/* process command within a request */ static int process_command( int new_sockfd, struct server_ctx* ctx, const char* param, size_t plen ) { int rc = 0; const int STAT_OPTIONS = 0; const int RESTART_OPTIONS = MSO_SKIP_CLIENTS | MSO_RESTART; assert( (new_sockfd > 0) && ctx && param ); if( 0 == strncmp( ctx->cmd, CMD_UDP, sizeof(ctx->cmd) ) || 0 == strncmp( ctx->cmd, CMD_RTP, sizeof(ctx->cmd) ) ) { if( ctx->clfree ) { rc = udp_relay( new_sockfd, param, plen, &(ctx->mcast_inaddr), ctx ); } else { send_http_response( new_sockfd, 401, "Bad request" ); (void)tmfprintf( g_flog, "Client limit [%d] has been reached.\n", ctx->clmax); } } else if( 0 == strncmp( ctx->cmd, CMD_STATUS, sizeof(ctx->cmd) ) ) { rc = report_status( new_sockfd, ctx, STAT_OPTIONS ); } else if( 0 == strncmp( ctx->cmd, CMD_RESTART, sizeof(ctx->cmd) ) ) { (void) report_status( new_sockfd, ctx, RESTART_OPTIONS ); terminate_all_clients( ctx ); wait_all( ctx ); } else { TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( g_flog, "Unrecognized command [%s]" " - ignoring.\n", ctx->cmd) ); send_http_response( new_sockfd, 401, "Unrecognized request" ); } return rc; }
/* process client requests */ int srv_loop( const char* ipaddr, int port, const char* mcast_addr ) { int rc, maxfd, err, nrdy, i; fd_set rset; struct timeval tmout, idle_tmout, *ptmout = NULL; tmfd_t *asock = NULL; size_t n = 0, nasock = 0, max_nasock = LQ_BACKLOG; sigset_t oset, bset; static const long IDLE_TMOUT_SEC = 30; assert( (port > 0) && mcast_addr && ipaddr ); (void)tmfprintf( g_flog, "Server is starting up, max clients = [%u]\n", g_uopt.max_clients ); asock = calloc (max_nasock, sizeof(*asock)); if (!asock) { mperror (g_flog, ENOMEM, "%s: calloc", __func__); return ERR_INTERNAL; } init_server_ctx( &g_srv, g_uopt.max_clients, (ipaddr[0] ? ipaddr : "") , (uint16_t)port, mcast_addr ); g_srv.rcv_tmout = (u_short)g_uopt.rcv_tmout; g_srv.snd_tmout = RLY_SOCK_TIMEOUT; /* NB: server socket is non-blocking! */ if( 0 != (rc = setup_listener( ipaddr, port, &g_srv.lsockfd, g_uopt.lq_backlog )) ) { return rc; } sigemptyset (&bset); sigaddset (&bset, SIGINT); sigaddset (&bset, SIGQUIT); sigaddset (&bset, SIGCHLD); sigaddset (&bset, SIGTERM); (void) sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &bset, &oset); TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( g_flog, "Entering server loop [%s]\n", SLOOP_TAG) ); while (1) { FD_ZERO( &rset ); FD_SET( g_srv.lsockfd, &rset ); FD_SET( g_srv.cpipe[0], &rset ); maxfd = (g_srv.lsockfd > g_srv.cpipe[0] ) ? g_srv.lsockfd : g_srv.cpipe[0]; for (i = 0; (size_t)i < nasock; ++i) { assert (asock[i].fd >= 0); FD_SET (asock[i].fd, &rset); if (asock[i].fd > maxfd) maxfd = asock[i].fd; } /* if there are accepted sockets - apply specified time-out */ tmout.tv_sec = g_uopt.ssel_tmout; tmout.tv_usec = 0; idle_tmout.tv_sec = IDLE_TMOUT_SEC; idle_tmout.tv_usec = 0; /* enforce *idle* select(2) timeout to alleviate signal contention */ ptmout = ((nasock > 0) && (g_uopt.ssel_tmout > 0)) ? &tmout : &idle_tmout; TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( g_flog, "Waiting for input from [%ld] fd's, " "%s timeout\n", (long)(2 + nasock), (ptmout ? "with" : "NO"))); if (ptmout && ptmout->tv_sec) { TRACE( (void)tmfprintf (g_flog, "select() timeout set to " "[%ld] seconds\n", ptmout->tv_sec) ); } (void) sigprocmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, &bset, NULL); if( must_quit() ) { TRACE( (void)tmfputs( "Must quit now\n", g_flog ) ); rc = 0; break; } nrdy = select (maxfd + 1, &rset, NULL, NULL, ptmout); err = errno; (void) sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &bset, NULL); if( must_quit() ) { TRACE( (void)tmfputs( "Must quit now\n", g_flog ) ); rc = 0; break; } wait_terminated( &g_srv ); if( nrdy < 0 ) { if (EINTR == err) { TRACE( (void)tmfputs ("INTERRUPTED, yet " "will continue.\n", g_flog) ); rc = 0; continue; } mperror( g_flog, err, "%s: select", __func__ ); break; } TRACE( (void)tmfprintf (g_flog, "Got %ld requests\n", (long)nrdy) ); if (0 == nrdy) { /* time-out */ tmout_requests (asock, &nasock); rc = 0; continue; } if( FD_ISSET(g_srv.cpipe[0], &rset) ) { (void) tpstat_read( &g_srv ); if (--nrdy <= 0) continue; } if ((0 < nasock) && (0 < (nrdy - (FD_ISSET(g_srv.lsockfd, &rset) ? 1 : 0)))) { process_requests (asock, &nasock, &rset, &g_srv); /* n now contains # (yet) unprocessed accepted sockets */ } if (FD_ISSET(g_srv.lsockfd, &rset)) { if (nasock >= max_nasock) { (void) tmfprintf (g_flog, "Cannot accept sockets beyond " "the limit [%ld/%ld], skipping\n", (long)nasock, (long)max_nasock); } else { n = max_nasock - nasock; /* append asock */ accept_requests (g_srv.lsockfd, &(asock[nasock]), &n); nasock += n; } } } /* server loop */ TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( g_flog, "Exited server loop [%s]\n", SLOOP_TAG) ); for (i = 0; (size_t)i < nasock; ++i) { if (asock[i].fd > 0) (void) close (asock[i].fd); } free (asock); /* receive additional (blocked signals) */ (void) sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &oset, NULL); wait_terminated( &g_srv ); terminate_all_clients( &g_srv ); wait_all( &g_srv ); if (0 != close( g_srv.lsockfd )) { mperror (g_flog, errno, "server socket close"); } free_server_ctx( &g_srv ); (void)tmfprintf( g_flog, "Server exits with rc=[%d]\n", rc ); return rc; }