* @brief AVL tree delete one node. This method is to find its front data child,
* means its first left-right child to cover its data value, and replace to 
* remove the child node. The verbose analysis is the following.
* if pT has single child or no, then remove pT and attach its child to its 
* parent, now his parent bf --, and require rebalance it.
* elseif pT has two child, find the front data child, means its first left-right
* child, and copy the data in pT, and begin to remove this node named Y. As we 
* know Y has no child or single left child, so we can attach the child to Y's 
* parent. And then require rebalance from Y's parent to pT.
* May be the Y should split 2 situation:
* 	1. the Y is the pT's lchild.
* 	2. the Y is the pT's lchild's grand right son.
* @param pT tree quote point.
* @param plower output tree becomes lower or not.
PRIVATE void _avl_deletenode(TREE* pT, int* plower) {
	if (NULL == (*pT)->lchild) {
		NODE* Y = (*pT); (*pT) = (*pT)->rchild; (*plower) = 1; free(Y);
	} else if (NULL == (*pT)->rchild) {
		NODE* Y = (*pT); (*pT) = (*pT)->lchild; (*plower) = 1; free(Y);
	} else { // (*pT)->lchild and (*pT)->rchild are all not null.
		NODE* Y = (*pT)->lchild;
		if (NULL == Y->rchild) {
			ELEMENT_COPY((*pT)->data, Y->data);
			(*pT)->lchild = Y->lchild; (*plower) = 1; free(Y);
			_avl_left_lower_rebalance(pT, plower);
		} else { // NULL != Y->rchild
			tree_stack_push(&TS, &((*pT)->lchild));
			while (Y->rchild) {
				if (Y->rchild->rchild) { tree_stack_push(&TS, &(Y->rchild)); }
				Y = Y->rchild;
			/// copy data to pT node and delete Y node
			ELEMENT_COPY((*pT)->data, Y->data);
			TREE* YF = tree_stack_front(&TS);
			(*YF)->rchild = Y->lchild;
			(*plower) = 1; free(Y);
			// pop all parent line and right lower rabalance
			while (NULL != (YF = tree_stack_pop(&TS))) {
				if (0 == (*plower)) { continue; }
				_avl_right_lower_rebalance(YF, plower);
			// finally do left lower rebalance if lower from left subtree
			if (1 == (*plower)) { _avl_left_lower_rebalance(pT, plower); }
static int tree_item_circular(tree_item_t *item)
  if ( item == NULL )
    return 0;

  if ( tree_object_circular(item->object) ) {
    tree_stack_push(item->parent_tree, item->object);
    return 1; 

  return 0;