tr_bandwidthAllocate( tr_bandwidth  * b,
                      tr_direction    dir,
                      unsigned int    period_msec )
    int i, peerCount;
    tr_ptrArray tmp = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
    tr_ptrArray low = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
    tr_ptrArray high = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
    tr_ptrArray normal = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
    struct tr_peerIo ** peers;

    /* allocateBandwidth() is a helper function with two purposes:
     * 1. allocate bandwidth to b and its subtree
     * 2. accumulate an array of all the peerIos from b and its subtree. */
    allocateBandwidth( b, TR_PRI_LOW, dir, period_msec, &tmp );
    peers = (struct tr_peerIo**) tr_ptrArrayBase( &tmp );
    peerCount = tr_ptrArraySize( &tmp );

    for( i=0; i<peerCount; ++i )
        tr_peerIo * io = peers[i];
        tr_peerIoRef( io );

        tr_peerIoFlushOutgoingProtocolMsgs( io );

        switch( io->priority ) {
        case TR_PRI_HIGH:
            tr_ptrArrayAppend( &high,   io ); /* fall through */
        case TR_PRI_NORMAL:
            tr_ptrArrayAppend( &normal, io ); /* fall through */
            tr_ptrArrayAppend( &low,    io );

    /* First phase of IO. Tries to distribute bandwidth fairly to keep faster
     * peers from starving the others. Loop through the peers, giving each a
     * small chunk of bandwidth. Keep looping until we run out of bandwidth
     * and/or peers that can use it */
    phaseOne( &high, dir );
    phaseOne( &normal, dir );
    phaseOne( &low, dir );

    /* Second phase of IO. To help us scale in high bandwidth situations,
     * enable on-demand IO for peers with bandwidth left to burn.
     * This on-demand IO is enabled until (1) the peer runs out of bandwidth,
     * or (2) the next tr_bandwidthAllocate() call, when we start over again. */
    for( i=0; i<peerCount; ++i )
        tr_peerIoSetEnabled( peers[i], dir, tr_peerIoHasBandwidthLeft( peers[i], dir ) );

    for( i=0; i<peerCount; ++i )
        tr_peerIoUnref( peers[i] );

    /* cleanup */
    tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &normal, NULL );
    tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &high, NULL );
    tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &low, NULL );
    tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &tmp, NULL );
static void
allocateBandwidth (tr_bandwidth  * b,
                   tr_priority_t   parent_priority,
                   tr_direction    dir,
                   unsigned int    period_msec,
                   tr_ptrArray   * peer_pool)
    const tr_priority_t priority = MAX (parent_priority, b->priority);

    assert (tr_isBandwidth (b));
    assert (tr_isDirection (dir));

    /* set the available bandwidth */
    if (b->band[dir].isLimited)
        const uint64_t nextPulseSpeed = b->band[dir].desiredSpeed_Bps;
        b->band[dir].bytesLeft = (unsigned int)(nextPulseSpeed * period_msec) / 1000u;

    /* add this bandwidth's peer, if any, to the peer pool */
    if (b->peer != NULL) {
        b->peer->priority = priority;
        tr_ptrArrayAppend (peer_pool, b->peer);

    /* traverse & repeat for the subtree */
    if (1) {
        int i;
        struct tr_bandwidth ** children = (struct tr_bandwidth**) tr_ptrArrayBase (&b->children);
        const int n = tr_ptrArraySize (&b->children);
        for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
            allocateBandwidth (children[i], priority, dir, period_msec, peer_pool);
static tr_quark
append_new_quark (const void * str, size_t len)
  tr_quark ret;
  struct tr_key_struct * tmp;
  tmp = tr_new (struct tr_key_struct, 1);
  tmp->str = tr_strndup (str, len);
  tmp->len = len;
  ret = TR_N_KEYS + tr_ptrArraySize (&my_runtime);
  tr_ptrArrayAppend (&my_runtime, tmp);
  return ret;
static void
allocateBandwidth( tr_bandwidth  * b,
                   tr_priority_t   parent_priority,
                   tr_direction    dir,
                   unsigned int    period_msec,
                   tr_ptrArray   * peer_pool )
    tr_priority_t priority;

    assert( tr_isBandwidth( b ) );
    assert( tr_isDirection( dir ) );

    /* set the available bandwidth */
    if( b->band[dir].isLimited )
        const unsigned int nextPulseSpeed = b->band[dir].desiredSpeed_Bps;
        b->band[dir].bytesLeft = ( nextPulseSpeed * period_msec ) / 1000u;

        if( dir == DEBUG_DIRECTION )
                fprintf( stderr, "bandwidth %p currentPieceSpeed(%5.2f of %5.2f) desiredSpeed(%5.2f), allocating %d\n",
                         b, currentSpeed, tr_bandwidthGetRawSpeed( b, dir ), desiredSpeed,
                         b->band[dir].bytesLeft );

    priority = MAX( parent_priority, b->priority );

    /* add this bandwidth's peer, if any, to the peer pool */
    if( b->peer != NULL ) {
        b->peer->priority = priority;
        tr_ptrArrayAppend( peer_pool, b->peer );

if( ( dir == DEBUG_DIRECTION ) && ( n > 1 ) )
fprintf( stderr, "bandwidth %p has %d peers\n", b, n );

    /* traverse & repeat for the subtree */
    if( 1 ) {
        int i;
        struct tr_bandwidth ** children = (struct tr_bandwidth**) tr_ptrArrayBase( &b->children );
        const int n = tr_ptrArraySize( &b->children );
        for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
            allocateBandwidth( children[i], priority, dir, period_msec, peer_pool );
static void
allocateBandwidth( tr_bandwidth  * b,
                   tr_direction    dir,
                   int             period_msec,
                   tr_ptrArray   * peer_pool )
    assert( tr_isBandwidth( b ) );
    assert( tr_isDirection( dir ) );

    /* set the available bandwidth */
    if( b->band[dir].isLimited )
        const double desiredSpeed = b->band[dir].desiredSpeed;
        const double nextPulseSpeed = desiredSpeed;
        b->band[dir].bytesLeft = MAX( 0.0, nextPulseSpeed * 1024.0 * period_msec / 1000.0 );

        if( dir == DEBUG_DIRECTION )
                fprintf( stderr, "bandwidth %p currentPieceSpeed(%5.2f of %5.2f) desiredSpeed(%5.2f), allocating %5.2f\n",
                         b, currentSpeed, tr_bandwidthGetRawSpeed( b, dir ), desiredSpeed,
                         b->band[dir].bytesLeft/1024.0 );

    /* traverse & repeat for the subtree */
        int i;
        const int n = tr_ptrArraySize( b->peers );
        for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
            tr_ptrArrayAppend( peer_pool, tr_ptrArrayNth( b->peers, i ) );

if( ( dir == DEBUG_DIRECTION ) && ( n > 1 ) )
fprintf( stderr, "bandwidth %p has %d peers\n", b, n );

    /* all children should reallocate too */
    if( 1 ) {
        int i, n=0;
        struct tr_bandwidth ** children = (struct tr_bandwidth**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( b->children, &n );
        for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
            allocateBandwidth( children[i], dir, period_msec, peer_pool );
static void
extract_parts_from_multipart (const struct evkeyvalq  * headers,
                              struct evbuffer         * body,
                              tr_ptrArray             * setme_parts)
  const char * content_type = evhttp_find_header (headers, "Content-Type");
  const char * in = (const char*) evbuffer_pullup (body, -1);
  size_t inlen = evbuffer_get_length (body);

  const char * boundary_key = "boundary=";
  const char * boundary_key_begin = content_type ? strstr (content_type, boundary_key) : NULL;
  const char * boundary_val = boundary_key_begin ? boundary_key_begin + strlen (boundary_key) : "arglebargle";
  char * boundary = tr_strdup_printf ("--%s", boundary_val);
  const size_t boundary_len = strlen (boundary);

  const char * delim = tr_memmem (in, inlen, boundary, boundary_len);
  while (delim)
      size_t part_len;
      const char * part = delim + boundary_len;

      inlen -= (part - in);
      in = part;

      delim = tr_memmem (in, inlen, boundary, boundary_len);
      part_len = delim ? (size_t)(delim - part) : inlen;

      if (part_len)
          const char * rnrn = tr_memmem (part, part_len, "\r\n\r\n", 4);
          if (rnrn)
              struct tr_mimepart * p = tr_new (struct tr_mimepart, 1);
              p->headers_len = (size_t) (rnrn - part);
              p->headers = tr_strndup (part, p->headers_len);
              p->body_len = (size_t) ((part + part_len) - (rnrn + 4));
              p->body = tr_strndup (rnrn+4, p->body_len);
              tr_ptrArrayAppend (setme_parts, p);

  tr_free (boundary);
 * This function's previous recursive implementation was
 * easier to read, but was vulnerable to a smash-stacking
 * attack via maliciously-crafted bencoded data. (#667)
tr_variantParseBenc (const void    * buf_in,
                     const void    * bufend_in,
                     tr_variant    * top,
                     const char   ** setme_end)
  int err = 0;
  const uint8_t * buf = buf_in;
  const uint8_t * bufend = bufend_in;
  tr_ptrArray stack = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
  tr_quark key = 0;

  tr_variantInit (top, 0);

  while (buf != bufend)
      if (buf > bufend) /* no more text to parse... */
        err = EILSEQ;

      if (err)

      if (*buf == 'i') /* int */
          int64_t val;
          const uint8_t * end;
          tr_variant * v;

          if ((err = tr_bencParseInt (buf, bufend, &end, &val)))
          buf = end;

          if ((v = get_node (&stack, &key, top, &err)))
            tr_variantInitInt (v, val);
      else if (*buf == 'l') /* list */
          tr_variant * v;


          if ((v = get_node (&stack, &key, top, &err)))
              tr_variantInitList (v, 0);
              tr_ptrArrayAppend (&stack, v);
      else if (*buf == 'd') /* dict */
          tr_variant * v;


          if ((v = get_node (&stack, &key, top, &err)))
              tr_variantInitDict (v, 0);
              tr_ptrArrayAppend (&stack, v);
      else if (*buf == 'e') /* end of list or dict */

          if (tr_ptrArrayEmpty (&stack) || (key != 0))
              err = EILSEQ;
              tr_ptrArrayPop (&stack);
              if (tr_ptrArrayEmpty (&stack))
      else if (isdigit (*buf)) /* string? */
          tr_variant * v;
          const uint8_t * end;
          const uint8_t * str;
          size_t str_len;

          if ((err = tr_bencParseStr (buf, bufend, &end, &str, &str_len)))
          buf = end;

          if (!key && !tr_ptrArrayEmpty(&stack) && tr_variantIsDict(tr_ptrArrayBack(&stack)))
            key = tr_quark_new (str, str_len);
          else if ((v = get_node (&stack, &key, top, &err)))
            tr_variantInitStr (v, str, str_len);
      else /* invalid bencoded text... march past it */

      if (tr_ptrArrayEmpty (&stack))

  if (!err && (!top->type || !tr_ptrArrayEmpty(&stack)))
    err = EILSEQ;

  if (!err && setme_end)
    *setme_end = (const char*) buf;

  tr_ptrArrayDestruct (&stack, NULL);
  return err;
文件: json.c 项目: fangang190/canary
static int
callback( void *             vdata,
          int                type,
          const JSON_value * value )
    struct json_benc_data * data = vdata;
    tr_benc *               node;

    switch( type )
        case JSON_T_ARRAY_BEGIN:
            node = getNode( data );
            tr_bencInitList( node, 0 );
            tr_ptrArrayAppend( data->stack, node );

        case JSON_T_ARRAY_END:
            tr_ptrArrayPop( data->stack );

        case JSON_T_OBJECT_BEGIN:
            node = getNode( data );
            tr_bencInitDict( node, 0 );
            tr_ptrArrayAppend( data->stack, node );

        case JSON_T_OBJECT_END:
            tr_ptrArrayPop( data->stack );

        case JSON_T_FLOAT:
            char buf[128];
            tr_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%f",
                         (double)value->vu.float_value );
            tr_bencInitStr( getNode( data ), buf, -1 );

        case JSON_T_NULL:
            tr_bencInitStr( getNode( data ), "", 0 );

        case JSON_T_INTEGER:
            tr_bencInitInt( getNode( data ), value->vu.integer_value );

        case JSON_T_TRUE:
            tr_bencInitInt( getNode( data ), 1 );

        case JSON_T_FALSE:
            tr_bencInitInt( getNode( data ), 0 );

        case JSON_T_STRING:
            tr_bencInitStr( getNode( data ),
                            value->vu.str.length );

        case JSON_T_KEY:
            assert( !data->key );
            data->key = tr_strdup( value->vu.str.value );

    return 1;