void udp_client::handle_receive(const boost::system::error_code& error, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
    if (!error || error == boost::asio::error::message_size)
        // Receive next data
        // receive_buffer has also old data. New data must be trimmed by checking the data between { and } brackets
        std::string trimmedData = trim_data(receive_buffer.data());
        // Parse the received json string to get data
        const char * jsonString = trimmedData.c_str();
        vector<vector<double>> handVector = getHandData(jsonString);
        // If predictionMode is active and received both the hand data,
        // predict the classlabel for every sample and send it via socket
        if(brain_->isPredictionModeActive() && !handVector.empty() && !handVector[0].empty() && !handVector[1].empty()){
            // Predict and get classLabel and maximum likelihood
            vector<double> predictionResults = brain_->predict(handVector[0], handVector[1]);
            // Parse the same received json
            rapidjson::Document outputJson;
            // Add an array OUTPUT with unprocessed predicted class and maximum likelihood
            rapidjson::Value predictionArray(rapidjson::kArrayType);
            predictionArray.PushBack(predictionResults[1], outputJson.GetAllocator());
            predictionArray.PushBack(predictionResults[2], outputJson.GetAllocator());
            outputJson.AddMember("OUTPUT", predictionArray, outputJson.GetAllocator());
            // Write the document to the buffer
            rapidjson::StringBuffer outputJsonBuffer;
            rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> outputJsonWriter(outputJsonBuffer);
            //Send it via websocket with prediction results
            ws_socket.send(outputJsonBuffer.GetString(), true, 1);
            // Post-processed predicted class
            if(predictionResults[0] > 0){
                std::string signName = getSignName<std::string>(std::to_string((int)predictionResults[0]));
                std::stringstream gestureBuffer;
                gestureBuffer << "{\"GESTURE\":\"" << signName << "\"}";
                ws_socket.send(gestureBuffer.str().c_str(), true, 3);
        // If trainingMode is active and received both the hand data,
        // train every input sample and simultaneously send the data via socket
        // but Don't log it in order not to block the user input
        else if(brain_->isTrainingModeActive() && !handVector.empty() && !handVector[0].empty() && !handVector[1].empty()){
            brain_->train(handVector[0], handVector[1], &ws_socket);
            ws_socket.send(jsonString, false, 1);
        // If trainingMode is waiting for user input to train another class
        // send the data via socket but don't log it in order not to block the user input
        else if(brain_->isTrainingModeWaitingForInput){
            ws_socket.send(jsonString, false, 1);
        // If handViewer is selected and both hands or single hand is present
        // Forward all via socket and log
                ws_socket.send(jsonString, true, 1);
            else {
                BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Received : " << trimmedData;
        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << error;
	Removes bytes from the end of the buffer.
static status_t
remove_trailer(net_buffer *buffer, size_t bytes)
	return trim_data(buffer, buffer->size - bytes);