void dRowTremoloEditorComponent::updateParametersFromFilter()
    dRowTremoloFilter* const filter = getFilter();

    // we use this lock to make sure the processBlock() method isn't writing to the
    // lastMidiMessage variable while we're trying to read it, but be extra-careful to
    // only hold the lock for a minimum amount of time..

    // take a local copy of the info we need while we've got the lock..
    const AudioPlayHead::CurrentPositionInfo positionInfo (filter->lastPosInfo);
    const float newGain = filter->getParameter (TremoloInterface::Parameters::Gain);
	const float newRate = filter->getParameter (TremoloInterface::Parameters::Rate);
	const float newTremDepth = filter->getParameter (TremoloInterface::Parameters::Depth);

    // ..release the lock ASAP

    // ..and after releasing the lock, we're free to do the time-consuming UI stuff..
    String infoText;
    infoText << String (positionInfo.bpm, 2) << T(" bpm, ")
             << positionInfo.timeSigNumerator << T("/") << positionInfo.timeSigDenominator
             << T("  -  ") << timeToTimecodeString (positionInfo.timeInSeconds)
             << T("  -  ") << ppqToBarsBeatsString (positionInfo.ppqPosition,

    if (positionInfo.isPlaying)
        infoText << T("  (playing)");

    infoLabel->setText (infoText, false);

    /* Update our slider.

       (note that it's important here to tell the slider not to send a change
       message, because that would cause it to call the filter with a parameter
       change message again, and the values would drift out.
    gainSlider->setValue (newGain, false);
	rateSlider->setValue (newRate, false);
	depthSlider->setValue (newTremDepth, false);

    setSize (filter->lastUIWidth,
// Updates the text in our position label.
void JuceDemoPluginAudioProcessorEditor::displayPositionInfo (const AudioPlayHead::CurrentPositionInfo& pos)
    lastDisplayedPosition = pos;
    String displayText;
    displayText.preallocateBytes (128);

    displayText << String (pos.bpm, 2) << " bpm, "
                << pos.timeSigNumerator << '/' << pos.timeSigDenominator
                << "  -  " << timeToTimecodeString (pos.timeInSeconds)
                << "  -  " << ppqToBarsBeatsString (pos.ppqPosition, pos.ppqPositionOfLastBarStart,
                                                    pos.timeSigNumerator, pos.timeSigDenominator);

    if (pos.isRecording)
        displayText << "  (recording)";
    else if (pos.isPlaying)
        displayText << "  (playing)";

    infoLabel.setText (displayText, false);
// Updates the text in our position label.
void SignalProcessorAudioProcessorEditor::displayPositionInfo (const AudioPlayHead::CurrentPositionInfo& pos)
    lastDisplayedPosition = pos;
    String displayText;
    displayText.preallocateBytes (128);
    displayText << String (pos.bpm, 2) << " bpm, "
    << pos.timeSigNumerator << '/' << pos.timeSigDenominator
    << "  -  " << timeToTimecodeString (pos.timeInSeconds)
    << "  -  " << ppqToBarsBeatsString (pos.ppqPosition, pos.ppqPositionOfLastBarStart,
                                        pos.timeSigNumerator, pos.timeSigDenominator);
    if (pos.isRecording)
        displayText << "  (recording)";
    else if (pos.isPlaying)
        displayText << "  (playing)";
    infoLabel.setText ("[" + SystemStats::getJUCEVersion() + "]   " + displayText, dontSendNotification);
// Updates the text in our position label.
void JuceDemoPluginAudioProcessorEditor::updateTimecodeDisplay (AudioPlayHead::CurrentPositionInfo pos)
    MemoryOutputStream displayText;

    displayText << "[" << SystemStats::getJUCEVersion() << "]   "
                << String (pos.bpm, 2) << " bpm, "
                << pos.timeSigNumerator << '/' << pos.timeSigDenominator
                << "  -  " << timeToTimecodeString (pos.timeInSeconds)
                << "  -  " << quarterNotePositionToBarsBeatsString (pos.ppqPosition,

    if (pos.isRecording)
        displayText << "  (recording)";
    else if (pos.isPlaying)
        displayText << "  (playing)";

    timecodeDisplayLabel.setText (displayText.toString(), dontSendNotification);