main(){ if(!DEBUG){freopen("","r",stdin); freopen("transform.out","w",stdout);} scanf("%d%c",&n,&before[0][0]); for(i=0;i<n;i++)scanf("%s",before[i]); for(i=0;i<n;i++)scanf("%s",after[i]); if(tran1())puts("1"); else if(tran2())puts("2"); else if(tran3())puts("3"); else if(tran4())puts("4"); else if(tran6())puts("6"); else if(tran1() || tran2() || tran3())puts("5"); else puts("7"); if(DEBUG)scanf(" "); }
/* calc observation matrix Q for given observer*/ void findQ(void) { vec1 alpha, beta, gamma, v, w; double E[5][5]; double F[5][5]; double G[5][5]; double H[5][5]; double U[5][5]; /* calc translation matrix F*/ tran3(eye.x, eye.y, eye.z, F); /* calc rotation matrix G*/ alpha = angle(-direct.x, -direct.y); rot3(3, alpha, G); /* calc rotation matrix H*/ v = sqrt(direct.x*direct.x + direct.y*direct.y); beta = angle(-direct.z, v); rot3(2, beta, H); /* calc rotation matrix U*/ w = sqrt(v*v + direct.z*direct.z); gamma = angle(-direct.x*w, direct.y*direct.z); rot3(3, -gamma, U); /* combine the transformations to find Q*/ mult3(G, F, Q); mult3(H, Q, E); mult3(U, E, Q); }