/* Here is the definition of the block processing function */
void process_block(short *clean, short *echo, short *out, int size) {
	int i;

	for(i = 0;i < size;i++) {
		out[i] = toShort(process_sample(toFloat(clean[i]), toFloat(echo[i])));
文件: dsp.cpp 项目: taqu/opus
    void conv_Float1ToShort1(void* dst, const void* s, s32 numSamples)
        LSshort* d = reinterpret_cast<LSshort*>(dst);
        const LSfloat* src = reinterpret_cast<const LSfloat*>(s);

        s32 num = numSamples >> 2; //4個のfloatをまとめて処理
        s32 offset = num << 2;
        s32 rem = numSamples - offset;

        const __m128 fcoff = _mm_set1_ps(32768.0f);

        const LSfloat* p = src;
        LSshort* q = d;
        for(s32 i=0; i<num; ++i){
            __m128 f32_0 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_loadu_ps(p), fcoff);
            __m128i s32_0 = _mm_cvtps_epi32(f32_0);
            __m128i s16_0 = _mm_packs_epi32(s32_0, s32_0);

            _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)q, s16_0);
            p += 4;
            q += 4;

        for(s32 i=0; i<rem; ++i){
            q[i] = toShort(p[i]);
QVariant QDBusDemarshaller::toVariantInternal()
    switch (q_dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iterator)) {
    case DBUS_TYPE_BYTE:
        return qVariantFromValue(toByte());
    case DBUS_TYPE_INT16:
	return qVariantFromValue(toShort());
    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT16:
	return qVariantFromValue(toUShort());
    case DBUS_TYPE_INT32:
        return toInt();
    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT32:
        return toUInt();
        return toDouble();
        return toBool();
    case DBUS_TYPE_INT64:
        return toLongLong();
    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT64:
        return toULongLong();
        return toString();
        return qVariantFromValue(toObjectPath());
        return qVariantFromValue(toSignature());
        return qVariantFromValue(toVariant());

        switch (q_dbus_message_iter_get_element_type(&iterator)) {
        case DBUS_TYPE_BYTE:
            // QByteArray
            return toByteArray();
        case DBUS_TYPE_STRING:
            return toStringList();
        case DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY:
            return qVariantFromValue(duplicate());

            return qVariantFromValue(duplicate());

        return qVariantFromValue(duplicate());

        qWarning("QDBusDemarshaller: Found unknown D-Bus type %d '%c'",
        return QVariant();
void SoundDevice::play(float *left, float *right, int length)
    if (!dsBuffer)

    void *ptr1, *ptr2;
    unsigned long bytes1, bytes2;

    int bytesPerSample = 4;
    lock(&ptr1, &bytes1, &ptr2, &bytes2, length * bytesPerSample);

    unsigned long samples1 = bytes1 / bytesPerSample;
    unsigned long samples2 = bytes2 / bytesPerSample;

    int i = 0;

    for (unsigned int pos = 0; pos < samples1; pos++) {
        unsigned short l = toShort(left[i]);
        unsigned short r = toShort(right[i]);
        ((unsigned char*)ptr1)[pos * 4 + 0] = l & 0xff;
        ((unsigned char*)ptr1)[pos * 4 + 1] = l >> 8;
        ((unsigned char*)ptr1)[pos * 4 + 2] = r & 0xff;
        ((unsigned char*)ptr1)[pos * 4 + 3] = r >> 8;

    for (unsigned int pos = 0; pos < samples2; pos++) {
        unsigned short l = toShort(left[i]);
        unsigned short r = toShort(right[i]);
        ((unsigned char*)ptr1)[pos * 4 + 0] = l & 0xff;
        ((unsigned char*)ptr1)[pos * 4 + 1] = l >> 8;
        ((unsigned char*)ptr1)[pos * 4 + 2] = r & 0xff;
        ((unsigned char*)ptr1)[pos * 4 + 3] = r >> 8;

    dsBuffer->Unlock(ptr1, bytes1, ptr2, bytes2);
void updateCmd(char* cmdName,char* cmdValue) {
/* this function test the command ID matching 
 * and if a received command is valid, set the UARTCde[].ready variable at 1.
 * It is used to get the value of the new command*/

    unsigned char i;
        for(i=1;i<NB_CMD;i++) {

            if(strCmp(cmdName,commandID[i],3)) { 		//compare command ID with stored ID
                UARTCde[i].value=toShort(cmdValue);		//convert received value to a short and store it
    * t_to_DAC_val() - Takes a torque value and DOF and returns the appropriate
 *   encoder value.  This function could be reduced to one line, but that would be un-readable.
 * inputs - torque - the desired torque
 *          dof - the degree of freedom we are using
 * output - encoder value
 * \param joint pointer to DOF structure
short int tToDACVal(struct DOF *joint)
    int        DACVal;
    short int  result;
    float      TFamplifier,

    int j_index = joint->type;

    TFmotor     = 1 / DOF_types[j_index].tau_per_amp;    // Determine the motor TF  = 1/(tau per amp)
    TFamplifier =     DOF_types[j_index].DAC_per_amp;    // Determine the amplifier TF = (DAC_per_amp)

    DACVal = (int)(joint->tau_d * TFmotor * TFamplifier);  //compute DAC value: DAC=[tau*(amp/torque)*(DACs/amp)]

    //Perform range checking and convert to short int
    //Note: toShort saturates at max value for short int.
    toShort(DACVal, &result);

    return result;
文件: dsp.cpp 项目: taqu/opus
    void conv_Float1ToShort2(void* dst, const void* s, s32 numSamples)
        LSshort* d = reinterpret_cast<LSshort*>(dst);
        const LSfloat* src = reinterpret_cast<const LSfloat*>(s);

        s32 num = numSamples >> 2; //4個のfloatをまとめて処理
        s32 offset = num << 2;
        s32 rem = numSamples - offset;

        const __m128 fcoff = _mm_set1_ps(32768.0f);
        __declspec(align(16)) LSshort tmp[8];

        const LSfloat* p = src;
        LSshort* q = d;
        for(s32 i=0; i<num; ++i){
            __m128 f32_0 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_loadu_ps(p), fcoff);
            __m128i s32_0 = _mm_cvtps_epi32(f32_0);
            __m128i s16_0 = _mm_packs_epi32(s32_0, s32_0);

            _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)tmp, s16_0);

            q[0] = tmp[0];
            q[1] = tmp[0];
            q[2] = tmp[1];
            q[3] = tmp[1];
            q[4] = tmp[2];
            q[5] = tmp[2];
            q[6] = tmp[3];
            q[7] = tmp[3];
            p += 4;
            q += 8;

        for(s32 i=0; i<rem; ++i){
            s32 j=i<<1;
            q[j+0] = q[j+1] = toShort(p[i]);
文件: dsp.cpp 项目: taqu/opus
    void conv_Float2ToShort1(void* dst, const void* s, s32 numSamples)
        LSshort* d = reinterpret_cast<LSshort*>(dst);
        const LSfloat* src = reinterpret_cast<const LSfloat*>(s);

        s32 num = numSamples >> 2; //4個のfloatをまとめて処理
        s32 offset = num << 2;
        s32 rem = numSamples - offset;

        const __m128 fcoff = _mm_set1_ps(32768.0f*0.5f); //half
        __declspec(align(16)) LSshort tmp[8];

        const LSfloat* p = src;
        LSshort* q = d;
        for(s32 i=0; i<num; ++i){
            __m128 f32_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(p);
            __m128 f32_1 = _mm_add_ps(f32_0, _mm_shuffle_ps(f32_0, f32_0, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1)));
            __m128 f32_2 = _mm_mul_ps(f32_1, fcoff);

            __m128i s32_0 = _mm_cvtps_epi32(f32_2);
            __m128i s16_0 = _mm_packs_epi32(s32_0, s32_0);

            _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)tmp, s16_0);

            q[0] = tmp[0];
            q[1] = tmp[2];
            p += 4;
            q += 2;

        for(s32 i=0; i<rem; ++i){
            s32 j = i<<1;
            f32 v = 0.5f*(src[j+0] + src[j+1]);
            q[i] = toShort(v);
 //Reads the next two bytes as a short, using little-endian form
 short readShort(ifstream &input) {
     char buffer[2];
     input.read(buffer, 2);
     return toShort(buffer);
uint16_t extractShort(uint8_t dataBuf[], uint16_t pos) {
   uint8_t int16_tBuf[2];
   memcpy(int16_tBuf, dataBuf + pos, 2);
   return toShort(int16_tBuf);
uint16_t readShort(FILE* file) {
   uint8_t int16_tBuf[2];
   if (fread(int16_tBuf, 1, 2, file) == 2)
      return toShort(int16_tBuf);
   else return 0;
QVariant QDBusDemarshaller::toVariantInternal()
    switch (q_dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iterator)) {
    case DBUS_TYPE_BYTE:
        return QVariant::fromValue(toByte());
    case DBUS_TYPE_INT16:
	return QVariant::fromValue(toShort());
    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT16:
	return QVariant::fromValue(toUShort());
    case DBUS_TYPE_INT32:
        return toInt();
    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT32:
        return toUInt();
        return toDouble();
        return toBool();
    case DBUS_TYPE_INT64:
        return toLongLong();
    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT64:
        return toULongLong();
        return toStringUnchecked();
        return QVariant::fromValue(toObjectPathUnchecked());
        return QVariant::fromValue(toSignatureUnchecked());
        return QVariant::fromValue(toVariant());

        switch (q_dbus_message_iter_get_element_type(&iterator)) {
        case DBUS_TYPE_BYTE:
            // QByteArray
            return toByteArrayUnchecked();
        case DBUS_TYPE_STRING:
            return toStringListUnchecked();
        case DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY:
            return QVariant::fromValue(duplicate());

            return QVariant::fromValue(duplicate());

        return QVariant::fromValue(duplicate());

        if (capabilities & QDBusConnection::UnixFileDescriptorPassing)
            return QVariant::fromValue(toUnixFileDescriptor());
        // fall through

//        qWarning("QDBusDemarshaller: Found unknown D-Bus type %d '%c'",
//                 q_dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iterator),
//                 q_dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iterator));
        char *ptr = 0;
        ptr += q_dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iterator);

        // I hope you never dereference this pointer!
        return QVariant::fromValue<void *>(ptr);
/* A target-independent register allocator.  Requires various
   functions which it uses to deal abstractly with instructions and
   registers, since it cannot have any target-specific knowledge.

   Returns a new list of instructions, which, as a result of the
   behaviour of mapRegs, will be in-place modifications of the
   original instructions.

   Requires that the incoming code has been generated using
   vreg numbers 0, 1 .. n_vregs-1.  Appearance of a vreg outside
   that range is a checked run-time error.

   Takes an expandable array of pointers to unallocated insns.
   Returns an expandable array of pointers to allocated insns.
HInstrArray* doRegisterAllocation (

   /* Incoming virtual-registerised code. */
   HInstrArray* instrs_in,

   /* An array listing all the real registers the allocator may use,
      in no particular order. */
   HReg* available_real_regs,
   Int   n_available_real_regs,

   /* Return True iff the given insn is a reg-reg move, in which
      case also return the src and dst regs. */
   Bool (*isMove) (HInstr*, HReg*, HReg*),

   /* Get info about register usage in this insn. */
   void (*getRegUsage) (HRegUsage*, HInstr*),

   /* Apply a reg-reg mapping to an insn. */
   void (*mapRegs) (HRegRemap*, HInstr*),

   /* Return an insn to spill/restore a real reg to a spill slot
      byte offset. */
   HInstr* (*genSpill) ( HReg, Int ),
   HInstr* (*genReload) ( HReg, Int ),
   Int     guest_sizeB,

   /* For debug printing only. */
   void (*ppInstr) ( HInstr* ),
   void (*ppReg) ( HReg )
#  define N_SPILL64S  (LibVEX_N_SPILL_BYTES / 8)

   /* Iterators and temporaries. */
   Int       ii, j, k, m, spillee, k_suboptimal;
   HReg      rreg, vreg, vregS, vregD;
   HRegUsage reg_usage;

   /* Info on vregs and rregs.  Computed once and remains
      unchanged. */
   Int     n_vreg_lrs;
   VRegLR* vreg_lrs; /* [0 .. n_vreg_lrs-1] */

   RRegLR* rreg_lrs;
   Int     rreg_lrs_size;
   Int     rreg_lrs_used;

   /* Used when constructing vreg_lrs (for allocating stack
      slots). */
   Int ss_busy_until_before[N_SPILL64S];

   /* Used when constructing rreg_lrs. */
   Int* rreg_live_after;
   Int* rreg_dead_before;

   /* Running state of the core allocation algorithm. */
   RRegState* state;
   Int        n_state;

   /* The vreg -> rreg map constructed and then applied to each
      instr. */
   HRegRemap remap;

   /* The output array of instructions. */
   HInstrArray* instrs_out;

   vassert(0 == LibVEX_N_SPILL_BYTES % 16);
   vassert(0 == guest_sizeB % 8);

   /* The live range numbers are signed shorts, and so limiting the
      number of insns to 10000 comfortably guards against them
      overflowing 32k. */
   vassert(instrs_in->arr_used <= 10000);

#  define INVALID_INSTRNO (-2)

#  define EMIT_INSTR(_instr)                  \
      do {                                    \
        HInstr* _tmp = (_instr);              \
        if (DEBUG_REGALLOC) {                 \
           vex_printf("**  ");                \
           (*ppInstr)(_tmp);                  \
           vex_printf("\n\n");                \
        }                                     \
        addHInstr ( instrs_out, _tmp );       \
      } while (0)

#   define PRINT_STATE						\
      do {							\
         Int z;							\
         for (z = 0; z < n_state; z++) {			\
            vex_printf("   ");					\
            (*ppReg)(state[z].rreg);				\
            vex_printf("\t  ");					\
            switch (state[z].disp) {				\
               case Free:    vex_printf("Free\n"); break;	\
               case Unavail: vex_printf("Unavail\n"); break;	\
               case Bound:   vex_printf("BoundTo "); 		\
                             (*ppReg)(state[z].vreg);		\
                             vex_printf("\n"); break;		\
            }							\
         }							\
      } while (0)

   /* --------- Stage 0: set up output array. --------- */
   instrs_out = newHInstrArray();

   /* ... and initialise running state. */
   /* n_state is no more than a short name for n_available_real_regs. */
   n_state = n_available_real_regs;
   state = LibVEX_Alloc(n_available_real_regs * sizeof(RRegState));

   for (j = 0; j < n_state; j++) {
      state[j].rreg          = available_real_regs[j];
      state[j].has_hlrs      = False;
      state[j].disp          = Free;
      state[j].vreg          = INVALID_HREG;
      state[j].is_spill_cand = False;

   /* --------- Stage 1: compute vreg live ranges. --------- */
   /* --------- Stage 2: compute rreg live ranges. --------- */

   /* ------ start of SET UP TO COMPUTE VREG LIVE RANGES ------ */

   /* This is relatively simple, because (1) we only seek the complete
      end-to-end live range of each vreg, and are not interested in
      any holes in it, and (2) the vregs are conveniently numbered 0
      .. n_vreg_lrs-1, so we can just dump the results in a
      pre-allocated array. */

   n_vreg_lrs = instrs_in->n_vregs;
   vreg_lrs = NULL;
   if (n_vreg_lrs > 0)
      vreg_lrs = LibVEX_Alloc(sizeof(VRegLR) * n_vreg_lrs);

   for (j = 0; j < n_vreg_lrs; j++) {
      vreg_lrs[j].live_after     = INVALID_INSTRNO;
      vreg_lrs[j].dead_before    = INVALID_INSTRNO;
      vreg_lrs[j].spill_offset   = 0;
      vreg_lrs[j].spill_size     = 0;
      vreg_lrs[j].reg_class      = HRcINVALID;

   /* ------ end of SET UP TO COMPUTE VREG LIVE RANGES ------ */

   /* ------ start of SET UP TO COMPUTE RREG LIVE RANGES ------ */

   /* This is more complex than Stage 1, because we need to compute
      exactly all the live ranges of all the allocatable real regs,
      and we don't know in advance how many there will be. */

   rreg_lrs_used = 0;
   rreg_lrs_size = 4;
   rreg_lrs = LibVEX_Alloc(rreg_lrs_size * sizeof(RRegLR));

   /* We'll need to track live range start/end points seperately for
      each rreg.  Sigh. */
   vassert(n_available_real_regs > 0);
   rreg_live_after  = LibVEX_Alloc(n_available_real_regs * sizeof(Int));
   rreg_dead_before = LibVEX_Alloc(n_available_real_regs * sizeof(Int));

   for (j = 0; j < n_available_real_regs; j++) {
      rreg_live_after[j] =
      rreg_dead_before[j] = INVALID_INSTRNO;

   /* ------ end of SET UP TO COMPUTE RREG LIVE RANGES ------ */

   /* ------ start of ITERATE OVER INSNS ------ */

   for (ii = 0; ii < instrs_in->arr_used; ii++) {

      (*getRegUsage)( &reg_usage, instrs_in->arr[ii] );

#     if 0
      vex_printf("\n%d  stage1: ", ii);
#     endif

      /* ------ start of DEAL WITH VREG LIVE RANGES ------ */

      /* for each reg mentioned in the insn ... */
      for (j = 0; j < reg_usage.n_used; j++) {

         vreg = reg_usage.hreg[j];
         /* only interested in virtual registers right now. */
         if (!hregIsVirtual(vreg))
         k = hregNumber(vreg);
         if (k < 0 || k >= n_vreg_lrs) {
            vex_printf("vreg %d, n_vreg_lrs %d\n", k, n_vreg_lrs);
            vpanic("doRegisterAllocation: out-of-range vreg");

         /* Take the opportunity to note its regclass.  We'll need
            that when allocating spill slots. */
         if (vreg_lrs[k].reg_class == HRcINVALID) {
            /* First mention of this vreg. */
            vreg_lrs[k].reg_class = hregClass(vreg);
         } else {
            /* Seen it before, so check for consistency. */
            vassert(vreg_lrs[k].reg_class == hregClass(vreg));

         /* Now consider live ranges. */
         switch (reg_usage.mode[j]) {
            case HRmRead:
               if (vreg_lrs[k].live_after == INVALID_INSTRNO) {
                  vex_printf("\n\nOFFENDING VREG = %d\n", k);
                  vpanic("doRegisterAllocation: "
                         "first event for vreg is Read");
               vreg_lrs[k].dead_before = toShort(ii + 1);
            case HRmWrite:
               if (vreg_lrs[k].live_after == INVALID_INSTRNO)
                  vreg_lrs[k].live_after = toShort(ii);
               vreg_lrs[k].dead_before = toShort(ii + 1);
            case HRmModify:
               if (vreg_lrs[k].live_after == INVALID_INSTRNO) {
                  vex_printf("\n\nOFFENDING VREG = %d\n", k);
                  vpanic("doRegisterAllocation: "
                         "first event for vreg is Modify");
               vreg_lrs[k].dead_before = toShort(ii + 1);
         } /* switch */

      } /* iterate over registers */

      /* ------ end of DEAL WITH VREG LIVE RANGES ------ */

      /* ------ start of DEAL WITH RREG LIVE RANGES ------ */

      /* for each reg mentioned in the insn ... */
      for (j = 0; j < reg_usage.n_used; j++) {

         /* Dummy initialisations of flush_la and flush_db to avoid
            possible bogus uninit-var warnings from gcc. */
         Int  flush_la = INVALID_INSTRNO, flush_db = INVALID_INSTRNO;
         Bool flush;

         rreg = reg_usage.hreg[j];

         /* only interested in real registers right now. */
         if (hregIsVirtual(rreg))

         /* Furthermore, we're not interested in this rreg unless it's
            one of the allocatable ones.  For example, it could be a
            stack pointer register, or some other register beyond our
            control, in which case we should just ignore it. */
         for (k = 0; k < n_available_real_regs; k++)
            if (available_real_regs[k] == rreg)
         if (k == n_available_real_regs)
            continue; /* not found -- ignore. */
         flush = False;
         switch (reg_usage.mode[j]) {
            case HRmWrite:
               flush_la = rreg_live_after[k];
               flush_db = rreg_dead_before[k];
               if (flush_la != INVALID_INSTRNO
                   && flush_db != INVALID_INSTRNO)
                  flush = True;
               rreg_live_after[k]  = ii;
               rreg_dead_before[k] = ii+1;
            case HRmRead:
               if (rreg_live_after[k] == INVALID_INSTRNO) {
                  vex_printf("\nOFFENDING RREG = ");
                  vex_printf("\nOFFENDING instr = ");
                  vpanic("doRegisterAllocation: "
                         "first event for rreg is Read");
               rreg_dead_before[k] = ii+1;
            case HRmModify:
               if (rreg_live_after[k] == INVALID_INSTRNO) {
                  vex_printf("\nOFFENDING RREG = ");
                  vex_printf("\nOFFENDING instr = ");
                  vpanic("doRegisterAllocation: "
                         "first event for rreg is Modify");
               rreg_dead_before[k] = ii+1;

         if (flush) {
            vassert(flush_la != INVALID_INSTRNO);
            vassert(flush_db != INVALID_INSTRNO);
            ensureRRLRspace(&rreg_lrs, &rreg_lrs_size, rreg_lrs_used);
            if (0)
               vex_printf("FLUSH 1 (%d,%d)\n", flush_la, flush_db);
            rreg_lrs[rreg_lrs_used].rreg        = rreg;
            rreg_lrs[rreg_lrs_used].live_after  = toShort(flush_la);
            rreg_lrs[rreg_lrs_used].dead_before = toShort(flush_db);

      } /* iterate over regs in the instr */

      /* ------ end of DEAL WITH RREG LIVE RANGES ------ */

   } /* iterate over insns */

   /* ------ end of ITERATE OVER INSNS ------ */

   /* ------ start of FINALISE RREG LIVE RANGES ------ */

   /* Now finish up any live ranges left over. */
   for (j = 0; j < n_available_real_regs; j++) {

#     if 0
      vex_printf("residual %d:  %d %d\n", j, rreg_live_after[j],
#     endif
      vassert( (rreg_live_after[j] == INVALID_INSTRNO
               && rreg_dead_before[j] == INVALID_INSTRNO)
              (rreg_live_after[j] != INVALID_INSTRNO
               && rreg_dead_before[j] != INVALID_INSTRNO)

      if (rreg_live_after[j] == INVALID_INSTRNO)

      ensureRRLRspace(&rreg_lrs, &rreg_lrs_size, rreg_lrs_used);
      if (0)
         vex_printf("FLUSH 2 (%d,%d)\n",
                    rreg_live_after[j], rreg_dead_before[j]);
      rreg_lrs[rreg_lrs_used].rreg        = available_real_regs[j];
      rreg_lrs[rreg_lrs_used].live_after  = toShort(rreg_live_after[j]);
      rreg_lrs[rreg_lrs_used].dead_before = toShort(rreg_dead_before[j]);

   /* Compute summary hints for choosing real regs.  If a real reg is
      involved in a hard live range, record that fact in the fixed
      part of the running state.  Later, when offered a choice between
      rregs, it's better to choose one which is not marked as having
      any HLRs, since ones with HLRs may need to be spilled around
      their HLRs.  Correctness of final assignment is unaffected by
      this mechanism -- it is an optimisation only. */

   for (j = 0; j < rreg_lrs_used; j++) {
      rreg = rreg_lrs[j].rreg;
      /* rreg is involved in a HLR.  Record this info in the array, if
         there is space. */
      for (k = 0; k < n_state; k++)
         if (state[k].rreg == rreg)
      vassert(k < n_state); /* else rreg was not found in state?! */
      state[k].has_hlrs = True;
   if (0) {
      for (j = 0; j < n_state; j++) {
         if (!state[j].has_hlrs)
         vex_printf(" hinted\n");

   /* ------ end of FINALISE RREG LIVE RANGES ------ */

   for (j = 0; j < n_vreg_lrs; j++) {
      vex_printf("vreg %d:  la = %d,  db = %d\n",
                 j, vreg_lrs[j].live_after, vreg_lrs[j].dead_before );
#  endif

   for (j = 0; j < rreg_lrs_used; j++) {
      vex_printf("      la = %d,  db = %d\n",
                 rreg_lrs[j].live_after, rreg_lrs[j].dead_before );
#  endif

   /* --------- Stage 3: allocate spill slots. --------- */

   /* Each spill slot is 8 bytes long.  For 128-bit vregs
      we have to allocate two spill slots.

      Do a rank-based allocation of vregs to spill slot numbers.  We
      put as few values as possible in spill slows, but nevertheless
      need to have a spill slot available for all vregs, just in case.
   /* max_ss_no = -1; */

   for (j = 0; j < N_SPILL64S; j++)
      ss_busy_until_before[j] = 0;

   for (j = 0; j < n_vreg_lrs; j++) {

      /* True iff this vreg is unused.  In which case we also expect
         that the reg_class field for it has not been set.  */
      if (vreg_lrs[j].live_after == INVALID_INSTRNO) {
         vassert(vreg_lrs[j].reg_class == HRcINVALID);

      /* The spill slots are 64 bits in size.  That means, to spill a
         Vec128-class vreg, we'll need to find two adjacent spill
         slots to use.  Note, this special-casing needs to happen for
         all 128-bit sized register classes.  Currently though
         HRcVector is the only such class. */

      if (vreg_lrs[j].reg_class != HRcVec128) {

         /* The ordinary case -- just find a single spill slot. */

         /* Find the lowest-numbered spill slot which is available at
            the start point of this interval, and assign the interval
            to it. */
         for (k = 0; k < N_SPILL64S; k++)
            if (ss_busy_until_before[k] <= vreg_lrs[j].live_after)
         if (k == N_SPILL64S) {
            vpanic("LibVEX_N_SPILL_BYTES is too low.  "
                   "Increase and recompile.");
         ss_busy_until_before[k] = vreg_lrs[j].dead_before;

      } else {

	/* Find two adjacent free slots in which to spill a 128-bit
           vreg. */

         for (k = 0; k < N_SPILL64S-1; k++)
            if (ss_busy_until_before[k] <= vreg_lrs[j].live_after
                && ss_busy_until_before[k+1] <= vreg_lrs[j].live_after)
         if (k == N_SPILL64S-1) {
            vpanic("LibVEX_N_SPILL_BYTES is too low.  "
                   "Increase and recompile.");
         ss_busy_until_before[k+0] = vreg_lrs[j].dead_before;
         ss_busy_until_before[k+1] = vreg_lrs[j].dead_before;


      /* This reflects LibVEX's hard-wired knowledge of the baseBlock
         layout: the guest state, then an equal sized area following
         it for shadow state, and then the spill area. */
      vreg_lrs[j].spill_offset = toShort(guest_sizeB * 2 + k * 8);

      /* if (j > max_ss_no) */
      /*    max_ss_no = j; */

#  if 0
   for (j = 0; j < n_vreg_lrs; j++)
      vex_printf("vreg %d    --> spill offset %d\n",
                 j, vreg_lrs[j].spill_offset);
#  endif

   /* --------- Stage 4: establish rreg preferences --------- */

   /* It may be advantageous to allocating certain vregs to specific
      rregs, as a way of avoiding reg-reg moves later.  Here we
      establish which, if any, rreg each vreg would prefer to be in.
      Note that this constrains the allocator -- ideally we end up
      with as few as possible vregs expressing a preference.

      This is an optimisation: if the .preferred_rreg field is never
      set to anything different from INVALID_HREG, the allocator still
      works. */

   /* 30 Dec 04: removed this mechanism as it does not seem to
      help. */

   /* --------- Stage 5: process instructions --------- */

   /* This is the main loop of the allocator.  First, we need to
      correctly set up our running state, which tracks the status of
      each real register. */

   /* ------ BEGIN: Process each insn in turn. ------ */

   for (ii = 0; ii < instrs_in->arr_used; ii++) {

      vex_printf("\n====----====---- Insn %d ----====----====\n", ii);
      vex_printf("---- ");
      vex_printf("\n\nInitial state:\n");
#     endif

      /* ------------ Sanity checks ------------ */

      /* Sanity check 1: all rregs with a hard live range crossing
         this insn must be marked as unavailable in the running
         state. */
      for (j = 0; j < rreg_lrs_used; j++) {
         if (rreg_lrs[j].live_after < ii
             && ii < rreg_lrs[j].dead_before) {
            /* ii is the middle of a hard live range for some real reg.
               Check it's marked as such in the running state. */

#           if 0
            vex_printf("considering la %d .. db %d   reg = ",
#           endif

            /* find the state entry for this rreg */
            for (k = 0; k < n_state; k++)
               if (state[k].rreg == rreg_lrs[j].rreg)

            /* and assert that this rreg is marked as unavailable */
            vassert(state[k].disp == Unavail);

      /* Sanity check 2: conversely, all rregs marked as unavailable in
         the running state must have a corresponding hard live range
         entry in the rreg_lrs array. */
      for (j = 0; j < n_available_real_regs; j++) {
         vassert(state[j].disp == Bound
                 || state[j].disp == Free
                 || state[j].disp == Unavail);
         if (state[j].disp != Unavail)
         for (k = 0; k < rreg_lrs_used; k++)
            if (rreg_lrs[k].rreg == state[j].rreg
                && rreg_lrs[k].live_after < ii
                && ii < rreg_lrs[k].dead_before)
         /* If this vassertion fails, we couldn't find a corresponding
            HLR. */
         vassert(k < rreg_lrs_used);

      /* Sanity check 3: No vreg is bound to more than one rreg. */
      for (j = 0; j < n_state; j++) {
         if (state[j].disp != Bound)
         for (k = j+1; k < n_state; k++)
            if (state[k].disp == Bound)
               vassert(state[k].vreg != state[j].vreg);

      /* Sanity check 4: all vreg-rreg bindings must bind registers of
         the same class. */
      for (j = 0; j < n_state; j++) {
         if (state[j].disp != Bound)
         vassert(hregClass(state[j].rreg) == hregClass(state[j].vreg));
         vassert( hregIsVirtual(state[j].vreg));

      /* ------------ end of Sanity checks ------------ */

      /* Do various optimisations pertaining to register coalescing
         and preferencing:
            MOV  v <-> v   coalescing (done here).
            MOV  v <-> r   coalescing (not yet, if ever)
      /* If doing a reg-reg move between two vregs, and the src's live
         range ends here and the dst's live range starts here, bind
         the dst to the src's rreg, and that's all. */
      if ( (*isMove)( instrs_in->arr[ii], &vregS, &vregD ) ) {
         if (!hregIsVirtual(vregS)) goto cannot_coalesce;
         if (!hregIsVirtual(vregD)) goto cannot_coalesce;
         /* Check that *isMove is not telling us a bunch of lies ... */
         vassert(hregClass(vregS) == hregClass(vregD));
         k = hregNumber(vregS);
         m = hregNumber(vregD);
         vassert(k >= 0 && k < n_vreg_lrs);
         vassert(m >= 0 && m < n_vreg_lrs);
         if (vreg_lrs[k].dead_before != ii + 1) goto cannot_coalesce;
         if (vreg_lrs[m].live_after != ii) goto cannot_coalesce;
#        if DEBUG_REGALLOC
         vex_printf("COALESCE ");
         vex_printf(" -> ");
#        endif
         /* Find the state entry for vregS. */
         for (m = 0; m < n_state; m++)
            if (state[m].disp == Bound && state[m].vreg == vregS)
         if (m == n_state)
            /* We failed to find a binding for vregS, which means it's
               currently not in a register.  So we can't do the
               coalescing.  Give up. */
            goto cannot_coalesce;

         /* Finally, we can do the coalescing.  It's trivial -- merely
            claim vregS's register for vregD. */
         state[m].vreg = vregD;

         /* Move on to the next insn.  We skip the post-insn stuff for
            fixed registers, since this move should not interact with
            them in any way. */

      /* ------ Free up rregs bound to dead vregs ------ */

      /* Look for vregs whose live range has just ended, and
	 mark the associated rreg as free. */

      for (j = 0; j < n_state; j++) {
         if (state[j].disp != Bound)
         vreg = hregNumber(state[j].vreg);
         vassert(vreg >= 0 && vreg < n_vreg_lrs);
         if (vreg_lrs[vreg].dead_before <= ii) {
            state[j].disp = Free;
            if (DEBUG_REGALLOC) {
               vex_printf("free up ");

      /* ------ Pre-instruction actions for fixed rreg uses ------ */

      /* Now we have to deal with rregs which are about to be made
         live by this instruction -- in other words, are entering into
         one of their live ranges.  If any such rreg holds a vreg, we
         will have to free up the rreg.  The simplest solution which
         is correct is to spill the rreg.

         Note we could do better:
         * Could move it into some other free rreg, if one is available

         Simplest way to do this is to iterate over the collection
         of rreg live ranges.
      for (j = 0; j < rreg_lrs_used; j++) {
         if (rreg_lrs[j].live_after == ii) {
            /* rreg_lrs[j].rreg needs to be freed up.  Find
               the associated state entry. */
            /* Note, re rreg_lrs[j].live_after == ii.  Real register
               live ranges are guaranteed to be well-formed in that
               they start with a write to the register -- Stage 2
               rejects any code not satisfying this.  So the correct
               question to ask is whether rreg_lrs[j].live_after ==
               ii, that is, whether the reg becomes live after this
               insn -- rather than before it. */
#           if DEBUG_REGALLOC
            vex_printf("need to free up rreg: ");
#           endif
            for (k = 0; k < n_state; k++)
               if (state[k].rreg == rreg_lrs[j].rreg)
            /* If this fails, we don't have an entry for this rreg.
               Which we should. */
            vassert(k < n_state);
            if (state[k].disp == Bound) {
               /* Yes, there is an associated vreg.  Spill it if it's
                  still live. */
               m = hregNumber(state[k].vreg);
               vassert(m >= 0 && m < n_vreg_lrs);
               if (vreg_lrs[m].dead_before > ii) {
                  vassert(vreg_lrs[m].reg_class != HRcINVALID);
                  EMIT_INSTR( (*genSpill)( state[k].rreg,
                                           vreg_lrs[m].spill_offset ) );
            state[k].disp = Unavail;
            state[k].vreg = INVALID_HREG;

      vex_printf("After pre-insn actions for fixed regs:\n");
#     endif

      /* ------ Deal with the current instruction. ------ */

      /* Finally we can begin the processing of this instruction
         itself.  The aim is to free up enough rregs for this insn.
         This may generate spill stores since we may have to evict
         some vregs currently in rregs.  Also generates spill loads.
         We also build up the final vreg->rreg mapping to be applied
         to the insn. */

      (*getRegUsage)( &reg_usage, instrs_in->arr[ii] );


      /* for each reg mentioned in the insn ... */
      for (j = 0; j < reg_usage.n_used; j++) {

         vreg = reg_usage.hreg[j];

         /* only interested in virtual registers right now. */
         if (!hregIsVirtual(vreg))

#        if 0
         vex_printf("considering "); (*ppReg)(vreg); vex_printf("\n");
#        endif

         /* Now we're trying to find a rreg for "vreg".  First of all,
            if it already has an rreg assigned, we don't need to do
            anything more.  Search the current state to find out. */
         for (k = 0; k < n_state; k++)
            if (state[k].vreg == vreg && state[k].disp == Bound)
         if (k < n_state) {
            addToHRegRemap(&remap, vreg, state[k].rreg);

         /* No luck.  The next thing to do is see if there is a
            currently free rreg available, of the correct class.  If
            so, bag it.  NOTE, we could improve this by selecting an
            rreg for which the next live-range event is as far ahead
            as possible. */
         k_suboptimal = -1;
         for (k = 0; k < n_state; k++) {
            if (state[k].disp != Free
                || hregClass(state[k].rreg) != hregClass(vreg))
            if (state[k].has_hlrs) {
               /* Well, at least we can use k_suboptimal if we really
                  have to.  Keep on looking for a better candidate. */
               k_suboptimal = k;
            } else {
               /* Found a preferable reg.  Use it. */
               k_suboptimal = -1;
         if (k_suboptimal >= 0)
            k = k_suboptimal;

         if (k < n_state) {
            state[k].disp = Bound;
            state[k].vreg = vreg;
            addToHRegRemap(&remap, vreg, state[k].rreg);
            /* Generate a reload if needed. */
            if (reg_usage.mode[j] != HRmWrite) {
               m = hregNumber(vreg);
               vassert(m >= 0 && m < n_vreg_lrs);
               vassert(vreg_lrs[m].reg_class != HRcINVALID);
               EMIT_INSTR( (*genReload)( state[k].rreg,
                                         vreg_lrs[m].spill_offset ) );

         /* Well, now we have no option but to spill a vreg.  It's
            important to make a good choice of vreg to spill, and of
            course we need to be careful not to spill a vreg which is
            needed by this insn. */

         /* First, mark in the state, those rregs which are not spill
            candidates, due to holding a vreg mentioned by this
            instruction.  Or being of the wrong class. */
         for (k = 0; k < n_state; k++) {
            state[k].is_spill_cand = False;
            if (state[k].disp != Bound)
            if (hregClass(state[k].rreg) != hregClass(vreg))
            state[k].is_spill_cand = True;
            for (m = 0; m < reg_usage.n_used; m++) {
               if (state[k].vreg == reg_usage.hreg[m]) {
                  state[k].is_spill_cand = False;

         /* We can choose to spill any rreg satisfying
            state[r].is_spill_cand (so to speak).  Choose r so that
            the next use of its associated vreg is as far ahead as
            possible, in the hope that this will minimise the number
            of consequent reloads required. */
            = findMostDistantlyMentionedVReg (
                 getRegUsage, instrs_in, ii+1, state, n_state );

         if (spillee == -1) {
            /* Hmmmmm.  There don't appear to be any spill candidates.
               We're hosed. */
            vex_printf("reg_alloc: can't find a register in class: ");
            vpanic("reg_alloc: can't create a free register.");

         /* Right.  So we're going to spill state[spillee]. */
         vassert(spillee >= 0 && spillee < n_state);
         vassert(state[spillee].disp == Bound);
         /* check it's the right class */
         vassert(hregClass(state[spillee].rreg) == hregClass(vreg));
         /* check we're not ejecting the vreg for which we are trying
            to free up a register. */
         vassert(state[spillee].vreg != vreg);

         m = hregNumber(state[spillee].vreg);
         vassert(m >= 0 && m < n_vreg_lrs);

         /* So here's the spill store.  Assert that we're spilling a
            live vreg. */
         vassert(vreg_lrs[m].dead_before > ii);
         vassert(vreg_lrs[m].reg_class != HRcINVALID);
         EMIT_INSTR( (*genSpill)( state[spillee].rreg,
                                  vreg_lrs[m].spill_offset ) );

         /* Update the state to reflect the new assignment for this
            rreg. */
         state[spillee].vreg = vreg;

         /* Now, if this vreg is being read or modified (as opposed to
            written), we have to generate a reload for it. */
         if (reg_usage.mode[j] != HRmWrite) {
            m = hregNumber(vreg);
            vassert(m >= 0 && m < n_vreg_lrs);
            vassert(vreg_lrs[m].reg_class != HRcINVALID);
            EMIT_INSTR( (*genReload)( state[spillee].rreg,
                                      vreg_lrs[m].spill_offset ) );

         /* So after much twisting and turning, we have vreg mapped to
            state[furthest_k].rreg.  Note that in the map. */
         addToHRegRemap(&remap, vreg, state[spillee].rreg);

      } /* iterate over registers in this instruction. */

      /* We've finished clowning around with registers in this instruction.
         Three results:
         - the running state[] has been updated
         - a suitable vreg->rreg mapping for this instruction has been
         - spill and reload instructions may have been emitted.

        The final step is to apply the mapping to the instruction,
        and emit that.

      /* NOTE, DESTRUCTIVELY MODIFIES instrs_in->arr[ii]. */
      (*mapRegs)( &remap, instrs_in->arr[ii] );
      EMIT_INSTR( instrs_in->arr[ii] );

      vex_printf("After dealing with current insn:\n");
#     endif

      /* ------ Post-instruction actions for fixed rreg uses ------ */

      /* Now we need to check for rregs exiting fixed live ranges
         after this instruction, and if so mark them as free. */
      for (j = 0; j < rreg_lrs_used; j++) {
         if (rreg_lrs[j].dead_before == ii+1) {
            /* rreg_lrs[j].rreg is exiting a hard live range.  Mark
               it as such in the main state array. */
            for (k = 0; k < n_state; k++)
               if (state[k].rreg == rreg_lrs[j].rreg)
            /* If this vassertion fails, we don't have an entry for
               this rreg.  Which we should. */
            vassert(k < n_state);
            vassert(state[k].disp == Unavail);
            state[k].disp = Free;
            state[k].vreg = INVALID_HREG;

      vex_printf("After post-insn actions for fixed regs:\n");
#     endif

   } /* iterate over insns */

   /* ------ END: Process each insn in turn. ------ */

   /* free(state); */
   /* free(rreg_lrs); */
   /* if (vreg_lrs) free(vreg_lrs); */

   /* Paranoia */
   for (j = 0; j < n_state; j++)
      vassert(state[j].rreg == available_real_regs[j]);

   return instrs_out;

#  undef EMIT_INSTR
#  undef PRINT_STATE