/* uit_progress:
 *   Display a progress report to the user consisting of information
 *   provided by the trainer: iteration count and objective function value, and
 *   some information computed here on the current model performance.
 *   This function returns true if the trainer have to keep training the model
 *   and false if he must stop, so this is were we will implement the trainer
 *   independant stoping criterion.
bool uit_progress(mdl_t *mdl) {
	// First we just compute the error rate on devel or train data
	double te, se;
	tag_eval(mdl, &te, &se);

	// If requested, check the error rate stoping criterion. We check if the
	// error rate is stable enought over a few iterations.
	bool res = true;
	if (mdl->opt->stopwin != 0) {
		mdl->werr[mdl->wpos] = te;
		mdl->wpos = (mdl->wpos + 1) % mdl->opt->stopwin;
		if (mdl->wcnt >= mdl->opt->stopwin) {
			double emin = 200.0, emax = -100.0;
			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mdl->opt->stopwin; i++) {
				emin = min(emin, mdl->werr[i]);
				emax = max(emax, mdl->werr[i]);
			if (emax - emin < mdl->opt->stopeps)
				res = false;

	return (uit_stop) ? false : res;
/* uit_progress:
 *   Display a progress repport to the user consisting of some informations
 *   provided by the trainer: iteration count and objective function value, and
 *   some informations computed here on the current model performances.
 *   This function return true if the trainer have to keep training the model
 *   and false if he must stop, so this is were we will implement the trainer
 *   independant stoping criterion.
bool uit_progress(mdl_t *mdl, uint32_t it, double obj) {
	// First we just compute the error rate on devel or train data
	double te, se;
	tag_eval(mdl, &te, &se);
	// Next, we compute the number of active features
	uint64_t act = 0;
	for (uint64_t f = 0; f < mdl->nftr; f++)
		if (mdl->theta[f] != 0.0)
	// Compute timings. As some training algorithms are multi-threaded, we
	// cannot use ansi/c function and must rely on posix one to sum time
	// spent in main thread and in child ones.
	tms_t now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
	double tm = (now.tv_sec        + (double)now.tv_usec        * 1.0e-6)
	          - (mdl->timer.tv_sec + (double)mdl->timer.tv_usec * 1.0e-6);
	mdl->total += tm;
	mdl->timer  = now;
	// And display progress report
	info("  [%4"PRIu32"]", it);
	info(obj >= 0.0 ? " obj=%-10.2f" : " obj=NA", obj);
	info(" act=%-8"PRIu64, act);
	info(" err=%5.2f%%/%5.2f%%", te, se);
	info(" time=%.2fs/%.2fs", tm, mdl->total);
	// If requested, check the error rate stoping criterion. We check if the
	// error rate is stable enought over a few iterations.
	bool res = true;
	if (mdl->opt->stopwin != 0) {
		mdl->werr[mdl->wpos] = te;
		mdl->wpos = (mdl->wpos + 1) % mdl->opt->stopwin;
		if (mdl->wcnt >= mdl->opt->stopwin) {
			double emin = 200.0, emax = -100.0;
			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mdl->opt->stopwin; i++) {
				emin = min(emin, mdl->werr[i]);
				emax = max(emax, mdl->werr[i]);
			if (emax - emin < mdl->opt->stopeps)
				res = false;
	// And return
	if (uit_stop)
		return false;
	return res;