int CTerminal::copy_selected_rows(void)
   // termout(this_port, "C pressed") ;
   uint elements_found = 0 ;
   // uint selcount = ListView_GetSelectedCount(this_port->hwndRxData) ;
   uint selcount = get_selected_count();
   int result = 0 ;
   int nCurItem = -1 ;
   while (1) {
      // nCurItem = ListView_GetNextItem(this_port->hwndRxData, nCurItem, LVNI_SELECTED);
      nCurItem = get_next_listview_index(nCurItem) ;
      if (nCurItem < 0)
      // syslog("mark %d\n", nCurItem) ;
      mark_element(nCurItem) ;
      elements_found++ ;
   if (elements_found == selcount) {
      copy_elements_to_clipboard() ;
      termout("%u rows copied", selcount) ;  //  with TabControl, this does not work...
      // syslog("%u rows copied", selcount) ;
      result = selcount ;
   } else {
      // errout("found %u of %u elements", elements_found, selcount) ;  //  oops... these depend upon CommPort !!
      // termout("found %u of %u elements", elements_found, selcount) ;
      result = -(int)elements_found ;
   clear_marked_elements() ;
   return result;
static void do_init_dialog(HWND hwnd)
   char msgstr[81] ;
   // hwndTopLevel = hwnd ;   //  do I need this?
   wsprintfA(msgstr, "%s", Version) ;
   SetWindowTextA(hwnd, msgstr) ;

   SetClassLongA(hwnd, GCL_HICON,   (LONG) LoadIcon(g_hinst, (LPCTSTR)WINWIZICO));
   SetClassLongA(hwnd, GCL_HICONSM, (LONG) LoadIcon(g_hinst, (LPCTSTR)WINWIZICO));

   hwndMain = hwnd ;

   set_up_working_spaces(hwnd) ; //  do this *before* tooltips !!
   //  add tooltips and bitmaps
   hToolTip = create_tooltips(hwnd, 150, 100, 10000) ;
   add_main_tooltips(hwnd, hToolTip) ;

   // RECT rWindow;
   // unsigned stTop ;
   RECT myRect ;
   // GetWindowRect(hwnd, &myRect) ;
   GetClientRect(hwnd, &myRect) ;
   cxClient = (myRect.right - myRect.left) ;
   cyClient = (myRect.bottom - myRect.top) ;

   center_window() ;
   //  create/configure status bar
   MainStatusBar = new CStatusBar(hwnd) ;
   MainStatusBar->MoveToBottom(cxClient, cyClient) ;
   //  re-position status-bar parts
   int sbparts[3];
   sbparts[0] = (int) (6 * cxClient / 10) ;
   sbparts[1] = (int) (8 * cxClient / 10) ;
   sbparts[2] = -1;
   MainStatusBar->SetParts(3, &sbparts[0]);
   //  create/configure terminal
   uint ctrl_bottom = get_bottom_line(hwnd, IDC_MAP_AREA) ;
   uint lvdy = cyClient - ctrl_bottom - MainStatusBar->height() ;

   myTerminal = new CTerminal(hwnd, IDC_TERMINAL, g_hinst, 
      0, ctrl_bottom, cxClient-1, lvdy,
   myTerminal->set_terminal_font("Courier New", 100, EZ_ATTR_BOLD) ;
   myTerminal->lview_assign_column_headers() ;

   set_local_terminal_colors() ; //  should this be wrapped in the terminal module?

   // Subclass the terminal ListView
   // wpOrigTermProc = (WNDPROC) SetWindowLongPtr(term->hwndSelf, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG) TermSubclassProc); 
   wpOrigTermProc = (WNDPROC) myTerminal->terminal_lview_subclass((LONG) TermSubclassProc); 
   // SetClassLong(this_port->cpterm->hwndSelf, GCL_HCURSOR,(long) 0);  //  disable class cursor
   // termout("terminal size: columns=%u, screen rows=%u", term->cols, term->rows) ;
   termout("terminal size: columns=%u, screen rows=%u",
      myTerminal->get_term_columns(), myTerminal->get_term_rows()) ;

   main_timer_id = SetTimer(hwnd, IDT_TIMER_MAIN, 100, (TIMERPROC) NULL) ;
//  this uses default font and color
void put_message(char *msgstr)
   termout(msgstr) ;
int CTerminal::save_terminal_contents(char *outfile, file_type_e file_type)
   FILE *fd = NULL ;
   int lcount = 0 ;
   term_lview_item_p lvptr ;
   char msgstr[260] ;

   char dbuffer [9];
   char tbuffer [9];
   _strdate( dbuffer );
   _strtime( tbuffer );

   switch (file_type) {
   case FTYP_TEXT:
      fd = fopen(outfile, "a+t") ;
      if (fd == NULL) {
         return -(int)GetLastError();
      fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END) ;
      fprintf(fd, "***********************************************************************\n") ;
      fprintf(fd, "Date/Time of report: %s, %s\n", dbuffer, tbuffer) ;
      for (lvptr = tlv_top; lvptr != NULL; lvptr = lvptr->next) {
         lcount++ ;
         fprintf(fd, "%s\n", lvptr->msg) ;

   case FTYP_HTML:
      if (file_exists(outfile)) {
         //  from January 1999 MSDN:
         //  When a file is opened with the "a" or "a+" access type, 
         //  all write operations occur at the end of the file. 
         //  The file pointer can be repositioned using fseek or rewind, 
         //  but is always moved back to the end of the file before any 
         //  write operation is carried out. 
         //  Thus, existing data cannot be overwritten.
         // syslog("appending to existing file\n") ;
         fd = fopen(outfile, "r+t") ;
         if (fd == NULL) {
            return -(int)GetLastError();
         fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END) ;
         //  back up pointer to over-write closing HTML tags
         fseek(fd, (long) -16, SEEK_CUR) ; 
      } else {
         // syslog("writing to html file\n") ;
         fd = fopen(outfile, "wt") ;
         if (fd == NULL) {
            return -(int)GetLastError();
         fprintf(fd, "<html><head><title>%s</title>"
                     //  STYLE was not needed once I converted to using PRE tag.
                     // "<STYLE type='text/css'>\n"
                     // "* { font-family: Courier, monospace }\n"
                     // "</STYLE>\n"
                     "</head><body>\n", outfile) ;
      fprintf(fd, "<pre>\n") ;
      html_output(fd, WIN_BGREEN, WIN_GREY, "***********************************************************************") ;
      sprintf(msgstr, "Date/Time of report: %s, %s", dbuffer, tbuffer) ;
      html_output(fd, WIN_BGREEN, WIN_GREY, msgstr) ;
      for (lvptr = tlv_top; lvptr != NULL; lvptr = lvptr->next) {
         lcount++ ;
         // fprintf(fd, "%s\n", lvptr->msg) ;
         html_output(fd, lvptr->fgnd, lvptr->bgnd, lvptr->msg) ;
      fprintf(fd, "</pre>\n") ;
      fprintf(fd, "</body></html>\n") ;

   // default:
   //    return -(int)ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
      // break;

   if (fd != NULL) {
      fflush(fd) ;
      fclose(fd) ;
      return lcount ;
   termout("invalid file_type [%u]", (uint) file_type) ;
   return -(int) ERROR_INVALID_DATA;