/*!	\function 		CalendarModulePreferencesView::CalendarModulePreferencesView
 *	\brief			Default constructor
 *	\param[in]	frame	The rectangle enclosing the view
 *	\param[in]	name	Name of the view. Will be passed to BView's constructor.
CalendarModulePreferencesView::CalendarModulePreferencesView( BRect frame,
															  const char* name,
															  BString  )
	BMenuItem* toAdd = NULL;
	BMessage*  toSend = NULL;
	CalendarModule* currentCalModule = NULL;
	BRect tempFrame( frame );	// Got the boundaries
void EXRReader::read(Frame & frame, const Params &/*params*/)
    if ( !isOpen() ) open();

    // helpers...
    InputFile& file = m_data->file_;
    Box2i& dtw = m_data->dtw_;

    pfs::Frame tempFrame( width(), height() );
    pfs::Channel *X, *Y, *Z;
    tempFrame.createXYZChannels( X, Y, Z );

    FrameBuffer frameBuffer;
    frameBuffer.insert( "R",                                    // name
                        Slice( FLOAT,                           // type
                               (char*)(X->data() - dtw.min.x - dtw.min.y * width()),
                               sizeof(float),                   // xStride
                               sizeof(float) * width(),         // yStride
                               1, 1,                            // x/y sampling
                               0.0));                           // fillValue

    frameBuffer.insert( "G",                                    // name
                        Slice( FLOAT,                           // type
                               (char*)(Y->data() - dtw.min.x - dtw.min.y * width()),
                               sizeof(float),                   // xStride
                               sizeof(float) * width(),         // yStride
                               1, 1,                            // x/y sampling
                               0.0));                           // fillValue

    frameBuffer.insert( "B",                                    // name
                        Slice( FLOAT,                           // type
                               (char*)(Z->data() - dtw.min.x - dtw.min.y * width()),
                               sizeof(float),                   // xStride
                               sizeof(float) * width(),         // yStride
                               1, 1,                            // x/y sampling
                               0.0));                           // fillValue

    // I know I have the channels I need because I have checked that I have the
    // RGB channels. Hence, I don't load any further that that...
    const ChannelList &channels = file.header().channels();
    for ( ChannelList::ConstIterator i = channels.begin(); i != channels.end(); ++i )
        if ( !strcmp( i.name(), "R" ) ||
             !strcmp( i.name(), "G" ) || !strcmp( i.name(), "B" ) ) continue;

        std::string channelName( i.name() );
        if ( channelName == "Z" ) {
            channelName = "DEPTH";
        pfs::Channel *pfsCh = tempFrame.createChannel( channelName );
        frameBuffer.insert( i.name(),                               // name
                            Slice( FLOAT,                           // type
                                   (char *)(pfsCh->data() - dtw.min.x - dtw.min.y * width()),
                                   sizeof(float),                   // xStride
                                   sizeof(float) * width(),         // yStride
                                   1, 1,                            // x/y sampling
                                   0.0));                           // fillValue

    // Copy attributes to tags
    for ( Header::ConstIterator it = file.header().begin(), itEnd = file.header().end();
            it != itEnd; ++it )
        const char *attribName = it.name();
        const StringAttribute *attrib =

        if ( attrib == NULL ) continue; // Skip if type is not String

        // fprintf( stderr, "Tag: %s = %s\n", attribName, attrib->value().c_str() );

        const char *colon = strstr( attribName, ":" );
        if ( colon == NULL )    // frame tag
            tempFrame.getTags().setTag( attribName,
                                        escapeString(attrib->value()) );
        else  // channel tag
            std::string channelName = string( attribName, colon-attribName );
            pfs::Channel *ch = tempFrame.getChannel( channelName );
            if ( ch == NULL ) {
                std::cerr << " Warning! Can not set tag for "
                          << channelName
                          << " channel because it does not exist\n";
            } else {
                ch->getTags().setTag(colon + 1,
                                     escapeString( attrib->value() ));

    file.setFrameBuffer( frameBuffer );
    file.readPixels( dtw.min.y, dtw.max.y );

    // Rescale values if WhiteLuminance is present
    if ( hasWhiteLuminance( file.header() ) )
        float scaleFactor = whiteLuminance( file.header() );
        int pixelCount = tempFrame.getHeight()*tempFrame.getWidth();

        for ( int i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++ )
            (*X)(i) *= scaleFactor;
            (*Y)(i) *= scaleFactor;
            (*Z)(i) *= scaleFactor;

        // const StringAttribute *relativeLum =
        // file.header().findTypedAttribute<StringAttribute>("RELATIVE_LUMINANCE");

        std::string luminanceTag = tempFrame.getTags().getTag("LUMINANCE");
        if ( luminanceTag.empty() )
            tempFrame.getTags().setTag("LUMINANCE", "ABSOLUTE");

    tempFrame.getTags().setTag( "FILE_NAME", filename() );

    frame.swap( tempFrame );