void put_check_for_nan(const CppAD::vector<Base>& vec, std::string& file_name)
	size_t char_size       = sizeof(Base) * vec.size();
	const char* char_ptr   = reinterpret_cast<const char*>( vec.data() );
	char pattern[] = "/tmp/fileXXXXXX";
	int fd = mkstemp(pattern);
	file_name = pattern;
	write(fd, char_ptr, char_size);
# else
		std::vector<char> name(L_tmpnam_s);
		if( tmpnam_s( name.data(), L_tmpnam_s ) != 0 )
				"Cannot create a temporary file name"
		file_name = name.data();
# else
		file_name = tmpnam( CPPAD_NULL );
# endif
	std::fstream file_out(file_name.c_str(), std::ios::out|std::ios::binary );
	file_out.write(char_ptr, char_size);
# endif
Aws::String CreateTempFilePath()
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS
    char s_tempName[L_tmpnam_s+1];

    Prior to VS 2014, tmpnam/tmpnam_s generated root level files ("\filename") which were not appropriate for our usage, so for the windows version, we prepended a '.' to make it a
    tempfile in the current directory.  Starting with VS2014, the behavior of tmpnam/tmpnam_s was changed to be a full, valid filepath based on the
    current user ("C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\...").

    See the tmpnam section in http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2014/06/18/crt-features-fixes-and-breaking-changes-in-visual-studio-14-ctp1.aspx
    for more details.

#if _MSC_VER >= 1900
    tmpnam_s(s_tempName, L_tmpnam_s);
    s_tempName[0] = '.';
    tmpnam_s(s_tempName + 1, L_tmpnam_s);
#endif // _MSC_VER

    return s_tempName;
 TempFile::TempFile() {
     if (tmpnam_s(m_buffer)) {
         throw std::runtime_error("Could not get a temp filename");
     if (fopen_s(&m_file, m_buffer, "w")) {
         char buffer[100];
         if (strerror_s(buffer, errno)) {
             throw std::runtime_error("Could not translate errno to string");
         throw std::runtime_error("Could not open the temp file: " + std::string(m_buffer) + buffer);
TemporaryFile::TemporaryFile(const std::string& parentDirectory, const std::string& contents)
    char fileName[L_tmpnam];
    tmpnam_s(fileName, L_tmpnam);

    std::string filePath = parentDirectory + fileName;

    FILE* file = nullptr;
    errno_t result = fopen_s(&file, filePath.c_str(), "w");
    if (result != 0)
        ThrowError("fopen", perror);

    if (fputs(contents.c_str(), file) == EOF)
        ThrowError("fputs", ferror);


    m_Name = fileName;
void Database::OnThreadProc_Save()
	// Daten auf die Festplatte schreiben
	char tmpFilename[1024];
	tmpnam_s(tmpFilename, 1024);
	std::ofstream file(tmpFilename, std::ios_base::trunc);
	if (!file.fail())
		for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator iter = _Vector->begin(); iter != _Vector->end(); iter++)
			file << (*iter).c_str() << std::endl;

		if (FileExists(_Filename))
		rename(tmpFilename, _Filename.c_str());

		_Filename = "";
		if (_Vector != NULL)
			delete _Vector;
			_Vector = NULL;

		_Status = Status::Ok;
		_Mode = Modes::Nothing;
		_Filename = "";
		if (_Vector != NULL)
			delete _Vector;
			_Vector = NULL;

		_Status = Status::Error;
		_Mode = Modes::Nothing;
void MDTRA_PrepWaterShellDialog :: exec_on_prep( void )
	int streamIndex = sCombo->itemData( sCombo->currentIndex() ).toInt();
	const MDTRA_Stream *pStream = m_pMainWindow->getProject()->fetchStreamByIndex( streamIndex );

	if (!pStream || !pStream->pdb) {
		QMessageBox::warning(this, tr(APPLICATION_TITLE_SMALL), tr("Bad stream(s) selected!"));

	btnRun->setEnabled( false );

	char tempBuf[512];
	int errNo = 0;
	FILE *tempFp = NULL;

	if ( !*m_szTempName )
		tmpnam_s( m_szTempName );

	if ( ( errNo = (int)fopen_s( &tempFp, m_szTempName, "w" ) ) != 0 ) {
		strerror_s( tempBuf, sizeof(tempBuf), errNo );
		QString cmdErr = QString( "* Could not open temp file:\n   %1\n* %2 gave the error message:\n   \"%3\"\n" ).arg( m_szTempName ).arg( s_OSName ).arg( QString::fromLocal8Bit( tempBuf ) );
		txtOutput->appendPlainText( cmdErr );
		btnRun->setEnabled( true );
		if ( tempFp ) 
			fclose( tempFp );

	int trajectoryMin = 1;
	int trajectoryMax = pStream->files.count();
	if (trajectoryRange->isChecked()) {
		trajectoryMin = MDTRA_MAX( trajectoryMin, sIndex->value() );
		trajectoryMax = MDTRA_MIN( trajectoryMax, eIndex->value());

	// write stream data
	for ( int i = trajectoryMin - 1; i < trajectoryMax; ++i )
		fprintf_s( tempFp, "%s\n", pStream->files.at( i ).toLocal8Bit().data() );

	fclose( tempFp );

	// build command line
	QString cmdName, cmdArgs, cmdOutFile;
#if defined(WIN32)
	cmdName = "./utils/" PREP_PROGRAM_NAME ".exe";
	cmdName = "./utils/" PREP_PROGRAM_NAME;
	cmdOutFile = txtOutputPDB->text();
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040700
	if ( cmdOutFile.isEmpty() )
		cmdOutFile = txtOutputPDB->placeholderText();
	cmdArgs = QString( "-i \"%1\" -o \"%2\"" ).arg( m_szTempName ).arg( cmdOutFile );

	QString cmdReport = QString( "** Executing...\n** Command: %1\n** Parameters: %2\n" ).arg( cmdName ).arg( cmdArgs );
	txtOutput->appendPlainText( cmdReport );

	// execute prep program
	m_pPipe = new MDTRA_Pipe( cmdName, cmdArgs, txtOutput );
	if ( m_pPipe ) {
		if ( m_pPipe->exec() ) {
			if ( m_bInterrupt )
				txtOutput->appendPlainText( QString( "** Interrupted by user.\n" ) );
				txtOutput->appendPlainText( QString( "** Finished!\n" ) );
		delete m_pPipe;
		m_pPipe = NULL;

	m_bInterrupt = false;

#if defined(WIN32)
	_unlink( m_szTempName );
	unlink( m_szTempName );
	btnRun->setEnabled( true );
void main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    char filename[NUM_FILES][L_tmpnam_s];
    FILE *fp;
    int ctr, ctr2;
    struct stat info;
    errno_t rc;

    int     violations = NumViolations;

#ifdef __SW_BW
    FILE *my_stdout;
    my_stdout = freopen( "tmp.log", "a", stdout );
    if( my_stdout == NULL ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to redirect stdout\n" );
        exit( -1 );

    /*** Initialize ***/
    strcpy( ProgramName, strlwr( argv[0] ) );   /* store filename */

    /*  set constraint-handler                                             */

    set_constraint_handler_s( my_constraint_handler );

    /* test runtime constraints */
    rc = tmpnam_s( NULL, sizeof( filename[0] ) );
    VERIFYS( rc != 0 );
    VERIFYS( NumViolations == ++violations );

    filename[0][0] = 'x';
    rc = tmpnam_s( filename[0], 0 );
    VERIFYS( rc != 0 );
    VERIFYS( filename[0][0] == 'x' );
    VERIFYS( NumViolations == ++violations );

    rc = tmpnam_s( filename[0], 4 ); /* only space for .aaa */
    VERIFYS( rc != 0 );
    VERIFYS( filename[0][0] == '\0' );
    VERIFYS( NumViolations == ++violations );

    for( ctr = 0; ctr < NUM_FILES; ++ctr ) {
        rc = tmpnam_s( filename[ctr], sizeof( filename[0] ) );
        VERIFYS( rc == 0 );
        VERIFY( remove( filename[ctr] ) != 0 ); // remove should fail
        VERIFY( errno == ENOENT );
        for( ctr2 = 0; ctr2 < ctr; ++ctr2 ) {
            VERIFY( strcmp( filename[ctr], filename[ctr2] ) != 0 );
            // Make sure all tmpfiles are unique
    VERIFY( utime( filename[0], NULL ) == -1 );
    EXPECT( errno == ENOENT );
    for( ctr = 0; ctr < 2; ++ctr ) {
        if( ( fp = fopen( filename[ctr], "w" ) ) == NULL ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "Internal: fopen() failed\n" );
            perror( filename[ctr] );
            exit( -1 );
        fclose( fp );
#ifndef __UNIX__    // rename is allowed
    VERIFY( rename( filename[0], filename[1] ) != 0 );  // rename should fail
    EXPECT( (errno == EACCES)||(errno == EEXIST) );
    VERIFY( rename( filename[0], filename[2] ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( remove( filename[0] ) != 0 );   // filename[0] was renamed -> DNE
    EXPECT( errno == ENOENT );
    VERIFY( remove( filename[2] ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( access( filename[2], F_OK ) == -1 );// filename[2] was removed
    EXPECT( errno == ENOENT );
    VERIFY( access( filename[1], F_OK ) == 0 ); // filename[1] is still here
    VERIFY( access( filename[1], R_OK ) == 0 ); // read permission
    VERIFY( access( filename[1], W_OK ) == 0 ); // write permission
    VERIFY( access( argv[0], X_OK ) == 0 );     // execute permission
    VERIFY( chmod( filename[1], S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP ) == 0 );
    // filename[1] is now read-only
    VERIFY( access( filename[1], W_OK ) == -1 );
    EXPECT( errno == EACCES );
#if !defined( __UNIX__ ) && !defined( __RDOS__ )    // remove would succeed
    VERIFY( remove( filename[1] ) != 0 );
    EXPECT( errno == EACCES );
    VERIFY( chmod( filename[1], S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( stat( filename[1], &info ) == 0 );
#ifndef __UNIX__
    EXPECT( 0 <= info.st_dev && info.st_dev < 26 );
    VERIFY( utime( filename[1], NULL ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( remove( filename[1] ) == 0 );
    printf( "Tests completed (%s).\n", strlwr( argv[0] ) );
    if( warnings ) {
        printf( "Total number of warning(s) = %d.\n", warnings );
        exit( -1 );
#ifdef __SW_BW
        fprintf( stderr, "Tests completed (%s).\n", strlwr( argv[0] ) );
        fclose( my_stdout );
    exit( 0 );