void SparseTrackerAM::broadcastTF(const PointCloudT::ConstPtr cloud_in_ptr)
  tf::StampedTransform transform_msg(
   f2b_, cloud_in_ptr->header.stamp, fixed_frame_, base_frame_);
  tf_broadcaster_.sendTransform (transform_msg);

  visualization_msgs::MarkerArray marker_array;

  for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
    visualization_msgs::Marker marker;

    marker.header.frame_id = fixed_frame_;
    marker.header.stamp = cloud_in_ptr->header.stamp;

    marker.ns = "particle_poses";
    marker.id = i;

    // Set the marker type.  Initially this is CUBE, and cycles between that and SPHERE, ARROW, and CYLINDER
    marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE;

    // Set the marker action.  Options are ADD and DELETE
    marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;

    // Set the pose of the marker.  This is a full 6DOF pose relative to the frame/time specified in the header
    //tf::quaternionTFToMsg(pf2b_[i].getRotation() marker.pose.orientation);
    tf::poseTFToMsg(pf2b_[i], marker.pose);

    // Set the scale of the marker
    marker.scale.x = 0.01;
    marker.scale.y = 0.01;
    marker.scale.z = 0.01;

    // Set the color -- be sure to set alpha to something non-zero!
    marker.color.r = 1.0f;
    marker.color.g = (i / 20.0);
    marker.color.b = 0.0f;
    marker.color.a = 1.0;

    marker.lifetime = ros::Duration();

    // Publish the marker


void VisualOdometry::publishTf(const std_msgs::Header& header)
  tf::StampedTransform transform_msg(
   f2b_, header.stamp, fixed_frame_, base_frame_);
  tf_broadcaster_.sendTransform (transform_msg);
void gps_callback(const sensor_msgs::NavSatFixConstPtr& msg)
  if (!g_got_imu) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM_THROTTLE(1, "No IMU data yet");

  if (msg->status.status < sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::STATUS_FIX) {

  if (!g_geodetic_converter.isInitialised()) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM_THROTTLE(1, "No GPS reference point set, not publishing");

  double x, y, z;
  g_geodetic_converter.geodetic2Enu(msg->latitude, msg->longitude, msg->altitude, &x, &y, &z);

  // (NWU -> ENU) for simulation
  if (g_is_sim) {
    double aux = x;
    x = y;
    y = -aux;
    //z = z;

  // Fill up pose message
  geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStampedPtr pose_msg(
      new geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped);
  pose_msg->header = msg->header;
  pose_msg->header.frame_id = "world";
  pose_msg->pose.pose.position.x = x;
  pose_msg->pose.pose.position.y = y;
  pose_msg->pose.pose.position.z = z;
  pose_msg->pose.pose.orientation = g_latest_imu_msg.orientation;

  // Fill up position message
  geometry_msgs::PointStampedPtr position_msg(
    new geometry_msgs::PointStamped);
  position_msg->header = pose_msg->header;
  position_msg->header.frame_id = "world";
  position_msg->point = pose_msg->pose.pose.position;

  // If external altitude messages received, include in pose and position messages
  if (g_got_altitude) {
    pose_msg->pose.pose.position.z = g_latest_altitude_msg.data;
    position_msg->point.z = g_latest_altitude_msg.data;


  // Set default covariances
  pose_msg->pose.covariance[6 * 0 + 0] = g_covariance_position_x;
  pose_msg->pose.covariance[6 * 1 + 1] = g_covariance_position_y;
  pose_msg->pose.covariance[6 * 2 + 2] = g_covariance_position_z;
  pose_msg->pose.covariance[6 * 3 + 3] = g_covariance_orientation_x;
  pose_msg->pose.covariance[6 * 4 + 4] = g_covariance_orientation_y;
  pose_msg->pose.covariance[6 * 5 + 5] = g_covariance_orientation_z;

  // Take covariances from GPS
  if (g_trust_gps) {
    if (msg->position_covariance_type == sensor_msgs::NavSatFix::COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN
        || msg->position_covariance_type == sensor_msgs::NavSatFix::COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED) {
      // Fill in completely
      for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j <= 2; j++) {
          pose_msg->pose.covariance[6 * i + j] = msg->position_covariance[3 * i + j];
    } else if (msg->position_covariance_type
        == sensor_msgs::NavSatFix::COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN) {
      // Only fill in diagonal
      for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
        pose_msg->pose.covariance[6 * i + i] = msg->position_covariance[3 * i + i];


  // Fill up transform message
  geometry_msgs::TransformStampedPtr transform_msg(new geometry_msgs::TransformStamped);
  transform_msg->header = msg->header;
  transform_msg->header.frame_id = "world";
  transform_msg->transform.translation.x = x;
  transform_msg->transform.translation.y = y;
  transform_msg->transform.translation.z = z;
  transform_msg->transform.rotation = g_latest_imu_msg.orientation;

  if (g_got_altitude) {
    transform_msg->transform.translation.z = g_latest_altitude_msg.data;

void LaserScanMatcher::processScan(LDP& curr_ldp_scan, const ros::Time& time)
  ros::WallTime start = ros::WallTime::now();

  // CSM is used in the following way:
  // The scans are always in the laser frame
  // The reference scan (prevLDPcan_) has a pose of [0, 0, 0]
  // The new scan (currLDPScan) has a pose equal to the movement
  // of the laser in the laser frame since the last scan 
  // The computed correction is then propagated using the tf machinery

  prev_ldp_scan_->odometry[0] = 0.0;
  prev_ldp_scan_->odometry[1] = 0.0;
  prev_ldp_scan_->odometry[2] = 0.0;

  prev_ldp_scan_->estimate[0] = 0.0;
  prev_ldp_scan_->estimate[1] = 0.0;
  prev_ldp_scan_->estimate[2] = 0.0;

  prev_ldp_scan_->true_pose[0] = 0.0;
  prev_ldp_scan_->true_pose[1] = 0.0;
  prev_ldp_scan_->true_pose[2] = 0.0;

  input_.laser_ref  = prev_ldp_scan_;
  input_.laser_sens = curr_ldp_scan;

  // **** estimated change since last scan

  double dt = (time - last_icp_time_).toSec();
  double pr_ch_x, pr_ch_y, pr_ch_a;
  getPrediction(pr_ch_x, pr_ch_y, pr_ch_a, dt);

  // the predicted change of the laser's position, in the fixed frame  

  tf::Transform pr_ch;
  createTfFromXYTheta(pr_ch_x, pr_ch_y, pr_ch_a, pr_ch);

  // account for the change since the last kf, in the fixed frame

  pr_ch = pr_ch * (f2b_ * f2b_kf_.inverse());

  // the predicted change of the laser's position, in the laser frame

  tf::Transform pr_ch_l;
  pr_ch_l = laser_to_base_ * f2b_.inverse() * pr_ch * f2b_ * base_to_laser_ ;
  input_.first_guess[0] = pr_ch_l.getOrigin().getX();
  input_.first_guess[1] = pr_ch_l.getOrigin().getY();
  input_.first_guess[2] = tf::getYaw(pr_ch_l.getRotation());

  // *** scan match - using point to line icp from CSM

  sm_icp(&input_, &output_);
  tf::Transform corr_ch;

  if (output_.valid) 
    // the correction of the laser's position, in the laser frame
    tf::Transform corr_ch_l;
    createTfFromXYTheta(output_.x[0], output_.x[1], output_.x[2], corr_ch_l);

    // the correction of the base's position, in the base frame
    corr_ch = base_to_laser_ * corr_ch_l * laser_to_base_;

    // update the pose in the world frame
    f2b_ = f2b_kf_ * corr_ch;

    // **** publish

    if (publish_pose_) 
      // unstamped Pose2D message
      geometry_msgs::Pose2D::Ptr pose_msg;
      pose_msg = boost::make_shared<geometry_msgs::Pose2D>();
      pose_msg->x = f2b_.getOrigin().getX();
      pose_msg->y = f2b_.getOrigin().getY();
      pose_msg->theta = tf::getYaw(f2b_.getRotation());
    if (publish_pose_stamped_)
      // stamped Pose message
      geometry_msgs::PoseStamped::Ptr pose_stamped_msg;
      pose_stamped_msg = boost::make_shared<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>();

      pose_stamped_msg->header.stamp    = time;
      pose_stamped_msg->header.frame_id = fixed_frame_;     
      tf::poseTFToMsg(f2b_, pose_stamped_msg->pose);

    if (publish_tf_)
      tf::StampedTransform transform_msg (f2b_, time, fixed_frame_, base_frame_);
      tf_broadcaster_.sendTransform (transform_msg);
    ROS_WARN("Error in scan matching");

  // **** swap old and new

  if (newKeyframeNeeded(corr_ch))
    // generate a keyframe
    prev_ldp_scan_ = curr_ldp_scan;
    f2b_kf_ = f2b_;

  last_icp_time_ = time;

  // **** statistics

  double dur = (ros::WallTime::now() - start).toSec() * 1e3;
  ROS_DEBUG("Scan matcher total duration: %.1f ms", dur);