void enkf_main_initialize_from_scratch_with_bool_vector(enkf_main_type * enkf_main , const stringlist_type * param_list ,const bool_vector_type * iens_mask , init_mode_type init_mode) {
    int num_cpu = 4;
    int ens_size               = enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main );
    thread_pool_type * tp     = thread_pool_alloc( num_cpu , true );
    arg_pack_type ** arg_list = util_calloc( ens_size , sizeof * arg_list );
    int i;
    int iens;

    for (iens = 0; iens < ens_size; iens++) {
        arg_list[iens] = arg_pack_alloc();
        if (bool_vector_safe_iget(iens_mask , iens)) {
            arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_list[iens] , enkf_main );
            arg_pack_append_const_ptr( arg_list[iens] , param_list );
            arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[iens] , iens );
            arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[iens] , init_mode );

            thread_pool_add_job( tp , enkf_main_initialize_from_scratch_mt , arg_list[iens]);

    thread_pool_join( tp );
    for (i = 0; i < ens_size; i++) {
        arg_pack_free( arg_list[i] );
    free( arg_list );
    thread_pool_free( tp );
文件: matrix.c 项目: YingfangZhou/ert
void matrix_inplace_matmul_mt2(matrix_type * A, const matrix_type * B , thread_pool_type * thread_pool){
  int num_threads  = thread_pool_get_max_running( thread_pool );
  arg_pack_type    ** arglist = util_malloc( num_threads * sizeof * arglist );
  int it;
  thread_pool_restart( thread_pool );
    int rows       = matrix_get_rows( A ) / num_threads;
    int rows_mod   = matrix_get_rows( A ) % num_threads;
    int row_offset = 0;

    for (it = 0; it < num_threads; it++) {
      int row_size;
      arglist[it] = arg_pack_alloc();
      row_size = rows;
      if (it < rows_mod)
        row_size += 1;

      arg_pack_append_int(arglist[it] , row_offset );
      arg_pack_append_int(arglist[it] , row_size   );
      arg_pack_append_ptr(arglist[it] , A );
      arg_pack_append_const_ptr(arglist[it] , B );

      thread_pool_add_job( thread_pool , matrix_inplace_matmul_mt__ , arglist[it]);
      row_offset += row_size;
  thread_pool_join( thread_pool );

  for (it = 0; it < num_threads; it++)
    arg_pack_free( arglist[it] );
  free( arglist );
void ensemble_init( ensemble_type * ensemble , config_type * config) {

  /*1 : Loading ensembles and settings from the config instance */
  /*1a: Loading the eclipse summary cases. */
    thread_pool_type * tp = thread_pool_alloc( LOAD_THREADS , true );
      int i,j;
      for (i=0; i < config_get_occurences( config , "CASE_LIST"); i++) {
        const stringlist_type * case_list = config_iget_stringlist_ref( config , "CASE_LIST" , i );
        for (j=0; j < stringlist_get_size( case_list ); j++) 
          ensemble_load_from_glob( ensemble , stringlist_iget( case_list , j ) , tp);
    thread_pool_join( tp );
    thread_pool_free( tp );
    const sum_case_type * tmp = vector_iget_const( ensemble->data , 0 );
    ensemble->refcase = tmp->ecl_sum;
  /*1b: Other config settings */
  if (config_item_set( config , "NUM_INTERP" ))
    ensemble->num_interp  = config_iget_as_int( config , "NUM_INTERP" , 0 , 0 );
  /*2: Remaining initialization */
  ensemble_init_time_interp( ensemble );
  if (vector_get_size( ensemble->data ) < MIN_SIZE )
    util_exit("Sorry - quantiles make no sense with with < %d realizations; should have ~> 100.\n" , MIN_SIZE);
void enkf_main_initialize_from_scratch(enkf_main_type * enkf_main , const stringlist_type * param_list , int iens1 , int iens2, init_mode_enum init_mode) {
  int num_cpu               = 4;
  thread_pool_type * tp     = thread_pool_alloc( num_cpu , true );
  int ens_sub_size          = (iens2 - iens1 + 1) / num_cpu;
  arg_pack_type ** arg_list = util_calloc( num_cpu , sizeof * arg_list );
  int i;

  printf("Setting up ensemble members from %d to %d", iens1, iens2);
  if (init_mode == INIT_CONDITIONAL) {
    printf(" using conditional initialization (keep existing parameter values).\n");
  else if (init_mode == INIT_FORCE) {
    printf(" using forced initialization (initialize from scratch).\n");
  else if (init_mode == INIT_NONE) {
    printf(" not initializing at all.\n");
  fflush( stdout );

  for (i = 0; i < num_cpu;  i++) {
    arg_list[i] = arg_pack_alloc();
    arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_list[i] , enkf_main );
    arg_pack_append_const_ptr( arg_list[i] , param_list );
      int start_iens = i * ens_sub_size;
      int end_iens   = start_iens + ens_sub_size;

      if (i == (num_cpu - 1)){
        end_iens = iens2 + 1;  /* Input is upper limit inclusive. */
        if(ens_sub_size == 0)
          start_iens = iens1;  /* Don't necessarily want to start from zero when ens_sub_size = 0*/
      arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[i] , start_iens );
      arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[i] , end_iens );
    arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[i] , init_mode );
    thread_pool_add_job( tp , enkf_main_initialize_from_scratch_mt , arg_list[i]);
  thread_pool_join( tp );
  for (i = 0; i < num_cpu; i++)
    arg_pack_free( arg_list[i] );
  free( arg_list );
  thread_pool_free( tp );
  printf("Done setting up ensemble.\n");
void thread_test() {
  time_map_type * time_map = time_map_alloc( );
    int pool_size = 1000;
    thread_pool_type * tp = thread_pool_alloc( pool_size/2 , true );
    thread_pool_add_job( tp , update_time_map , time_map );
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < MAP_SIZE; i++) 
      test_assert_true( time_map_iget( time_map , i ) == i );
  time_map_free( time_map );
void test_runpath_list() {
  runpath_list_type * list = runpath_list_alloc();

  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_size( list ) , 0 );

  runpath_list_add( list , 3 , 0, "path" , "base");
  runpath_list_add( list , 2 , 0, "path" , "base");
  runpath_list_add( list , 1 , 0, "path" , "base");

  runpath_list_add( list , 3 , 1, "path" , "base");
  runpath_list_add( list , 2 , 1, "path" , "base");
  runpath_list_add( list , 1 , 1, "path" , "base");
  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_size( list ) , 6 );
  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_iget_iens( list , 0 ) , 3 );
  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_iget_iens( list , 2 ) , 1 );
  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_iget_iter( list , 3 ) , 1 );
  runpath_list_sort( list );

  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_iget_iens( list , 0 ) , 1 );
  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_iget_iens( list , 4 ) , 3 );
  runpath_list_clear( list );
  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_size( list ) , 0 );

  test_assert_string_equal( runpath_list_get_line_fmt( list ) , RUNPATH_LIST_DEFAULT_LINE_FMT );
    const char * other_line = "%d %s %s";
    runpath_list_set_line_fmt( list , other_line );
    test_assert_string_equal( runpath_list_get_line_fmt( list ) , other_line );
  runpath_list_set_line_fmt( list , NULL );
  test_assert_string_equal( runpath_list_get_line_fmt( list ) , RUNPATH_LIST_DEFAULT_LINE_FMT );

    const int block_size = 100;
    const int threads = 100;
    thread_pool_type * tp = thread_pool_alloc( threads , true );
    int it;
    for (it = 0; it < threads; it++) {
      int iens_offset = it * block_size;
      arg_pack_type * arg_pack = arg_pack_alloc();

      arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_pack , list );
      arg_pack_append_int( arg_pack , iens_offset );
      arg_pack_append_int( arg_pack , block_size );
      thread_pool_add_job( tp , add_pathlist , arg_pack );
    thread_pool_join( tp );
    test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_size( list ) , block_size * threads );
    runpath_list_sort( list );
      int iens;
      for (iens = 0; iens < block_size * threads; iens++)
        test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_iget_iens( list , iens ) , iens );
      test_work_area_type * work_area = test_work_area_alloc("enkf_runpath_list" );
      const char *filename = "runpath_list.txt";
        FILE * stream = util_fopen( filename, "w");
        runpath_list_fprintf( list , stream );
        fclose( stream );

        int file_iens;
        int file_iter;
        char file_path[256];
        char file_base[256];
        int iens;
        FILE * stream = util_fopen( filename, "r");
        for (iens = 0; iens < threads * block_size; iens++) {
          int fscanf_return = fscanf( stream , "%d %s %s %d" , &file_iens , file_path , file_base, &file_iter);
          test_assert_int_equal(fscanf_return, 4 );
          test_assert_int_equal( file_iens , iens );
          test_assert_int_equal( file_iter , 0 );
        fclose( stream );
      test_work_area_free( work_area );
  runpath_list_free( list );
文件: job_queue.c 项目: agchitu/ert
void job_queue_run_jobs(job_queue_type * queue , int num_total_run, bool verbose) {
  int trylock = pthread_mutex_trylock( &queue->run_mutex );
  if (trylock != 0)
    util_abort("%s: another thread is already running the queue_manager\n",__func__);
  else if (!queue->user_exit) {
    /* OK - we have got an exclusive lock to the run_jobs code. */

    //Check if queue is open. Fails hard if not open

      The number of threads in the thread pool running callbacks. Memory consumption can
      potentially be quite high while running the DONE callback - should therefor not use
      too many threads.
    const int NUM_WORKER_THREADS = 4;
    queue->work_pool = thread_pool_alloc( NUM_WORKER_THREADS , true );
      bool new_jobs         = false;
      bool cont             = true;
      int  phase = 0;

      queue->running = true;
      do {
        bool local_user_exit = false;
        job_list_get_rdlock( queue->job_list );
        if (queue->user_exit)  {/* An external thread has called the job_queue_user_exit() function, and we should kill
                                   all jobs, do some clearing up and go home. Observe that we will go through the
                                   queue handling codeblock below ONE LAST TIME before exiting. */
          job_queue_user_exit__( queue );
          local_user_exit = true;


          bool update_status = job_queue_update_status( queue );
          if (verbose) {
            if (update_status || new_jobs)
              job_queue_print_summary(queue , update_status );
            job_queue_update_spinner( &phase );

            int num_complete = job_queue_status_get_count(queue->status, JOB_QUEUE_SUCCESS) +
                               job_queue_status_get_count(queue->status, JOB_QUEUE_FAILED) +
                               job_queue_status_get_count(queue->status, JOB_QUEUE_IS_KILLED);

            if ((num_total_run > 0) && (num_total_run == num_complete))
              /* The number of jobs completed is equal to the number
                 of jobs we have said we want to run; so we are finished.
              cont = false;
            else {
              if (num_total_run == 0) {
                /* We have not informed about how many jobs we will
                   run. To check if we are complete we perform the two

                     1. All the jobs which have been added with
                        job_queue_add_job() have completed.

                     2. The user has used job_queue_complete_submit()
                        to signal that no more jobs will be forthcoming.
                if ((num_complete == job_list_get_size( queue->job_list )) && queue->submit_complete)
                  cont = false;

          if (cont) {
            /* Submitting new jobs */
            int max_submit     = 5; /* This is the maximum number of jobs submitted in one while() { ... } below.
                                       Only to ensure that the waiting time before a status update is not too long. */
            int total_active   = job_queue_status_get_count(queue->status, JOB_QUEUE_PENDING) + job_queue_status_get_count(queue->status, JOB_QUEUE_RUNNING);
            int num_submit_new;

              int max_running = job_queue_get_max_running( queue );
              if (max_running > 0)
                num_submit_new = util_int_min( max_submit ,  max_running - total_active );
                   If max_running == 0 that should be interpreted as no limit; i.e. the queue layer will
                   attempt to send an unlimited number of jobs to the driver - the driver can reject the jobs.
                num_submit_new = util_int_min( max_submit , job_queue_status_get_count(queue->status, JOB_QUEUE_WAITING));

            new_jobs = false;
            if (job_queue_status_get_count(queue->status, JOB_QUEUE_WAITING) > 0)   /* We have waiting jobs at all           */
              if (num_submit_new > 0)                                               /* The queue can allow more running jobs */
                new_jobs = true;

            if (new_jobs) {
              int submit_count = 0;
              int queue_index  = 0;

              while ((queue_index < job_list_get_size( queue->job_list )) && (num_submit_new > 0)) {
                job_queue_node_type * node = job_list_iget_job( queue->job_list , queue_index );
                if (job_queue_node_get_status(node) == JOB_QUEUE_WAITING) {
                    submit_status_type submit_status = job_queue_submit_job(queue , queue_index);

                    if (submit_status == SUBMIT_OK) {
                    } else if ((submit_status == SUBMIT_DRIVER_FAIL) || (submit_status == SUBMIT_QUEUE_CLOSED))

                Checking for complete / exited / overtime jobs
              int queue_index;
              for (queue_index = 0; queue_index < job_list_get_size( queue->job_list ); queue_index++) {
                job_queue_node_type * node = job_list_iget_job( queue->job_list , queue_index );

                switch (job_queue_node_get_status(node)) {
                    job_queue_handle_DONE(queue, node);
                    job_queue_handle_EXIT(queue, node);
                    job_queue_handle_DO_KILL_NODE_FAILURE(queue, node);
                    job_queue_handle_DO_KILL(queue, node);

          } else
            /* print an updated status to stdout before exiting. */
            if (verbose)
              job_queue_print_summary(queue , true);
        job_list_unlock( queue->job_list );
        if (local_user_exit)
          cont = false;    /* This is how we signal that we want to get out . */
        else {
          job_list_reader_wait( queue->job_list , queue->usleep_time , 8 * queue->usleep_time);
      } while ( cont );
    if (verbose)
    thread_pool_join( queue->work_pool );
    thread_pool_free( queue->work_pool );

    Set the queue's "open" flag to false to signal that the queue is
    not ready to be used in a new job_queue_run_jobs or
    job_queue_add_job method call as it has not been reset yet. Not
    resetting the queue here implies that the queue object is still
    available for queries after this method has finished
  queue->open = false;
  queue->running = false;
  pthread_mutex_unlock( &queue->run_mutex );
void enkf_tui_run_manual_load__( void * arg ) {
  enkf_main_type * enkf_main                   = enkf_main_safe_cast( arg );
  enkf_fs_type * fs                            = enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main ); 
  const int last_report                        = -1;
  const int ens_size                           = enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main );
  int step1,step2;
  bool_vector_type * iactive = bool_vector_alloc( 0 , false );
  run_mode_type run_mode = ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT; 
  enkf_main_init_run(enkf_main , run_mode);     /* This is ugly */
  step1 = 0;
  step2 = last_report;  /** Observe that for the summary data it will load all the available data anyway. */
    char * prompt = util_alloc_sprintf("Which realizations to load  (Ex: 1,3-5) <Enter for all> [M to return to menu] : [ensemble size:%d] : " , ens_size);
    char * select_string;
    util_printf_prompt(prompt , PROMPT_LEN , '=' , "=> ");
    select_string = util_alloc_stdin_line();

    enkf_tui_util_sscanf_active_list( iactive , select_string , ens_size );
    util_safe_free( select_string );
    free( prompt );

  if (bool_vector_count_equal( iactive , true )) {
    int iens;
    arg_pack_type ** arg_list = util_calloc( ens_size , sizeof * arg_list );
    thread_pool_type * tp = thread_pool_alloc( 4 , true );  /* num_cpu - HARD coded. */

    for (iens = 0; iens < ens_size; iens++) {
      arg_pack_type * arg_pack = arg_pack_alloc();
      arg_list[iens] = arg_pack;
      if (bool_vector_iget(iactive , iens)) {
        enkf_state_type * enkf_state = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , iens );

        arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_pack , enkf_state);                                        /* 0: */
        arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_pack , fs );                                               /* 1: */
        arg_pack_append_int( arg_pack , step1 );                                            /* 2: This will be the load start parameter for the run_info struct. */
        arg_pack_append_int( arg_pack , step1 );                                            /* 3: Step1 */ 
        arg_pack_append_int( arg_pack , step2 );                                            /* 4: Step2 For summary data it will load the whole goddamn thing anyway.*/
        arg_pack_append_bool( arg_pack , true );                                            /* 5: Interactive */                  
        arg_pack_append_owned_ptr( arg_pack , stringlist_alloc_new() , stringlist_free__);  /* 6: List of interactive mode messages. */
        thread_pool_add_job( tp , enkf_state_load_from_forward_model_mt , arg_pack);
    thread_pool_join( tp );
    thread_pool_free( tp );

      qc_module_type * qc_module = enkf_main_get_qc_module( enkf_main );
      runpath_list_type * runpath_list = qc_module_get_runpath_list( qc_module );

      for (iens = 0; iens < ens_size; iens++) {
        if (bool_vector_iget(iactive , iens)) {
          const enkf_state_type * state = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , iens );
          runpath_list_add( runpath_list , iens , enkf_state_get_run_path( state ) , enkf_state_get_eclbase( state ));

      qc_module_export_runpath_list( qc_module );

    for (iens = 0; iens < ens_size; iens++) {
      if (bool_vector_iget(iactive , iens)) {
        stringlist_type * msg_list = arg_pack_iget_ptr( arg_list[iens] , 6 );
        if (stringlist_get_size( msg_list ))
          enkf_tui_display_load_msg( iens , msg_list );
    for (iens = 0; iens < ens_size; iens++) 
      arg_pack_free( arg_list[iens]);
    free( arg_list );      
  bool_vector_free( iactive );
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  if(argc > 1) {
    if(strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0)

  if(argc < 2)

    char ** input        = &argv[1];   /* Skipping the name of the executable */
    int     input_length = argc - 1;   
    int     input_offset = 0;
    bool    use_eclbase, fmt_file; 
    const char * report_filen  = "RUN_GRAVITY.out"; 
    ecl_file_type ** restart_files;
    ecl_file_type  * init_file;
    ecl_grid_type  * ecl_grid;
    int model_phases;
    int file_phases;
    vector_type * grav_stations = vector_alloc_new();
    /* Restart info */
    restart_files = load_restart_info( (const char **) input , input_length , &input_offset , &use_eclbase , &fmt_file);
    /* INIT and GRID/EGRID files */
      char           * grid_filename = NULL;
      char           * init_filename = NULL;
      if (use_eclbase) {
           The first command line argument is interpreted as ECLBASE, and we
           search for grid and init files in cwd.
        init_filename = ecl_util_alloc_exfilename_anyfmt( NULL , input[0] , ECL_INIT_FILE  , fmt_file , -1);
        grid_filename = ecl_util_alloc_exfilename_anyfmt( NULL , input[0] , ECL_EGRID_FILE , fmt_file , -1);
        if (grid_filename == NULL)
          grid_filename = ecl_util_alloc_exfilename_anyfmt( NULL , input[0] , ECL_GRID_FILE , fmt_file , -1);
        if ((init_filename == NULL) || (grid_filename == NULL))  /* Means we could not find them. */
          util_exit("Could not find INIT or GRID|EGRID file \n");
      } else {
        /* */
        if ((input_length - input_offset) > 1) {
          init_filename = util_alloc_string_copy(input[input_offset]);
          grid_filename = util_alloc_string_copy(input[input_offset + 1]);
          input_offset += 2;
        } else print_usage(__LINE__);
      init_file     = ecl_file_open(init_filename );
      ecl_grid      = ecl_grid_alloc(grid_filename );
      free( init_filename );
      free( grid_filename );
    // Load the station_file
    if (input_length > input_offset) {
      char * station_file = input[input_offset];
      if (util_file_exists(station_file))
        load_stations( grav_stations , station_file);
        util_exit("Can not find file:%s \n",station_file);
    } else 

        OK - now everything is loaded - check that all required
        keywords+++ are present.
    gravity_check_input(ecl_grid , init_file , restart_files[0] , restart_files[1] , &model_phases , &file_phases);
       OK - now it seems the provided files have all the information
       we need. Let us start using it. The main loop is run in
       parallell on four threads - most people have four cores these
      int i;
      int num_threads = 4;
      thread_pool_type * tp = thread_pool_alloc( num_threads , true);
      arg_pack_type ** arg_list = util_calloc( num_threads , sizeof * arg_list);
        int station_delta = vector_get_size( grav_stations ) / num_threads;
        for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
          int station1 = i * station_delta;
          int station2 = station1 + station_delta;
          if (i == num_threads)
            station2 = vector_get_size( grav_stations );
          arg_list[i] = arg_pack_alloc( );

          arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_list[i] , grav_stations );
          arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_list[i] , ecl_grid);
          arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_list[i] , init_file );
          arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_list[i] , restart_files);
          arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[i] , station1 );
          arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[i] , station2 );
          arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[i] , model_phases );
          arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[i] , file_phases );

          thread_pool_add_job( tp , gravity_response_mt , arg_list[i]);
      thread_pool_join( tp );
      for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) 
        arg_pack_free( arg_list[i] );
      free( arg_list );
      FILE * stream = util_fopen(report_filen , "w");
      int station_nr;
      double total_chisq = 0;
      for(station_nr = 0; station_nr < vector_get_size( grav_stations ); station_nr++){
        const grav_station_type * g_s = vector_iget_const(grav_stations, station_nr);
        fprintf(stream, "%f",g_s->grav_diff);
        printf ("DELTA_G %4s[%02d]: %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f", g_s->name , station_nr, g_s->grav_diff, g_s->utm_x, g_s->utm_y, g_s->depth);

        if ( g_s->has_obs ) {
          double y = (g_s->grav_diff - g_s->obs_gdiff) / g_s->std_gdiff;
          double chi_sq = y * y;
          total_chisq += chi_sq;
          fprintf(stream , " %g",chi_sq);
          printf(" %g",chi_sq);

        fprintf(stream , " \n");
      if (total_chisq > 0) {
        printf("Total chisq misfit: %g \n", total_chisq);

    vector_free( grav_stations );
    free( restart_files );
