int main (int argc, char **argv) { test_foo (); test_bar (); return 0; }
int main( void ) { test_char(); test_foo(); test_many(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { test_foo(); test_bar(); test_baz(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *foo = test_foo(); sleep(5); printf(foo); /*check(argc == 2, "Need an argument.");*/ /*test_debug();*/ /*test_log_err();*/ /*test_log_warn();*/ /*test_log_info();*/ /*check(test_check("ex20.c") == 0, "failed with ex20.c");*/ /*check(test_check(argv[1]) == -1, "failed with argv");*/ /*check(test_sentinel(1) == 0, "test_sentinel failed.");*/ /*check(test_sentinel(100) == -1, "test_sentinel failed.");*/ /*check(test_check_mem() == -1, "test_check_mem failed.");*/ /*check(test_check_debug() == -1, "test_check_debug failed.");*/ return 0; }
int bar() { int x; int y; test_foo(10); return 20; }