int libbt_init(struct libbt_config *p_btcfg)
	engine =  tr_init( "stb" );
	tr_setBindPort(engine, p_btcfg->bindPort);
	tr_setGlobalUploadLimit(engine, p_btcfg->uploadLimit );
    tr_setGlobalDownloadLimit(engine, p_btcfg->downloadLimit );
    tr_natTraversalEnable(engine, p_btcfg->natTraversal );

	g_tor_array = (tr_torrent_t*)calloc(MAX_DOWNLOAD_NS, sizeof(tr_torrent_t*));
	return 0;
 * main
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {

	/* vars */
	int i, error, nat;
	tr_handle_t * h;
	tr_torrent_t * tor;
	tr_stat_t * s;
	double tf_sharing = 0.0;
	char tf_string[80];
	int tf_seeders, tf_leechers;

	/* Get options */
	if (parseCommandLine(argc, argv)) {
		printf("Transmission %s [%d] - tfCLI [%d]\nhttp://transmission.m0k.org/ - http://tf-b4rt.berlios.de/\n\n",
		printf(USAGE, argv[0], TR_DEFAULT_PORT);
		return 1;

	/* show help */
	if (showHelp) {
		printf("Transmission %s [%d] - tfCLI [%d]\nhttp://transmission.m0k.org/ - http://tf-b4rt.berlios.de/\n\n",
		printf(USAGE, argv[0], TR_DEFAULT_PORT);
		return 0;

	// verbose
	if (verboseLevel < 0) {
		verboseLevel = 0;
	} else if (verboseLevel > 9) {
		verboseLevel = 9;
	if (verboseLevel) {
		static char env[11];
		sprintf(env, "TR_DEBUG=%d", verboseLevel);

	// check port
	if (bindPort < 1 || bindPort > 65535) {
		printf("Invalid port '%d'\n", bindPort);
		return 1;

	// Initialize libtransmission
	h = tr_init();

	// Open and parse torrent file
	if (!(tor = tr_torrentInit(h, torrentPath, 0, &error))) {
		printf("Failed opening torrent file `%s'\n", torrentPath);
		goto failed;

	/* show info */
	if (showInfo) {
		// info
		tr_info_t * info = tr_torrentInfo(tor);
		// stat
		s = tr_torrentStat(tor);
		// Print torrent info (quite à la btshowmetainfo)
		printf("hash:     ");
		for (i = 0; i < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) {
			printf("%02x", info->hash[i]);
        printf( "tracker:  %s:%d\n",
                s->trackerAddress, s->trackerPort );
        printf( "announce: %s\n", s->trackerAnnounce );
		printf("size:     %"PRIu64" (%"PRIu64" * %d + %"PRIu64")\n",
			info->totalSize, info->totalSize / info->pieceSize,
			info->pieceSize, info->totalSize % info->pieceSize);
		if (info->comment[0]) {
			printf("comment:  %s\n", info->comment);
		if (info->creator[0]) {
			printf("creator:  %s\n", info->creator);
		for (i = 0; i < info->fileCount; i++) {
			printf(" %s (%"PRIu64")\n", info->files[i].name,
		// cleanup
		goto cleanup;

	/* show scrape */
	if (showScrape) {
		int seeders, leechers, downloaded;
		if (tr_torrentScrape(tor, &seeders, &leechers, &downloaded)) {
			printf("Scrape failed.\n");
		} else {
			printf("%d seeder(s), %d leecher(s), %d download(s).\n",
					seeders, leechers, downloaded);
		// cleanup
		goto cleanup;

	/* start up transmission */

	// Create PID file if wanted by user
	if (tf_pid != NULL) {
		FILE * pid_file;
		pid_file = fopen(tf_pid, "w+");
		if (pid_file != NULL) {
			fprintf(pid_file, "%d", getpid());

	// signal
	signal(SIGINT, sigHandler);

	// If running torrentflux, Download limit = 0 means no limit
	if (tf_stat_file != NULL) { /* tfCLI */
		// up
		switch (uploadLimit) {
			case 0:
				uploadLimit = -1;
			case -2:
				uploadLimit = 0;
		// down
		switch (downloadLimit) {
			case 0:
				downloadLimit = -1;
			case -2:
				downloadLimit = 0;

	// init some things
	tr_setBindPort(h, bindPort);
	tr_setGlobalUploadLimit(h, uploadLimit);
	tr_setGlobalDownloadLimit(h, downloadLimit);

	// nat-traversal
	if (natTraversal) {
	} else {

	// set folder
	tr_torrentSetFolder(tor, ".");

	// start the torrent

	/* main-loop */
	while (!mustDie) {

		// status-string
		char string[80];
		int chars = 0;
		int result;
		char stat_state;

		// sleep

		// Check if we must stop
		if (tf_stat_file != NULL) { /* tfCLI */
			tf_stat = fopen(tf_stat_file, "r");
			if (tf_stat != NULL) {
				// Get state
				stat_state = fgetc(tf_stat);
				// Close the file
				// Torrentflux asked to shutdown the torrent
				if (stat_state == '0') {
					mustDie = 1;

		// torrent-stat
		s = tr_torrentStat(tor);

		if (s->status & TR_STATUS_CHECK) { /* --- CHECK --- */

			if (tf_stat_file == NULL) { /* standalone */

				// status-string
				chars = snprintf(string, 80,
					"Checking files... %.2f %%", 100.0 * s->progress );

			} else { /* tfCLI */

				// write tf-stat-file
				tr_info_t * info = tr_torrentInfo(tor);
				tf_stat = fopen(tf_stat_file, "w+");
				if (tf_stat != NULL) {
					fprintf(tf_stat, "%d\n%.1f\n%s\n0 kB/s\n0 kB/s\n%s\n0\n0\n0.0\n%d\n0\n%" PRIu64 "\n%" PRIu64,
						1,                          /* State             */
						100.0 * s->progress,        /* checking progress */
						"Checking existing data",   /* State text        */
						                            /* download speed    */
						                            /* upload speed      */
						tf_user,                    /* user              */
						                            /* seeds             */
						                            /* peers             */
						                            /* sharing           */
						seedLimit,                  /* seedlimit         */
						                            /* uploaded bytes    */
						s->downloaded,              /* downloaded bytes  */
						info->totalSize);           /* global size       */


		} else if (s->status & TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD) { /* --- DOWNLOAD --- */

			if (tf_stat_file == NULL) { /* standalone */

				// status-string
				chars = snprintf(string, 80,
					"Progress: %.2f %%, %d peer%s, dl from %d (%.2f KB/s), "
					"ul to %d (%.2f KB/s)", 100.0 * s->progress,
					s->peersTotal, ( s->peersTotal == 1 ) ? "" : "s",
					s->peersUploading, s->rateDownload,
					s->peersDownloading, s->rateUpload);

			} else { /* tfCLI */

				// sharing
				if (s->downloaded != 0) {
					tf_sharing =
						((double)(s->uploaded) / (double)(s->downloaded)) * 100;

				// seeders + leechers
				if (s->seeders < 0) {
					tf_seeders = 0;
				} else {
					tf_seeders = s->seeders;
				if (s->leechers < 0) {
					tf_leechers = 0;
				} else {
					tf_leechers = s->leechers;

				// eta
				if (s->eta != -1) {
					// sanity-check. value of eta >= 7 days is not really of use
					if (s->eta < 604800) {
						if ((s->eta / (24 * 60 * 60)) != 0) {
								s->eta / (24 * 60 * 60),
								((s->eta) % (24 * 60 * 60)) / (60 * 60),
								((s->eta) % (60 * 60) / 60),
								s->eta % 60);
						} else if ((s->eta / (60 * 60)) != 0) {
							sprintf(tf_string, "%d:%02d:%02d",
								(s->eta) / (60 * 60),
								((s->eta) % (60 * 60) / 60),
								s->eta % 60);
						} else {
							sprintf(tf_string, "%d:%02d",
								(s->eta) / 60, s->eta % 60);
					} else {
				} else {
				if ((s->seeders == -1) && (s->peersTotal == 0)) {
					sprintf(tf_string,"Connecting to Peers");

				// write tf-stat-file
				tf_stat = fopen(tf_stat_file, "w+");
				if (tf_stat != NULL) {
					tr_info_t * info = tr_torrentInfo( tor );
					fprintf(tf_stat, "%d\n%.1f\n%s\n%.1f kB/s\n%.1f kB/s\n%s\n%d (%d)\n%d (%d)\n%.1f\n%d\n%" PRIu64 "\n%" PRIu64 "\n%" PRIu64,
						1,                                /* State            */
						100.0 * s->progress,              /* progress         */
						tf_string,                        /* Estimated time   */
						s->rateDownload,                  /* download speed   */
						s->rateUpload,                    /* upload speed     */
						tf_user,                          /* user             */
						s->peersUploading, tf_seeders,    /* seeds            */
						s->peersDownloading, tf_leechers, /* peers            */
						tf_sharing,                       /* sharing          */
						seedLimit,                        /* seedlimit        */
						s->uploaded,                      /* uploaded bytes   */
						s->downloaded,                    /* downloaded bytes */
						info->totalSize);                 /* global size      */

		} else if (s->status & TR_STATUS_SEED) { /* --- SEED --- */

			// info
			tr_info_t * info = tr_torrentInfo(tor);

			if (tf_stat_file == NULL) { /* standalone */

				// status-string
				chars = snprintf(string, 80,
					"Seeding, uploading to %d of %d peer(s), %.2f KB/s",
					s->peersDownloading, s->peersTotal,

			} else { /* tfCLI */

				// sharing
				if (s->downloaded != 0) {
					tf_sharing =
						((double)(s->uploaded) /
							(double)(s->downloaded)) * 100;
				} else {
					tf_sharing =
						((double)(s->uploaded) /
							(double)(info->totalSize)) * 100;

				// If we reached the seeding limit, we have to quit transmission
				if ((seedLimit != 0) &&
					((tf_sharing > (double)(seedLimit)) ||
					(seedLimit == -1))) {
					mustDie = 1;

				// seeders + leechers
				if (s->seeders < 0) {
					tf_seeders = 0;
				} else {
					tf_seeders = s->seeders;
				if (s->leechers < 0) {
					tf_leechers = 0;
				} else {
					tf_leechers = s->leechers;

				// write tf-stat-file
				tf_stat = fopen(tf_stat_file, "w+");
				if (tf_stat != NULL) {
					fprintf(tf_stat, "%d\n%.1f\n%s\n%.1f kB/s\n%.1f kB/s\n%s\n%d (%d)\n%d (%d)\n%.1f\n%d\n%" PRIu64 "\n%" PRIu64 "\n%" PRIu64,
						1,                                /* State            */
						100.0 * s->progress,              /* progress         */
						"Download Succeeded!",            /* State text       */
						s->rateDownload,                  /* download speed   */
						s->rateUpload,                    /* upload speed     */
						tf_user,                          /* user             */
						s->peersUploading, tf_seeders,    /* seeds            */
						s->peersDownloading, tf_leechers, /* peers            */
						tf_sharing,                       /* sharing          */
						seedLimit,                        /* seedlimit        */
						s->uploaded,                      /* uploaded bytes   */
						s->downloaded,                    /* downloaded bytes */
						info->totalSize);                 /* global size      */


		// status-string
		if (tf_stat_file == NULL) { /* standalone */
			memset( &string[chars], ' ', 79 - chars );
			string[79] = '\0';
			// print status to stderr
			fprintf(stderr, "\r%s", string);

		// errors
		if (s->error & TR_ETRACKER) {
			if (tf_stat_file == NULL) { /* standalone */
				// print errors to stderr
				fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n", s->trackerError);
			} else { /* tfCLI */
				// append errors to stat-file
				tf_stat = fopen(tf_stat_file, "a+");
				if (tf_stat != NULL) {
					fprintf(tf_stat, "\n%s\n", s->trackerError);
		} else if (verboseLevel > 0) {
			if (tf_stat_file == NULL) { /* standalone */
				// stderr
				fprintf(stderr, "\n");

		// finishCall
		if (tr_getFinished(tor)) {
			result = system(finishCall);

	} /* main-loop */

	// mark torrent as stopped in tf-stat-file
	if (tf_stat_file != NULL) { /* tfCLI */

		// info
		tr_info_t * info = tr_torrentInfo(tor);

		// sharing
		if (s->downloaded != 0) {
			tf_sharing =
				((double)(s->uploaded) / (double)(s->downloaded)) * 100;
		} else {
			tf_sharing =
				((double)(s->uploaded) / (double)(info->totalSize)) * 100;

		// write tf-stat-file
		tf_stat = fopen(tf_stat_file, "w+");
		if (tf_stat != NULL) {
			float progress;
			if (s->status & TR_STATUS_SEED) {
				sprintf(tf_string,"Download Succeeded!");
				progress = 100;
			} else {
				sprintf(tf_string,"Torrent Stopped");
				progress = -(1 + s->progress) * 100;
			fprintf(tf_stat, "%d\n%.1f\n%s\n\n\n%s\n\n\n%.1f\n%d\n%" PRIu64 "\n%" PRIu64 "\n%" PRIu64,
				0,                          /* State            */
				progress,                   /* progress         */
				tf_string,                  /* State text       */
				                            /* download speed   */
				                            /* upload speed     */
				tf_user,                    /* user             */
				                            /* seeds            */
				                            /* peers            */
				tf_sharing,                 /* sharing          */
				seedLimit,                  /* seedlimit        */
				s->uploaded,                /* uploaded bytes   */
				s->downloaded,              /* downloaded bytes */
				info->totalSize);           /* global size      */

	// stderr
	if (tf_stat_file == NULL) { /* standalone */
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");

	// Try for 5 seconds to notify the tracker that we are leaving
	// and to delete any port mappings for nat traversal
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		s = tr_torrentStat(tor);
		nat = tr_natTraversalStatus(h);
		if (s->status & TR_STATUS_PAUSE && TR_NAT_TRAVERSAL_DISABLED == nat) {
			// The 'stopped' tracker message was sent
			// and port mappings were deleted

	// Remove PID file if created !
	if (tf_pid != NULL) {

	tr_torrentClose(h, tor);


	return 0;