void AGB_init()
  double total_mass;
  double number_AGB;

  //  All masses are in Msun
  total_mass = integrate( imf->fm, imf->min_mass, imf->max_mass, 1e-6, 1e-9 );
  cart_assert(total_mass > 0.0);

  number_AGB = integrate( imf->f, AGB.min_mass, AGB.max_mass, 1e-6, 1e-9 );
  cart_assert(number_AGB > 0.0);

  AGB_tab.maxAge = pow(10.,tlf(log10(AGB.min_mass),log10(0.02)));
  AGB_tab.minAge = pow(10.,tlf(log10(AGB.max_mass),log10(0.02)));
  cart_assert(AGB_tab.minAge>6.6 && AGB_tab.maxAge<1e10);
  // The rest is for diagnostic only
  if(local_proc_id == MASTER_NODE) {
    cart_debug("AGB: minMass = %g maxMass = %g [Msun]; minAge = %g maxAge = %g [yr]",AGB.min_mass, AGB.max_mass, AGB_tab.minAge, AGB_tab.maxAge);
Cube::Cube(const position_type &where, std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture )
		: Object3D(where) {
	// 8 points, 6 surfaces

			    blf(-1.0, -1.0, 1.0)    // front rectangle
	,       brf(1.0, -1.0, 1.0)
	,       trf(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
	,       tlf(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
	,       blr(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)    // rear rectangle
	,       brr(1.0, -1.0, -1.0)
	,       trr(1.0, 1.0, -1.0)
	,       tlr(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0);

    negZ(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
    , posZ(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    , negY(0.0, -1.0, 0.0)
    , posY(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    , negX(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    , posX(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

	// if changing the order, make sure to change accessors so they grab the correct object
  this->add_child(new Rectangle(POSITION_INHERIT, { blf, blr, brr, brf }, { negY, negY, negY, negY }, texture));    // bottom negY
  this->add_child(new Rectangle(POSITION_INHERIT, { trr, brr, blr, tlr }, { negZ, negZ, negZ, negZ }, texture));    // rear   negZ
  this->add_child(new Rectangle(POSITION_INHERIT, { trf, brf, brr, trr }, { posX, posX, posX, posX }, texture));    // right  posX
  this->add_child(new Rectangle(POSITION_INHERIT, { tlr, blr, blf, tlf }, { negX, negX, negX, negX }, texture));    // left   negX
  this->add_child(new Rectangle(POSITION_INHERIT, { tlf, blf, brf, trf }, { posZ, posZ, posZ, posZ }, texture));    // front  posZ
  this->add_child(new Rectangle(POSITION_INHERIT, { tlr, tlf, trf, trr }, { posY, posY, posY, posY }, texture));    // top    posY

}    // Cube
Cube::Cube( const position_type &where, Texture::pointer_type texture )
	: Object( where, texture )
		blf( -1.0, -1.0, 1.0 )    // front rectangle
		, brf( 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 )
		, trf( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 )
		, tlf( -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 )
		, blr( -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 )    // rear rectangle
		, brr( 1.0, -1.0, -1.0 )
		, trr( 1.0, 1.0, -1.0 )
		, tlr( -1.0, 1.0, -1.0 )

		negZ( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 )
		, posZ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 )
		, negY( 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 )
		, posY( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 )
		, negX( -1.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
		, posX( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 )

	// gl_triangle strip
	// for ccw winding:  top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right

	auto add_components = [ &]( const std::vector<Component::pointer_type>& vec )
		for ( auto& v : vec )
			this->components.emplace_back( v );

	add_components( Triangle::from_quad( std::vector<glm::vec3>( { blf, blr, brf, brr } ), negY, texture ) );	// bottom
	add_components( Triangle::from_quad( std::vector<glm::vec3>( { trr, brr, tlr, blr } ), negZ, texture ) );	// rear
	add_components( Triangle::from_quad( std::vector<glm::vec3>( { trf, brf, trr, brr } ), posX, texture ) );    // right  posX
	add_components( Triangle::from_quad( std::vector<glm::vec3>( { tlr, blr, tlf, blf } ), negX, texture ) );    // left   negX
	add_components( Triangle::from_quad( std::vector<glm::vec3>( { tlf, blf, trf, brf } ), posZ, texture ) );    // front  posZ
	add_components( Triangle::from_quad( std::vector<glm::vec3>( { tlr, tlf, trr, trf } ), posY, texture ) );    // top    posY
void user(void)
    FILE	*pUsrConfig, *pLimits;
    int		i, x, FoundName = FALSE, iFoundLimit = FALSE, IsNew = FALSE, logins = 0, Start;
    int		l1, l2;
    char	*token, temp[PATH_MAX], temp1[84], UserName[37], buf[128], *fullname;
    time_t	LastLogin;
    struct stat st;

    grecno = 0;
    Syslog('+', "Unixmode login: %s", sUnixName);

    snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/etc/users.data", getenv("FTND_ROOT"));
    if ((pUsrConfig = fopen(temp,"r+")) == NULL) {
	 * This should not happen.
	WriteError("$Can't open %s", temp);
	PUTSTR((char *)"Can't open userfile, run \"newuser\" first");

    fread(&usrconfighdr, sizeof(usrconfighdr), 1, pUsrConfig);
    while (fread(&usrconfig, usrconfighdr.recsize, 1, pUsrConfig) == 1) {
	if (strcmp(usrconfig.Name, sUnixName) == 0) {
	    FoundName = TRUE;
	} else
    if (!FoundName) {
	snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "Unknown username: %s\r\n", sUnixName);
	/* FATAL ERROR: You are not in the BBS users file.*/
	snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s\r\n", (char *) Language(389));
	/* Please run 'newuser' to create an account */
	snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s\r\n", (char *) Language(390));
	Syslog('?', "FATAL: Could not find user in BBS users file.");
	Syslog('?', "       and system is using unix accounts\n");

     * Copy username, split first and lastname.
    strncpy(UserName, usrconfig.sUserName, sizeof(UserName)-1);
    if ((strchr(UserName,' ') == NULL) && !CFG.iOneName) {
	token = strtok(UserName, " ");
  	strncpy(FirstName, token, sizeof(FirstName)-1);
  	token = strtok(NULL, "\0");
	i = strlen(token);
	for (x = 2; x < i; x++) {
	    if (token[x] == ' ')
		token[x] = '\0';
	strncpy(LastName, token, sizeof(LastName)-1);
    } else
	strncpy(FirstName, UserName, sizeof(FirstName)-1);
    strncpy(UserName, usrconfig.sUserName, sizeof(UserName)-1);
    Syslog('+', "%s On-Line from \"%s\", node %d", UserName, ttyinfo.comment, iNode);
    IsDoing("Just Logged In");

     * Check some essential files, create them if they don't exist.

     * Setup users favourite language.
    utf8 = (usrconfig.Charset == FTNC_UTF8);

     * User logged in, tell it to the server. Check if a location is
     * set, if Ask User location for new users is off, this field is
     * empty but we have to send something to the server.
    if (strlen(usrconfig.sLocation))
	UserCity(mypid, usrconfig.Name, usrconfig.sLocation);
	UserCity(mypid, usrconfig.Name, (char *)"N/A");

     * Count simultaneous logins
    Start = TRUE;
    while (TRUE) {
	if (Start)
	    snprintf(buf, 128, "GMON:1,1;");
	    snprintf(buf, 128, "GMON:1,0;");
	Start = FALSE;
	if (socket_send(buf) == 0) {
	    strcpy(buf, socket_receive());
	    if (strncmp(buf, "100:0;", 6) == 0)
		break;  /* No more data */
	    if (strstr(buf, "ftnbbs")) {
		 * Only ftnbbs is wanted
		strtok(buf, ",");				    /* response */
		strtok(NULL, ",");				    /* pid	*/
		strtok(NULL, ",");				    /* tty	*/
		fullname = xstrcpy(cldecode(strtok(NULL, ",")));    /* username */
		if (strcmp(fullname, usrconfig.Name) == 0) {
    if (CFG.max_logins && (logins > CFG.max_logins)) {
	Syslog('+', "User logins %d, allowed %d, disconnecting", logins, CFG.max_logins);
	snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s %d %s\r\n", (char *) Language(18), CFG.max_logins, (char *) Language(19));
     * Set last file and message area so these numbers are saved when
     * the user hangs up or is logged off before het gets to the main
     * menu. Later in this function the areas are set permanent.
    iAreaNumber = usrconfig.iLastFileArea;
    iMsgAreaNumber = usrconfig.iLastMsgArea;

     * See if this user is the Sysop.
    strcpy(temp, UserName);
    strcpy(temp1, CFG.sysop_name);
    if ((strcasecmp(CFG.sysop_name, UserName)) == 0) {
	 * If login name is sysop, set SYSOP true 
	Syslog('+', "Sysop is online");

     * Is this a new user?
    if (usrconfig.iTotalCalls == 0)
	IsNew = TRUE;

     * Pause after logo screen.

    if (usrconfig.Archiver[0] == '\0') {
	usrconfig.Archiver[0] = 'Z';
	usrconfig.Archiver[1] = 'I';
	usrconfig.Archiver[2] = 'P';
	Syslog('+', "Setup default archiver ZIP");

     * Check users date format. We do it strict as we
     * need this to be good for several other purposes.
     * If it is correct, the users age is set in UserAge
    if (!Test_DOB(usrconfig.sDateOfBirth)) {
	Syslog('!', "Error in Date of Birth");
	strcpy(usrconfig.sDateOfBirth, exitinfo.sDateOfBirth);

     * Check to see if user must expire
    snprintf(temp,PATH_MAX, "%s", (char *) GetDateDMY());
    SwapDate(temp, usrconfig.sExpiryDate);

    /* Convert Date1 & Date2 to longs for compare */
    l1 = atol(Date1);
    l2 = atol(Date2);

    if (l1 >= l2 && l2 != 0) {
	 * If Expiry Date is the same as today expire to 
	 * Expire Sec level
	usrconfig.Security = usrconfig.ExpirySec;
	Syslog('!', "User is expired, resetting level");
	 * Show texfile to user telling him about this.
	DisplayFile((char *)"expired");


     * Copy limits.data into memory
    snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/etc/limits.data", getenv("FTND_ROOT"));

    if ((pLimits = fopen(temp,"rb")) == NULL) {
	WriteError("$Can't open %s", temp);
    } else {
	fread(&LIMIThdr, sizeof(LIMIThdr), 1, pLimits);

	while (fread(&LIMIT, sizeof(LIMIT), 1, pLimits) == 1) {
 	    if (LIMIT.Security == usrconfig.Security.level) {
		iFoundLimit = TRUE;

    if (!iFoundLimit) {
	WriteError("Unknown Security Level in limits.data");
	usrconfig.iTimeLeft = 0; /* Could not find limit, so set to Zero */
	usrconfig.iTimeUsed = 0; /* Set to Zero as well  */
    } else {
	 * Give user new time limit everyday, also new users get a new limit.
	snprintf(temp,PATH_MAX, "%s", (char *) GetDateDMY());
	if (((strcmp(StrDateDMY(usrconfig.tLastLoginDate), temp)) != 0) || IsNew) {
	     *  If no timelimit set give user 24 hours.
	    if (LIMIT.Time)
		usrconfig.iTimeLeft = LIMIT.Time;
		usrconfig.iTimeLeft = 86400;
	    usrconfig.iTimeUsed    = 0;          /* Set time used today to Zero       */
	    usrconfig.iConnectTime = 0;	     /* Set connect time to Zero          */

	     * Give user new bytes and files every day if needed.
	    if (LIMIT.DownK) {
		usrconfig.DownloadKToday = LIMIT.DownK;
            if (LIMIT.DownF) {
                usrconfig.DownloadsToday = LIMIT.DownF;
    } /* End of else  */

    usrconfig.iConnectTime = 0;

    /* Copy Users Protocol into Memory */

     * Set last login Date and Time, copy previous session
     * values in memory.
    snprintf(LastLoginDate, 12, "%s", StrDateDMY(usrconfig.tLastLoginDate));
    snprintf(LastLoginTime, 9, "%s", StrTimeHMS(usrconfig.tLastLoginDate));
    LastLogin = usrconfig.tLastLoginDate;
    usrconfig.tLastLoginDate = ltime; /* Set current login to current date */

     * Update user record.
    if (fseek(pUsrConfig, usrconfighdr.hdrsize + (grecno * usrconfighdr.recsize), 0) != 0) {
	WriteError("Can't seek in %s/etc/users.data", getenv("FTND_ROOT"));
    } else {
	fwrite(&usrconfig, sizeof(usrconfig), 1, pUsrConfig);

     * Write users structure to tmp file in ~/home/unixname/exitinfo
     * A copy of the userrecord is also in the variable exitinfo.
    if (! InitExitinfo())

     * If user has not set a preferred character set, force this
    if (exitinfo.Charset == FTNC_NONE) {

    setlocale(LC_CTYPE, getlocale(exitinfo.Charset)); 	 
    Syslog('b', "setlocale(LC_CTYPE, NULL) returns \"%s\"", printable(setlocale(LC_CTYPE, NULL), 0));

    StartTime = xstrcpy(GetLocalHM());
    ChangeHomeDir(exitinfo.Name, exitinfo.Email);

    Syslog('+', "User successfully logged into BBS");
    Syslog('+', "Level %d (%s), %d mins. left, port %s", exitinfo.Security.level, LIMIT.Description, exitinfo.iTimeLeft, pTTY);
    Time2Go = time(NULL);
    Time2Go += exitinfo.iTimeLeft * 60;
    iUserTimeLeft = exitinfo.iTimeLeft;

    IsDoing("Welcome screens");
    DisplayFile((char *)"mainlogo");
    DisplayFile((char *)"welcome");

     * The following files are only displayed if the user has
     * turned the Bulletins on.
    if (exitinfo.ieNEWS) {
	DisplayFile((char *)"welcome1");
	DisplayFile((char *)"welcome2");
	DisplayFile((char *)"welcome3");
	DisplayFile((char *)"welcome4");
	DisplayFile((char *)"welcome5");
	DisplayFile((char *)"welcome6");
	DisplayFile((char *)"welcome7");
	DisplayFile((char *)"welcome8");
	DisplayFile((char *)"welcome9");

	snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s", (char *) GetDateDMY() );
	if ((strcmp(exitinfo.sDateOfBirth, temp)) == 0)
	    DisplayFile((char *)"birthday");

	 * Displays file if it exists DD-MM.A??
	snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s", (char *) GetDateDMY());
	strcpy(temp1, "");
	strncat(temp1, temp, 5);
	snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s", temp1);
	 * Displays users security file if it exists
	snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "sec%d", exitinfo.Security.level);

	 * Display News file
	DisplayFile((char *)"news");

     * Display Onceonly file, first get the date of that
     * file, search order is the same as in DisplayFile()
    st.st_mtime = 0;
    snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/share/int/txtfiles/%s/onceonly.ans", getenv("FTND_ROOT"), lang.lc);
    stat(temp, &st);
    if (st.st_mtime == 0) {
	snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/share/int/txtfiles/%s/onceonly.ans", getenv("FTND_ROOT"), CFG.deflang);
	stat(temp, &st);
    if (st.st_mtime == 0) {
	snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/share/int/txtfiles/%s/onceonly.asc", getenv("FTND_ROOT"), lang.lc);
	stat(temp, &st);
	if (st.st_mtime == 0) {
	    snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/share/int/txtfiles/%s/onceonly.asc", getenv("FTND_ROOT"), CFG.deflang);
	    stat(temp, &st);

    if ((st.st_mtime != 0) && (LastLogin < st.st_mtime))
	DisplayFile((char *)"onceonly");

    if (exitinfo.MailScan) {
	IsDoing("New mail check");

     * We don't show new files to new users.
    if (exitinfo.ieFILE && (!IsNew)) {
	IsDoing("New files check");
     * Copy last file Area in to current Area 

     * Copy Last Message Area in to Current Msg Area
    SetEmailArea((char *)"mailbox");

     * Set or Reset the DoNotDisturb flag, now is the time
     * we may be interrupted.

     * Start the menu.