   void   *buf, 
   size_t  nbytes
   ) const
   char  *tmpbuf  = (char*) buf;
   int    numread = 0;
   double stime   = 0;

   while (nbytes) {
#ifdef WIN32
      int readb = read_win32(_fd, tmpbuf, nbytes);
      int readb = ::read(_fd, tmpbuf, nbytes);

      if (errno == EAGAIN) { // if nothing's left to read, then
         if (Config::get_var_bool("PRINT_ERRS",false,true)) 
            cerr << "  bytes read from network (EAGAIN) = " << numread << endl;
         return numread + (readb == -1 ? 0:readb);  //just return what we have

      if (readb < 0) {
         perror("NetStream::read_from_net : Warning - ");
         return -1;

      if (readb == 0 && nbytes > 0) 
#ifdef WIN32
         //XXX - errno not set on WIN32 when there's not enough
         //to read on a non-blocking fd... should prolly
         //set some state in read_win32 to reflect this, but
         //for now just assume this is the reason and
         //return without error...
         return numread + (readb == -1 ? 0:readb);
         if (stime == 0)
            stime = the_time();

         if (the_time() - stime > 1 || errno != EAGAIN) {
            if (port_ > 0) {
               // Only print out a message if reading from the net
               cerr << "NetStream::read_from_net - read error: peer reset"
                    << endl;
            return -1;

      nbytes -= readb;
      tmpbuf += readb;
      numread+= readb;
   if (Config::get_var_bool("PRINT_ERRS",false,true)) 
      cerr << "  bytes read from network = " << numread << endl;
   return numread;
文件: vrpn_Wanda.C 项目: Progga1/vrpn
   last_val_timestamp = the_time();
   if (dbug_wanda) {
	   fprintf(stderr, "vals = %lf %lf\n", channel[0], channel[1]);

   // Send the message on the connection;
   if (vrpn_Analog::d_connection) {
     char      msgbuf[1000];
     vrpn_int32        len = vrpn_Analog::encode_to(msgbuf);
#ifdef VERBOSE
     if (vrpn_Analog::d_connection->pack_message(len, vrpn_Analog::timestamp,
                                  channel_m_id, vrpn_Analog::d_sender_id, msgbuf,
                                  vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY)) {
       fprintf(stderr,"Tracker: cannot write message: tossing\n");
   } else {
         fprintf(stderr,"Tracker Fastrak: No valid connection\n");
文件: vrpn_Wanda.C 项目: Progga1/vrpn
void vrpn_Wanda::mainloop(void) {
   static int first = 1;
   static int num = 0;    // total number of bytes read in 'buffer'
   static int index = 0;


   if (first) {
      num += vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd,buffer+num,1024-num);

      if (num < 2) return;

      if (num > 2) {
		  fprintf(stderr,"wanda huh?  expected 2 characters on opening (got %d)\n", num);
	  } else {
         if (buffer[0] == 'M' && buffer[1] == '3') {
            fprintf(stderr,"Read init message from wanda\n");
         } else {
            fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Wanda:  ERROR, expected 'M3' from wanda...\n");
      num = 0;
      first = 0;

   int new_button_info = 0;
   int new_valuator_info = 0;

   // read available characters into end of buffer
//   num += vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd,buffer+num,1024-num);
   int num_read = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd,buffer+num,1024-num);
#if 1
   if (dbug_wanda)
      if (num_read > 0)
         print_bits(buffer+num, num_read);
   num += num_read;

   // handling synching
   while( index == 0 && num > 0 && !(buffer[0] & (1<<6)) ) {
      fprintf(stderr,"synching wanda\n");
      for(int i=0;i<num-1;i++)
         buffer[i] = buffer[i+1];


#if 1
   double curtime = the_time();
   // XXX - hack.  why doesn't wanda send a record when the user
   // XXX - isn't pushing the joystick ball?  we weren't getting
   // XXX - the last record
//   if (num == 3 && index == 3 && curtime - last_val_timestamp > 0.2) {
   if (curtime - last_val_timestamp > 0.2) {
      int new_valuator_info = 0;

      if (channel[0] != 0) {
         channel[0] = 0;
         new_valuator_info = 1;
      if (channel[1] != 0) {
         channel[1] = 0;
         new_valuator_info = 1;

      if (new_valuator_info) {
		  if (dbug_wanda) {
            fprintf(stderr, "timeout:  %lf\n", curtime - last_val_timestamp);

   // process all data in buffer
#if 1
   if (dbug_wanda)
      if (num_read > 0)
         fprintf(stderr, "\t(num = %d)\n", num);

   while( num >= 3 && index < num ) {
      // as soon as 3 bytes are available, report them...
      if (index == 0 && num >= 3) {
         // update valuators & buttons #0 & #2

         signed char x  = static_cast<char>((buffer[1] | ((buffer[0]&3)  << 6)));
         signed char y  = static_cast<char>((buffer[2] | ((buffer[0]&12) << 4)));
         double xd = -((double)x) / 34.0;  // XXX - what is max range? 34?
         double yd =  ((double)y) / 34.0;

         if (xd > 1.0) xd = 1.0;
         if (xd <-1.0) xd =-1.0;
         if (yd > 1.0) yd = 1.0;
         if (yd <-1.0) yd =-1.0;

         if (channel[0] != xd) {
            channel[0] = xd;
            new_valuator_info = 1;
         if (channel[1] != yd) {
            channel[1] = yd;
            new_valuator_info = 1;

         // decode button data
         int blue_val = (buffer[0] & (1<<4)) ? 1 : 0; // blue button
         int red_val  = (buffer[0] & (1<<5)) ? 1 : 0; // red button

         if (blue_val != buttons[0]) {
            buttons[0] = static_cast<unsigned char>(blue_val);
            new_button_info = 1;
         if (red_val != buttons[2]) {
            buttons[2] = static_cast<unsigned char>(red_val);
            new_button_info = 1;

         index = 3;

      // if index is at 3 & there are more bytes & the next byte
      // isn't the start of a new record, then process button info
      if (index == 3 && num > 3 && !(buffer[3] & (1<<6))) {
         int new_val = (buffer[3]) ? 1 : 0; // yellow button

         if (new_val != buttons[1]) {
            buttons[1] = static_cast<unsigned char>(new_val);
            new_button_info = 1;
         index = 4;

      if (new_button_info)

      if (new_valuator_info)

      // if next byte is start of new record, shift bytes
      if (index == 4 || (index == 3 && num > 3 && (buffer[3] & (1<<6)))) {
         for(int i=index;i<num;i++)
            buffer[i - index] = buffer[i];
         num -= index;
         index = 0;
文件: vrpn_Wanda.C 项目: Progga1/vrpn

	if (dbug_wanda) {
		fprintf(stderr, "buttons = %d %d %d\n", int(buttons[0]), int(buttons[1]), int(buttons[2]));
	vrpn_Button::report_changes(); // report any button event;
inline double the_time() {
    struct timeval ts;
    vrpn_gettimeofday(&ts, NULL);
    return (double)(ts.tv_sec + ts.tv_usec/1e6);
static double last_val_timestamp = the_time();

   last_val_timestamp = the_time();
   if (dbug_wanda) {
	   fprintf(stderr, "vals = %lf %lf\n", channel[0], channel[1]);

   // Send the message on the connection;
   if (vrpn_Analog::d_connection) {
     char      msgbuf[1000];
     vrpn_int32        len = vrpn_Analog::encode_to(msgbuf);
#ifdef VERBOSE