static int show_timesync_status_once(sd_bus *bus) {
        static const struct bus_properties_map map_timesync[]  = {
                { "ServerName",           "s",                  NULL,               offsetof(NTPStatusInfo, server_name)       },
                { "ServerAddress",        "(iay)",              map_server_address, offsetof(NTPStatusInfo, server_address)    },
                { "PollIntervalUSec",     "t",                  NULL,               offsetof(NTPStatusInfo, poll_interval)     },
                { "PollIntervalMinUSec",  "t",                  NULL,               offsetof(NTPStatusInfo, poll_min)          },
                { "PollIntervalMaxUSec",  "t",                  NULL,               offsetof(NTPStatusInfo, poll_max)          },
                { "RootDistanceMaxUSec",  "t",                  NULL,               offsetof(NTPStatusInfo, root_distance_max) },
                { "NTPMessage",           "(uuuuittayttttbtt)", map_ntp_message,    0                                          },
                { "Frequency",            "x",                  NULL,               offsetof(NTPStatusInfo, freq)              },
        _cleanup_(ntp_status_info_clear) NTPStatusInfo info = {};
        _cleanup_(sd_bus_error_free) sd_bus_error error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL;
        _cleanup_(sd_bus_message_unrefp) sd_bus_message *m = NULL;
        int r;


        r = bus_map_all_properties(bus,
        if (r < 0)
                return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to query server: %s", bus_error_message(&error, r));

        if (arg_monitor && !terminal_is_dumb())
                fputs(ANSI_HOME_CLEAR, stdout);


        return 0;
static void display(Hashmap *a) {
        Iterator i;
        Group *g;
        Group **array;
        signed path_columns;
        unsigned rows, n = 0, j, maxtcpu = 0, maxtpath = 3; /* 3 for ellipsize() to work properly */
        char buffer[MAX3(21, FORMAT_BYTES_MAX, FORMAT_TIMESPAN_MAX)];


        if (!terminal_is_dumb())
                fputs(ANSI_HOME_CLEAR, stdout);

        array = alloca(sizeof(Group*) * hashmap_size(a));

        HASHMAP_FOREACH(g, a, i)
                if (g->n_tasks_valid || g->cpu_valid || g->memory_valid || g->io_valid)
                        array[n++] = g;

        qsort_safe(array, n, sizeof(Group*), group_compare);

        /* Find the longest names in one run */
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                unsigned cputlen, pathtlen;

                format_timespan(buffer, sizeof(buffer), (usec_t) (array[j]->cpu_usage / NSEC_PER_USEC), 0);
                cputlen = strlen(buffer);
                maxtcpu = MAX(maxtcpu, cputlen);

                pathtlen = strlen(array[j]->path);
                maxtpath = MAX(maxtpath, pathtlen);

        if (arg_cpu_type == CPU_PERCENT)
                xsprintf(buffer, "%6s", "%CPU");
                xsprintf(buffer, "%*s", maxtcpu, "CPU Time");

        rows = lines();
        if (rows <= 10)
                rows = 10;

        if (on_tty()) {
                const char *on, *off;

                path_columns = columns() - 36 - strlen(buffer);
                if (path_columns < 10)
                        path_columns = 10;

                on = ansi_highlight_underline();
                off = ansi_underline();

                printf("%s%s%-*s%s %s%7s%s %s%s%s %s%8s%s %s%8s%s %s%8s%s%s\n",
                       arg_order == ORDER_PATH ? on : "", path_columns, "Control Group",
                       arg_order == ORDER_PATH ? off : "",
                       arg_order == ORDER_TASKS ? on : "", arg_count == COUNT_PIDS ? "Tasks" : arg_count == COUNT_USERSPACE_PROCESSES ? "Procs" : "Proc+",
                       arg_order == ORDER_TASKS ? off : "",
                       arg_order == ORDER_CPU ? on : "", buffer,
                       arg_order == ORDER_CPU ? off : "",
                       arg_order == ORDER_MEMORY ? on : "", "Memory",
                       arg_order == ORDER_MEMORY ? off : "",
                       arg_order == ORDER_IO ? on : "", "Input/s",
                       arg_order == ORDER_IO ? off : "",
                       arg_order == ORDER_IO ? on : "", "Output/s",
                       arg_order == ORDER_IO ? off : "",
        } else
                path_columns = maxtpath;

        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                _cleanup_free_ char *ellipsized = NULL;
                const char *path;

                if (on_tty() && j + 6 > rows)

                g = array[j];

                path = isempty(g->path) ? "/" : g->path;
                ellipsized = ellipsize(path, path_columns, 33);
                printf("%-*s", path_columns, ellipsized ?: path);

                if (g->n_tasks_valid)
                        printf(" %7" PRIu64, g->n_tasks);
                        fputs("       -", stdout);

                if (arg_cpu_type == CPU_PERCENT) {
                        if (g->cpu_valid)
                                printf(" %6.1f", g->cpu_fraction*100);
                                fputs("      -", stdout);
                } else
                        printf(" %*s", maxtcpu, format_timespan(buffer, sizeof(buffer), (usec_t) (g->cpu_usage / NSEC_PER_USEC), 0));

                printf(" %8s", maybe_format_bytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer), g->memory_valid, g->memory));
                printf(" %8s", maybe_format_bytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer), g->io_valid, g->io_input_bps));
                printf(" %8s", maybe_format_bytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer), g->io_valid, g->io_output_bps));

int pager_open(bool no_pager, bool jump_to_end) {
        _cleanup_close_pair_ int fd[2] = { -1, -1 };
        const char *pager;
        pid_t parent_pid;

        if (no_pager)
                return 0;

        if (pager_pid > 0)
                return 1;

        if (terminal_is_dumb())
                return 0;

        pager = getenv("SYSTEMD_PAGER");
        if (!pager)
                pager = getenv("PAGER");

        /* If the pager is explicitly turned off, honour it */
        if (pager && STR_IN_SET(pager, "", "cat"))
                return 0;

        /* Determine and cache number of columns before we spawn the
         * pager so that we get the value from the actual tty */
        (void) columns();

        if (pipe(fd) < 0)
                return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to create pager pipe: %m");

        parent_pid = getpid();

        pager_pid = fork();
        if (pager_pid < 0)
                return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to fork pager: %m");

        /* In the child start the pager */
        if (pager_pid == 0) {
                const char* less_opts, *less_charset;

                (void) reset_all_signal_handlers();
                (void) reset_signal_mask();

                (void) dup2(fd[0], STDIN_FILENO);

                /* Initialize a good set of less options */
                less_opts = getenv("SYSTEMD_LESS");
                if (!less_opts)
                        less_opts = "FRSXMK";
                if (jump_to_end)
                        less_opts = strjoina(less_opts, " +G");
                setenv("LESS", less_opts, 1);

                /* Initialize a good charset for less. This is
                 * particularly important if we output UTF-8
                 * characters. */
                less_charset = getenv("SYSTEMD_LESSCHARSET");
                if (!less_charset && is_locale_utf8())
                        less_charset = "utf-8";
                if (less_charset)
                        setenv("LESSCHARSET", less_charset, 1);

                /* Make sure the pager goes away when the parent dies */
                if (prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGTERM) < 0)

                /* Check whether our parent died before we were able
                 * to set the death signal */
                if (getppid() != parent_pid)

                if (pager) {
                        execlp(pager, pager, NULL);
                        execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", pager, NULL);

                /* Debian's alternatives command for pagers is
                 * called 'pager'. Note that we do not call
                 * sensible-pagers here, since that is just a
                 * shell script that implements a logic that
                 * is similar to this one anyway, but is
                 * Debian-specific. */
                execlp("pager", "pager", NULL);

                execlp("less", "less", NULL);
                execlp("more", "more", NULL);

                /* not reached */

        /* Return in the parent */
        if (dup2(fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO) < 0)
                return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to duplicate pager pipe: %m");
        if (dup2(fd[1], STDERR_FILENO) < 0)
                return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to duplicate pager pipe: %m");

        return 1;