int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		std::cout << "Need filename" << std::endl;
		return -1;
	char* filename = argv[1];

	std::vector<std::string*>* strReps = readlines(filename);

	std::vector<std::vector<int>*>* vectorReps = map(strReps, &transform);

	std::vector<int>* vectorRes = sum(vectorReps);

	std::string* strRes = transform_1(vectorRes);

	std::cout << *strRes << std::endl;

	assert((*strRes).substr(0, 10) == std::string("5537376230"));

	for (int i = 0; i < strReps->size(); i++) {
		delete strReps->at(i);
	delete strReps;
	for (int i = 0; i < vectorReps->size(); i++) {
		delete vectorReps->at(i);
	delete vectorReps;
	delete vectorRes;
	delete strRes;
	return 0;
				SPROUT_CONSTEXPR position_type
				transform(position_type const& c, unit_type const& u, unit_type const& v) const {
					return transform_1(
						u * sprout::cos(rotate_) - v * sprout::sin(rotate_),
						u * sprout::sin(rotate_) + v * sprout::cos(rotate_),
							sprout::darkroom::coords::x(c) * sprout::darkroom::coords::x(c)
								+ sprout::darkroom::coords::z(c) * sprout::darkroom::coords::z(c)
// This is the main function
main (int argc, char** argv)

  // Show help
  if (pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "-h") || pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "--help")) {
    showHelp (argv[0]);
    return 0;

  // Fetch point cloud filename in arguments | Works with PCD and PLY files
  std::vector<int> filenames;
  bool file_is_pcd = false;

  filenames = pcl::console::parse_file_extension_argument (argc, argv, ".ply");

  if (filenames.size () != 1)  {
    filenames = pcl::console::parse_file_extension_argument (argc, argv, ".pcd");

    if (filenames.size () != 1) {
      showHelp (argv[0]);
      return -1;
    } else {
      file_is_pcd = true;

  // Load file | Works with PCD and PLY files
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr source_cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> ());

  if (file_is_pcd) {
    if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile (argv[filenames[0]], *source_cloud) < 0)  {
      std::cout << "Error loading point cloud " << argv[filenames[0]] << std::endl << std::endl;
      showHelp (argv[0]);
      return -1;
  } else {
    if (pcl::io::loadPLYFile (argv[filenames[0]], *source_cloud) < 0)  {
      std::cout << "Error loading point cloud " << argv[filenames[0]] << std::endl << std::endl;
      showHelp (argv[0]);
      return -1;

  /* Reminder: how transformation matrices work :

           |-------> This column is the translation
    | 1 0 0 x |  \
    | 0 1 0 y |   }-> The identity 3x3 matrix (no rotation) on the left
    | 0 0 1 z |  /
    | 0 0 0 1 |    -> We do not use this line (and it has to stay 0,0,0,1)

    METHOD #1: Using a Matrix4f
    This is the "manual" method, perfect to understand but error prone !
  Eigen::Matrix4f transform_1 = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();

  // Define a rotation matrix (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix)
  float theta = M_PI/4; // The angle of rotation in radians
  transform_1 (0,0) = cos (theta);
  transform_1 (0,1) = -sin(theta);
  transform_1 (1,0) = sin (theta);
  transform_1 (1,1) = cos (theta);
  //    (row, column)

  // Define a translation of 2.5 meters on the x axis.
  transform_1 (0,3) = 2.5;

  // Print the transformation
  printf ("Method #1: using a Matrix4f\n");
  std::cout << transform_1 << std::endl;

  /*  METHOD #2: Using a Affine3f
    This method is easier and less error prone
  Eigen::Affine3f transform_2 = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity();

  // Define a translation of 2.5 meters on the x axis.
  transform_2.translation() << 2.5, 0.0, 0.0;

  // The same rotation matrix as before; theta radians arround Z axis
  transform_2.rotate (Eigen::AngleAxisf (theta, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ()));

  // Print the transformation
  printf ("\nMethod #2: using an Affine3f\n");
  std::cout << transform_2.matrix() << std::endl;

  // Executing the transformation
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr transformed_cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> ());
  // You can either apply transform_1 or transform_2; they are the same
  pcl::transformPointCloud (*source_cloud, *transformed_cloud, transform_2);

  // Visualization
  printf(  "\nPoint cloud colors :  white  = original point cloud\n"
      "                        red  = transformed point cloud\n");
  pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer ("Matrix transformation example");

   // Define R,G,B colors for the point cloud
  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> source_cloud_color_handler (source_cloud, 255, 255, 255);
  // We add the point cloud to the viewer and pass the color handler
  viewer.addPointCloud (source_cloud, source_cloud_color_handler, "original_cloud");

  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> transformed_cloud_color_handler (transformed_cloud, 230, 20, 20); // Red
  viewer.addPointCloud (transformed_cloud, transformed_cloud_color_handler, "transformed_cloud");

  viewer.addCoordinateSystem (1.0, "cloud", 0);
  viewer.setBackgroundColor(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0); // Setting background to a dark grey
  viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 2, "original_cloud");
  viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 2, "transformed_cloud");
  //viewer.setPosition(800, 400); // Setting visualiser window position

  while (!viewer.wasStopped ()) { // Display the visualiser until 'q' key is pressed
    viewer.spinOnce ();

  return 0;
// I need to change the parameters to account for the
// transformation matrices. I need to save the best TM
// so I can combine it with the icp TM.
// Does kdtree search on each rotation of 45 degrees around
// the central point of the moved_cloud
Eigen::Matrix4f kdtree_search(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr input_cloud, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr moved_cloud, float radius)
  pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::PointXYZ> kdtree;
  std::vector<int> pointIdxRadiusSearch;
  std::vector<float> pointRadiusSquaredDistance;

  // Total number of nearest neighbors
  int num_matches = 0;
  // Return the cloud with the most number of nearest neighbors
  // within a given radius of the searchPoint
  int max_neighbors = 0;
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr best_fit_cloud ;
  Eigen::Matrix4f best_fit_transform = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();

  Eigen::Vector4f centroid1 = compute_centroid(*moved_cloud);
  cout << "centroid of source cloud - " << centroid1(0)
  << ", " << centroid1(1) << ", " << centroid1(2) << endl;

  // Executing the transformation
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr rotated_cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> ());
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr transformed_cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> ());

  Eigen::Matrix4f transform_1 = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
  Eigen::Matrix4f transform_2 = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();

  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    float theta = 45 * i + 45;
    transform_1 (0,0) = cos (theta);
    transform_1 (0,2) = -sin (theta);
    transform_1 (2,0) = sin (theta);
    transform_1 (2,2) = cos (theta);
    cout << "cloud with " << theta << " degrees of rotation" << endl;
pcl::transformPointCloud (*moved_cloud, *rotated_cloud, transform_1);

// Probably need to compute centroid of the new transformed cloud
// because the transformation seems to translate it
  Eigen::Vector4f centroid2 = compute_centroid(*rotated_cloud);
  cout << "centroid of rotated cloud - " << centroid2(0)
  << ", " << centroid2(1) << ", " << centroid2(2) << endl;
  float distance_x = centroid1(0) - centroid2(0);
  float distance_y = centroid1(1) - centroid2(1);
  float distance_z = centroid1(2) - centroid2(2);
  cout << "distance between centroids: (" << distance_x << ", " << distance_y << ", " << distance_z << ")" << endl;
  transform_2 (0,3) = (distance_x);
  transform_2 (1,3) = (distance_y);
  transform_2 (2,3) = (distance_z);
pcl::transformPointCloud (*rotated_cloud, *transformed_cloud, transform_2);

    // Rotate the cloud by 45 degrees each time
    // May want to add some random translation as well.
    // This would correspond to doing kdtree search on a number of
    // clouds that are presumably close to the target point cloud.

    // Run the kdtree search on every 10th point of the moved_cloud
    // Increase this number to speed up the search
    // Test with different increments of i to see effect on speed
    for (int j = 0; j < (*moved_cloud).points.size(); j += 10)
      pcl::PointXYZ searchPoint = moved_cloud->points[j];
      int num_neighbors = kdtree.radiusSearch(searchPoint, radius, pointIdxRadiusSearch, pointRadiusSquaredDistance);
      num_matches += num_neighbors;
      cout << "performed kdtree nearest neighbor search, found " << num_neighbors << " within " << radius << " radius" << endl;
    cout << "num_matches = " << num_matches << endl;
    cout << "max_neighbors = " << max_neighbors << endl;

    if (num_matches > max_neighbors) {
      max_neighbors = num_matches;
      best_fit_cloud = transformed_cloud;
      // are these transforms relative? or absolute?
      // this currently calculates relative
      // should be transform_2 * transform_1 if absolute
      best_fit_transform = transform_2 * transform_1;
    num_matches = 0;
  printf(  "\nPoint cloud colors :  white  = original point cloud\n"
      "                        red  = transformed point cloud\n"
      "                        blue = moved point cloud\n"
      "                        green = rotated point cloud\n");
  pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer ("Matrix transformation example");

   // Define R,G,B colors for the point cloud
//  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> source_cloud_color_handler (source_cloud, 255, 255, 255);  // white
  // We add the point cloud to the viewer and pass the color handler
//  viewer.addPointCloud (source_cloud, source_cloud_color_handler, "original_cloud");

  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> rotated_cloud_color_handler (rotated_cloud, 20, 245, 20); // green
  viewer.addPointCloud (rotated_cloud, rotated_cloud_color_handler, "rotated_cloud");

  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> transformed_cloud_color_handler (transformed_cloud, 230, 20, 20); // Red
  viewer.addPointCloud (transformed_cloud, transformed_cloud_color_handler, "transformed_cloud");

  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> moved_cloud_color_handler (moved_cloud, 20, 230, 230); // blue
  viewer.addPointCloud (moved_cloud, moved_cloud_color_handler, "moved_cloud");

  viewer.addCoordinateSystem (1.0, 0);
  viewer.setBackgroundColor(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0); // Setting background to a dark grey
//  viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 2, "original_cloud");
  viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 2, "transformed_cloud");
  viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 2, "rotated_cloud");
  viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 2, "moved_cloud");
  //viewer.setPosition(800, 400); // Setting visualiser window position
  while (!viewer.wasStopped ()) { // Display the visualiser until 'q' key is pressed
    viewer.spinOnce ();

  // check whether the translations are relative or absolute
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr best_transform_cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> ());
  pcl::transformPointCloud (*moved_cloud, *best_transform_cloud, best_fit_transform);

  pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer ("Matrix transformation example");

  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> best_transform_cloud_color_handler (best_transform_cloud, 245, 20, 20); // red
  viewer.addPointCloud (best_transform_cloud, best_transform_cloud_color_handler, "best_transform_cloud");

  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> best_fit_cloud_color_handler (best_fit_cloud, 20, 245, 20); // green
  viewer.addPointCloud (best_transform_cloud, best_fit_cloud_color_handler, "best_fit_cloud");

  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> input_cloud_color_handler (input_cloud, 255, 255, 255); // white
  viewer.addPointCloud (input_cloud, input_cloud_color_handler, "input_cloud");

  viewer.addCoordinateSystem (1.0, 0);
  viewer.setBackgroundColor(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0); // Setting background to a dark grey

  viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 2, "best_transform_cloud");
  viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 2, "best_fit_cloud");
  viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 2, "input_cloud");
  while (!viewer.wasStopped ()) { // Display the visualiser until 'q' key is pressed
    viewer.spinOnce ();
  return best_fit_transform;
	void run()
		pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> fake_obs;
		float z_inc = 1.5;
		float X_obs = 1.2;
    float Y_obs = -0.4;
		pcl::PointXYZ point;
		point.x = X_obs;
		point.y = Y_obs;
		point.z = -0.1;
		for(int i=0;i<30; i++)
			point.x = point.x + costmap_res/30;
			point.y = Y_obs;
			for(int j=0;j < 30;j++)
				point.y = point.y - costmap_res/30;
			point.z = point.z + z_inc/30;
		X_obs = 1.8;
		Y_obs = 1.8;
		point.x = X_obs;
		point.y = Y_obs;
		point.z = -0.1;
		for(int i=0;i<30; i++)
			point.x = point.x + costmap_res/30;
			point.y = Y_obs;
			for(int j=0;j < 30;j++)
				point.y = point.y - costmap_res/30;
			point.z = point.z + z_inc/30;
    		ros::Rate rate(50);
    		tf::TransformListener listener;
    		bool first_loop = true;
		bool transform_present = true; 
		float curr_x;
		float curr_y;
		float curr_yaw;
		float last_x;
		float last_y;
		float last_yaw;		

		Eigen::Matrix4f transform_1 = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
    			tf::StampedTransform transform_odom_laser;
      				listener.lookupTransform("/odom", "/base_link", ros::Time(0), transform_odom_laser);
      				transform_present = true;
    			catch (tf::TransformException ex)
      				transform_present = false;
			//Reading x and y
			curr_x =transform_odom_laser.getOrigin().x();
			curr_y =transform_odom_laser.getOrigin().y();
			tfScalar roll,pitch,yaw;
			tf::Matrix3x3 M(transform_odom_laser.getRotation());
			M.getRPY(roll,pitch,yaw,(unsigned int) 1);
			curr_yaw = (float) yaw - M_PI/2; //odom orientation is 90 degree rotated with respect to laser
			if (!first_loop)
				float delta_x   =  (curr_x - last_x) * cos(curr_yaw) + (curr_y - last_y)* sin(curr_yaw);
				float delta_y   = -(curr_x - last_x) * sin(curr_yaw) + (curr_y - last_y)* cos(curr_yaw);;
				float delta_yaw = (curr_yaw - last_yaw);

				| cos(yaw)  sin(yaw) 0  x|
				|-sin(yaw)  cos(yaw) 0  y|
				|     0        0     1  0|
				|     0        0     0  1|
				transform_1 (0,0) =  cos (delta_yaw);  transform_1 (0,1) =  sin (delta_yaw);
  				transform_1 (1,0) = -sin (delta_yaw);  transform_1 (1,1) =  cos (delta_yaw);
  				transform_1 (0,3) = -delta_y; 
  				transform_1 (1,3) = -delta_x;
  				transform_1 (2,3) = 0.0;
  				pcl::transformPointCloud (fake_obs, fake_obs, transform_1);
			last_x = curr_x;
			last_y = curr_y;
			last_yaw = curr_yaw;
			if (first_loop && transform_present) 
				first_loop = false;
			sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 cloud;
			cloud.header.frame_id = "base_link";
    			cloud.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();	