static void test_DynStrRemoveStartLen() { char_t *str = NULL; DynStr *dstr = DynStrFromCharP(_T("hello"), 32); assert( 5 == DynStrLen(dstr) ); DynStrRemoveStartLen(dstr, 0, 1); // should be "ello" now assert( 4 == DynStrLen(dstr) ); str = DynStrGetCStr(dstr); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("ello"), str) ); DynStrRemoveStartLen(dstr, 3, 1); // should be "ell" now assert( 3 == DynStrLen(dstr) ); str = DynStrGetCStr(dstr); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("ell"), str) ); DynStrAppendCharP(dstr, _T("blast")); // should be "ellblast" now assert( 8 == DynStrLen(dstr) ); str = DynStrGetCStr(dstr); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("ellblast"), str) ); DynStrRemoveStartLen(dstr, 2, 4); // should be "elst" now assert( 4 == DynStrLen(dstr) ); str = DynStrGetCStr(dstr); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("elst"), str) ); DynStrDelete(dstr); }
static void test_DynStrTruncate() { char_t *str = NULL; DynStr dstr; DynStrInit(&dstr, 0); assert(0 == DynStrLen(&dstr)); DynStrTruncate(&dstr,0); assert(0 == DynStrLen(&dstr)); DynStrAppendCharP(&dstr, _T("hello")); assert(5 == DynStrLen(&dstr)); DynStrTruncate(&dstr, 3); assert(3 == DynStrLen(&dstr)); str = DynStrGetCStr(&dstr); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("hel"), str) ); DynStrTruncate(&dstr, 2); assert(2 == DynStrLen(&dstr)); str = DynStrGetCStr(&dstr); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("he"), str) ); DynStrTruncate(&dstr, 0); assert(0 == DynStrLen(&dstr)); str = DynStrGetCStr(&dstr); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T(""), str) ); DynStrFree(&dstr); }
/* Returns the tobj that has the same name as str and points prev to the tobj that's either a parent or an older sister node to the returned tobj */ struct tobj *tfind(struct tobj *t, struct tobj **prev, char *str){ if(!t){ return NULL; } do{ if(tstrcmp(str, t->name) == 0){ return t; } if(t->type ^ PORTAL){ /* Don't look for stuff that's through a portal */ *prev = t; struct tobj *ct = t->child; if(ct){ do{ if(tstrcmp(str, ct->name) == 0){ return ct; } *prev = ct; ct = ct->next; }while(ct); } } *prev = t; t = t->next; }while(t); return NULL; }
static eExecutableType iIsFileExecutableExt(cEnvironmentHelper* pEnvironmentHelper, cFile& file) { size_t i; tcstring ext = file.getExtension(); if (ext) { for (i=0; i<countof(executable_ext); i++) { if (0 == tstrcmp(ext, executable_ext[i])) return = eExecutableImage; } if (0 == tstrcmp(ext, _T("DLL"))) { return = eExecutableLibrary; } for (i=0; i<countof(script_ext); i++) { if (0 == tstrcmp(ext, script_ext[i])) { = eFormatText; return = eExecutableScript; } } } return; }
static void test_DynStrReplace() { DynStr *dstr = DynStrFromCharP(_T("hello"), 0); DynStrReplace(dstr, _T('h'), _T('p')); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("pello"), dstr->str) ); DynStrReplace(dstr, _T('z'), _T('k')); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("pello"), dstr->str) ); DynStrDelete(dstr); }
int CAht::BuildPartsSub( int id, char *fname ) { // 簡易ahtパース // int i,res,maxline; CStrNote note; CMemBuf tmp; AHTPARTS *p; char s1[256]; p = GetParts( id ); if ( p == NULL ) return -2; p->classname[0] = 0; p->name[0] = 0; p->icon = 0; res = tmp.PutFile( fname ); if ( res < 0 ) { return -1; } note.Select( tmp.GetBuffer() ); maxline = note.GetMaxLine(); getpath( fname, p->name, 1+8+16 ); // 仮にファイル名を入れておく for(i=0;i<maxline;i++) { pickptr = 0; note.GetLine( linebuf, i, 255 ); PickLineBuffer( s1 ); if ( tstrcmp( s1,"#aht" ) ) { PickLineBuffer( s1 ); if ( tstrcmp( s1,"iconid" ) ) { PickLineBuffer( s1 ); p->icon = atoi( s1 ); } if ( tstrcmp( s1,"name" ) ) { PickLineBuffer( s1 ); strcpy( p->name, s1 ); } if ( tstrcmp( s1,"class" ) ) { PickLineBuffer( s1 ); strcpy( p->classname, s1 ); } } } return 0; }
/* API function documented in wimlib.h */ WIMLIBAPI int wimlib_resolve_image(WIMStruct *wim, const tchar *image_name_or_num) { tchar *p; long image; int i; if (!image_name_or_num || !*image_name_or_num) return WIMLIB_NO_IMAGE; if (!tstrcasecmp(image_name_or_num, T("all")) || !tstrcasecmp(image_name_or_num, T("*"))) return WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES; image = tstrtol(image_name_or_num, &p, 10); if (p != image_name_or_num && *p == T('\0') && image > 0) { if (image > wim->hdr.image_count) return WIMLIB_NO_IMAGE; return image; } else { for (i = 1; i <= wim->hdr.image_count; i++) { if (!tstrcmp(image_name_or_num, wimlib_get_image_name(wim, i))) return i; } return WIMLIB_NO_IMAGE; } }
static void test_DynStrRelease() { char_t * str; DynStr * dstr = DynStrFromCharP(_T("rusty"), 20); str = DynStrReleaseStr(dstr); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("rusty"), str)); assert( 0 == DynStrLen(dstr) ); assert( NULL == DynStrGetCStr(dstr) ); DynStrAppendCharP(dstr, _T("moo")); assert( 3 == DynStrLen(dstr) ); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("moo"), DynStrGetCStr(dstr))); DynStrAppendCharP2(dstr, _T(""), _T("r")); assert( 4 == DynStrLen(dstr) ); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("moor"), DynStrGetCStr(dstr))); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("rusty"), str)); DynStrDelete(dstr); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("rusty"), str)); free(str); }
void PediaMainForm::changeLanguage(const char_t* code) { PediaPreferences& prefs = application().preferences().pediaPrefs; if (0 != tstrcmp(code, prefs.languageCode)) { prefs.articleCount = prefs.articleCountNotChecked; memmove(prefs.languageCode, code, tstrlen(code) * sizeof(char_t)); prefs.dbDate[0] = '\0'; } setDisplayMode(showAbout); update(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool StringListParameter::fromString (const TChar* string, ParamValue& valueNormalized) const { int32 index = 0; FOREACH_T(TChar*, str, strings) if (tstrcmp (str, string) == 0) { valueNormalized = toNormalized ((ParamValue)index); return true; } index++; ENDFOR return false; }
bool srvComparePath(cEnvironmentHelper* pEnvironmentHelper, tcstring sPath1, tcstring sPath2, bool bCompareImages) { cFile file1(pEnvironmentHelper, sPath1); cFile file2(pEnvironmentHelper, sPath2); if (0 == tstrcmp(file1.getFull(), file2.getFull())) return true; if (bCompareImages) { if (srvIsImageCopy(pEnvironmentHelper, file1, file2)) return true; } return false; }
int CAht::BuildGlobalIDSub( char *fname, char *pname, int i ) { int j,myid; AHTMODEL *m; j = i + 1; myid = 0; while(1) { // 同じファイル、パスを探す if ( j >= model_cnt ) break; m = GetModel( j ); if ( m != NULL ) { if ( m->GetGlobalId() == -1 ) { if ( tstrcmp( m->GetSource(), fname ) ) { if ( tstrcmp( m->GetSourcePath(), pname ) ) { myid++; m->SetGlobalId( myid ); } } } } j++; } return myid; }
static void test_DynStrFromCharP() { DynStr * dstr; char_t * str; dstr = DynStrFromCharP(_T("hello"), 0); assert( 5 == DynStrLen(dstr) ); str = DynStrGetCStr(dstr); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("hello"), str)); DynStrDelete(dstr); dstr = DynStrFromCharP2(_T("from"), _T("hell")); assert( 8 == DynStrLen(dstr) ); str = DynStrGetCStr(dstr); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("fromhell"), str)); DynStrDelete(dstr); dstr = DynStrFromCharP3(_T("me"), _T(""), _T("llow")); assert( 6 == DynStrLen(dstr) ); str = DynStrGetCStr(dstr); assert( 0 == tstrcmp(_T("mellow"), str)); DynStrDelete(dstr); }
void AHTMODEL::SetAHTOption( char *name, char *value ) { if (tstrcmp(name,"flag")) { int i; i = atoi( value ); flag = i | AHTMODEL_FLAG_READY; return; } if (tstrcmp(name,"name")) { SetName( value ); return; } if (tstrcmp(name,"class")) { SetClass( value ); return; } if (tstrcmp(name,"author")) { SetAuthor( value ); return; } if (tstrcmp(name,"ver")) { SetVersion( value ); return; } if (tstrcmp(name,"icon")) { SetIconFile( value ); return; } if (tstrcmp(name,"iconid")) { SetIconId( atoi( value ) ); return; } if (tstrcmp(name,"exp")) { exp->PutStr( value ); exp->PutCR(); return; } if (tstrcmp(name,"helpkw")) { SetHelpKeyword( value ); return; } }
AHTPROP *AHTMODEL::GetPropertyFromAlias( char *propname ) { // プロパティ名から検索 // int i; char tmp[128]; strcpy2( tmp, propname, 128 ); strcase( tmp ); for(i=0;i<prop_cnt;i++) { if ( tstrcmp( mem_prop[i]->name, tmp ) ) { return mem_prop[i]; } } return NULL; }
int AHTMODEL::GetPropertyID( char *propname ) { // プロパティ名から検索 // int i; char tmp[128]; strcpy2( tmp, propname, 128 ); strcase( tmp ); for(i=0;i<prop_cnt;i++) { if ( tstrcmp( mem_prop[i]->orgname, tmp ) ) { return i; } } return -1; }
char *AHTMODEL::GetAHTOption( char *name ) { if (tstrcmp(name,"flag")) { sprintf( s_flag, "%d", GetFlag() ); return s_flag; } if (tstrcmp(name,"glid")) { sprintf( s_glid, "%d", GetGlobalId2() ); return s_glid; } if (tstrcmp(name,"name")) { return GetName(); } if (tstrcmp(name,"class")) { return GetClass(); } if (tstrcmp(name,"author")) { return GetAuthor(); } if (tstrcmp(name,"ver")) { return GetVersion(); } if (tstrcmp(name,"icon")) { return GetIconFile(); } if (tstrcmp(name,"exp")) { return exp->GetBuffer(); } if (tstrcmp(name,"source")) { return fname; } if (tstrcmp(name,"helpkw")) { return GetHelpKeyword(); } return (char *)&dummy; }
bool srvIsWinSystemFile( cEnvironmentHelper* pEnvironmentHelper, cFile &file, bool* pbSystemName, bool* pbSystemPath ) { tcstring sFullName = file.getFull(); tcstring sFileName = file.getFilename(); tstring sLocation = NULL; bool bResult = false; if (pbSystemName) *pbSystemName = false; if (pbSystemPath) *pbSystemPath = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < countof(arrSystemFiles); i++) { if (0 != tstrcmp(arrSystemFiles[i].filename, sFileName)) continue; sLocation = pEnvironmentHelper->ExpandEnvironmentStr(arrSysLocations[arrSystemFiles[i].location]); if (!sLocation) break; if (tstrchar(sLocation) == _T('%') || tstrchar(sLocation) == 0) // expand failed break; if (sLocation[1] != ':') break; tstrupr(sLocation); if (pbSystemName) *pbSystemName = true; if (!tstrcmpinc(&sFullName, sLocation)) break; while (tstrchar(sFullName) == '\\') sFullName = tstrinc(sFullName); if (sFullName != sFileName) break; if (pbSystemPath) *pbSystemPath = true; bResult = true; break; } if (sLocation) tstrfree(sLocation); return bResult; }
int AHTMODEL::SetProp( AHTPROP *prop, char *name, char *value ) { int i,type; char tmp[32]; AHTPROP *p; p = prop; strcpy2( tmp, name, 16 ); strcase( tmp ); i = -1; type = 0; if (tstrcmp(tmp,"name")) i = 0; if (tstrcmp(tmp,"help")) i = 1; if (tstrcmp(tmp,"default")) i = 2; if (tstrcmp(tmp,"sub")) i = 3; if (tstrcmp(tmp,"sub2")) i = 4; if (tstrcmp(tmp,"min")) i = 3; if (tstrcmp(tmp,"max")) i = 4; if (tstrcmp(tmp,"prm")) i = 3; if (tstrcmp(tmp,"opt")) i = 4; if (tstrcmp(tmp,"int")) { i = 5; type = AHTTYPE_EDIT_INT; } if (tstrcmp(tmp,"double")) { i = 5; type = AHTTYPE_EDIT_DOUBLE; } if (tstrcmp(tmp,"str")) { i = 5; type = AHTTYPE_EDIT_STRING; } if (tstrcmp(tmp,"combox")) { i = 5; type = AHTTYPE_CBOX_STRING; } if (tstrcmp(tmp,"chkbox")) { i = 5; type = AHTTYPE_CHKB_INT; } if (tstrcmp(tmp,"color")) { i = 5; type = AHTTYPE_COLS_INT; } if (tstrcmp(tmp,"font")) { i = 5; type = AHTTYPE_FONT_STRING; } if (tstrcmp(tmp,"file")) { i = 5; type = AHTTYPE_FILE_STRING; } if (tstrcmp(tmp,"exec")) { i = 5; type = AHTTYPE_EXTF_STRING; } if (tstrcmp(tmp,"parts")) { i = 5; type = AHTTYPE_PARTS_INT; } if (tstrcmp(tmp,"pprop")) { i = 5; type = AHTTYPE_PARTS_PROP_STRING; } if (tstrcmp(tmp,"popt")) { i = 5; type = AHTTYPE_PARTS_OPT_STRING; } //Alertf( "%s=%s(%d)", tmp, value, i ); if ( i < 0 ) return -1; switch( i ) { case 0: SetPropName( p, value ); break; case 1: SetPropHelp( p, value ); break; case 2: SetPropDefval( p, value ); break; case 3: SetPropDefval2( p, value ); break; case 4: SetPropDefval3( p, value ); break; case 5: p->ahttype = type; break; } return i; }
void PediaMainForm::prepareAbout() { PediaPreferences& prefs = application().preferences().pediaPrefs; infoRenderer_.clear(); DefinitionModel* model = new_nt DefinitionModel(); if (NULL == model) { application().alert(notEnoughMemoryAlert); return; } DefinitionModel::Elements_t& elems = model->elements; TextElement* text; elems.push_back(text=new TextElement("Welcome to Encyclopedia.")); text->setJustification(DefinitionElement::justifyCenter); text->setStyle(StyleGetStaticStyle(styleNameHeader)); elems.push_back(new LineBreakElement(1, 2)); elems.push_back(new LineBreakElement(1, 2)); CDynStr str; const char_t* lang = GetLangNameByLangCode(prefs.languageCode, tstrlen(prefs.languageCode)); if (NULL == str.AppendCharP3("You're using ", lang, " encyclopedia")) goto NoMemory; bool noStats = false; if (8 == tstrlen(prefs.dbDate)) { if (NULL == str.AppendCharP(" last updated on ")) goto NoMemory; if (NULL == str.AppendCharPBuf(prefs.dbDate, 4)) goto NoMemory; if (NULL == str.AppendCharP("-")) goto NoMemory; if (NULL == str.AppendCharPBuf(&prefs.dbDate[4], 2)) goto NoMemory; if (NULL == str.AppendCharP("-")) goto NoMemory; if (NULL == str.AppendCharPBuf(&prefs.dbDate[6], 2)) goto NoMemory; } else noStats = true; if (prefs.articleCountNotChecked != prefs.articleCount) { char_t buffer[24]; int len = formatNumber(prefs.articleCount, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (NULL == str.AppendCharP(" with ")) goto NoMemory; if (NULL == str.AppendCharPBuf(buffer, len)) goto NoMemory; if (NULL == str.AppendCharP(" articles")) goto NoMemory; } else noStats = true; // if (noStats) // fetchStats(); if (NULL == str.AppendCharP(".")) goto NoMemory; elems.push_back(text = new TextElement(str.GetCStr())); text->setJustification(DefinitionElement::justifyLeft); uint_t l = 0; elems.push_back(text = new TextElement(" You can change encyclopedia to ")); elems.back()->setJustification(DefinitionElement::justifyLeft); for (ulong_t i = 0; i < availLangCodesCount_; ++i) { const char_t* code = availLangCodes_[i]; if (0 == tstrcmp(code, prefs.languageCode)) continue; const char_t* name = GetLangNameByLangCode(code, tstrlen(code)); assert(NULL != name); if (NULL == name) continue; text = new_nt TextElement(name); if (NULL == text) goto NoMemory; elems.push_back(text); elems.back()->setJustification(DefinitionElement::justifyLeft); if (NULL == str.AssignCharP(urlSchemaEncyclopedia urlSeparatorSchemaStr pediaUrlPartSetLang urlSeparatorSchemaStr)) goto NoMemory; if (NULL == str.AppendCharP(code)) goto NoMemory; text->setHyperlink(str.GetCStr(), hyperlinkUrl); const char_t* delim = _T(", "); ++l; if (availLangCodesCount_ - 2 == l) delim = _T(" or "); else if (availLangCodesCount_ - 1 == l) delim = NULL; if (NULL != delim) { text = new_nt TextElement(delim); if (NULL == text) goto NoMemory; elems.push_back(text); elems.back()->setJustification(DefinitionElement::justifyLeft); } } elems.push_back(new LineBreakElement(1, 2)); elems.push_back(new LineBreakElement(1, 2)); //elems.back()->setJustification(DefinitionElement::justifyLeft); elems.push_back(new TextElement("You can ")); elems.back()->setJustification(DefinitionElement::justifyLeft); elems.push_back(text = new TextElement("search")); elems.back()->setJustification(DefinitionElement::justifyLeft); text->setHyperlink(urlSchemaEncyclopedia urlSeparatorSchemaStr pediaUrlPartSearchDialog, hyperlinkUrl); elems.push_back(new TextElement(" for articles or get a ")); elems.back()->setJustification(DefinitionElement::justifyLeft); elems.push_back(text = new TextElement("random")); if (NULL == str.AssignCharP(urlSchemaEncyclopediaRandom urlSeparatorSchemaStr)) goto NoMemory; if (NULL == str.AppendCharP(prefs.languageCode)) goto NoMemory; text->setHyperlink(str.GetCStr(), hyperlinkUrl); elems.back()->setJustification(DefinitionElement::justifyLeft); elems.push_back(new TextElement(" article.")); elems.back()->setJustification(DefinitionElement::justifyLeft); infoRenderer_.setModel(model, Definition::ownModel); return; NoMemory: delete model; application().alert(notEnoughMemoryAlert); }
int AHTMODEL::SetAHTPropertyString( char *propname, char *str ) { // AHT設定文字列を解析する // int res; int qmode; int amb; unsigned char a1; char *vp; char *pname; char *pvalue; AHTPROP *p; vp = str; res = 0; p = SetProperty( propname, NULL, NULL ); while(1) { // パラメーター名を抽出 while(1) { a1=*vp;if ((a1!=32)&&(a1!=9)) break; vp++; } if ( a1 == 0 ) break; pname = vp; // パラメーター名 while(1) { a1=*vp; if ( a1 == 0 ) break; if ( a1 == ',' ) break; if ( a1 == '=' ) break; if (a1>=129) { // 全角文字チェック if ((a1<=159)||(a1>=224)) { vp++; } } vp++; } *vp = 0; if ( a1 == '=' ) { // パラメーターを抽出 vp++; qmode = 0; if ( *vp == 0x22 ) { qmode = 1; vp++; } pvalue = vp; while(1) { a1=*vp; if ( a1 == 0 ) break; if ( qmode == 0 ) { if ( a1 == ',' ) { *vp++=0; break; } } else { if ( a1 == 0x22 ) { *vp=0; qmode=0; } if ( a1 == 0x5c ) { // '¥' extra control if ( vp[1] == 'n' ) { vp[0] = 13; vp[1] = 10; } vp++; } } if (a1>=129) { // 全角文字チェック if ((a1<=159)||(a1>=224)) { vp++; } } vp++; } if ( SetProp( p, pname, pvalue ) < 0 ) res = 1; } else { // 単独タイプ // amb = 1; if (tstrcmp(pname,"withid")) { p->SetMode( AHTMODE_WITH_ID ); if ( p->newval == NULL ) { char tmp[512]; strcpy( tmp, p->defval ); sprintf( tmp, "%s_%d", p->defval,id ); p->SetNewVal( tmp ); } amb = 0; } if (tstrcmp(pname,"read")) { p->SetMode( AHTMODE_READ_ONLY ); amb = 0; } if (tstrcmp(pname,"pure")) { p->SetMode( AHTMODE_OUTPUT_PURE ); amb = 0; } if (tstrcmp(pname,"raw")) { p->SetMode( AHTMODE_OUTPUT_RAW ); amb = 0; } if (tstrcmp(pname,"mes")) { p->ClearMode( AHTMODE_OUTPUT_PURE ); amb = 0; } if (tstrcmp(pname,"refname")) { refprop = p; amb = 0; } if ( amb ) { if ( SetProp( p, pname, "" ) < 0 ) res = 1; } if ( a1 == ',' ) vp++; } } return res; }
void tloop(int history) { using_history(); stifle_history(history); lookf(; while(1){ int fail = 0; struct tobj *prev = NULL; struct tobj *noun = NULL; char *input = readline(">> "); char *verbstr = input; char *nounstr = verbstr; add_history(verbstr); /* Blank out spaces and punctuation and set the noun as the last word */ while(*input){ if(!isalpha(*input)){ *input = '\0'; if(isalpha(*(input + 1))){ nounstr = input + 1; } } ++input; } input = verbstr; /* Restore input back to where it was */ /* Do basic substition for shortcut commands */ if(tstrequals(verbstr, 2, "n", "north")){ verbstr = "go"; nounstr = "north"; } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 2, "ne", "northeast")){ verbstr = "go"; nounstr = "northeast"; } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 2, "e", "east")){ verbstr = "go"; nounstr = "east"; } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 2, "se", "southeast")){ verbstr = "go"; nounstr = "southeast"; } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 2, "s", "south")){ verbstr = "go"; nounstr = "south"; } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 2, "sw", "southwest")){ verbstr = "go"; nounstr = "southwest"; } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 2, "w", "west")){ verbstr = "go"; nounstr = "west"; } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 2, "nw", "northwest")){ verbstr = "go"; nounstr = "northwest"; } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 1, "out")){ verbstr = "go"; nounstr = "out"; } noun = tfind(&self, &prev, nounstr); if(noun == NULL){ if(verbstr != nounstr){ if(tstrequals(verbstr, 2, "go", "travel")){ printf("You can't go ``%s'' here.\n", nounstr); } else{ printf("You don't see ``%s'' here.\n", nounstr); } fail = 1; } else{ prev = NULL; noun =; } } if(!fail){ if(tstrcmp(verbstr, "look") == 0){ lookf(noun); } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 2, "i", "inventory")){ lookf(&self); } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 3, "eat", "consume", "ingest")){ eatf(prev, noun); } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 2, "go", "travel")){ gof(noun); } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 3, "drop", "leave", "abandon")){ dropf(prev, noun); } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 3, "talk", "say", "speak")){ talkf(noun); } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 6, "break", "smash", "kick", "punch", "headbutt", "kill")){ breakf(noun); } else if(tstrcmp(verbstr, "unlock") == 0){ unlockf(noun); } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 2, "lock", "bar")){ lockf(noun); } else if(tstrequals(verbstr, 5, "pick", "get", "take", "steal", "pack")){ pickf(prev, noun); } else{ printf("Don't know how to ``%s.''\n", verbstr); fail = 1; } } free(input); } }
inline bool CField::operator!=(const tchar* sValue) const { return (tstrcmp(sValue, GetString()) != 0); }