 *	This function checks whether the given position lies within any of the
 *	adjacent chunks.  Internal chunks are tested first.
 *	@param position		The position to test.
 *	@param chunkID		If position is inside one of the adjacent chunks then
 *						this is set to the id of that chunk.  If position is
 *						not inside any chunks then it is left alone.
 *  @return				True if the point was in the adjacent chunks, false 
 *						otherwise.
bool AdjacentChunkSet::test(const Vector3& position, ChunkID& chunkID) const
//	dprintf( "Testing point (%f,%f,%f) against adj chunk set:\n",
//		position.x, position.y, position.z );

	// Test internal chunks first.	
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chunks_.size(); i++)
		if (chunks_[i].chunkID[8] == 'i' && testChunk(position, i))
			chunkID = chunks_[i].chunkID;
			return true;

	// Test non-internal chunks next.	
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chunks_.size(); i++)
		if (chunks_[i].chunkID[8] != 'i' && testChunk(position, i))
			chunkID = chunks_[i].chunkID;
			return true;

//	dprintf( "\tNot in any chunk\n" );
	return false;
int main ( int argc , char *argv[] ) {

	if ( argc < 2 || argc > 2 ) {
		fprintf(stderr,"quarantine <bytes>\n");
		return -1;


	int64_t maxMem = atoi(argv[1]); // 1GB?
	int64_t chunkSize = 300000;
	int32_t n = 0;
	int32_t max = (int32_t)(maxMem / chunkSize) + 10;
	char *mem [ max ];
	int64_t total = 0LL;
	for ( ; ; ) {
		mem[n] = (char *)malloc ( chunkSize );
		if ( mem[n] == NULL ) break;
		total += chunkSize;
		if ( total >= maxMem ) break;
		if ( (n % 1000) == 0 )
			fprintf(stderr,"quarantine: alloc block #%"INT32"\n",n);
		"quarantine: grabbed %"INT32" chunks of ram for "
		"total of %"UINT64" : %s\n",

		"quarantine: scanning grabbed mem for errors.\n");

	int64_t badRam = 0;
	// scan each chunk
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// erturns true if passes
		if ( testChunk ( (unsigned char *)mem[i], chunkSize ) )
			free ( mem[i] );
		// otherwise do not free it
		else {
			badRam += chunkSize;
			// and lock it up
			mlock ( mem[i] , chunkSize );
		if ( (i % 1000) == 0 )
			fprintf(stderr,"quarantine: test block #%"INT32"\n",i);

	if ( badRam ) {
			"quarantine: quarantining %"UINT64" bytes of bad ram.\n",
		// sleep forever
		for ( ; ; ) sleep ( 100 );

	fprintf(stderr,"quarantine: all ram was good. exiting.\n");

	return 0;