/* Main function for testing different functions of the assignment */ int main() { printf("%u\n",compareValues(2.0,2.0)); struct BSTree *tree = newBSTree(); testAddNode(tree); testContainsBSTree(tree); printf("printing in-order traversal \n"); inorderTraversal(tree->root); printf("printing pre-order traversal \n"); preorderTraversal(tree->root); printf("printing post-order traversal \n"); postorderTraversal(tree->root); testLeftMost(tree); testRemoveNode(tree); freeBSTree(tree); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { testAddNode(); testContainsBSTree(); testLeftMost(); testRemoveLeftMost(); testRemoveNode(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ testAddNode(); printf("\n"); testContainsBSTree(); printf("\n"); testLeftMost(); printf("\n"); testRemoveLeftMost(); printf("\n"); testRemoveNode(); return 0; getch(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ /*After implementing your code, please uncommnet the following calls to the test functions and test your code */ testAddNode(); printf("\n"); testContainsBSTree(); printf("\n"); testLeftMost(); printf("\n"); testRemoveLeftMost(); printf("\n"); testRemoveNode(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ //After implementing your code, please uncommnet the following calls to the test functions and test your code /* printf("\nTesting first struct using the first compare function..."); mydata1->name = "ann"; mydata1->number = 6; mydata2->name = "bob"; mydata2->number = 5; mydata3->name = "jill"; mydata3->number = 7; mydata4->name = "jack"; mydata4->number = 7; printf("\nPopulating tree: 6, 5, 7, 7"); addBSTree(tree, mydata1); addBSTree(tree, mydata2); addBSTree(tree, mydata3); addBSTree(tree, mydata4); printf("\nTesting compare() on nodes 6(root) and 5(root->left), should return 1"); printf("\nbecause 6 > 5"); if (compare(tree->root->val, tree->root->left->val) == 1) printf("\ncompare() works correctly on nodes 6 and 5"); else printf("\ncompare() doesnt work correctly with nodes 6 and 5"); printf("\nTesting compare() on nodes 5(root->left), and 7(root->right), should return -1"); printf("\nbecause 5 < 7"); if (compare(tree->root->left->val, tree->root->right->val) == -1) printf("\ncompare() works correctly on nodes 5 and 7"); else printf("\ncompare() doesnt work correctly with nodes 5 and 7"); printf("\nTesting compare() on nodes 7(root->right) and duplicate 7 (root->right->left), should return 0"); printf("\nbecause 7 = 7"); if (compare(tree->root->right->left->val, tree->root->right->val) == 0) printf("\ncompare() works correctly on nodes 7 and 7 duplicate"); else printf("\ncompare() does not work correctly on nodes 7 and 7 duplicate"); */ printf("\nTesting first struct using the already given functions\n"); testAddNode(); printf("\n"); testContainsBSTree(); printf("\n"); testLeftMost(); printf("\n"); testRemoveLeftMost(); printf("\n"); testRemoveNode(); return 0; }