** Set up a database file with the following properties:
**   * Page size is 1024 bytes.
**   * Block size is 64 KB.
**   * Contains 5000 key-value pairs starting at 0 from the
**     datasource returned getDatasource().
static void setup_populate_db2(){
  Datasource *pData;
  int ii;
  int rc;
  int nBlocksize = 64*1024;
  int nPagesize = 1024;
  int nWritebuffer = 4*1024;
  lsm_db *pDb;

  rc = lsm_new(tdb_lsm_env(), &pDb);
  if( rc==LSM_OK ) rc = lsm_open(pDb, LSMTEST6_TESTDB);

  lsm_config(pDb, LSM_CONFIG_BLOCK_SIZE, &nBlocksize); 
  lsm_config(pDb, LSM_CONFIG_PAGE_SIZE, &nPagesize); 
  lsm_config(pDb, LSM_CONFIG_AUTOFLUSH, &nWritebuffer); 

  pData = getDatasource();
  for(ii=0; rc==LSM_OK && ii<5000; ii++){
    void *pKey; int nKey;
    void *pVal; int nVal;
    testDatasourceEntry(pData, ii, &pKey, &nKey, &pVal, &nVal);
    lsm_insert(pDb, pKey, nKey, pVal, nVal);

  testSaveDb(LSMTEST6_TESTDB, "log");
  assert( rc==LSM_OK );
static void simple_oom_8(OomTest *pOom){
  Datasource *pData = getDatasource();
  int rc = LSM_OK;
  lsm_db *pDb;
  testRestoreDb(LSMTEST6_TESTDB, "log");
  testOomOpen(pOom, LSMTEST6_TESTDB, &pDb, &rc);
  testOomScan(pOom, pDb, 1, "xyz", 3, 20, &rc);
static void simple_oom_5(OomTest *pOom){
  Datasource *pData = getDatasource();
  int rc = LSM_OK;
  lsm_db *pDb;

  testRestoreDb(LSMTEST6_TESTDB, "log");
  testOomOpen(pOom, LSMTEST6_TESTDB, &pDb, &rc);

  testOomFetchData(pOom, pDb, pData, 3333, &rc);
  testOomFetchData(pOom, pDb, pData, 0, &rc);
  testOomFetchData(pOom, pDb, pData, 4999, &rc);

static void simple_oom_6(OomTest *pOom){
  Datasource *pData = getDatasource();
  int rc = LSM_OK;
  lsm_db *pDb;

  testRestoreDb(LSMTEST6_TESTDB, "log");
  testOomOpen(pOom, LSMTEST6_TESTDB, &pDb, &rc);

  testOomWriteData(pOom, pDb, pData, 5000, &rc);
  testOomWriteData(pOom, pDb, pData, 5001, &rc);
  testOomWriteData(pOom, pDb, pData, 5002, &rc);
  testOomFetchData(pOom, pDb, pData, 5001, &rc);
  testOomFetchData(pOom, pDb, pData, 1234, &rc);

** This test case has two clients connected to a database. The first client
** hits an OOM while writing to the database. Check that the second 
** connection is still able to query the db following the OOM.
static void simple_oom2_1(OomTest *pOom){
  const int nRecord = 100;        /* Number of records initially in db */
  const int nIns = 10;            /* Number of records inserted with OOM */

  Datasource *pData = getDatasource();
  int rc = LSM_OK;
  lsm_db *pDb1;
  lsm_db *pDb2;
  int i;


  /* Open the two connections. Initialize the in-memory tree so that it
  ** contains 100 records. Do all this with OOM injection disabled. */
  testOomEnable(pOom, 0);
  testOomOpen(pOom, LSMTEST6_TESTDB, &pDb1, &rc);
  testOomOpen(pOom, LSMTEST6_TESTDB, &pDb2, &rc);
  for(i=0; i<nRecord; i++){
    testOomWriteData(pOom, pDb1, pData, i, &rc);
  testOomEnable(pOom, 1);
  assert( rc==0 );

  /* Insert 10 more records using pDb1. Stop when an OOM is encountered. */
  for(i=nRecord; i<nRecord+nIns; i++){
    testOomWriteData(pOom, pDb1, pData, i, &rc);
    if( rc ) break;
  testOomAssertRc(pOom, rc);

  /* Switch off OOM injection. Write a few rows using pDb2. Then check
  ** that the database may be successfully queried.  */
  testOomEnable(pOom, 0);
  rc = 0;
  for(; i<nRecord+nIns && rc==0; i++){
    testOomWriteData(pOom, pDb2, pData, i, &rc);
  for(i=0; i<nRecord+nIns; i++) testOomFetchData(pOom, pDb2, pData, i, &rc);
  testOomEnable(pOom, 1);

static void do_test_api1(const char *zPattern, int *pRc){
  if( testCaseBegin(pRc, zPattern, "api1.lsm") ){
    const DatasourceDefn defn = { TEST_DATASOURCE_RANDOM, 10, 15, 200, 250 };
    Datasource *pData;
    TestDb *pDb;
    int rc = 0;

    pDb = testOpen("lsm_lomem", 1, &rc);
    pData = testDatasourceNew(&defn);
    testWriteDatasourceRange(pDb, pData, 0, 1000, pRc);

    do_test_api1_lsm(tdb_lsm(pDb), pRc);


static void doDataTest4(
  const char *zSystem,            /* Database system to test */
  Datatest4 *p,                   /* Structure containing test parameters */
  int *pRc                        /* OUT: Error code */
  lsm_db *db = 0;
  TestDb *pDb;
  TestDb *pControl;
  Datasource *pData;
  int i;
  int rc = 0;
  int iDot = 0;
  int bMultiThreaded = 0;         /* True for MT LSM database */

  int nRecOn3 = (p->nRec / 3);
  int iData = 0;

  /* Start the test case, open a database and allocate the datasource. */
  rc = testControlDb(&pControl);
  pDb = testOpen(zSystem, 1, &rc);
  pData = testDatasourceNew(&p->defn);
  if( rc==0 ){
    db = tdb_lsm(pDb);
    bMultiThreaded = tdb_lsm_multithread(pDb);

  testWriteDatasourceRange(pControl, pData, iData, nRecOn3*3, &rc);
  testWriteDatasourceRange(pDb,      pData, iData, nRecOn3*3, &rc);

  for(i=0; rc==0 && i<p->nRepeat; i++){

    testDeleteDatasourceRange(pControl, pData, iData, nRecOn3*2, &rc);
    testDeleteDatasourceRange(pDb,      pData, iData, nRecOn3*2, &rc);

    if( db ){
      int nDone;
#if 0
      fprintf(stderr, "lsm_work() start...\n"); fflush(stderr);
      do {
        nDone = 0;
        rc = lsm_work(db, 1, (1<<30), &nDone);
      }while( rc==0 && nDone>0 );
      if( bMultiThreaded && rc==LSM_BUSY ) rc = LSM_OK;
#if 0 
      fprintf(stderr, "lsm_work() done...\n"); fflush(stderr);

if( i+1<p->nRepeat ){
    iData += (nRecOn3*2);
    testWriteDatasourceRange(pControl, pData, iData+nRecOn3, nRecOn3*2, &rc);
    testWriteDatasourceRange(pDb,      pData, iData+nRecOn3, nRecOn3*2, &rc);

    testCompareDb(pData, nRecOn3*3, iData, pControl, pDb, &rc);

    /* If Datatest4.bReopen is true, close and reopen the database */
    if( p->bReopen ){
      testReopen(&pDb, &rc);
      if( rc==0 ) db = tdb_lsm(pDb);

    /* Update the progress dots... */
    testCaseProgress(i, p->nRepeat, testCaseNDot(), &iDot);

  *pRc = rc;