// A quadratic sieve implementation for integers up to 100 bits. N must be composite.
mpz_class quadratic_sieve(mpz_class &N) {
	std::vector<uint32_t> factor_base;

	mpz_class sqrt_N = sqrt(N);
	//const unsigned long sqrt_N_long = sqrt_N.get_ui();

	// Set the smoothness bound.
	uint32_t B;
		// Approximation of the natural logarithm of N.
		float log_N = mpz_sizeinbase(N.get_mpz_t(), 2) * log(2);

		// The optimal smoothness bound is exp((0.5 + o(1)) * sqrt(log(n)*log(log(n)))).
		B = (uint32_t)ceil(exp(0.56 * sqrt(log_N * log(log_N)))) + 300;

	// Generate the factor base using a sieve.
		char *sieve = new char[B + 1];
		memset(sieve, 1, B + 1);
		for(unsigned long p = 2; p <= B; ++p) {

			if(mpz_legendre(N.get_mpz_t(), mpz_class(p).get_mpz_t()) == 1)

			for(unsigned long i = p; i <= B; i += p)
				sieve[i] = 0;
		delete[] sieve;

	std::vector<uint32_t> X;
	float *Y = new float[SIEVE_CHUNK];

	std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t> > smooth;

	int fails = 0;

	// The sieve boundary.
	uint32_t min_x = 0;
	uint32_t max_x = SIEVE_CHUNK;

	// Calculate sieve index (where to start the sieve) for each factor base number.
	uint32_t **fb_indexes = new uint32_t*[2];
	fb_indexes[0] = new uint32_t[factor_base.size()];
	fb_indexes[1] = new uint32_t[factor_base.size()];
	for(uint32_t p = 0; p < factor_base.size(); ++p) {
		// At what indexes do we start this sieve? Solve the congruence x^2 = n (mod p) to find out.
		// Results in two solutions, so we do two sieve iterations for each prime in the factor base.
		uint32_t idxs[2];
		mpz_class temp = N % mpz_class(factor_base[p]);
		tonelli_shanks(temp.get_ui(), factor_base[p], idxs);

		temp = idxs[0] - sqrt_N;
		temp = ((temp % factor_base[p]) + factor_base[p]) % factor_base[p];
		fb_indexes[0][p] = temp.get_ui();

		temp = idxs[1] - sqrt_N;
		temp = ((temp % factor_base[p]) + factor_base[p]) % factor_base[p];
		fb_indexes[1][p] = temp.get_ui();

	float last_estimate = 0;
	uint32_t next_estimate = 1;

	// Sieve new chunks until we have enough smooth numbers.
	while(smooth.size() < (factor_base.size() + 20)) {
		// Generate our Y vector for the sieve, containing log approximations that fit in machine words.
		for(uint32_t t = 1; t < SIEVE_CHUNK; ++t) {
			// Calculating a log estimate is expensive, so don't do it for every Y[t].
			if(next_estimate <= (t + min_x)) {
				mpz_class y = (sqrt_N + t + min_x) * (sqrt_N + t + min_x) - N;

				// To estimate the 2 logarithm, just count the number of bits that v takes up.
				last_estimate = mpz_sizeinbase(y.get_mpz_t(), 2);

				// The higher t gets, the less the logarithm of Y[t] changes.
				next_estimate = next_estimate * 1.8 + 1;

			Y[t] = last_estimate;

		// Perform the actual sieve.
		for(uint32_t p = 0; p < factor_base.size(); ++p) {
			float lg = log(factor_base[p]) / log(2);

			for(uint32_t t = 0; t < 2; ++t) {
				while(fb_indexes[t][p] < max_x) {
					Y[fb_indexes[t][p] - min_x] -= lg;
					fb_indexes[t][p] += factor_base[p];

				// p = 2 only has one modular root.
				if(factor_base[p] == 2)

		// Factor all values whose logarithms were reduced to approximately zero using trial division.
			float threshold = log(factor_base.back()) / log(2);
			for(uint32_t i = 0; i < SIEVE_CHUNK; ++i) {
				if(fabs(Y[i]) < threshold) {
					mpz_class y = (sqrt_N + i + min_x) * (sqrt_N + i + min_x) - N;

					for(uint32_t p = 0; p < factor_base.size(); ++p) {
						while(mpz_divisible_ui_p(y.get_mpz_t(), factor_base[p])) {
							mpz_divexact_ui(y.get_mpz_t(), y.get_mpz_t(), factor_base[p]);

					if(y == 1) {
						// This V was indeed B-smooth.
						X.push_back(i + min_x);
						// Break out of trial division loop if we've found enou	gh smooth numbers.
						if(smooth.size() >= (factor_base.size() + 20))
					} else {
						// This V was apparently not B-smooth, remove it.

		min_x += SIEVE_CHUNK;
		max_x += SIEVE_CHUNK;

	uint64_t **matrix = new uint64_t*[factor_base.size()];

	// The amount of words needed to accomodate a row in the augmented matrix.
	int row_words = (smooth.size() + sizeof(uint64_t)) / sizeof(uint64_t);

	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < factor_base.size(); ++i) {
		matrix[i] = new uint64_t[row_words];
		memset(matrix[i], 0, row_words * sizeof(uint64_t));

	for(uint32_t s = 0; s < smooth.size(); ++s) {
		// For each factor in the smooth number, add the factor to the corresponding element in the matrix.
		for(uint32_t p = 0; p < smooth[s].size(); ++p)
			toggle_bit(s, matrix[smooth[s][p]]);

	// Gauss elimination. The dimension of the augmented matrix is factor_base.size() x (smooth.size() + 1).
		uint32_t i = 0, j = 0;
		while(i < factor_base.size() && j < (smooth.size() + 1)) {
			uint32_t maxi = i;

			// Find pivot element.
			for(uint32_t k = i + 1; k < factor_base.size(); ++k) {
				if(get_bit(j, matrix[k]) == 1) {
					maxi = k;
			if(get_bit(j, matrix[maxi]) == 1) {
				std::swap(matrix[i], matrix[maxi]);
				for(uint32_t u = i + 1; u < factor_base.size(); ++u) {
					if(get_bit(j, matrix[u]) == 1) {
						for(int32_t w = 0; w < row_words; ++w)
							matrix[u][w] ^= matrix[i][w];

	mpz_class a;
	mpz_class b;

	// A copy of matrix that we'll perform back-substitution on.
	uint64_t **back_matrix = new uint64_t*[factor_base.size()];
	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < factor_base.size(); ++i)
		back_matrix[i] = new uint64_t[row_words];

	uint32_t *x = new uint32_t[smooth.size()];

	uint32_t *combination = new uint32_t[factor_base.size()];

	// Loop until we've found a non-trivial factor.
	do {
		// Copy the gauss eliminated matrix.
		for(uint32_t i = 0; i < factor_base.size(); ++i)
			memcpy(back_matrix[i], matrix[i], row_words * sizeof(uint64_t));

		// Clear the x vector.
		memset(x, 0, smooth.size() * sizeof(uint32_t));

		// Perform back-substitution on our matrix that's now in row echelon form to get x.
			int32_t i = factor_base.size() - 1;

			while(i >= 0) {
				// Count non-zero elements in current row.
				int32_t count = 0;
				int32_t current = -1;
				for(uint32_t c = 0; c < smooth.size(); ++c) {
					count += get_bit(c, back_matrix[i]);
					current = get_bit(c, back_matrix[i]) ? c : current;

				// Empty row, advance to next.
				if(count == 0) {

				// The system is underdetermined and we can choose x[current] freely.
				// To avoid the trivial solution we avoid always setting it to 0.
				uint32_t val = count > 1 ? rand() % 2 : get_bit(smooth.size(), back_matrix[i]);

				x[current] = val;

				for(int32_t u = 0; u <= i; ++u) {
					if(get_bit(current, back_matrix[u]) == 1) {
						if(val == 1)
							toggle_bit(smooth.size(), back_matrix[u]);
						unset_bit(current, back_matrix[u]);

				if(count == 1)

		a = 1;
		b = 1;

		// The way to combine the factor base to get our square.
		memset(combination, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * factor_base.size());
		for(uint32_t i = 0; i < smooth.size(); ++i) {
			if(x[i] == 1) {
				for(uint32_t p = 0; p < smooth[i].size(); ++p)
				b *= (X[i] + sqrt_N);

		for(uint32_t p = 0; p < factor_base.size(); ++p) {
			for(uint32_t i = 0; i < (combination[p] / 2); ++i)
				a *= factor_base[p];

		// If a = +/- b (mod N) we found a trivial factor, run the loop again to find a new a and b.
	} while(a % N == b % N || a % N == (- b) % N + N);

	b -= a;

	mpz_class factor;
	mpz_gcd(factor.get_mpz_t(), b.get_mpz_t(), N.get_mpz_t());

	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < factor_base.size(); ++i) {
		delete[] matrix[i];
		delete[] back_matrix[i];

	delete[] combination;
	delete[] Y;
	delete[] fb_indexes[0];
	delete[] fb_indexes[1];
	delete[] fb_indexes;
	delete[] matrix;
	delete[] back_matrix;
	delete[] x;

	return factor;
文件: prime.c 项目: pbos/optimus
void find_candidates(mpz_t num, mpz_t gmp_root)
	num_cands = 0;
	mpz_add_ui(gmp_root, gmp_root, 1);

	size_t sieve_size = primes[B-1]*100;

	double *table = malloc(sizeof(double)*sieve_size);
	uint64_t root = mpz_get_ui(gmp_root);
	double approx = mpz_get_d(num);

	mpz_t tmp, tmp2;
	mpz_init(tmp); mpz_init(tmp2);

	mpz_set_ui(tmp, root);

	mpz_pow_ui(tmp, tmp, 2);
	mpz_sub(tmp, tmp, num);
	mpz_set(first_cands[0], tmp);

	unsigned int used_primes[B];
	double used_log[B];
	used_primes[0] = 2;
	used_log[0] = log_primes[0];
	size_t next_prime = 1;
	size_t offsets[B][2];
	uint64_t cand_offsets[B+1];
	size_t next_cand = 1;

	// Find prime numbers that appear in the candidate series
	for(size_t p = 1; p < B; ++p)
		unsigned int prime = primes[p];
		mpz_set_ui(tmp2, prime);
		mpz_powm_ui(tmp, num, (prime-1)/2, tmp2);

		if(mpz_cmp_ui(tmp, 1)) // Skip non-quadratic residues

		used_primes[next_prime] = prime;
		used_log[next_prime] = log_primes[p];

		// Generate more exact candidates
		for(int i = next_cand; i < prime; ++i)
			mpz_set_ui(tmp, root + i);
			mpz_pow_ui(tmp, tmp, 2);
			mpz_sub(tmp, tmp, num);
			mpz_set(first_cands[i], tmp);
		next_cand = prime;

		// find offsets for them
		// TODO Shanks-tonelli
		unsigned int foo = tonelli_shanks(num, prime);
		printf("root for %u is %u and %u\n", prime, foo, prime-foo);
		size_t idx = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < prime; ++i)
			if(mpz_divisible_ui_p(first_cands[i], prime))
				offsets[next_prime][idx++] = i;

				if(idx == 2)
		assert(idx == 2);

	// sieve until we find more than B candidates, guarantees linear dependence
	size_t sieve_offset = 0;
	while(num_cands <= B)
		for(size_t i = 0; i < sieve_size; ++i)
			double d = root + i;
			d += sieve_offset;
			table[i] = log(d*d-approx);
		// cross out even ones
		for(size_t i = mpz_tstbit(tmp, 1)^(sieve_offset & 1); i < sieve_size; i+=2)
			table[i] -= log_primes[0];

		for(int p = 1; p < next_prime && num_cands <= B; ++p)
			unsigned int prime = used_primes[p];
			double log_prime = used_log[p];
//			fprintf(stderr, "offsets[%d] are %d and %d\n", used_primes[p], offsets[p][0], offsets[p][1]);

			for(int x = 0; x < 2; ++x)
				size_t off = (offsets[p][x] + sieve_offset + prime-1) % prime;
				for(int a = off; a < sieve_size; a += prime)
					table[a] -= log_prime;
					if(table[a] > LIMIT)
					cand_offsets[num_cands++] = root + a + sieve_offset;
					if(num_cands > B)
		sieve_offset += sieve_size;

	for(size_t i = 0; i < num_cands; ++i)
		//fprintf(stderr, "%llu\n", cand_offsets[i]);
		mpz_set_ui(tmp, root + i);
		mpz_pow_ui(tmp, tmp, 2);
		mpz_sub(tmp, tmp, num);
//		mpz_out_str(stderr, 10, tmp);
//		fputc('\n', stderr);

	fprintf(stderr, "%d used candidates\n", num_cands);

	mpz_clear(tmp); mpz_clear(tmp2);