT,

  tab_text (tbl, 2, 3, TAB_LEFT,
	    _("N of Items"));

  tab_text (tbl, 1, 4, TAB_LEFT,
	    _("Total N of Items"));

  tab_text (tbl, 0, 5, TAB_LEFT,
	    _("Correlation Between Forms"));

  tab_text (tbl, 0, 6, TAB_LEFT,
	    _("Spearman-Brown Coefficient"));

  tab_text (tbl, 1, 6, TAB_LEFT,
	    _("Equal Length"));

  tab_text (tbl, 1, 7, TAB_LEFT,
	    _("Unequal Length"));

  tab_text (tbl, 0, 8, TAB_LEFT,
	    _("Guttman Split-Half Coefficient"));

  tab_double (tbl, 3, 0, TAB_RIGHT, rel->sc[1].alpha, NULL);
  tab_double (tbl, 3, 2, TAB_RIGHT, rel->sc[2].alpha, NULL);

  tab_double (tbl, 3, 1, TAB_RIGHT, rel->sc[1].n_items, wfmt);
  tab_double (tbl, 3, 3, TAB_RIGHT, rel->sc[2].n_items, wfmt);

  tab_double (tbl, 3, 4, TAB_RIGHT,
	     rel->sc[1].n_items + rel->sc[2].n_items, wfmt);

    /* R is the correlation between the two parts */
    double r = rel->sc[0].variance_of_sums -
      rel->sc[1].variance_of_sums -
      rel->sc[2].variance_of_sums ;

    /* Guttman Split Half Coefficient */
    double g = 2 * r / rel->sc[0].variance_of_sums;

    /* Unequal Length Spearman Brown Coefficient, and
     intermediate value used in the computation thereof */
    double uly, tmp;

    r /= sqrt (rel->sc[1].variance_of_sums);
    r /= sqrt (rel->sc[2].variance_of_sums);
    r /= 2.0;

    tab_double (tbl, 3, 5, TAB_RIGHT, r, NULL);

    /* Equal length Spearman-Brown Coefficient */
    tab_double (tbl, 3, 6, TAB_RIGHT, 2 * r / (1.0 + r), NULL);

    tab_double (tbl, 3, 8, TAB_RIGHT, g, NULL);

    tmp = (1.0 - r*r) * rel->sc[1].n_items * rel->sc[2].n_items /
      pow2 (rel->sc[0].n_items);

    uly = sqrt( pow4 (r) + 4 * pow2 (r) * tmp);
    uly -= pow2 (r);
    uly /= 2 * tmp;

    tab_double (tbl, 3, 7, TAB_RIGHT, uly, NULL);
static void
reliability_summary_total (const struct reliability *rel)
  int i;
  const int n_cols = 5;
  const int heading_columns = 1;
  const int heading_rows = 1;
  const int n_rows = rel->sc[0].n_items + heading_rows ;

  struct tab_table *tbl = tab_create (n_cols, n_rows);
  tab_headers (tbl, heading_columns, 0, heading_rows, 0);

  tab_title (tbl, _("Item-Total Statistics"));

  /* Vertical lines for the data only */
  tab_box (tbl,
	   -1, -1,
	   -1, TAL_1,
	   heading_columns, 0,
	   n_cols - 1, n_rows - 1);

  /* Box around table */
  tab_box (tbl,
	   TAL_2, TAL_2,
	   -1, -1,
	   0, 0,
	   n_cols - 1, n_rows - 1);

  tab_hline (tbl, TAL_2, 0, n_cols - 1, heading_rows);

  tab_vline (tbl, TAL_2, heading_columns, 0, n_rows - 1);

  tab_text (tbl, 1, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,
	    _("Scale Mean if Item Deleted"));

  tab_text (tbl, 2, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,
	    _("Scale Variance if Item Deleted"));

  tab_text (tbl, 3, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,
	    _("Corrected Item-Total Correlation"));

  tab_text (tbl, 4, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,
	    _("Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted"));

  for (i = 0 ; i < rel->sc[0].n_items; ++i)
      double cov, item_to_total_r;
      double mean, weight, var;

      const struct cronbach *s = &rel->sc[rel->total_start + i];
      tab_text (tbl, 0, heading_rows + i, TAB_LEFT| TAT_TITLE,
		var_to_string (rel->sc[0].items[i]));

      moments1_calculate (s->total, &weight, &mean, &var, 0, 0);

      tab_double (tbl, 1, heading_rows + i, TAB_RIGHT,
		 mean, NULL);

      tab_double (tbl, 2, heading_rows + i, TAB_RIGHT,
		 s->variance_of_sums, NULL);

      tab_double (tbl, 4, heading_rows + i, TAB_RIGHT,
		 s->alpha, NULL);

      moments1_calculate (rel->sc[0].m[i], &weight, &mean, &var, 0,0);
      cov = rel->sc[0].variance_of_sums + var - s->variance_of_sums;
      cov /= 2.0;

      item_to_total_r = (cov - var) / (sqrt(var) * sqrt (s->variance_of_sums));

      tab_double (tbl, 3, heading_rows + i, TAB_RIGHT,
		 item_to_total_r, NULL);

  tab_submit (tbl);
static void
case_processing_summary (casenumber n_valid, casenumber n_missing,
			 const struct dictionary *dict)
  const struct variable *wv = dict_get_weight (dict);
  const struct fmt_spec *wfmt = wv ? var_get_print_format (wv) : & F_8_0;

  casenumber total;
  int n_cols = 4;
  int n_rows = 4;
  int heading_columns = 2;
  int heading_rows = 1;
  struct tab_table *tbl;
  tbl = tab_create (n_cols, n_rows);
  tab_headers (tbl, heading_columns, 0, heading_rows, 0);

  tab_title (tbl, _("Case Processing Summary"));

  /* Vertical lines for the data only */
  tab_box (tbl,
	   -1, -1,
	   -1, TAL_1,
	   heading_columns, 0,
	   n_cols - 1, n_rows - 1);

  /* Box around table */
  tab_box (tbl,
	   TAL_2, TAL_2,
	   -1, -1,
	   0, 0,
	   n_cols - 1, n_rows - 1);

  tab_hline (tbl, TAL_2, 0, n_cols - 1, heading_rows);

  tab_vline (tbl, TAL_2, heading_columns, 0, n_rows - 1);

  tab_text (tbl, 0, heading_rows, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE,

  tab_text (tbl, 1, heading_rows, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE,

  tab_text (tbl, 1, heading_rows + 1, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE,

  tab_text (tbl, 1, heading_rows + 2, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE,

  tab_text (tbl, heading_columns, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,

  tab_text (tbl, heading_columns + 1, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("%"));

  total = n_missing + n_valid;

  tab_double (tbl, 2, heading_rows, TAB_RIGHT,
	     n_valid, wfmt);

  tab_double (tbl, 2, heading_rows + 1, TAB_RIGHT,
	     n_missing, wfmt);

  tab_double (tbl, 2, heading_rows + 2, TAB_RIGHT,
	     total, wfmt);

  tab_double (tbl, 3, heading_rows, TAB_RIGHT,
	     100 * n_valid / (double) total, NULL);

  tab_double (tbl, 3, heading_rows + 1, TAB_RIGHT,
	     100 * n_missing / (double) total, NULL);

  tab_double (tbl, 3, heading_rows + 2, TAB_RIGHT,
	     100 * total / (double) total, NULL);

  tab_submit (tbl);