/* shadow is freeing an existing instance of this plug-in that we previously
 * created in torctlplugin_new()
static void torctlplugin_free() {
	/* shadow wants to free a node. pass this to the lower level
	 * plug-in function that implements this for both plug-in and non-plug-in modes.
/* this main replaces the shd-torctl-plugin.c file to run outside of shadow */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	mylog("Starting torctl program");

	/* create the new state according to user inputs */
	TorCTL* torctlState = torctl_new(argc, argv, &_mylog);
	if(!torctlState) {
		mylog("Error initializing new TorCTL instance");
		return -1;

	/* now we need to watch all of the descriptors in our main loop
	 * so we know when we can wait on any of them without blocking. */
	int mainepolld = epoll_create(1);
	if(mainepolld == -1) {
		mylog("Error in main epoll_create");
		return -1;

	/* we have one main epoll descriptor that watches all of its sockets,
	 * so we now register that descriptor so we can watch for its events */
	struct epoll_event mainevent;
	mainevent.events = EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT;
	mainevent.data.fd = torctl_getEpollDescriptor(torctlState);
	if(!mainevent.data.fd) {
		mylog("Error retrieving torctl epoll descriptor");
		return -1;
	epoll_ctl(mainepolld, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, mainevent.data.fd, &mainevent);

	/* main loop - wait for events from the descriptors */
	struct epoll_event events[100];
	int nReadyFDs;
	mylog("entering main loop to watch descriptors");

	while(1) {
		/* wait for some events */
		mylog("waiting for events");
		nReadyFDs = epoll_wait(mainepolld, events, 100, -1);
		if(nReadyFDs == -1) {
			mylog("Error in client epoll_wait");
			return -1;

		/* activate if something is ready */
		mylog("processing event");
		if(nReadyFDs > 0) {

		/* break out if done */
		if(torctl_isDone(torctlState)) {

	mylog("finished main loop, cleaning up");

	/* de-register the epoll descriptor */
	mainevent.data.fd = torctl_getEpollDescriptor(torctlState);
	if(mainevent.data.fd) {
		epoll_ctl(mainepolld, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, mainevent.data.fd, &mainevent);

	/* cleanup and close */

	mylog("exiting cleanly");

	return 0;