static void runTX(char c1, char c2, char c3, char c4)
  // Initialize packet buffer of size PKTLEN + 1
  uint8 txBuffer[PKTLEN+1] = {0};

   P2SEL &= ~0x40; // P2SEL bit 6 (GDO0) set to one as default. Set to zero (I/O)
  // connect ISR function to GPIO0, interrupt on falling edge
  trxIsrConnect(GPIO_0, FALLING_EDGE, &radioRxTxISR);

  // enable interrupt from GPIO_0

	// create a random packet with PKTLEN + 2 byte packet counter + n x random bytes
	createPacket(txBuffer, c1, c2, c3, c4);

  // write packet to tx fifo

  // strobe TX to send packet

	// wait for interrupt that packet has been sent.
	// (Assumes the GPIO connected to the radioRxTxISR function is set
	// to GPIOx_CFG = 0x06)

	// clear semaphore flag
	packetSemaphore = ISR_IDLE;

 * @fn          cc1120cc1190IdleRx
 * @brief       Radio state is switched from Idle to RX. Function assumes that
 *              radio is in IDLE when called. 
 * input parameters
 * @param       none
 * output parameters
 * @return      void
static void cc1120cc1190IdleRx(void)
 * @fn          perCC1120CC1190SendPacket
 * @brief       Sends the contents that pData points to which has the 
 *              following structure:
 *              txArray[0] = length byte
 *              txArray[n] = payload[n]
 *              | n<[sizeOf(RXFIFO)-2], variable packet length is assumed.
 *              The radio state after completing TX is dependant on the 
 *              CC112X_RFEND_CFG0 register setting. For PG10 this register 
 *              dictates IDLE after TX. For PG.0 this function must be 
 *              re-implemented since the 2way PER test relies on RX after TX.
 *              This function enables SYNC interrupt. This means that 
 *              an interrupt will fire when a packet has been sent, i.e sync 
 *              signal transitions from high to low. 
 *              The One-Way PER test disables the sync pin interrupt when TX
 *              finishes, while the Two-Way PER test doesn't to enable quick
 *              reception of Slave ACK.
 *              Note: Assumes chip is ready
 * input parameters
 * @param       *pData - pointer to data array that starts with length byte
 *                       and followed by payload.
 * output parameters
 * @return      void
void perCC1120CC1190SendPacket(uint8 *pData)
  uint8 len = *pData;
  /* PG1.0 errate fix: Before entering TX, the frequency word must be altered from that of RX */
  /* This means in general that TX from Idle is the only option, not TX from RX */
  /* Will only try to transmit if the whole packet can fit i RXFIFO 
   * and we're not currently sending a packet.
  if(!(len > (PER_MAX_DATA-2)) && (cc1120cc1190RadioTxRx != CC112X_STATE_TX) )
    /* Indicate state to the ISR and issue the TX strobe */
    /* Enable PA on CC1190 and be sure LNA is off */
    cc1120cc1190RadioTxRx = CC112X_STATE_TX; 
    /* Wait until packet is sent before doing anything else */

    /* This function will not return before the complete packet
     * is sent and the radio is back in IDLE. The MSP will be 
     * be sleeping while the packet is beeing sent unless waken
     * by button presses.
    while(cc1120cc1190RadioTxRx == CC112X_STATE_TX);
    if(perSettings.linkTopology == LINK_1_WAY)
      /* Back in Idle*/
      /* Turn off PA on CC1190 */
 * @fn          perCC115LSendPacket
 * @brief       Sends the contents that pData points to. pData has the 
 *              following structure:
 *              txArray[0] = length byte
 *              txArray[n] = payload[n]
 *              | n<[sizeOf(RXFIFO)-2], variable packet length is assumed.
 *              The radio state after completing TX is dependant on the 
 *              MCSM1 register setting. This function enables SYNC interrupt. 
 *              This means that an interrupt will go off when a packet 
 *              has been sent, i.e sync signal transitions from high to low.
 *              MSP will be in low power mode until packet has been sent given
 *              that no other interrupts go off.
 *              The One-Way PER test disables the sync pin interrupt when TX
 *              finishes, while the Two-Way PER test doesn't to enable quick
 *              reception of Slave ACK.
 *              Note: Assumes chip is ready
 * input parameters
 * @param       *pData - pointer to data array that starts with length byte
 *                       and followed by payload.
 * output parameters
 * @return      void
void perCC115LSendPacket(uint8 *pData)
  uint8 len = *pData;
  /* Will only try to transmit if the whole packet can fit i TXFIFO 
   * and we're not currently sending a packet.
  if(!(len > (PER_MAX_DATA-2)) && (cc115LRadioTxIdle != CC115L_STATE_TX) )
    /* Indicate state to the ISR and issue the TX strobe */
    cc115LRadioTxIdle = CC115L_STATE_TX; 
    /* Wait until packet is sent before doing anything else */
    while(cc115LRadioTxIdle == CC115L_STATE_TX);
    if(perSettings.linkTopology == LINK_1_WAY)
      /* Back in Idle*/
 * @fn          runRX
 * @brief       puts radio in RX and waits for packets. Function assumes
 *              that status bytes are appended in the RX_FIFO
 *              Update packet counter and display for each packet received.
 * @param       none
 * @return      none
void cc120xRunRX(void){
  uint8 rxBuffer[128] = {0};
  uint8 rxBytes;
  uint8 marcStatus;
    // Write radio registers
  // Connect ISR function to GPIO0, interrupt on falling edge
  // Enable interrupt from GPIO_0
  // Update LCD

  // Set radio in RX

  // Loop until left button is pushed (exits application)
  while(BSP_KEY_LEFT != bspKeyPushed(BSP_KEY_ALL)){
    // Wait for packet received interrupt 
    if(packetSemaphore == ISR_ACTION_REQUIRED){
      // Read number of bytes in rx fifo
      cc120xSpiReadReg(CC120X_NUM_RXBYTES, &rxBytes, 1);
      // Check that we have bytes in fifo
      if(rxBytes != 0){
        // Read marcstate to check for RX FIFO error
        cc120xSpiReadReg(CC120X_MARCSTATE, &marcStatus, 1);
        // Mask out marcstate bits and check if we have a RX FIFO error
        if((marcStatus & 0x1F) == RX_FIFO_ERROR){
          // Flush RX Fifo
          // Read n bytes from rx fifo
          cc120xSpiReadRxFifo(rxBuffer, rxBytes);  
          // Check CRC ok (CRC_OK: bit7 in second status byte)
          // This assumes status bytes are appended in RX_FIFO
          // (PKT_CFG1.APPEND_STATUS = 1.)
          // If CRC is disabled the CRC_OK field will read 1
          if(rxBuffer[rxBytes-1] & 0x80){
            // Update packet counter
      // Update LCD
      // Reset packet semaphore
      packetSemaphore = ISR_IDLE;
      // Set radio back in RX
  // Reset packet counter
  packetCounter = 0;
  // Put radio to sleep and exit application