void ticTacToeDisplay_gameOver() {
	display_init();  // Must init all of the software and underlying hardware for LCD.
	display_fillScreen(DISPLAY_BLACK);  // Blank the screen.
	display_drawFastHLine(display_width()/3, display_height()/2, display_width()/3, DISPLAY_CYAN);

	display_println("Game Over");

void ticTacToeDisplay_runTest()
    while(1) //until button 1 is pressed
        while(buttons_read() != (TICTACTOEDISPLAY_BTN0_ON))//until button 0 is pressed
            if(buttons_read() == (TICTACTOEDISPLAY_BTN1_ON))//button has been pressed
                display_setTextSize(TICTACTOEDISPLAY_TEXT_SIZE);  // this sets the text size
                display_setCursor(TICTACTOEDISPLAY_HALF_WIDTH-TICTACTOEDISPLAY_ONE_THIRD_WIDTH, //position x coordinate of cursor
                        TICTACTOEDISPLAY_HALF_HEIGHT - TICTACTOEDISPLAY_ONE_SIXTH_HEIGHT);//position y coordinate of cursor
                display_println("Game Over!");//print to the lcd
                return;//return out of both loops immediately

                display_clearOldTouchData(); // Throws away all previous touch data.
                uint8_t row, column;
                ticTacToeDisplay_touchScreenComputeBoardRowColumn(&row, &column);//compute location of square
                if(switches_read() == TICTACTOEDISPLAY_SWITCH0_ON)//SW0 is up
                    ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(row, column);//draw O character
                if(switches_read() == TICTACTOEDISPLAY_SWITCH0_OFF)//SW0 is down
                    ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(row, column);//draw X character
        ticTacToeDisplay_init();//clear the screen
void ticTacToeControl_tick() //actions and transitions of state machine
    debugStatePrint(); //print state for debugging

    switch (TTT_State) //state machine actions
    case TTT_init_st: //inital entry state
        readTimer = 0; //initialize read timer
        firstTouchTimer = 0; //set to zero
        adTimer = 0; //set to zerio
    case TTT_draw_instructions_st:
        //draw print the instructions
        display_setTextSize(TEXT_SIZE); //how big
        display_setTextColor(DISPLAY_WHITE);//set the color
        display_println(INSTRUCTIONS);//print instructions
    case TTT_let_user_read_st:
        readTimer++; //increase read timer
    case TTT_wait_first_touch_st:
        firstTouchTimer++; //increment first touch wait timer
    case TTT_wait_for_settle_st:
        adTimer++; //increment timer for settling
    case TTT_computer_play_st:
        if (playerX) //computer is O
            minimax_computeNextMove(&currentBoard, false, &controlTouchRow, &controlTouchColumn); //its always computing computers move, so just set the bool to false
            ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(controlTouchRow, controlTouchColumn);
            //mark that board space
            currentBoard.squares[controlTouchRow][controlTouchColumn] = MINIMAX_OPPONENT_SQUARE;

        else //computer went first, is X
            minimax_computeNextMove(&currentBoard, false, &controlTouchRow, &controlTouchColumn); //its always computing computers move, so just set the bool to false
            ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(controlTouchRow, controlTouchColumn);
            //mark that board space
            currentBoard.squares[controlTouchRow][controlTouchColumn] = MINIMAX_OPPONENT_SQUARE;

    case TTT_user_play_st:
        //read button value here, and check in transitions
        newBTNValue = buttons_read();

        invalidMoveFlag = false; // reset the flag

        //reset wait for settle timer
        adTimer = 0;

        if (playerX) //player went first, is X
            ticTacToeDisplay_touchScreenComputeBoardRowColumn(&controlTouchRow, &controlTouchColumn);
            if(currentBoard.squares[controlTouchRow][controlTouchColumn] == MINIMAX_EMPTY_SQUARE) //check square is empty
                ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(controlTouchRow, controlTouchColumn); //draw the x
                //mark that board space
                currentBoard.squares[controlTouchRow][controlTouchColumn] = MINIMAX_PLAYER_SQUARE; //mark move in board
                invalidMoveFlag = true; //player tried to go in occupied square

        else //player is O
            ticTacToeDisplay_touchScreenComputeBoardRowColumn(&controlTouchRow, &controlTouchColumn);
            if(currentBoard.squares[controlTouchRow][controlTouchColumn] == MINIMAX_EMPTY_SQUARE) //check square is empty
                ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(controlTouchRow, controlTouchColumn); //draw the O
                //mark that board space
                currentBoard.squares[controlTouchRow][controlTouchColumn] = MINIMAX_PLAYER_SQUARE; //mark move in board
                invalidMoveFlag = true; //player tried to go in occupied square
    case TTT_wait_touch_st:
    //just wait
    case TTT_end_st:
        //read button value here, and check in transitions
        //only reset at end game
        newBTNValue = buttons_read();



    switch (TTT_State) //state machine transitions
    case TTT_init_st: //inital entry state
        TTT_State = TTT_draw_instructions_st; //move to instructions state
    case TTT_draw_instructions_st:
        TTT_State = TTT_let_user_read_st; //go straight to reading after instructions are drawn
    case TTT_let_user_read_st:
        if (readTimer == TTT_READ_EXPIRED)
            TTT_State = TTT_wait_first_touch_st; //wait for touching
            ticTacToeDisplay_reset();//draw empty board. mealey action
    case TTT_wait_first_touch_st:
        if (firstTouchTimer == TTT_FIRST_TOUCH_EXPIRED) //if the wait is expired
            //computer goes first. computer is X
            TTT_State = TTT_computer_play_st;
            playerX = false;
        else if (display_isTouched()) //human touched a spot
            //human goes first. is X
            TTT_State = TTT_wait_for_settle_st;
            playerX = true;
    case TTT_wait_for_settle_st:
        if (adTimer == ADTIMER_EXPIRE) //gave touch screen time to settle
            TTT_State = TTT_user_play_st; //go to user play
    case TTT_computer_play_st:
        // if board full, go to end game
        if (ticTacToeControl_checkEndGame(&currentBoard, false)) //pass in the board, does matter what the bool is, just need an endgame score
            TTT_State = TTT_end_st;
            TTT_State = TTT_wait_touch_st; //go to place to wait for player to touch
    case TTT_user_play_st:
        if (ticTacToeControl_checkEndGame(&currentBoard, true)) //pass in the board, does matter what the bool is, just need an endgame score
            TTT_State = TTT_end_st;

        else if(invalidMoveFlag) //player tried to go in occupied space
            TTT_State = TTT_wait_touch_st; //wait for another touch

            TTT_State = TTT_computer_play_st; //go to computer move

    case TTT_wait_touch_st:
        if (ticTacToeControl_checkEndGame(&currentBoard, playerX)) //pass in the board, does matter what the bool is, just need an endgame score
            TTT_State = TTT_end_st;
        else if (display_isTouched()) //done waiting
            TTT_State = TTT_wait_for_settle_st; //go settle state
    case TTT_end_st:
        ticTacToeControl_checkResetBTN(); //check if button has been pressed,
        printf("ERROR: missed transition\n\r");
// After a touch has been detected and after the proper delay, this sets the row and column arguments
// according to where the user touched the board.
void ticTacToeDisplay_touchScreenComputeBoardRowColumn(uint8_t* row, uint8_t* column) {
	int16_t x = 0;
	int16_t y = 0;
	uint8_t z = 0;
	uint8_t rowval;
	uint8_t columnval;
	if(display_isTouched()) {
		display_getTouchedPoint(&x, &y, &z);
		*row = 0;
		*column = 0;
		// column 0
		if (x <= display_width()/3) {

			//row 0
			if (y <=  display_height()/3) {
				rowval = 0;
				columnval = 0;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 0 column 0 \n\r" );
			//row 1
			else if (y <= 2* display_height()/3) {
				rowval = 1;
				columnval = 0;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 1 column 0 \n\r" );
			//row 2
			else {
				rowval = 2;
				columnval = 0;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 2 column 0 \n\r" );


		// column 1
		else if (x <= 2*(display_width()/3) ) {

			//row 0
			if (y <=  display_height()/3) {
				rowval = 0;
				columnval = 1;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 0 column 0 \n\r" );
			//row 1
			else if (y <= 2* display_height()/3) {
				rowval = 1;
				columnval = 1;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 1 column 0 \n\r" );
			//row 2
			else {
				rowval = 2;
				columnval = 1;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 2 column 0 \n\r" );


		// column 2
		else {

			//row 0
			if (y <=  display_height()/3) {
				rowval = 0;
				columnval = 2;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 0 column 0 \n\r" );
			//row 1
			else if (y <= 2* display_height()/3) {
				rowval = 1;
				columnval = 2;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 1 column 0 \n\r" );
			//row 2
			else {
				rowval = 2;
				columnval = 2;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 2 column 0 \n\r" );
