void SideConf::parseArgs(int argc, char** argv){
	CmdLineParser::parse(argc, argv);

	std::string fu_folder(CmdLineParser::arguments.fufolder);
	std::string target_folder(CmdLineParser::arguments.output);
	std::string target_xml_folder(target_folder + "/xmlfiles/");
	std::string target_verilog_folder(target_folder + "/verilog/");
	std::string reportfile(target_folder + "/sideconf_generation.log");


void cmap_array_widget::reload()

    while ( this->inside_widget->entries.count() > 0 )
        Cmap_button* b = this->inside_widget->entries.takeAt(0);
        delete b;

    CInside_widget* iw = (CInside_widget*) this->scrollView_insW->takeWidget();
    delete iw;
    this->inside_widget = new CInside_widget();
    this->scrollView_insW->setWidget( this->inside_widget );

    QDir target_folder( this->projectPath + "/maps/");
    QStringList list = target_folder.entryList( QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::Name );
    QString str;

//    this->inside_widget->entries.clear();
    this->inside_widget->entries.append( new Cmap_button( tr( "Open Any .." ), "0", this->inside_widget ) );
    this->inside_widget->entries[0]->icon = QImage( ":/resources/img/open_map_128.png" );
    QObject::connect( this->inside_widget->entries[0], SIGNAL(clicked()),
                      this, SLOT(openManual()) );
    QObject::connect( this->btnZoom64, SIGNAL(clicked()),
                      this->inside_widget->entries[ 0 ], SLOT(scale_icon_to_64()));
    QObject::connect( this->btnZoom128, SIGNAL(clicked()),
                      this->inside_widget->entries[ 0 ], SLOT(scale_icon_to_128()));
    QObject::connect( this->btnZoom256, SIGNAL(clicked()),
                      this->inside_widget->entries[ 0 ], SLOT(scale_icon_to_256()));

    //first we fetch all the *.map files into this->scroll_widget->entryFilenames
    for ( int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++ )
        str = list[ i ];
        if ( str.right( 4 ) == ".map" )
            Cmap_button* mb = new Cmap_button( str, this->projectPath + "/maps/" + str, this->inside_widget );
            this->inside_widget->entries.append( mb );
//            this->inside_widget->entries[ this->inside_widget->entries.count() -1 ]->setIcon( QIcon( this->projectPath + "/maps/" + str + ".preview" ) );
            //connecting the click
            QObject::connect( this->inside_widget->entries[ this->inside_widget->entries.count() -1 ], SIGNAL(open_map_by_click(QString)),
                              this, SIGNAL(loadMap(QString)));
            //connecting the zoomingz
            QObject::connect( this->btnZoom64, SIGNAL(clicked()),
                              this->inside_widget->entries[ this->inside_widget->entries.count() -1 ], SLOT(scale_icon_to_64()));
            QObject::connect( this->btnZoom128, SIGNAL(clicked()),
                              this->inside_widget->entries[ this->inside_widget->entries.count() -1 ], SLOT(scale_icon_to_128()));
            QObject::connect( this->btnZoom256, SIGNAL(clicked()),
                              this->inside_widget->entries[ this->inside_widget->entries.count() -1 ], SLOT(scale_icon_to_256()));
            QObject::connect( mb, SIGNAL(please_refresh_as_we_deleted_something()),
                             this, SLOT(reload()) );
    //secound we fetch all the *.map.preview and store em in this->scroll_widget->entryPixmaps
//    for ( int i = 1; i < this->inside_widget->entries.count(); i++ )
//    {
//        str = list[ i ];
//        if ( str.right( 12 ) == ".map.preview" )
//            this->inside_widget->entries[ i ]->setIcon( QIcon( this->projectPath + "/maps/" + str ) );
//    }
//    this->inside_widget->setBasementSizez( this->scrollView_insW->size().width() );
    this->inside_widget->setZoomFactor( this->inside_widget->zoom_factor );
//    this->inside_widget->realign_entries();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
	IO::IODevicePtr src_device = nullptr;

	if (argc == param_count)
		uint64_t start_offset = 0;
		std::string offset_txt(argv[offset_param]);
		if (offset_txt.compare(offset_str) == 0)
			start_offset = boost::lexical_cast<uint64_t>(argv[offset_value]);
			qInfo() << "offset : " << start_offset <<"(sectors)";

		std::string disk_file_string(argv[disk_file_param]);
		if (disk_file_string.compare(d_str) == 0)
			auto drive_number = boost::lexical_cast<uint32_t>(argv[source_value]);

			auto drive_list = IO::ReadPhysicalDrives();
			auto physical_drive = drive_list.find_by_number(drive_number);
			start_offset *= physical_drive->getBytesPerSector();
			if (physical_drive)
				qInfo() << "You selected";
				qInfo() << "Number : " << drive_number;
				qInfo() << "Name :" << physical_drive->getDriveName().c_str();
				qInfo() << "Serial number : " << physical_drive->getSerialNumber().c_str();
				qInfo() << "Size : " << physical_drive->getSize() << "(bytes)";
			src_device = std::make_shared<IO::DiskDevice>(physical_drive);
		else if (disk_file_string.compare(f_str) == 0)
			std::string src_path = argv[source_value];
			src_device = IO::makeFilePtr(IO::path_string(src_path.begin(), src_path.end()));
			start_offset *= default_sector_size;

		if (!src_device->Open(IO::OpenMode::OpenRead))
			qInfo() << "Error open source device.";
			return -1;

		std::string targer_path = argv[target_value];
		IO::path_string target_folder(targer_path.begin(), targer_path.end());

		if (!src_device)
			return -1;

		QList<JsonFileStruct> listFileStruct;

		QFile file("video.json");
		if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
			qInfo() << "Error to open file. \"" << file.fileName() << "\"";
			return -1;

		auto json_str = file.readAll();
		ReadJsonFIle(json_str, listFileStruct);
		if ( listFileStruct.empty())
			qInfo() << "Error to read" << file.fileName() << "file. Wrong syntax.";
			return -1;

		IO::HeaderBase::Ptr headerBase = std::make_shared<IO::HeaderBase>();
		for (auto theFileStruct : listFileStruct)

		IO::RawFactoryManager factory_manager;

		IO::SignatureFinder signatureFinder(src_device, headerBase);

		//uint64_t start_offset = 0x0;
		uint64_t header_offset = 0;
		uint32_t counter = 0;
		while (start_offset < src_device->Size())
			auto file_struct = signatureFinder.findHeader(start_offset, header_offset);
			if (!file_struct)
				qInfo() << endl << endl << endl << "No more signatures found. Press any key to exit.";
			qInfo() << "Found signature for [" << file_struct->getName().c_str() << "] file."; 
			qInfo() << "Offset : " << header_offset << "(bytes)";

			start_offset = header_offset;

 			auto raw_factory = factory_manager.Lookup(file_struct->getName());
			IO::RawAlgorithm * raw_algorithm = nullptr;
			if (!raw_factory)
				IO::StandartRaw * standard_raw = new IO::StandartRaw(src_device);
				standard_raw->setFooter(file_struct->getFooter(), file_struct->getFooterTailEndSize());
				standard_raw->setFooterOffsetSearchBlock(4, 4096);

				raw_algorithm = standard_raw;
				raw_algorithm = raw_factory->createRawAlgorithm(src_device);
				if (raw_algorithm->Specify(header_offset))
					auto target_file = IO::offsetToPath(target_folder, header_offset, file_struct->getExtension(), 512);
					auto dst_file = IO::makeFilePtr(target_file);
					if (dst_file->Open(IO::OpenMode::Create))
						auto target_size = raw_algorithm->SaveRawFile(*dst_file, header_offset);
						if ( target_size == 0)
							qInfo() << "Error to save file. Exit." ;

						auto dst_size = dst_file->Size();
						qInfo() << "Successfully saved " << target_size << "(bytes)" << endl << endl;

						uint64_t jump_size = default_sector_size;

						if ( raw_algorithm->Verify(target_file) )
							target_size /= default_sector_size;
							target_size *= default_sector_size;
							jump_size = target_size;
							// remove file
							IO::path_string new_fileName = target_file + L".bad_file";
							boost::filesystem::rename(target_file, new_fileName);
							//	qInfo() << "File" << target_file.c_str() << "was removed." << endl;
							//	qInfo() << "File" << target_file.c_str() << "Error to delete." << endl;

						//if (jump_size == 0)
							jump_size = default_sector_size;
						start_offset = header_offset + jump_size;

						qInfo() << "Error to create target file." << QString::fromStdWString(target_file);
						qInfo() << "Exit.";

					qInfo() << "Not specified for " << QString::fromStdString(file_struct->getName()) << "continue search for other signatures."<<endl;
					start_offset += default_sector_size;
				if ( raw_algorithm)
					delete raw_algorithm;




		qInfo() << "Wrong params";
	return a.exec();