//! perform median filtering on a matrix
//! @param[in/out] &matrix	reference to the matrix to be filtered
//! @param[in] size 		size of the median filter
void medianFilter(mat &matrix, int size)
	unsigned int step = size / 2;
	mat tempMat = matrix;

	for (unsigned int r = 0; r < matrix.n_rows; r++)
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrix.n_cols; i++)
			mat window = zeros<mat>(1, size);

			if (i >= step && i <= (matrix.n_cols - 1 - step))
				window = matrix.submat(r, i - step, r, i + step);
				if (i < step)
					window.submat(0,step,0,size-1) = matrix.submat(r,0,r,step);
					if (i > (matrix.n_cols - 1 - step))
						window.submat(0, 0, 0, step) = 
							matrix.submat(r, i - step, r, matrix.n_cols - 1);
			rowvec medianRow = window.row(0);
			tempMat(r, i) = median(medianRow);

	matrix = tempMat;
//Put the kinect imageframe data onto a Mat
Mat* KOCVStream::kFrameToMat(NUI_IMAGE_FRAME* imageFrame){

	Mat* frame = new Mat(height, width, CV_8U);

	//Lock the imageFrame such that kinnect cannot write on it
	INuiFrameTexture* texture = imageFrame->pFrameTexture;
	texture->LockRect(0, &LockedRect, NULL, 0);

	//Get the kinect depth data
	BYTE* imageData;
	imageData = kinect->dataPix;
	//If the data is not empty convert it to Mat
	if (LockedRect.Pitch != 0){
		/* //Do not do new above!
		   frame=new Mat(height, width, CV_8U, imageData);	
		Mat tempMat(height, width, CV_8U, imageData);
		return new Mat();
	//Release the frame

	return frame;
void OrientConstRotation::GetValue(TimeValue t, void *val, Interval &valid, GetSetMethod method)
	if (firstTimeFlag) {
		Point3 trans, scaleP;
		Quat quat;
		Matrix3 tempMat(1);
		// CAL-9/26/2002: in absolute mode the value could be un-initialized (random value).
		if (method == CTRL_RELATIVE) tempMat = *(Matrix3*)val;
		DecomposeMatrix(tempMat, trans, quat, scaleP);
		baseRotQuatWorld = baseRotQuatLocal * quat;
		firstTimeFlag = 0;
	if (!ivalid.InInterval(t)) {
		DbgAssert(val != NULL);
	valid &= ivalid;

	if (method==CTRL_RELATIVE) {
		Interval iv;

		if (IsLocal()){			// From Update, I'm getting target_local_TM in curRot
			Matrix3 *mat = (Matrix3*)val; // this is source_Parent_TM
			Quat q = curRot;			// this is target_local_TM
			PreRotateMatrix(*mat, q);	// source_world_TM = source_Parent_TM * target_local_TM 
		else { 		// i.e., WorldToWorld: from Update, I'm getting target_world_TM in curRot
			int ct = pblock->Count(orientation_target_list);;
			if (ct < 1){
				Matrix3 *mat = (Matrix3*)val;
				Quat q = curRot;
				PreRotateMatrix(*mat, q);
				Matrix3 *mat = (Matrix3*)val; // this is source_Parent_TM
				// CAL-06/24/02: preserve all components and replace with the new orientation.
				AffineParts ap;
				decomp_affine( *mat, &ap );
				ap.q = curRot;				// target world rotation
				comp_affine( ap, *mat );
				// CAL-06/24/02: this only preserve the translation component
				// Point3 tr;
				// tr = mat->GetTrans();
				// mat->IdentityMatrix();
				// Quat q = curRot;			// this is target_world_TM
				// q.MakeMatrix(*mat);
				// mat->SetTrans(tr);
	else {
		*((Quat*)val) = curRot;
//		RedrawListbox(GetCOREInterface()->GetTime());
void StrColRoSeService::encodeHeightmap(std::vector<unsigned char>& encodedHeightmap, const cv::Mat& heightmap,
		float widthRatio, float heightRatio){
	unsigned int smallWidth = (float) heightmap.cols * (float) widthRatio;
	unsigned int smallHeight = (float) heightmap.rows * (float) heightRatio;
	cv::Mat tempMat(heightmap, cv::Rect(0, 0, smallWidth, smallHeight));
	cv::Mat img;
	tempMat.convertTo(img, CV_8U, 255);
	std::vector<int> params(2);
	params[1] = 9;
	cv::imencode(".png", img, encodedHeightmap, params);
int Epetra_SerialDenseSVD::Factor() {

  int ierr = 0;

  ANORM_ = Matrix_->OneNorm(); // Compute 1-Norm of A

  //allocate U_, S_, and Vt_ if not already done
    U_ = new double[M_*N_];
    S_ = new double[M_];
    Vt_ = new double[M_*N_];
  else //zero them out
    for( int i = 0; i < M_; ++i ) S_[i]=0.0;
    for( int i = 0; i < M_*N_; ++i )

//  if (Equilibrate_) ierr = EquilibrateMatrix();

  if (ierr!=0) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(ierr-2);

  //allocate temp work space
  int lwork = 5*M_;
  double *work = new double[lwork];
  char job = 'A';

  //create temporary matrix to avoid writeover of original
  Epetra_SerialDenseMatrix tempMat( *Matrix_ );
  GESVD( job, job, M_, N_, tempMat.A(), LDA_, S_, U_, N_, Vt_, M_, work, &lwork, &INFO_ );

  delete [] work;

  Factored_ = true;
  double DN = N_;

int Pretreatment::RemoveReflective(const Mat &morphologyMat, Mat &opaqueMat)
    vector< vector<Point> > contours;
	findContours(morphologyMat, contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

	double *SumOfArea = new double[contours.size()];    // Contours' area.
    Moments *moment = new Moments[contours.size()];     // Contours' moments.
    Point *central  = new Point[contours.size()];       // Contours' central point.

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
        SumOfArea[i] = contourArea(contours[i], false);
        moment[i] = moments(contours[i], false);
		central[i] = Point(static_cast<int>(moment[i].m10 / moment[i].m00), static_cast<int>( moment[i].m01 / moment[i].m00));

    double stv = Utility::Instance()->StandardDeviation(SumOfArea, contours.size());

    int Neighborhood;
    double AreaDiff, centralDiff;
    double DistancePenalty;
    Mat tempMat(morphologyMat.rows, morphologyMat.cols, CV_8UC1, Scalar(255));
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
        Neighborhood = Utility::Instance()->NearestNeighborhoodPoint(central, contours.size(), central[i]);
        printf("Neighborhood %d\r\n", Neighborhood);
        AreaDiff = SumOfArea[i] - SumOfArea[Neighborhood];
        centralDiff = Utility::Instance()->EuclideanDistance(central[i], central[Neighborhood]);

        if( (abs(AreaDiff)-stv) < (SumOfArea[i] * ((abs(central[i].y-central[Neighborhood].y)/centralDiff)+1)))
            if(centralDiff/DistancePenalty < 2.5 || i == 0)
                drawContours(tempMat, contours, i, Scalar(0), 1 );
                DistancePenalty = centralDiff;

	floodFill(tempMat, Point(0, 0), Scalar(0));
	return 0;
void ProcessedShaderMaterial::setSceneInfo(SceneRenderState * state, const SceneData& sgData, U32 pass)
   PROFILE_SCOPE( ProcessedShaderMaterial_setSceneInfo );

   GFXShaderConstBuffer* shaderConsts = _getShaderConstBuffer(pass);
   ShaderConstHandles* handles = _getShaderConstHandles(pass);

   // Set cubemap stuff here (it's convenient!)
   const Point3F &eyePosWorld = state->getCameraPosition();
   if ( handles->mCubeEyePosSC->isValid() )
      if(_hasCubemap(pass) || mMaterial->mDynamicCubemap)
         Point3F cubeEyePos = eyePosWorld - sgData.objTrans->getPosition();
         shaderConsts->set(handles->mCubeEyePosSC, cubeEyePos);      

   shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mVisiblitySC, sgData.visibility);

   shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mEyePosWorldSC, eyePosWorld);   

   if ( handles->mEyePosSC->isValid() )
      MatrixF tempMat( *sgData.objTrans );
      Point3F eyepos;
      tempMat.mulP( eyePosWorld, &eyepos );
      shaderConsts->set(handles->mEyePosSC, eyepos);   

   shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mEyeMatSC, state->getCameraTransform());   

   ShaderRenderPassData *rpd = _getRPD( pass );
   for ( U32 i=0; i < rpd->featureShaderHandles.size(); i++ )
      rpd->featureShaderHandles[i]->setConsts( state, sgData, shaderConsts );

   LIGHTMGR->setLightInfo( this, mMaterial, sgData, state, pass, shaderConsts );
int Epetra_FEVbrMatrix::GlobalAssemble(bool callFillComplete) 
  if(Map().Comm().NumProc() < 2 || ignoreNonLocalEntries_) {
    if(callFillComplete) {


  int i;

  //In this method we need to gather all the non-local (overlapping) data
  //that's been input on each processor, into the
  //non-overlapping distribution defined by the map that 'this' matrix was
  //constructed with.

  //Need to build a map that describes our nonlocal data.

  //First, create a list of the sizes (point-rows per block-row) of the
  //nonlocal rows we're holding.
  int* pointRowsPerNonlocalBlockRow = numNonlocalBlockRows_>0 ?
    new int[numNonlocalBlockRows_] : NULL;

  for(i=0; i<numNonlocalBlockRows_; ++i) {
    pointRowsPerNonlocalBlockRow[i] = nonlocalCoefs_[i][0]->M();

  //We'll use the arbitrary distribution constructor of BlockMap.

  Epetra_BlockMap sourceMap(-1, numNonlocalBlockRows_, nonlocalBlockRows_, // CJ TODO FIXME long long
          RowMap().IndexBase(), RowMap().Comm());

  delete [] pointRowsPerNonlocalBlockRow;

  //If sourceMap has global size 0, then no nonlocal data exists and we can
  //skip most of this function.
  if(sourceMap.NumGlobalElements64() < 1) {
    if(callFillComplete) {

  //We also need to build a column-map, containing the columns in our
  //nonlocal data. To do that, create a list of all column-indices that
  //occur in our nonlocal rows.

  int numCols = 0, allocLen = 0;
  int* cols = NULL;
  int* pointColsPerBlockCol = NULL;
  int ptColAllocLen = 0;
  int insertPoint = -1;

  for(i=0; i<numNonlocalBlockRows_; ++i) {
    for(int j=0; j<nonlocalBlockRowLengths_[i]; ++j) {
      int col = nonlocalBlockCols_[i][j];
      int offset = Epetra_Util_binary_search(col, cols, numCols, insertPoint);
      if (offset < 0) {
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR( Epetra_Util_insert(col, insertPoint, cols,
             numCols, allocLen) );
  int tmpNumCols = numCols-1;
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR( Epetra_Util_insert(nonlocalCoefs_[i][j]->N(),
             tmpNumCols, ptColAllocLen) );

  Epetra_BlockMap colMap(-1, numCols, cols, // CJ TODO FIXME long long
       RowMap().IndexBase(), RowMap().Comm());

  delete [] cols;
  delete [] pointColsPerBlockCol;
  numCols = 0;
  allocLen = 0;

  //now we need to create a matrix with sourceMap and colMap, and fill it with
  //our nonlocal data so we can then export it to the correct owning

  Epetra_VbrMatrix tempMat(Copy, sourceMap, colMap, nonlocalBlockRowLengths_);

  //Next we need to make sure the 'indices-are-global' attribute of tempMat's
  //graph is set to true, in case this processor doesn't end up calling the
  //InsertGlobalValues method...

  const Epetra_CrsGraph& graph = tempMat.Graph();
  Epetra_CrsGraph& nonconst_graph = const_cast<Epetra_CrsGraph&>(graph);

  for(i=0; i<numNonlocalBlockRows_; ++i) {
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( tempMat.BeginInsertGlobalValues(nonlocalBlockRows_[i],
                nonlocalBlockCols_[i]) );

    for(int j=0; j<nonlocalBlockRowLengths_[i]; ++j) {
      Epetra_SerialDenseMatrix& subblock = *(nonlocalCoefs_[i][j]);

      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( tempMat.SubmitBlockEntry(subblock.A(),
                 subblock.N()) );

    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( tempMat.EndSubmitEntries() );

  //Now we need to call FillComplete on our temp matrix. We need to
  //pass a DomainMap and RangeMap, which are not the same as the RowMap
  //and ColMap that we constructed the matrix with.
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(tempMat.FillComplete(RowMap(), sourceMap));

  //Finally, we're ready to create the exporter and export non-local data to
  //the appropriate owning processors.

  Epetra_Export exporter(sourceMap, RowMap());

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR( Export(tempMat, exporter, Add) );

  if(callFillComplete) {


void BachelorThesis::loadImage() 
	if( videoReader.isOpen() && !isVideoPaused )
		cv::gpu::GpuMat processedImage;
		cv::Mat unProcessedImage;

		// loading new frames. the amount of skipped frames is indicated by playbackSpeed
		for( int i = 0; i < playbackSpeed; i++ )
			if( videoReader.selectedType == VideoReader::Type::CPU || videoReader.selectedType == VideoReader::Type::LIVE )
				cv::Mat  temp = videoReader.getNextImage();
				cv::cvtColor( temp, temp, CV_BGR2RGBA );
				unProcessedImage = temp;
				if( originalImage.cols != temp.cols || originalImage.rows != temp.rows )
					originalImage = cv::gpu::GpuMat( 640, 480, CV_8UC4 );

				originalImage.upload( temp );
			} else if ( videoReader.selectedType == VideoReader::Type::GPU )
				originalImage = videoReader.getNextImage_GPU();

		// get the selected area
		QPoint maxSize( originalImage.cols, originalImage.rows );
		QRect roi = roiSelector->geometry();

		// adjust the roisize according to the maximum dimensions
		adjustRoiSize( roiSelector->geometry(), roi, maxSize );

		// initializes a new section gpumat with the size of the roi and the imagetype of the incoming image
		cv::gpu::GpuMat section( roi.width(), roi.height(), originalImage.type() );
		// init a cv::Rect with the properties of the ROI
		cv::Rect cvSelectedRect = cv::Rect( roi.x(), roi.y(), roi.width(), roi.height() );
		// a new local copy of the current image

		cv::gpu::GpuMat tempMat(originalImage );
		// select a part of this new image ( position and size is stored in the passed cv::Rect) and copy this to the new image
		tempMat(cvSelectedRect).copyTo( section );
		// add the cropped image to the processing pipeline
		pipeline->addImage( &section );
		// start the pipeline ( do the processing )
		// get the processed image
		processedImage = pipeline->getFinishedImage();
		// make a local copy of the entire unprocessed original image
		cv::gpu::GpuMat finalImage( originalImage );
		// copy the processed image into the original image, exactly at the location of the ROI
		processedImage.copyTo( finalImage( cvSelectedRect ) );
		// convert the cv::gpu::GpuMat into a QPixmap
		QPixmap imagePixmap = QPixmap::fromImage( this->mat2QImage( cv::Mat( finalImage ) ) );
		// display the QPixmap onto the label
		ui.videoLabel->setPixmap( imagePixmap );
		ui.videoLabel->setMaximumHeight( imagePixmap.width() );
		ui.videoLabel->setMaximumWidth( imagePixmap.height() );

		QPixmap originalImagePixmap = QPixmap::fromImage( this->mat2QImage( cv::Mat( unProcessedImage ) ) );
		ui.originalVideoLabel->setPixmap( originalImagePixmap );
		ui.originalVideoLabel->setMaximumHeight( originalImagePixmap.width() );
		ui.originalVideoLabel->setMaximumWidth( originalImagePixmap.height() );
		//std::cout << "it took by average:" << timer.getAverageTimeStdString() << "ms." << std::endl;
		//std::cout << "lates was: " << timer.getLatestStdString() << "ms." << std::endl;
		QString elapsed;
		elapsed.append( QString( "%1" ).arg( videoReader.getNormalizedProgress() ) );
		ui.progressBar->setValue( videoReader.getCurrentFrameNr() );
		// no new frame. do nothings
// This is the model equation for the timeframe RANSAC
// B.K.P. Horn's closed form Absolute Orientation method (1987 paper)
// The convention used here is: right = (1/scale) * RMat * left + TMat
int Photogrammetry::absoluteOrientation(vector<cv::Point3d> & left, vector<cv::Point3d> & right, cv::Mat & RMat, cv::Mat & TMat, double & scale) {

	//check if both vectors have the same number of size
	if (left.size() != right.size()) {
		cerr << "Sizes don't match" << endl;
		return -1;

	//compute the mean of the left and right set of points
	cv::Point3d leftmean, rightmean;

	leftmean.x = 0;
	leftmean.y = 0;
	leftmean.z = 0;
	rightmean.x = 0;
	rightmean.y = 0;
	rightmean.z = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) {
		leftmean.x += left[i].x;
		leftmean.y += left[i].y;
		leftmean.z += left[i].z;

		rightmean.x += right[i].x;
		rightmean.y += right[i].y;
		rightmean.z += right[i].z;

	leftmean.x /= left.size();
	leftmean.y /= left.size();
	leftmean.z /= left.size();

	rightmean.x /= right.size();
	rightmean.y /= right.size();
	rightmean.z /= right.size();

	cv::Mat leftmeanMat(3,1,CV_64F);
	cv::Mat rightmeanMat(3,1,CV_64F);

	leftmeanMat.at<double>(0,0) = leftmean.x;
	leftmeanMat.at<double>(0,1) = leftmean.y;
	leftmeanMat.at<double>(0,2) = leftmean.z;

	rightmeanMat.at<double>(0,0) = rightmean.x;
	rightmeanMat.at<double>(0,1) = rightmean.y;
	rightmeanMat.at<double>(0,2) = rightmean.z;

	//normalize all points
	for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) {
		left[i].x -= leftmean.x;
		left[i].y -= leftmean.y;
		left[i].z -= leftmean.z;

		right[i].x -= rightmean.x;
		right[i].y -= rightmean.y;
		right[i].z -= rightmean.z;

	//compute scale (use the symmetrical solution)
	double Sl = 0;
	double Sr = 0;

	// this is the symmetrical version of the scale !
	for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) {
		Sl += left[i].x*left[i].x + left[i].y*left[i].y + left[i].z*left[i].z;
		Sr += right[i].x*right[i].x + right[i].y*right[i].y + right[i].z*right[i].z;

	scale = sqrt(Sr/Sl);

//	cout << "Scale: " << scale << endl;

	//create M matrix
	double M[3][3];// = {0.0};
		// I believe this is wrong, since not summing over all left right elements, just for the last element ! KM Nov 21
		for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) {
			M[0][0] = left[i].x*right[i].x;
			M[0][1] = left[i].x*right[i].y;
			M[0][2] = left[i].x*right[i].z;
			M[1][0] = left[i].y*right[i].x;
			M[1][1] = left[i].y*right[i].y;
			M[1][2] = left[i].y*right[i].z;
			M[2][0] = left[i].z*right[i].x;
			M[2][1] = left[i].z*right[i].y;
			M[2][2] = left[i].z*right[i].z;
	M[0][0] = 0;
	M[0][1] = 0;
	M[0][2] = 0;
	M[1][0] = 0;
	M[1][1] = 0;
	M[1][2] = 0;
	M[2][0] = 0;
	M[2][1] = 0;
	M[2][2] = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++)
		M[0][0] += left[i].x*right[i].x;
		M[0][1] += left[i].x*right[i].y;
		M[0][2] += left[i].x*right[i].z;
		M[1][0] += left[i].y*right[i].x;
		M[1][1] += left[i].y*right[i].y;
		M[1][2] += left[i].y*right[i].z;
		M[2][0] += left[i].z*right[i].x;
		M[2][1] += left[i].z*right[i].y;
		M[2][2] += left[i].z*right[i].z;

	//create N matrix
	cv::Mat N = cv::Mat::zeros(4,4,CV_64F);

	N.at<double>(0,0) = M[0][0] + M[1][1] + M[2][2];
	N.at<double>(0,1) = M[1][2] - M[2][1];
	N.at<double>(0,2) = M[2][0] - M[0][2];
	N.at<double>(0,3) = M[0][1] - M[1][0];

	N.at<double>(1,0) = M[1][2] - M[2][1];
	N.at<double>(1,1) = M[0][0] - M[1][1] - M[2][2];
	N.at<double>(1,2) = M[0][1] + M[1][0];
	N.at<double>(1,3) = M[2][0] + M[0][2];

	N.at<double>(2,0) = M[2][0] - M[0][2];
	N.at<double>(2,1) = M[0][1] + M[1][0];
	N.at<double>(2,2) = -M[0][0] + M[1][1] - M[2][2];
	N.at<double>(2,3) = M[1][2] + M[2][1];

	N.at<double>(3,0) = M[0][1] - M[1][0];
	N.at<double>(3,1) = M[2][0] + M[0][2];
	N.at<double>(3,2) = M[1][2] + M[2][1];
	N.at<double>(3,3) = -M[0][0] - M[1][1] + M[2][2];

//	cout << "N: " << N << endl;

	//compute eigenvalues
	cv::Mat eigenvalues(1,4,CV_64FC1);
	cv::Mat eigenvectors(4,4,CV_64FC1);

//	cout << "eigenvalues: \n" << eigenvalues << endl;

	if (!cv::eigen(N, eigenvalues, eigenvectors)) {
		cerr << "eigen failed" << endl;
		return -1;

//	cout << "Eigenvalues:\n" << eigenvalues << endl;
//	cout << "Eigenvectors:\n" << eigenvectors << endl;

	//compute quaterion as maximum eigenvector

	double q[4];
	q[0] = eigenvectors.at<double>(0,0);
	q[1] = eigenvectors.at<double>(0,1);
	q[2] = eigenvectors.at<double>(0,2);
	q[3] = eigenvectors.at<double>(0,3);

/*	// I believe this changed with the openCV implementation, eigenvectors are stored in row-order !
	q[0] = eigenvectors.at<double>(0,0);
	q[1] = eigenvectors.at<double>(1,0);
	q[2] = eigenvectors.at<double>(2,0);
	q[3] = eigenvectors.at<double>(3,0);

	double absOfEigVec = sqrt(q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]);
	q[0] /= absOfEigVec;
	q[1] /= absOfEigVec;
	q[2] /= absOfEigVec;
	q[3] /= absOfEigVec;

	cv::Mat qMat(4,1,CV_64F,q);
//	cout << "q: " << qMat << endl;

	//compute Rotation matrix

	RMat.at<double>(0,0) = q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] - q[2]*q[2] - q[3]*q[3];
	RMat.at<double>(0,1) = 2*(q[1]*q[2] - q[0]*q[3]);
	RMat.at<double>(0,2) = 2*(q[1]*q[3] + q[0]*q[2]);

	RMat.at<double>(1,0) = 2*(q[2]*q[1] + q[0]*q[3]);
	RMat.at<double>(1,1) = q[0]*q[0] - q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] - q[3]*q[3];
	RMat.at<double>(1,2) = 2*(q[2]*q[3] - q[0]*q[1]);

	RMat.at<double>(2,0) = 2*(q[3]*q[1] - q[0]*q[2]);
	RMat.at<double>(2,1) = 2*(q[2]*q[3] + q[0]*q[1]);
	RMat.at<double>(2,2) = q[0]*q[0] - q[1]*q[1] - q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3];

//	cout <<"R:\n" << RMat << endl;
//	cout << "Det: " << determinant(RMat) << endl;

	//find translation
	cv::Mat tempMat(3,1,CV_64F);

	//gemm(RMat, leftmeanMat, -1.0, rightmeanMat, 1.0, TMat); // enforcing scale of 1, since same scales in both frames
	// The convention used here is: right = (1/scale) * RMat * left + TMat
	TMat = -(1/scale) * RMat*leftmeanMat + rightmeanMat;

	//	gemm(RMat, leftmeanMat, -1.0 * scale, rightmeanMat, 1.0, TMat);

//	cout << "Translation: " << TMat << endl;
	return 0;
void UnwrapMod::AlignCluster(int baseCluster, int moveCluster, int innerFaceIndex, int outerFaceIndex,int edgeIndex)
//get edges that are coincedent
	int vInner[2];
	int vOuter[2];

	int vInnerVec[2];
	int vOuterVec[2];

	int ct = 0;
	int vct = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < TVMaps.f[innerFaceIndex]->count; i++)
		int innerIndex = TVMaps.f[innerFaceIndex]->v[i];
		for (int j = 0; j < TVMaps.f[outerFaceIndex]->count; j++)
			int outerIndex = TVMaps.f[outerFaceIndex]->v[j];
			if (innerIndex == outerIndex)
				vInner[ct] = TVMaps.f[innerFaceIndex]->t[i];

				vOuter[ct] = TVMaps.f[outerFaceIndex]->t[j];



	vInnerVec[0] = -1;
	vInnerVec[1] = -1;
	vOuterVec[0] = -1;
	vOuterVec[1] = -1;
	ct = 0;

	if ( (TVMaps.f[innerFaceIndex]->flags & FLAG_CURVEDMAPPING) && (TVMaps.f[innerFaceIndex]->vecs) &&
		 (TVMaps.f[outerFaceIndex]->flags & FLAG_CURVEDMAPPING) && (TVMaps.f[outerFaceIndex]->vecs) 
		for (i = 0; i < TVMaps.f[innerFaceIndex]->count*2; i++)
			int innerIndex = TVMaps.f[innerFaceIndex]->vecs->vhandles[i];
			for (int j = 0; j < TVMaps.f[outerFaceIndex]->count*2; j++)
				int outerIndex = TVMaps.f[outerFaceIndex]->vecs->vhandles[j];
				if (innerIndex == outerIndex)
					int vec = TVMaps.f[innerFaceIndex]->vecs->handles[i];
					vInnerVec[ct] = vec;

					vec = TVMaps.f[outerFaceIndex]->vecs->handles[j];
					vOuterVec[ct] = vec;



//get  align vector
	Point3 pInner[2];
	Point3 pOuter[2];

	pInner[0] = TVMaps.v[vInner[0]].p;
	pInner[1] = TVMaps.v[vInner[1]].p;

	pOuter[0] = TVMaps.v[vOuter[0]].p;
	pOuter[1] = TVMaps.v[vOuter[1]].p;

	Point3 offset = pInner[0] - pOuter[0];

	Point3 vecA, vecB;
	vecA = Normalize(pInner[1] - pInner[0]);
	vecB = Normalize(pOuter[1] - pOuter[0]);
	float dot = DotProd(vecA,vecB);

	float angle = 0.0f;
	if (dot == -1.0f)
		angle = PI;
	else if (dot == 1.0f)
		angle = 0.f;
	else angle = acos(dot);

	if ((_isnan(angle)) || (!_finite(angle)))
		angle = 0.0f;
//		DebugPrint("Stop\n");

//	angle = acos(dot);
//DebugPrint("angle %f dot %f \n",angle, dot);
DebugPrint("   VecA %f %f %f \n",vecA.x,vecA.y,vecA.z);
DebugPrint("   VecB %f %f %f \n",vecB.x,vecB.y,vecB.z);

	Matrix3 tempMat(1);	
	Point3 vecC = VectorTransform(tempMat,vecB);

	float negAngle = -angle;
	Matrix3 tempMat2(1);	
	Point3 vecD = VectorTransform(tempMat2,vecB);

	float la,lb;
	la = Length(vecA-vecC);
	lb = Length(vecA-vecD);
	if (la > lb)
		angle = negAngle;
	clusterList[moveCluster]->newX = offset.x;
	clusterList[moveCluster]->newY = offset.y;
//build vert list
//move those verts
	BitArray processVertList;
	for (i =0; i < clusterList[moveCluster]->faces.Count(); i++)
		int faceIndex = clusterList[moveCluster]->faces[i];
		for (int j =0; j < TVMaps.f[faceIndex]->count; j++)
			int vertexIndex = TVMaps.f[faceIndex]->t[j];

			if ( (objType == IS_PATCH) && (TVMaps.f[faceIndex]->flags & FLAG_CURVEDMAPPING) && (TVMaps.f[faceIndex]->vecs))
				int vertIndex;
				if (TVMaps.f[faceIndex]->flags & FLAG_INTERIOR)
					vertIndex = TVMaps.f[faceIndex]->vecs->interiors[j];
					if ((vertIndex >=0) && (vertIndex < processVertList.GetSize()))

				vertIndex = TVMaps.f[faceIndex]->vecs->handles[j*2];
				if ((vertIndex >=0) && (vertIndex < processVertList.GetSize()))
				vertIndex = TVMaps.f[faceIndex]->vecs->handles[j*2+1];
				if ((vertIndex >=0) && (vertIndex < processVertList.GetSize()))

	for (i = 0; i < processVertList.GetSize(); i++)
		if (processVertList[i])
//DebugPrint("%d ",i);
			Point3 p = TVMaps.v[i].p;
//move to origin

			p -= pOuter[0];

			Matrix3 mat(1);	


		 	p = p * mat;
//move to anchor point			
			p += pInner[0];

			TVMaps.v[i].p = p;
			if (TVMaps.cont[i]) TVMaps.cont[i]->SetValue(0,&TVMaps.v[i].p);


	if ((vInnerVec[0] != -1) &&	(vInnerVec[1] != -1) && (vOuterVec[0] != -1) && (vOuterVec[1] != -1))
		TVMaps.v[vOuterVec[0]].p = TVMaps.v[vInnerVec[0]].p;
		if (TVMaps.cont[vOuterVec[0]]) TVMaps.cont[vOuterVec[0]]->SetValue(0,&TVMaps.v[vInnerVec[0]].p);

		TVMaps.v[vOuterVec[1]].p = TVMaps.v[vInnerVec[1]].p;
		if (TVMaps.cont[vOuterVec[1]]) TVMaps.cont[vOuterVec[1]]->SetValue(0,&TVMaps.v[vInnerVec[1]].p);


void HoverVehicle::updateForces(F32 /*dt*/)
    PROFILE_SCOPE( HoverVehicle_UpdateForces );

    Point3F gravForce(0, 0, sHoverVehicleGravity * mRigid.mass * mGravityMod);

    MatrixF currTransform;
    mRigid.atRest = false;

    mThrustLevel = (mForwardThrust * mDataBlock->mainThrustForce    +
                    mReverseThrust * mDataBlock->reverseThrustForce +
                    mLeftThrust    * mDataBlock->strafeThrustForce  +
                    mRightThrust   * mDataBlock->strafeThrustForce);

    Point3F thrustForce = ((Point3F( 0,  1, 0) * (mForwardThrust * mDataBlock->mainThrustForce))    +
                           (Point3F( 0, -1, 0) * (mReverseThrust * mDataBlock->reverseThrustForce)) +
                           (Point3F(-1,  0, 0) * (mLeftThrust    * mDataBlock->strafeThrustForce))  +
                           (Point3F( 1,  0, 0) * (mRightThrust   * mDataBlock->strafeThrustForce)));
    if (mJetting)
        thrustForce *= mDataBlock->turboFactor;

    Point3F torque(0, 0, 0);
    Point3F force(0, 0, 0);

    Point3F vel = mRigid.linVelocity;
    F32 baseStabLen = getBaseStabilizerLength();
    Point3F stabExtend(0, 0, -baseStabLen);

    StabPoint stabPoints[2];
    stabPoints[0].osPoint = Point3F((mObjBox.minExtents.x + mObjBox.maxExtents.x) * 0.5,
                                    (mObjBox.minExtents.z + mObjBox.maxExtents.z) * 0.5);
    stabPoints[1].osPoint = Point3F((mObjBox.minExtents.x + mObjBox.maxExtents.x) * 0.5,
                                    (mObjBox.minExtents.z + mObjBox.maxExtents.z) * 0.5);
    U32 j, i;
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        currTransform.mulP(stabPoints[i].osPoint, &stabPoints[i].wsPoint);
        stabPoints[i].wsExtension = stabExtend;
        stabPoints[i].extension   = baseStabLen;
        stabPoints[i].wsVelocity  = mRigid.linVelocity;

    RayInfo rinfo;

    mFloating = true;
    bool reallyFloating = true;
    F32 compression[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
    F32  normalMod[2]  = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
    bool normalSet[2]  = { false, false };
    Point3F normal[2];

    for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
        if (getContainer()->castRay(stabPoints[j].wsPoint, stabPoints[j].wsPoint + stabPoints[j].wsExtension * 2.0,
                                    TerrainObjectType |
                                    WaterObjectType, &rinfo))
            reallyFloating = false;

            if (rinfo.t <= 0.5) {
                // Ok, stab is in contact with the ground, let's calc the forces...
                compression[j] = (1.0 - (rinfo.t * 2.0)) * baseStabLen;
            normalSet[j] = true;
            normalMod[j] = rinfo.t < 0.5 ? 1.0 : (1.0 - ((rinfo.t - 0.5) * 2.0));

            normal[j] = rinfo.normal;

        if ( pointInWater( stabPoints[j].wsPoint ) )
            compression[j] = baseStabLen;

    for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
        if (compression[j] != 0.0) {
            mFloating = false;

            // Spring force and damping
            Point3F springForce = -stabPoints[j].wsExtension;
            springForce *= compression[j] * mDataBlock->stabSpringConstant;

            Point3F springDamping = -stabPoints[j].wsExtension;
            springDamping *= -getMin(mDot(springDamping, stabPoints[j].wsVelocity), 0.7f) * mDataBlock->stabDampingConstant;

            force += springForce + springDamping;

    // Gravity
    if (reallyFloating == false)
        force += gravForce;
        force += gravForce * mDataBlock->floatingGravMag;

    // Braking
    F32 vellen = mRigid.linVelocity.len();
    if (mThrottle == 0.0f &&
            mLeftThrust == 0.0f &&
            mRightThrust == 0.0f &&
            vellen != 0.0f &&
            vellen < mDataBlock->brakingActivationSpeed)
        Point3F dir = mRigid.linVelocity;
        force += dir *  mDataBlock->brakingForce;

    // Gyro Drag
    torque = -mRigid.angMomentum * mDataBlock->gyroDrag;

    // Move to proper normal
    Point3F sn, r;
    currTransform.getColumn(2, &sn);
    if (normalSet[0] || normalSet[1]) {
        if (normalSet[0] && normalSet[1]) {
            F32 dot = mDot(normal[0], normal[1]);
            if (dot > 0.999) {
                // Just pick the first normal.  They're too close to call
                if ((sn - normal[0]).lenSquared() > 0.00001) {
                    mCross(sn, normal[0], &r);
                    torque += r * mDataBlock->normalForce * normalMod[0];
            } else {
                Point3F rotAxis;
                mCross(normal[0], normal[1], &rotAxis);

                F32 angle = mAcos(dot) * (normalMod[0] / (normalMod[0] + normalMod[1]));
                AngAxisF aa(rotAxis, angle);
                QuatF q(aa);
                MatrixF tempMat(true);
                Point3F newNormal;
                tempMat.mulV(normal[1], &newNormal);

                if ((sn - newNormal).lenSquared() > 0.00001) {
                    mCross(sn, newNormal, &r);
                    torque += r * (mDataBlock->normalForce * ((normalMod[0] + normalMod[1]) * 0.5));
        } else {
            Point3F useNormal;
            F32     useMod;
            if (normalSet[0]) {
                useNormal = normal[0];
                useMod    = normalMod[0];
            } else {
                useNormal = normal[1];
                useMod    = normalMod[1];

            if ((sn - useNormal).lenSquared() > 0.00001) {
                mCross(sn, useNormal, &r);
                torque += r * mDataBlock->normalForce * useMod;
    } else {
        if ((sn - Point3F(0, 0, 1)).lenSquared() > 0.00001) {
            mCross(sn, Point3F(0, 0, 1), &r);
            torque += r * mDataBlock->restorativeForce;

    Point3F sn2;
    currTransform.getColumn(0, &sn);
    currTransform.getColumn(1, &sn2);
    mCross(sn, sn2, &r);
    torque -= r * (mSteering.x * mDataBlock->steeringForce);

    currTransform.getColumn(0, &sn);
    currTransform.getColumn(2, &sn2);
    mCross(sn, sn2, &r);
    torque -= r * (mSteering.x * mDataBlock->rollForce);

    currTransform.getColumn(1, &sn);
    currTransform.getColumn(2, &sn2);
    mCross(sn, sn2, &r);
    torque -= r * (mSteering.y * mDataBlock->pitchForce);

    // Apply drag
    Point3F vDrag = mRigid.linVelocity;
    if (!mFloating) {
        vDrag.convolve(Point3F(1, 1, mDataBlock->vertFactor));
    } else {
        vDrag.convolve(Point3F(0.25, 0.25, mDataBlock->vertFactor));
    force -= vDrag * mDataBlock->dragForce;

    force += mFloating ? thrustForce * mDataBlock->floatingThrustFactor : thrustForce;

    // Add in physical zone force
    force += mAppliedForce;

    // Container buoyancy & drag
    force  += Point3F(0, 0,-mBuoyancy * sHoverVehicleGravity * mRigid.mass * mGravityMod);
    force  -= mRigid.linVelocity * mDrag;
    torque -= mRigid.angMomentum * mDrag;

    mRigid.force  = force;
    mRigid.torque = torque;