void WInputDialog::initialize() {

    WPoint avg;
    WPoint max;
    textMetrics( avg, max );
    int sp = max.x();

    int x = WSystemMetrics::dialogFrameWidth();
    int y = WSystemMetrics::dialogFrameHeight();

    int p_w = 0;
    int p_h = 0;
    updateExtents( _promptText, &p_w, &p_h );
    p_w += avg.x() / 2;
    p_h += avg.y() / 2;
    int r_w = 32 * avg.x();
    int r_h = max.y() + 2*max.y() / 3;
    updateExtents( *_reply, &r_w, &r_h );

    _prompt = new WText( this, WRect( x, y + (r_h - p_h)/2, p_w, p_h ), _promptText );
    _input = new WEditBox( this, WRect( x + p_w + sp, y, r_w, r_h ), *_reply );
    y += p_h + max.y();

    int b_w = 0;
    int b_h = 0;
    updateExtents( BrowseText, &b_w, &b_h );
    updateExtents( CancelText, &b_w, &b_h );
    updateExtents( OKText, &b_w, &b_h );
    b_w += avg.x() * 2;
    b_h += avg.y() / 2;
    WDefPushButton *bOk = new WDefPushButton( this, WRect( x, y, b_w, b_h ),
                                              OKText );
    bOk->onClick( this, (cbw)&WInputDialog::okButton );
    x += b_w + max.x();

    WPushButton *bCancel = new WPushButton( this, WRect( x, y, b_w, b_h ),
                                            CancelText );
    bCancel->onClick( this, (cbw)&WInputDialog::cancelButton );
    x += b_w + max.x();

    if( _browseDialog ) {
        WPushButton *bBrowse = new WPushButton( this,
                                                WRect( x, y, b_w, b_h ),
                                                BrowseText );
        bBrowse->onClick( this, (cbw)&WInputDialog::browseButton );


bool Outline::paint()
    OutlineElement * elm;
    int              maxRows = getRows();
    int              index = -1 * _topIndex;
    WPoint           hotSize;
    WPoint           avg;
    WPoint           max;

    textMetrics( avg, max );

    if( count() ) {
        GlobalHotSpots->hotSpotSize( OutlineLeafUp, hotSize );  // rely on all being same size

        for( elm = element( 0 ); elm != NULL; elm = elm->visibleSib() ) {
            elm->drawLine( this, index, hotSize.x(), max.y() );

            if( index >= maxRows ) {

        return HotWindowList::paint();
    } else {
        ScreenDev dev;

        dev.open( this );
        dev.drawText( WPoint( 0, 0 ), emptyText() );

        return true;
文件: WPGDI.CPP 项目: 1000copy/Piero
// Common initializer for all line printer constructors.
// Get text character height, lines per page, etc.
void WPLinePrinter::init()
	yChar = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading;
	nLinesPage = getVERTRES()/yChar-1;
	curLine = 0;
void WAutoDialog::initialize() {

    WText       *t;
    WPoint      avg;
    WPoint      max;
    int         i;

    setSystemFont( FALSE );
    int x = WSystemMetrics::dialogFrameWidth();
    int y = WSystemMetrics::dialogFrameHeight();
    textMetrics( avg, max );

    int t_w = 0;
    int t_h = 0;
    int icount = _prompts->count();
    for( i = 0; i < icount; i++ ) {
        updateExtents( _prompts->cStringAt( i ), &t_w, &t_h );

    int b_w = 50 * avg.x() / 4;
    int b_h = 14 * avg.y() / 8;

    int p_w = _editwidth * avg.x();
    int p_h = max.y();
    t_w += avg.x() / 2;
    t_h += avg.y() / 2;
    p_w += avg.x() / 2;
    p_h += 2*max.y() / 3;
    int sp = max.x();

    for( i = 0; i < icount; i++ ) {
        WString s( _prompts->cStringAt( i ) );
        bool bro = FALSE;
        char* p = strchr( (char *)s.gets(), '=' );
        if( p != NULL ) { // this code depends on internals of WString!
            *p = '\0';
            if( *p == '=' ) {
                bro = TRUE;
        t = new WText( this, WRect( x, y + (p_h - t_h)/2, t_w, t_h ), s );
        WEditBox* e = new WEditBox( this,
                                    WRect( x + t_w + sp, y, p_w, p_h ), p );
        _inputs.add( e );
        if( bro ) {
            WPushButton* bBrowse = new WPushButton( this,
                                                    WRect( x + t_w + p_w + 2*sp, y, b_w, b_h ), BrowseText );
            bBrowse->onClick( this, (cbw)&WAutoDialog::browseButton );
            bBrowse->setTagPtr( e );
        y += t_h + t_h / 2;

    WDefPushButton* bOk = new WDefPushButton( this, WRect( x, y, b_w, b_h ),
            OKText );
    bOk->onClick( this, (cbw)&WAutoDialog::okButton );

    WPushButton* bCancel = new WPushButton( this,
                                            WRect( x + b_w + sp, y, b_w, b_h ), CancelText );
    bCancel->onClick( this, (cbw)&WAutoDialog::cancelButton );


    WEditBox* e = (WEditBox *)_inputs[0];
void BpDocument::composeTable1( void )
    // WIN98 requires that we actually create a font here and use it for
    // font metrics rather than using the widget's font.
    QFont textFont( property()->string( "tableTextFontFamily" ),
                    property()->integer( "tableTextFontSize" ) );
    QPen textPen( property()->color( "tableTextFontColor" ) );
    QFontMetrics textMetrics( textFont );

    QFont titleFont( property()->string( "tableTitleFontFamily" ),
                    property()->integer( "tableTitleFontSize" ) );
    QPen titlePen( property()->color( "tableTitleFontColor" ) );
    QFontMetrics titleMetrics( titleFont );

    QFont valueFont( property()->string( "tableValueFontFamily" ),
                    property()->integer( "tableValueFontSize" ) );
    QPen valuePen( property()->color( "tableValueFontColor" ) );
    QFontMetrics valueMetrics( valueFont );

    // Store pixel resolution into local variables.
    double yppi = m_screenSize->m_yppi;
    double xppi = m_screenSize->m_xppi;
    double textHt, titleHt, valueHt;
    textHt  = ( textMetrics.lineSpacing()  + m_screenSize->m_padHt ) / yppi;
    titleHt = ( titleMetrics.lineSpacing() + m_screenSize->m_padHt ) / yppi;
    valueHt = ( valueMetrics.lineSpacing() + m_screenSize->m_padHt ) / yppi;

    QString results("");
    translate( results, "BpDocument:Table:Results" );

    // Determine variable label, value, and units minimum column widths.
    int nameWdPixels   = 0;
    int resultWdPixels = 0;
    int unitsWdPixels  = 0;
    int vid, len;
    QString qStr;
    EqVar *varPtr;
    // Loop for each output variable.
    for ( vid = 0;
          vid < tableVars();
          vid++ )
        varPtr = tableVar(vid);
        // Label width.
        len = textMetrics.width( *(varPtr->m_label) );
        if ( len > nameWdPixels )
            nameWdPixels = len;
        // Units width.
        len = textMetrics.width( varPtr->m_displayUnits );
        if ( len > unitsWdPixels )
            unitsWdPixels = len;
        // Value width.
        if ( varPtr->isContinuous() )
            qStr.sprintf( "%1.*f",
                varPtr->m_displayDecimals, tableVal(vid) );
            len = valueMetrics.width( qStr );
            if ( len > resultWdPixels )
                resultWdPixels = len;
        else if ( varPtr->isDiscrete() )
            int iid = (int) tableVal(vid);
            qStr = varPtr->m_itemList->itemName(iid);
            len = valueMetrics.width( varPtr->m_itemList->itemName(iid) );
            if ( len > resultWdPixels )
                resultWdPixels = len;
    // Add padding for differences in screen and printer font sizes
    int wmPad = textMetrics.width( "WM" );
    unitsWdPixels  += wmPad;
    nameWdPixels   += wmPad;
    resultWdPixels += valueMetrics.width( "WM" );
    // If the name is too wide for the page, reduce the name field width.
    if ( ( nameWdPixels
         + unitsWdPixels
         + resultWdPixels
         + 2 * m_screenSize->m_padWd ) > m_screenSize->m_bodyWd )
        nameWdPixels = m_screenSize->m_bodyWd
                     - resultWdPixels
                     - unitsWdPixels
                     - 2 * m_screenSize->m_padWd;
    // Convert name and units widths from pixels to inches.
    double resultWd = (double) resultWdPixels / xppi;
    double nameWd   = (double) nameWdPixels / xppi;
    double unitsWd  = (double) unitsWdPixels / xppi;

    // Determine offset (inches) required to horizontally center the table.
    double offsetX  = ( m_screenSize->m_bodyWd
                    - nameWdPixels
                    - resultWdPixels
                    - ( unitsWdPixels - wmPad )
                    - 2 * m_screenSize->m_padWd )
                    / ( 2. * xppi );
    // Determine column offsets.
    double nameColX   = m_pageSize->m_marginLeft + offsetX;
    double resultColX = nameColX   + nameWd   + m_pageSize->m_padWd;
    double unitsColX  = resultColX + resultWd + m_pageSize->m_padWd;

    // Open the composer and start with a new page.
    startNewPage( results, TocListOut );
    double yPos = m_pageSize->m_marginTop + titleHt;

    // Print the table header.
    m_composer->font( titleFont );                  // use tableTitleFont
    m_composer->pen( titlePen );                    // use tableTitleFontColor
    qStr = m_eqTree->m_eqCalc->docDescriptionStore().stripWhiteSpace();
    //if ( qStr.isNull() || qStr.isEmpty() )
    //  translate( qStr, "BpDocument:NoRunDescription" );
        m_pageSize->m_marginLeft, yPos,             // start at UL corner
        m_pageSize->m_bodyWd, titleHt,              // width and height
        Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignCenter,           // center alignment
        qStr );                                     // display description
    yPos += titleHt;

    // Draw each output variable on its own line.
    m_composer->font( textFont );
    m_composer->pen( textPen );
    for ( vid = 0;
          vid < tableVars();
          vid++ )
        varPtr = tableVar(vid);
        if ( varPtr->isDiagram() )
        // Get the next y position.
        if ( ( yPos += textHt ) > m_pageSize->m_bodyEnd )
            startNewPage( results, TocBlank );
            yPos = m_pageSize->m_marginTop;
        // Write the variable name.
        m_composer->font( textFont );               // use tableTextFont
        m_composer->pen( textPen );                 // use tableTextFontColor
        qStr = *(varPtr->m_label);                  // display label text
            nameColX,   yPos,                       // start at UL corner
            nameWd,     textHt,                     // width and height
            Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft,         // left justified
            qStr );                                 // display label text
        // Continuous variable value and units.
        if ( varPtr->isContinuous() )
            qStr.sprintf( "%1.*f", varPtr->m_displayDecimals, tableVal(vid) );
            m_composer->font( valueFont );          // use tableValueFont
            m_composer->pen( valuePen );            // use tableValueFontColor
                resultColX, yPos,                   // start at UL corner
                resultWd,   valueHt,                // width and height
                Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight,    // right justified
                qStr );                             // display value text

            m_composer->font( textFont );           // use tableTextFont
            m_composer->pen( textPen );             // use tableTextFontColor
                unitsColX,  yPos,                   // start at UL corner
                unitsWd,    textHt,                 // width and height
                Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft,     // left justified
                varPtr->displayUnits() );           // display units text
        // Discrete variable value name
        else if ( varPtr->isDiscrete() )
            int id = (int) tableVal(vid);
            m_composer->font( valueFont );          // use tableValueFont
            m_composer->pen( valuePen );            // use tableValueFontColor
                resultColX,    yPos,                // start at UL corner
                resultWd,   valueHt,                // width and height
                Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight,    // right justify
                varPtr->m_itemList->itemName(id) ); // display item name

    // Write any prescription results
    if ( false && property()->boolean( "tableShading" ) )
        // Get the next y position.
        if ( ( yPos += textHt ) > m_pageSize->m_bodyEnd )
            startNewPage( results, TocBlank );
            yPos = m_pageSize->m_marginTop;

        // Write the prescription label
        m_composer->font( textFont );               // use tableTextFont
        m_composer->pen( textPen );                 // use tableTextFontColor
        translate( qStr, "BpDocument:Results:RxVar:Label" );
            nameColX,   yPos,                       // start at UL corner
            nameWd,     textHt,                     // width and height
            Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft,         // left justified
            qStr );                                 // display label text

        // Write the result
        translate( qStr, tableInRx(0) ?
            "BpDocument:Results:RxVar:Yes" : "BpDocument:Results:RxVar:No" );
        m_composer->font( valueFont );              // use tableValueFont
        m_composer->pen( valuePen );                // use tableValueFontColor
            resultColX,    yPos,                    // start at UL corner
            resultWd,   valueHt,                    // width and height
            Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight,        // right justify
            qStr );                                 // display item name
    // Be polite and stop the composer.

    // Write the spreadsheet files
void BpDocument::composeTable3( int vid, EqVar *rowVar, EqVar *colVar )
    // WIN98 requires that we actually create a font here and use it for
    // font metrics rather than using the widget's font.
    QFont subTitleFont( property()->string( "tableSubtitleFontFamily" ),
                        property()->integer( "tableSubtitleFontSize" ) );
    QPen subTitlePen( property()->color( "tableSubtitleFontColor" ) );
    QFontMetrics subTitleMetrics( subTitleFont );

    QFont textFont( property()->string( "tableTextFontFamily" ),
                    property()->integer( "tableTextFontSize" ) );
    QPen textPen( property()->color( "tableTextFontColor" ) );
    QFontMetrics textMetrics( textFont );

    QFont titleFont( property()->string( "tableTitleFontFamily" ),
                     property()->integer( "tableTitleFontSize" ) );
    QPen titlePen( property()->color( "tableTitleFontColor" ) );
    QFontMetrics titleMetrics( titleFont );

    QFont valueFont( property()->string( "tableValueFontFamily" ),
                     property()->integer( "tableValueFontSize" ) );
    QPen valuePen( property()->color( "tableValueFontColor" ) );
    QFontMetrics valueMetrics( valueFont );

    bool doRowBg = property()->boolean( "tableRowBackgroundColorActive" );
    QBrush rowBrush( property()->color( "tableRowBackgroundColor" ),
                     Qt::SolidPattern );

    QString text("");

    // Store pixel resolution into local variables.
    double yppi  = m_screenSize->m_yppi;
    double xppi  = m_screenSize->m_xppi;
    double m_padWd = m_pageSize->m_padWd;

    // Determine the height of the various display fonts.
    double textHt, titleHt, valueHt, rowHt, x0, x1;
    textHt  = ( textMetrics.lineSpacing()  + m_screenSize->m_padHt ) / yppi;
    titleHt = ( titleMetrics.lineSpacing() + m_screenSize->m_padHt ) / yppi;
    valueHt = ( valueMetrics.lineSpacing() + m_screenSize->m_padHt ) / yppi;
    rowHt   = ( textHt > valueHt )
              ? textHt
              : valueHt;

    // Determine the number of rows we can display on a page.
    int rowsPerPage = (int)
                      ( ( m_pageSize->m_bodyHt - 5. * titleHt - 4. * textHt ) / rowHt );

    // Number of pages the table requires to accomodate all the rows.
    int pagesLong = 1 + (int) ( tableRows() / rowsPerPage );

    // Arrays to hold the output values' column information.
    // Page on which the output value column appears.
    int *colPage = new int[ tableCols() ];
    checkmem( __FILE__, __LINE__, colPage, "int colPage", tableCols() );
    // Horizontal position of each output value column.
    double *colXPos = new double[ tableCols() ];
    checkmem( __FILE__, __LINE__, colXPos, "double colXPos", tableCols() );
    // Column header text.
    QString *colText = new QString[ tableCols() ];
    checkmem( __FILE__, __LINE__, colText, "double colText", tableCols() );

    // Prescription shading?
    bool doRx = property()->boolean( "tableShading" );
    bool doBlank = property()->boolean( "tableShadingBlank" );

    // Determine the row variable's (left-most) column width.
    int row, iid, cell;
    double len;
    QString qStr;
    // Start wide enough to hold the variable name and units.
    double rowWd = m_padWd
                   + ( (double) headerWidth( rowVar, textMetrics ) / xppi );
    // Enlarge it to hold the fattest row value.
    m_rowDecimals = 0;
    for ( row = 0;
            row < tableRows();
            row++ )
        if ( rowVar->isDiscrete() )
            iid = (int) tableRow( row );
            qStr = rowVar->m_itemList->itemName( iid ) + "MMM";
        else if ( rowVar->isContinuous() )
            // CDB DECIMALS MOD
            if ( false )
                qStr.sprintf( "%1.*fMMM", rowVar->m_displayDecimals, tableRow( row ) );
                // Start with 6 decimals for this row value
                int decimals = 6;
                qStr.sprintf( "%1.*f", decimals, tableRow( row ) );
                // Remove all trailing zeros
                while ( qStr.endsWith( "0" ) )
                    qStr = qStr.left( qStr.length()-1 );
                // Update m_rowDecimals digits
                m_rowDecimals = ( decimals > m_rowDecimals ) ? decimals : m_rowDecimals;
                qStr.append( "MWM" );
        len = (double) textMetrics.width( qStr ) / xppi;
        if ( len > rowWd )
            rowWd = len;
    // Find the fattest output value for this table variable.
    int col;
    int out = vid;
    EqVar *outVar = tableVar(vid);
    double colWd = 0;
    for ( row = 0;
            row < tableRows();
            row++ )
        for ( col = 0;
                col < tableCols();
                col++ )
            if ( outVar->isDiscrete() )
                iid = (int) tableVal( out );
                qStr = outVar->m_itemList->itemName( iid ) + "WM";
            else if ( outVar->isContinuous() )
                qStr.sprintf( "%1.*fWM",
                              outVar->m_displayDecimals, tableVal( out ) );
            len = (double) textMetrics.width( qStr ) / xppi;
            if ( len > colWd )
                colWd = len;
            out += tableVars();
        }   // Next table column.
    } // Next table row.

    // Set the column header value text.
    m_colDecimals = 0;
    for ( col = 0;
            col < tableCols();
            col++ )
        if ( colVar->isDiscrete() )
            iid = (int) tableCol( col );
            colText[col] = colVar->m_itemList->itemName( iid );
        else if ( colVar->isContinuous() )
            // CDB DECIMALS MOD
            if ( false )
                colText[col].sprintf( " %1.*f",	colVar->m_displayDecimals, tableCol( col ) );
                // Start with 6 decimals for this row value
                int decimals = 6;
                colText[col].sprintf( " %1.*f", decimals, tableCol( col ) );
                // Remove all trailing zeros
                while ( colText[col].endsWith( "0" ) )
                    colText[col] = colText[col].left( colText[col].length()-1 );
                // Update Decimals digits
                m_colDecimals = ( decimals > m_colDecimals ) ? decimals : m_colDecimals;
        // Expand the column width to accomodate the header value text?
        len = (double) textMetrics.width( colText[col] ) / xppi;
        if ( len > colWd )
            colWd = len;
    }   // Next table column.
    for ( col = 0;  col < tableCols(); col++ )
        if ( colVar->isContinuous() )
            colText[col].sprintf( " %1.*f", m_colDecimals, tableCol( col ) );
    // Add padding between each column.
    colWd += m_padWd;

    // Determine each column's position on each page.
    int pagesWide = 1;
    // Horizontal position of first column on the first page.
    double xpos = m_pageSize->m_bodyLeft + rowWd + 2. * m_padWd;
    for ( col = 0;
            col < tableCols();
            col++ )
        // If past the right page edge, start a new page.
        if ( xpos + colWd > m_pageSize->m_bodyRight )
            // The table page width has just increased.
            // This will be the first column on the new page.
            xpos = m_pageSize->m_bodyLeft + rowWd + 2. * m_padWd;
        // Store the page and position of this output variable's column.
        colXPos[col] = xpos;
        colPage[col] = pagesWide;
        // Update the position pointer.
        xpos += ( 2. * m_padWd + colWd );

    // Determine the column title width (inches).
    double colTitleWd = textMetrics.width( *(colVar->m_label) ) / xppi;
    if ( ( textMetrics.width( colVar->m_displayUnits ) / xppi ) > colTitleWd )
        colTitleWd = textMetrics.width( colVar->m_displayUnits ) / xppi;
    colTitleWd += ( 2. * m_padWd );

    // Determine an offset shift to center each pageAcross.
    double *shift = new double[ pagesWide + 1 ];
    checkmem( __FILE__, __LINE__, shift, "double shift", pagesWide + 1 );
    for ( col = 0;
            col < tableCols();
            col++ )
        // Table must be at least this wide.
        double minLeft = m_pageSize->m_bodyLeft + rowWd + 2. * m_padWd + colTitleWd;
        // Does it need to be wider to accomodate this column?
        if ( colXPos[col] + colWd > minLeft )
            minLeft = colXPos[col] + colWd;
        // Just the last column of each page finally gets stored in shift[].
        shift[colPage[col]] = 0.5 * ( m_pageSize->m_bodyRight - minLeft );

    // Start drawing the table.
    double yPos, s, bgLeft, bgRight, rightEdge, leftEdge;
    int i;
    // Loop for each page down.
    int thisPage = 1;
    for ( int pageDown = 1;
            pageDown <= pagesLong;
            pageDown++ )
        // Loop for each page across.
        for ( int pageAcross = 1;
                pageAcross <= pagesWide;
                pageAcross++, thisPage++ )
            // Table title indicates the table portion
            translate( text, "BpDocument:Table:PageOf",
                       QString( "%1" ).arg( thisPage ),
                       QString( "%1" ).arg( pagesLong * pagesWide ) );

            // Start a new page
            startNewPage( text, TocTable );
            yPos = m_pageSize->m_marginTop + titleHt;

            // Draw a map of where we are.
            composePageMap( ( 2. * titleHt - 0.1 ), pagesLong, pagesWide,
                            pagesLong, pagesWide, 1, 1, pageDown-1, pageAcross-1 );

            // Display the table title::description
            m_composer->font( titleFont );          // use tableTitleFont
            m_composer->pen( titlePen );            // use tableTitleFontColor
            qStr = m_eqTree->m_eqCalc->docDescriptionStore().stripWhiteSpace();
                m_pageSize->m_marginLeft,   yPos,   // start at UL corner
                m_pageSize->m_bodyWd,       titleHt,// width and height
                Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignHCenter,  // center alignement
                qStr );                             // display description
            yPos += titleHt;

            // Display the table title::variable
            m_composer->font( subTitleFont );       // use tableSubtitleFont
            m_composer->pen( subTitlePen );         // use tableSubtitleFontColor
            qStr = *(outVar->m_label);
            if ( outVar->isContinuous() )
                qStr = *(outVar->m_label) + " " + outVar->displayUnits(true);
                m_pageSize->m_marginLeft,   yPos,   // start at UL corner
                m_pageSize->m_bodyWd,       titleHt,// width and height
                Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignHCenter,  // center alignment
                qStr );                             // table variable name
            yPos += titleHt;

            // Display the table title::portion
            //    m_pageSize->m_marginLeft,   yPos,
            //    m_pageSize->m_bodyWd,       titleHt,
            //    Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignHCenter,
            //    portion );
            //yPos += titleHt;
            yPos += titleHt;

            // Everything else on this page is shifted
            s = shift[pageAcross];

            // Determine left and right edges of the table.
            leftEdge = -1;
            for ( col = 0;
                    col < tableCols();
                    col++ )
                if ( pageAcross == colPage[col] )
                    rightEdge = colXPos[col] + colWd + s;
                    if ( leftEdge < 0. )
                        leftEdge = colXPos[col] + s;
            // Must be at least wide enough to accomodate column header text.
            if ( rightEdge < leftEdge + colTitleWd )
                rightEdge = leftEdge + colTitleWd;
            bgLeft = m_pageSize->m_marginLeft + s - m_padWd ;
            bgRight = rightEdge - leftEdge + rowWd + 4 * m_padWd ;

            // Display a colored row column header background?
            if ( doRowBg )
                    bgLeft,     yPos,
                    bgRight,    3 * textHt,
                    rowBrush );
            // Display the row column header0.
            m_composer->font( textFont );           // use tableTextFont
            m_composer->pen( textPen );             // use tableTextFontColor
                m_pageSize->m_marginLeft + s,   yPos,
                rowWd,                          textHt,
                *(rowVar->m_hdr0) );

            // Display the row column header1.
                m_pageSize->m_marginLeft + s,   yPos + textHt,
                rowWd,                          textHt,
                *(rowVar->m_hdr1) );

            // Display the row column units.
                m_pageSize->m_marginLeft + s,   yPos + 2. * textHt,
                rowWd,                          textHt,
                rowVar->displayUnits() );
            // Display the row column header underline
            // only if we are not coloring row backgrounds.
            int skipLines = 3;
            if ( ! doRowBg )
                    m_pageSize->m_marginLeft + s,           yPos + 3.5 * textHt,
                    m_pageSize->m_marginLeft + rowWd + s,   yPos + 3.5 * textHt );
                skipLines = 4;
            // Display the output column headers.
            for ( col = 0;
                    col < tableCols();
                    col++ )
                if ( pageAcross == colPage[col] )
                    // Display the output column units.
                        colXPos[col] + s,   yPos + 2. * textHt,
                        colWd,              textHt,
                        colText[col] );
                    // Display the output column underline.
                    if ( ! doRowBg )
                            colXPos[col] + s,           yPos + 3.5 * textHt,
                            colXPos[col] + colWd + s,   yPos + 3.5 * textHt );
            // Display a centered column variable name and units header.
                leftEdge,                   yPos,
                ( rightEdge - leftEdge ),   textHt,
                *(colVar->m_label) );

            if ( colVar->isContinuous() )
                    leftEdge,                   yPos + textHt,
                    ( rightEdge - leftEdge ),   textHt,
                    colVar->displayUnits() );

            // If there are previous columns, display a visual cue.
            if ( pageAcross > 1 )
                for ( i = 0;
                        i < 3;
                        i++ )
                        0, ( yPos + i * textHt ),
                        ( m_pageSize->m_marginLeft + s - m_padWd ),   textHt,
                        "<" );
            // If there are subsequent column pages, display a visual clue.
            if ( pageAcross < pagesWide )
                for ( i = 0;
                        i < 3;
                        i++ )
                        ( rightEdge + m_padWd ), ( yPos + i * textHt ),
                        ( m_pageSize->m_pageWd - rightEdge ), textHt,
                        ">" );
            // Set vertical start of rows.
            yPos += skipLines * textHt;

            // Determine the rows range to display on this page.
            int rowFrom = ( pageDown - 1 ) * rowsPerPage;
            int rowThru = pageDown * rowsPerPage - 1;
            if ( rowThru >= tableRows() )
                rowThru = tableRows() - 1;
            // Determine the columns range to display on this page.
            int colFrom = -1;
            int colThru = 0;
            for ( col = 0;
                    col < tableCols();
                    col++ )
                if ( colPage[col] == pageAcross )
                    if ( colFrom == -1 )
                        colFrom = col;
                    colThru = col;

            // Loop for each row on this page.
            bool doThisRowBg = false;
            for ( row = rowFrom;
                    row <= rowThru;
                    row++ )
                // Display a colored row background?
                if ( doRowBg && doThisRowBg )
                        bgLeft,     yPos,
                        bgRight,    textHt,
                        rowBrush );
                doThisRowBg = ! doThisRowBg;

                // Left-most (row variable) column value.
                if ( rowVar->isDiscrete() )
                    iid = (int) tableRow( row );
                    qStr = rowVar->m_itemList->itemName( iid );
                else if ( rowVar->isContinuous() )
                    // CDB DECIMALS MOD
                    if ( false )
                        qStr.sprintf( "%1.*f", rowVar->m_displayDecimals, tableRow( row ) );
                        qStr.sprintf( "%1.*f", m_rowDecimals, tableRow( row ) );
                m_composer->font( textFont );       // use tableTextFont
                m_composer->pen( textPen );         // use tableTextFontColor
                    m_pageSize->m_marginLeft + s,   yPos,
                    rowWd,                          textHt,
                    qStr );

                // Loop for each column value on this page.
                m_composer->font( valueFont );      // use tableValueFont
                m_composer->pen( valuePen );        // use tableValueFontColor
                out = vid
                      + colFrom * tableVars()
                      + row * tableCols() * tableVars();
                for ( col = colFrom;
                        col <= colThru;
                        col++ )
                    // Determine whether to hatch this cell
                    cell = col + row * tableCols();
                    bool hatch = doRx && ! tableInRx( cell );

                    // Discrete variables use their item name.
                    if ( outVar->isDiscrete() )
                        iid = (int) tableVal( out );
                        qStr = outVar->m_itemList->itemName( iid );
                    // Continuous variables use the current display units format.
                    else if ( outVar->isContinuous() )
                        qStr.sprintf( " %1.*f",
                                      outVar->m_displayDecimals, tableVal( out ) );
                    // Display the output value.
                    if ( hatch && doBlank )
                        // draw nothing
                            colXPos[col] + s,   yPos,
                            colWd,              textHt,
                            qStr );
                    out += tableVars();
                    // RX hatching
                    if ( hatch && ! doBlank && ! outVar->isDiagram() )
                        x0 = colXPos[col] + s - m_padWd;
                        x1 = colXPos[col] + s + m_padWd + colWd;
                        m_composer->line( x0, yPos, x1, ( yPos + textHt ) );
                        m_composer->line( x0, ( yPos + textHt ), x1, yPos );
                } // Next table output variable.
                yPos += rowHt;
            } // Next table row.
        } // Next pageAcross.
    } // Next pageDown.

    // Be polite and stop the composer.

    // Clean up and return.
    delete[] colPage;
    delete[] colXPos;
    delete[] colText;
    delete[] shift;
文件: text.cpp 项目: SSMN/MuseScore
void Text::layout()
#if 0
      QSizeF pageSize(-1.0, 1000000);
      setPos(0.0, 0.0);
      if (parent() && _layoutToParentWidth) {
            if (parent()->type() == HBOX || parent()->type() == VBOX || parent()->type() == TBOX) {
                  Box* box = static_cast<Box*>(parent());
                  rxpos() += box->leftMargin() * DPMM;
                  rypos() += box->topMargin() * DPMM;
                  // pageSize.setHeight(box->height() - (box->topMargin() + box->bottomMargin()) * DPMM);
                  pageSize.setWidth(box->width()   - (box->leftMargin() + box->rightMargin()) * DPMM);

      QTextOption to = _doc->defaultTextOption();
      to.setWrapMode(pageSize.width() <= 0.0 ? QTextOption::NoWrap : QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere);

      if (pageSize.width() <= 0.0)

      if (hasFrame()) {
            frame = QRectF();
            for (QTextBlock tb = _doc->begin(); tb.isValid(); tb = tb.next()) {
                  QTextLayout* tl = tb.layout();
                  int n = tl->lineCount();
                  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                        // frame |= tl->lineAt(0).naturalTextRect().translated(tl->position());
                        frame |= tl->lineAt(0).rect().translated(tl->position());
            if (circle()) {
                  if (frame.width() > frame.height()) {
                        frame.setY(frame.y() + (frame.width() - frame.height()) * -.5);
                  else {
                        frame.setX(frame.x() + (frame.height() - frame.width()) * -.5);
            qreal w = (paddingWidth() + frameWidth() * .5) * DPMM;
            frame.adjust(-w, -w, w, w);
            w = frameWidth() * DPMM;
            _bbox = frame.adjusted(-w, -w, w, w);
      else {
            _bbox = QRectF(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), _doc->size()); //_doc->documentLayout()->frameBoundingRect(_doc->rootFrame());
      style().layout(this);      // process alignment

      if ((style().align() & ALIGN_VCENTER) && (subtype() == TEXT_TEXTLINE)) {
            // special case: vertically centered text with TextLine needs to
            // take into account the line width
            TextLineSegment* tls = (TextLineSegment*)parent();
            TextLine* tl = (TextLine*)(tls->line());
            qreal textlineLineWidth = point(tl->lineWidth());
            rypos() -= textlineLineWidth * .5;

      if (parent() == 0)
      if (parent()->type() == SEGMENT) {
            Segment* s = static_cast<Segment*>(parent());
            rypos() += s ? s->measure()->system()->staff(staffIdx())->y() : 0.0;
      Font f = style().font(spatium());
      qreal asc, desc, leading;
      qreal w = textMetrics(f.family(), _text, f.size(), &asc, &desc, &leading);

// printf("text(%s) asc %f desc %f leading %f  w %f\n", qPrintable(_text), asc, desc, leading, w);
      _lineHeight  = asc + desc;
      _lineSpacing = _lineHeight + leading;
      _baseLine    = asc;

      setbbox(QRectF(0.0, -asc, w, _lineHeight));
#if 0
      if (parent() && _layoutToParentWidth) {
            qreal wi = parent()->width();
            qreal ph = parent()->height();
            qreal x;
            qreal y = pos.y();
            if (align() & ALIGN_HCENTER)
                  x = (wi - w) * .5;
            else if (align() & ALIGN_RIGHT)
                  x = wi - w;
                  x = 0.0;
            if (align() & ALIGN_VCENTER)
                  y = (ph - asc) * .5;
            else if (align() & ALIGN_BOTTOM)
                  y = ph - asc;
                  y = asc;
            setPos(x, y + asc);
      style().layout(this);      // process alignment
      rypos() += asc;

      if (parent() && _layoutToParentWidth) {
            qreal wi = parent()->width();
            if (align() & ALIGN_HCENTER)
                  rxpos() = (wi - w) * .5;
            else if (align() & ALIGN_RIGHT)
                  rxpos() = wi - w;

      if ((style().align() & ALIGN_VCENTER) && (subtype() == TEXT_TEXTLINE)) {
            // special case: vertically centered text with TextLine needs to
            // take into account the line width
            TextLineSegment* tls = (TextLineSegment*)parent();
            TextLine* tl = (TextLine*)(tls->line());
            qreal textlineLineWidth = point(tl->lineWidth());
            rypos() -= textlineLineWidth * .5;

      if (parent() == 0)
      if (parent()->type() == SEGMENT) {
            Segment* s = static_cast<Segment*>(parent());
            rypos() += s ? s->measure()->system()->staff(staffIdx())->y() : 0.0;