void inventory_selector::print_right_column() const
    if (right_column_width == 0) {
    player &u = g->u;
    int drp_line = 1;
    drop_map::const_iterator dit = dropping.find(-1);
    if (dit != dropping.end()) {
        std::string item_name = u.weapname();
        if (dit->second == -1) {
            item_name.insert(0, "+ ");
        } else {
            item_name = string_format("# %s {%d}", item_name.c_str(), dit->second);
        const char invlet = invlet_or_space(u.weapon);
        item_name = trim_to(item_name, right_column_width - 2); // 2 for the invlet & space
        mvwprintz(w_inv, drp_line, right_column_offset, c_ltblue, "%c %s", invlet, item_name.c_str());
    for (size_t k = 0; k < u.worn.size(); k++) {
        // worn items can not be dropped partially
        if (dropping.count(player::worn_position_to_index(k)) == 0) {
        const char invlet = invlet_or_space(u.worn[k]);
        std::string item_name = trim_to(u.worn[k].display_name(),
                                        right_column_width - 4); // 2 for the invlet '+' &  2 space
        mvwprintz(w_inv, drp_line, right_column_offset, c_cyan, "%c + %s", invlet, item_name.c_str());
    for (drop_map::const_iterator a = dropping.begin(); a != dropping.end(); ++a) {
        if (a->first < 0) { // worn or wielded item, already displayed above
        const std::list<item> &stack = u.inv.const_stack(a->first);
        const item &it = stack.front();
        const char invlet = invlet_or_space(it);
        const int count = a->second;
        const int display_count = (count == -1) ? (it.charges >= 0) ? it.charges : stack.size() : count;
        const nc_color col = it.color_in_inventory();
        std::string item_name = it.tname( display_count );
        if (count == -1) {
            if (stack.size() > 1) {
                item_name = string_format("%d %s", stack.size(), item_name.c_str());
            } else {
                item_name.insert(0, "+ ");
        } else {
            item_name = string_format("# %s {%d}", item_name.c_str(), count);
        item_name = trim_to(item_name, right_column_width - 2); // 2 for the invlet & space
        mvwprintz(w_inv, drp_line, right_column_offset, col, "%c %s", invlet, item_name.c_str());
void inventory_selector::print_column(const itemstack_vector &items, size_t y, size_t w,
                                      size_t selected, size_t current_page_offset) const
    nc_color selected_line_color = inCategoryMode ? c_white_red : h_white;
    if ((&items == &this->items) != in_inventory) {
        selected_line_color = inCategoryMode ? c_ltgray_red : h_ltgray;
    int cur_line = 2;
    for (size_t a = 0; a + current_page_offset < items.size() && a < items_per_page; a++, cur_line++) {
        const itemstack_or_category &cur_entry = items[a + current_page_offset];
        if (cur_entry.category == NULL) {
        if (cur_entry.it == NULL) {
            const std::string name = trim_to(cur_entry.category->name, w);
            mvwprintz(w_inv, cur_line, y, c_magenta, "%s", name.c_str());
        const item &it = *cur_entry.it;
        std::string item_name = it.display_name();
        if (cur_entry.slice != NULL) {
            const size_t count = cur_entry.slice->size();
            if (count > 1) {
                item_name = string_format("%d %s", count, it.display_name(count).c_str());
        nc_color name_color = it.color_in_inventory();
        nc_color invlet_color = c_white;
        if (a + current_page_offset == selected) {
            name_color = selected_line_color;
            invlet_color = selected_line_color;
        item_name = get_drop_icon(dropping.find(cur_entry.item_pos)) + item_name;
        item_name = trim_to(item_name, w - 2); // 2 for the invlet & space
        if (it.invlet != 0) {
            mvwputch(w_inv, cur_line, y, invlet_color, it.invlet);
        mvwprintz(w_inv, cur_line, y + 2, name_color, "%s", item_name.c_str());
// Return succ/failure
bool BF::set_high_end(const End &e) 
  if (!e.is_ge(0))
     return false;
  if ((e.is_infinite() && low.type() == ET_wraparound) ||
      (e.type() == ET_wraparound && low.is_infinite()))
     return false;
  high = e;

  tape.trim_values(low.bound(), high.bound());
  eof_value = trim_to(eof_value, low.bound(), high.bound());
  return true;
// Return succ/failure
bool BF::set_right_end(const End &e) 
  if (!e.is_infinite() && !tape.get_left().is_infinite() && 
      tape.get_left().value() > e.value())
     return false;
  if ((e.is_infinite() && type_left == ET_wraparound) || 
      (e.type() == ET_wraparound && tape.get_left().is_infinite()))
     return false;

  type_right = e.type();
  position = trim_to(position, tape.get_left(), tape.get_right());
  return true;
int fftMatch_opt(char *inFile1, char *inFile2, float *offsetX, float *offsetY)
  // Generate temporary directory
  char tmpDir[1024];
  char metaFile[1024], outFile[1024], sarFile[1024], opticalFile[1024];
  char *baseName = get_basename(inFile1);
  strcpy(tmpDir, baseName);
  strcat(tmpDir, "-");
  strcat(tmpDir, time_stamp_dir());
  // Cutting optical to SAR extent
  asfPrintStatus("Cutting optical to SAR extent ...\n");
  sprintf(metaFile, "%s.meta", inFile1);
  sprintf(outFile, "%s%c%s_sub.img", tmpDir, DIR_SEPARATOR, inFile2);
  trim_to(inFile2, outFile, metaFile);
  // Clipping optical image including blackfill
  asfPrintStatus("\nClipping optical image including blackfill ...\n");
  meta_parameters *metaOpt = meta_read(outFile);
  meta_parameters *metaSAR = meta_read(metaFile);
  int line_count = metaSAR->general->line_count;
  int sample_count = metaSAR->general->sample_count;
  float *floatLine = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count);
  unsigned char *byteLine = (unsigned char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*sample_count);
  FILE *fpOptical = FOPEN(outFile, "rb");
  sprintf(sarFile, "%s.img", inFile1);
  FILE *fpSAR = FOPEN(sarFile, "rb");
  sprintf(outFile, "%s%c%s_mask.img", tmpDir, DIR_SEPARATOR, inFile2);
  sprintf(metaFile, "%s%c%s_mask.meta", tmpDir, DIR_SEPARATOR, inFile2);
  FILE *fpOut = FOPEN(outFile, "wb");
  int ii, kk;
  for (ii=0; ii<line_count; ii++) {
    get_float_line(fpSAR, metaSAR, ii, floatLine);
    get_byte_line(fpOptical, metaOpt, ii, byteLine);
    for (kk=0; kk<sample_count; kk++) {
      if (!FLOAT_EQUIVALENT(floatLine[kk], 0.0))
        floatLine[kk] = (float) byteLine[kk];
    put_float_line(fpOut, metaSAR, ii, floatLine);
  meta_write(metaSAR, metaFile);

  // Edge filtering optical image
  asfPrintStatus("\nEdge filtering optical image ...\n");
  sprintf(opticalFile, "%s%c%s_sobel.img", tmpDir, DIR_SEPARATOR, inFile2);
  kernel_filter(outFile, opticalFile, SOBEL, 3, 0, 0);

  // Edge filtering SAR image
  asfPrintStatus("\nEdge filtering SAR image ...\n");
  sprintf(sarFile, "%s%c%s_sobel.img", tmpDir, DIR_SEPARATOR, inFile1);
  kernel_filter(inFile1, sarFile, SOBEL, 3, 0, 0);

  // FFT matching on a grid
  asfPrintStatus("\nFFT matching on a grid ...\n");
  float certainty;
  fftMatch_proj(sarFile, opticalFile, offsetX, offsetY, &certainty);

  // Clean up

  return (0);