       char in_fix[25];
       puts("enter an infix expression");
       puts("\n postfix expression");
GlyphToType3::GlyphToType3(TTStreamWriter& stream, struct TTFONT *font, int charindex, bool embedded /* = false */)
    BYTE *glyph;

    tt_flags = NULL;
    xcoor = NULL;
    ycoor = NULL;
    epts_ctr = NULL;
    area_ctr = NULL;
    check_ctr = NULL;
    ctrset = NULL;
    stack_depth = 0;
    pdf_mode = font->target_type < 0;

    /* Get a pointer to the data. */
    glyph = find_glyph_data( font, charindex );

    /* If the character is blank, it has no bounding box, */
    /* otherwise read the bounding box. */
    if ( glyph == (BYTE*)NULL )
        llx=lly=urx=ury=0;      /* A blank char has an all zero BoundingBox */
        num_ctr=0;              /* Set this for later if()s */
        /* Read the number of contours. */
        num_ctr = getSHORT(glyph);

        /* Read PostScript bounding box. */
        llx = getFWord(glyph + 2);
        lly = getFWord(glyph + 4);
        urx = getFWord(glyph + 6);
        ury = getFWord(glyph + 8);

        /* Advance the pointer. */
        glyph += 10;

    /* If it is a simple character, load its data. */
    if (num_ctr > 0)
        load_char(font, glyph);

    /* Consult the horizontal metrics table to determine */
    /* the character width. */
    if ( charindex < font->numberOfHMetrics )
        advance_width = getuFWord( font->hmtx_table + (charindex * 4) );
        advance_width = getuFWord( font->hmtx_table + ((font->numberOfHMetrics-1) * 4) );

    /* Execute setcachedevice in order to inform the font machinery */
    /* of the character bounding box and advance width. */
    stack(stream, 7);
    if (pdf_mode)
        if (!embedded) {
            stream.printf("%d 0 %d %d %d %d d1\n",
                          topost(llx), topost(lly), topost(urx), topost(ury) );
    else if (font->target_type == PS_TYPE_42_3_HYBRID)
        stream.printf("pop gsave .001 .001 scale %d 0 %d %d %d %d setcachedevice\n",
                      topost(llx), topost(lly), topost(urx), topost(ury) );
        stream.printf("%d 0 %d %d %d %d _sc\n",
                      topost(llx), topost(lly), topost(urx), topost(ury) );

    /* If it is a simple glyph, convert it, */
    /* otherwise, close the stack business. */
    if ( num_ctr > 0 )          /* simple */
    else if ( num_ctr < 0 )     /* composite */
        do_composite(stream, font, glyph);

    if (font->target_type == PS_TYPE_42_3_HYBRID)

** Emmit PostScript code for a composite character.
void GlyphToType3::do_composite(TTStreamWriter& stream, struct TTFONT *font, BYTE *glyph)
    USHORT flags;
    USHORT glyphIndex;
    int arg1;
    int arg2;
    USHORT xscale;
    USHORT yscale;
    USHORT scale01;
    USHORT scale10;

    /* Once around this loop for each component. */
        flags = getUSHORT(glyph);       /* read the flags word */
        glyph += 2;

        glyphIndex = getUSHORT(glyph);  /* read the glyphindex word */
        glyph += 2;

        if (flags & ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS)
            /* The tt spec. seems to say these are signed. */
            arg1 = getSHORT(glyph);
            glyph += 2;
            arg2 = getSHORT(glyph);
            glyph += 2;
        else                    /* The tt spec. does not clearly indicate */
            /* whether these values are signed or not. */
            arg1 = *(signed char *)(glyph++);
            arg2 = *(signed char *)(glyph++);

        if (flags & WE_HAVE_A_SCALE)
            xscale = yscale = getUSHORT(glyph);
            glyph += 2;
            scale01 = scale10 = 0;
        else if (flags & WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE)
            xscale = getUSHORT(glyph);
            glyph += 2;
            yscale = getUSHORT(glyph);
            glyph += 2;
            scale01 = scale10 = 0;
        else if (flags & WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO)
            xscale = getUSHORT(glyph);
            glyph += 2;
            scale01 = getUSHORT(glyph);
            glyph += 2;
            scale10 = getUSHORT(glyph);
            glyph += 2;
            yscale = getUSHORT(glyph);
            glyph += 2;
            xscale = yscale = scale01 = scale10 = 0;

        /* Debugging */
        stream.printf("%% flags=%d, arg1=%d, arg2=%d, xscale=%d, yscale=%d, scale01=%d, scale10=%d\n",

        if (pdf_mode)
            if ( flags & ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES )
                /* We should have been able to use 'Do' to reference the
                   subglyph here.  However, that doesn't seem to work with
                   xpdf or gs (only acrobat), so instead, this just includes
                   the subglyph here inline. */
                stream.printf("q 1 0 0 1 %d %d cm\n", topost(arg1), topost(arg2));
                stream.printf("%% unimplemented shift, arg1=%d, arg2=%d\n",arg1,arg2);
            GlyphToType3(stream, font, glyphIndex, true);
            if ( flags & ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES )
            /* If we have an (X,Y) shif and it is non-zero, */
            /* translate the coordinate system. */
            if ( flags & ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES )
                if ( arg1 != 0 || arg2 != 0 )
                    stream.printf("gsave %d %d translate\n", topost(arg1), topost(arg2) );
                stream.printf("%% unimplemented shift, arg1=%d, arg2=%d\n",arg1,arg2);

            /* Invoke the CharStrings procedure to print the component. */
            stream.printf("false CharStrings /%s get exec\n",

            /* If we translated the coordinate system, */
            /* put it back the way it was. */
            if ( flags & ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES && (arg1 != 0 || arg2 != 0) )
                stream.puts("grestore ");

    while (flags & MORE_COMPONENTS);

} /* end of do_composite() */
** Load the simple glyph data pointed to by glyph.
** The pointer "glyph" should point 10 bytes into
** the glyph data.
void GlyphToType3::load_char(TTFONT* font, BYTE *glyph)
    int x;
    BYTE c, ct;

    /* Read the contour endpoints list. */
    epts_ctr = (int *)calloc(num_ctr,sizeof(int));
    for (x = 0; x < num_ctr; x++)
        epts_ctr[x] = getUSHORT(glyph);
        glyph += 2;

    /* From the endpoint of the last contour, we can */
    /* determine the number of points. */
    num_pts = epts_ctr[num_ctr-1]+1;
    stream.printf("%% num_pts=%d\n",num_pts);

    /* Skip the instructions. */
    x = getUSHORT(glyph);
    glyph += 2;
    glyph += x;

    /* Allocate space to hold the data. */
    tt_flags = (BYTE *)calloc(num_pts,sizeof(BYTE));
    xcoor = (FWord *)calloc(num_pts,sizeof(FWord));
    ycoor = (FWord *)calloc(num_pts,sizeof(FWord));

    /* Read the flags array, uncompressing it as we go. */
    /* There is danger of overflow here. */
    for (x = 0; x < num_pts; )
        tt_flags[x++] = c = *(glyph++);

        if (c&8)                /* If next byte is repeat count, */
            ct = *(glyph++);

            if ( (x + ct) > num_pts )
                throw TTException("Error in TT flags");

            while (ct--)
                tt_flags[x++] = c;

    /* Read the x coordinates */
    for (x = 0; x < num_pts; x++)
        if (tt_flags[x] & 2)            /* one byte value with */
            /* external sign */
            c = *(glyph++);
            xcoor[x] = (tt_flags[x] & 0x10) ? c : (-1 * (int)c);
        else if (tt_flags[x] & 0x10)    /* repeat last */
            xcoor[x] = 0;
        else                            /* two byte signed value */
            xcoor[x] = getFWord(glyph);

    /* Read the y coordinates */
    for (x = 0; x < num_pts; x++)
        if (tt_flags[x] & 4)            /* one byte value with */
            /* external sign */
            c = *(glyph++);
            ycoor[x] = (tt_flags[x] & 0x20) ? c : (-1 * (int)c);
        else if (tt_flags[x] & 0x20)    /* repeat last value */
            ycoor[x] = 0;
        else                            /* two byte signed value */
            ycoor[x] = getUSHORT(glyph);

    /* Convert delta values to absolute values. */
    for (x = 1; x < num_pts; x++)
        xcoor[x] += xcoor[x-1];
        ycoor[x] += ycoor[x-1];

    for (x=0; x < num_pts; x++)
        xcoor[x] = topost(xcoor[x]);
        ycoor[x] = topost(ycoor[x]);

} /* end of load_char() */