bool LocallyWeightedRegression::predict(const double xQuery, double &yPrediction)
    if (!initialized_)
        printf("ERROR: LWR model not initialized.\n");
        return initialized_;

    double sx = 0;
    double sxtd = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numRfs_; i++)
        double psi = getKernel(xQuery, i);
        sxtd += psi * thetas_(i) * xQuery;
        sx += psi;

    yPrediction = sxtd / sx;

    return true;
VectorXd Pid_SRIvar_TrackingController::getNewJointVelocities( const DQ reference, const VectorXd thetas)

    thetas_ = thetas; //This is necessary for the getNewJointPositions to work

    DQ robot_base = robot_.base();
    DQ robot_effector = robot_.effector();

    VectorXd pseudo_dummy_joint_marker = VectorXd::Zero(robot_dofs_);
    VectorXd pseudo_thetas = thetas_;
    VectorXd pseudo_delta_thetas = VectorXd::Zero(robot_dofs_);
    VectorXd possible_new_thetas = VectorXd::Zero(robot_dofs_);

    MatrixXd original_dh_matrix = robot_.getDHMatrix();
    MatrixXd step_dh_matrix = original_dh_matrix;
    DQ_kinematics pseudo_robot(original_dh_matrix);

    bool should_break_loop = false;
    while(not should_break_loop) {

        //Calculate jacobian
        task_jacobian_  = pseudo_robot.analyticalJacobian(pseudo_thetas);

        // Recalculation of measured data.
        end_effector_pose_ = pseudo_robot.fkm(pseudo_thetas);

        last_error_      = error_;
        error_           = vec8(reference - end_effector_pose_);
        integral_error_ = error_ + ki_memory_*integral_error_;

        //error_ = vec8(dq_one_ - conj(end_effector_pose_)*reference);

        ///Inverse calculation
        svd_.compute(task_jacobian_, ComputeFullU);
        singular_values_ = svd_.singularValues();

        //Damping Calculation
        int current_step_relevant_dof = ( pseudo_robot.links() - pseudo_robot.n_dummy() );
        double sigma_min = singular_values_( current_step_relevant_dof - 1);
        VectorXd u_min = svd_.matrixU().col( current_step_relevant_dof - 1);
        double lambda = lambda_max_;
        if (sigma_min < epsilon_)
            lambda = (1-(sigma_min/epsilon_)*(sigma_min/epsilon_))*lambda_max_*lambda_max_;

        task_jacobian_pseudoinverse_ =    (task_jacobian_.transpose())*((task_jacobian_*task_jacobian_.transpose()
                                          + (beta_*beta_)*identity_ + (lambda*lambda)*u_min*u_min.transpose()).inverse());

        // pseudo_delta_thetas = task_jacobian_pseudoinverse_*kp_*error_;
        if( at_least_one_error_ )
            pseudo_delta_thetas = task_jacobian_pseudoinverse_*( kp_*error_ + ki_*integral_error_ + kd_*(error_ - last_error_) );
            at_least_one_error_ = true;
            pseudo_delta_thetas = task_jacobian_pseudoinverse_*( kp_*error_ + ki_*integral_error_ );

        //Update delta_thetas for possiblenewthetas calculation
        for(int i=0,j=0; i < robot_dofs_; i++)
            if(pseudo_dummy_joint_marker(i) == 0)
                delta_thetas_(i) = pseudo_delta_thetas(j);
            //Do NOTHING if it should be ignored.

        //Possible new thetas
        possible_new_thetas = thetas_ + delta_thetas_;

        //Verify if loop should end
        should_break_loop = true;
        int j=0;
        //For all joints
        for(int i = 0; i < robot_dofs_; i++) {

            //If joint is not yet marked for not being considered in the minimization
            if(pseudo_dummy_joint_marker(i) == 0) {

                //If the controller is trying to put a joint further than any of its limits
                if(    possible_new_thetas(i) > upper_joint_limits_(i)
                        || possible_new_thetas(i) < lower_joint_limits_(i) )

                    //If the joint was already saturated sometime ago
                    double ep = 1.e-05;
                    if (    thetas_(i) > upper_joint_limits_(i) - ep
                            || thetas_(i) < lower_joint_limits_(i) + ep) {

                        pseudo_dummy_joint_marker(i) = 1; //Mark it to be ignored in the minization
                        //std::cout << std::endl << "Joint " << i << " will be ignored in the next controller step.";
                        step_dh_matrix(4,i) = 1;          //Set matrix as dummy.
                        step_dh_matrix(0,i) = thetas_(i); //Set matrix theta as a fixed value.
                        should_break_loop = false;
                    //If the joint was not yet saturated and the controller wants to saturate it
                    else {

                        // Saturate the joint in this step.
                        if   ( possible_new_thetas(i) > upper_joint_limits_(i) ) {
                            delta_thetas_(i) = upper_joint_limits_(i) - thetas_(i);
                            //std::cout << std::endl << "Joint = " << i << " was saturated in its upper_limit";
                        else if ( possible_new_thetas(i) < lower_joint_limits_(i) ) {
                            delta_thetas_(i) = lower_joint_limits_(i) - thetas_(i);
                            //std::cout << std::endl << "Joint = " << i << " was saturated in its lower_limit";
                        else {
                            std::cout << std::endl << "Something is really wrong";
                        //The joint should still be considered in the minimizations.
                        pseudo_thetas(j) = thetas_(i);

                //If the controller is not trying to put this joint further than any of its limits, we consider the velocity given normally
                else {
                    delta_thetas_(i) = pseudo_delta_thetas(j);
                    pseudo_thetas(j) = thetas_(i);
            //If joint was marked to be ignored, it shall be ignored.
            else {
                delta_thetas_(i) = 0;

        if( j == 0 ) {
            std::cout << std::endl << "Robot will be unable to get out of this configuration using this controller.";
            delta_thetas_ = VectorXd::Zero(robot_dofs_);

        if(not should_break_loop) {
            pseudo_robot = DQ_kinematics(step_dh_matrix);  //Change DH
            pseudo_thetas.conservativeResize(j);           //Resize pseudothetas

    }//While not should_break_loop

    return delta_thetas_;
