void MoveShar ()
    int x = 100, y = 100;
    int x1 = 1000, y1 = 700;
    int x2 = 500, y2 = 400;
    int x3 = 800, y3 = 400;
    int vx = 3, vy = 0;
    int vx1 = -3, vy1 = 0;
    int vx2 = 0, vy2 = 3;
    int vx3 = 0, vy3 = -3;
    int Xpr = 600, Ypr = 400;
    int Xpr1 = 400, Ypr1 = 600;
    int Xpr2 = 1200, Ypr2 = 450;
    int Xpr3 = 100, Ypr3 = 600;
    int Xpr4 = 300, Ypr4 = 300;
    double dt = 1;
    double v = 3, v1 = 3, v2 = 3, v3 = 3;
    double Diametr = 20;

    while (!GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE))
        if (!GetAsyncKeyState (VK_SPACE))
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();

        dt = dt + 0.001;
        Score (dt, 750, 50);
        txSetColor (TX_LIGHTRED);
        txSetFillColor (TX_LIGHTRED);
        txCircle (x, y, Diametr);
        txSetColor (TX_LIGHTGREEN);
        txSetFillColor (TX_LIGHTGREEN);
        txCircle (x1, y1, Diametr);
        txSetColor (TX_LIGHTBLUE);
        txSetFillColor (TX_LIGHTBLUE);
        txCircle (x2, y2, Diametr);
        txSetColor (TX_LIGHTMAGENTA);
        txSetFillColor (TX_LIGHTMAGENTA);
        txCircle (x3, y3, Diametr);
        Prepyatstvie (Xpr, Ypr);
        Prepyatstvie (Xpr1, Ypr1);
        Prepyatstvie (Xpr2, Ypr2);
        Prepyatstvie (Xpr3, Ypr3);
        Prepyatstvie (Xpr4, Ypr4);

        Sharik (&x, &y, &vx, &vy, &v, &dt, &Xpr, &Ypr, &Xpr1, &Ypr1, &Xpr2, &Ypr2, &Xpr3, &Ypr3, &Xpr4, &Ypr4);
        Sharik1 (&x1, &y1, &vx1, &vy1, &v1, &dt, &Xpr, &Ypr, &Xpr1, &Ypr1, &Xpr2, &Ypr2, &Xpr3, &Ypr3, &Xpr4, &Ypr4);
        Sharik2 (&x2, &y2, &vx2, &vy2, &v2, &dt, &Xpr, &Ypr, &Xpr1, &Ypr1, &Xpr2, &Ypr2, &Xpr3, &Ypr3, &Xpr4, &Ypr4);
        Sharik3 (&x3, &y3, &vx3, &vy3, &v3, &dt, &Xpr, &Ypr, &Xpr1, &Ypr1, &Xpr2, &Ypr2, &Xpr3, &Ypr3, &Xpr4, &Ypr4);
        //Chit (&v1);

        txSleep (3);
void Manometr (int davlenie, int x, int y, COLORREF Color, const char * tekst)
    txSetFillColor (TX_GREEN);
    txSetColor (TX_GREEN, 7);
    txRectangle (x + 25, y + 140, x - 25, y + 90);
    txSetFillColor (Color);
    txCircle (x, y, 95);

    char text [10] = "";
    sprintf (text, "%d", davlenie);
    txSelectFont ("Arial", 60, 17, false, false, true, false, 0);
    txTextOut (x - 40, y - 15, text);
    txSelectFont ("Arial", 30, 8, false, false, true, false, 0);
    txTextOut (x - 85, y - 40, tekst);
void Pr (COLORREF color, const char* text1, int* x, int* y, int* vx, int* vy, int* Xpr, int* Ypr, int* Xpr1, int* Ypr1, int* Xpr2, int* Ypr2, int* Xpr3, int* Ypr3, int* Xpr4, int* Ypr4)
        if (-20 < *Xpr - *x and *Xpr - *x < 20 and -50 < *Ypr - *y and *Ypr - *y < 50)
            *vx = 0;
            *vy = 0;
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();
            text (text1, 100, 200, color);
        if (-20 < *Xpr3 - *x and *Xpr3 - *x < 20 and -50 < *Ypr3 - *y and *Ypr3 - *y < 50)
            *vx = 0;
            *vy = 0;
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();
            text (text1, 100, 200, color);
        if (-20 < *Xpr2 - *x and *Xpr2 - *x < 20 and -50 < *Ypr2 - *y and *Ypr2 - *y < 50)
            *vx = 0;
            *vy = 0;
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();
            text (text1, 100, 200, color);
        if (-20 < *Xpr1 - *x and *Xpr1 - *x < 20 and -50 < *Ypr1 - *y and *Ypr1 - *y < 50)
            *vx = 0;
            *vy = 0;
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();
            text (text1, 100, 200, color);
        if (-20 < *Xpr4 - *x and *Xpr4 - *x < 20 and -50 < *Ypr4 - *y and *Ypr4 - *y < 50)
            *vx = 0;
            *vy = 0;
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();
            text (text1, 100, 200, color);
int main()
    txCreateWindow (sizeX, sizeY);

    palochka Main[ColVo];

    while (!GetAsyncKeyState (VK_ESCAPE))
        txBegin ();
        txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
        txSetColor     (TX_BLACK);
        txClear ();

        for (int i = 0; i < ColVo; i++)

            print_palochka (Main[i]);

        txEnd   ();

    return 0;
void kart (CBall *Mol, HDC Molek)
    txSetColor (RGB (random (25, 225), random (25, 225), random (25, 225)));
    txSetFillColor (RGB (random (25, 225), random (25, 225), random (25, 225)));
    //txCircle (Mol->x, Mol->y, Mol->rad);
    txTransparentBlt (txDC (), Mol->x - Mol->rad, Mol->y - Mol->rad, Mol->rad * 2, Mol->rad * 2, Molek, 0, 0, TX_WHITE);
void Kot ()

    HDC Kot  = txLoadImage ("Image//Кот.bmp");

    double x = random (XWindow / 2 + 300, XWindow / 2 - 300), y = random (YWindow / 2 - 300, YWindow / 2 + 300);
    double a = random (-300, 300), b = random (-300, 300);

    while (!GetAsyncKeyState (VK_ESCAPE))
        txBegin ();
        txSetFillColor (TX_WHITE);
        txClear ();
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('A')) x-=2;
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('D')) x+=2;
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('W')) y-=2;
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('S')) y+=2;
        txTransparentBlt (txDC (), x, y, 92, 41, Kot, 0, 0, TX_WHITE);
        if (abs (x - x + a) > 35 + 10)txBitBlt (txDC (), x + a, y + b, 38, 20, Kot, 113, 10);
        if (x < 0) x = XWindow;
        if (x > XWindow) x = 0;
        if (y < 0) y = YWindow;
        if (y > YWindow) y = 0;

        txEnd ();
    txDeleteDC (Kot);
文件: Example03.cpp 项目: ded32/txlib
void DrawFlag()
    txSetFillColor (TX_TRANSPARENT);
    txLine (400, 75, 400, 150);
    txRectangle (400, 75, 450, 115);
    txSelectFont ("Times New Roman", 20);
    txTextOut (425, 85, "C++");
void vzriv (int Zoom, int x, int y)
    POINT Zvezda [10] = {{x - 0.5 * Zoom, y - Zoom       }, {x,              y - 3 * Zoom}, {x + 0.5 * Zoom, y - Zoom}, {x + 2.5 * Zoom, y - Zoom    },
                         {x + 0.7 * Zoom, y + 0.25 * Zoom}, {x + 1.5 * Zoom, y + 2 * Zoom}, {x,              y + Zoom}, {x - 1.5 * Zoom, y + 2 * Zoom},
                         {x - 0.7 * Zoom, y + 0.25 * Zoom}, {x - 2.5 * Zoom, y - Zoom}};
    txSetFillColor (TX_RED);
    txPolygon (Zvezda, 10);
void Score (double Score, int x, int y)
    txSetColor (RGB(255, 215, 0));
    txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
    txRectangle (x - 100, y - 20, x + 100, y + 20);
    char text [100] = "You have";
    sprintf (text, "You have %lg", Score);
    txTextOut (x - 75, y- 10, text);
文件: Proga.cpp 项目: Fokz210/Proga
int main()

    txCreateWindow (1200, 700);
    txSetFillColor (TX_WHITE);


文件: Example03.cpp 项目: ded32/txlib
void DrawMan()
    txSetColor (TX_YELLOW);
    txSetFillColor (TX_YELLOW);
    txLine   (385, 135, 385, 120);
    txLine   (385, 135, 375, 150);
    txLine   (385, 135, 395, 150);
    txLine   (385, 125, 375, 135);
    txLine   (385, 125, 400, 120);
    txCircle (385, 115, 6);
void Dlya_Graf ()
    txSetFillColor (TX_WHITE);
    POINT graf [4] = {{XWindow/2, YWindow}, {XWindow/2, 0}, {XWindow, 0}, {XWindow, YWindow}};
    txPolygon (graf, 4);
    txSetColor (RGB(0, 0, 255), 7);
    txLine (XWindow,   0,     XWindow,   YWindow);
    txLine (XWindow,   YWindow, XWindow/2, YWindow);
    txLine (XWindow/2, YWindow, XWindow/2, 0);
    txLine (XWindow/2, 0,     XWindow,   0);
void Stolknov_s_Prep (COLORREF color, const char* text1, int x, int y, int* vx, int* vy, int Xpr, int Ypr)
    if (-30 <= Xpr - x && Xpr - x <= 30 && 7 -60 <= Ypr - y && Ypr - y <= 60)
        *vx = 0;
        *vy = 0;
        txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
        txFloodFill (1600, 100);
        txClear ();
        text (text1, 100, 200, color);
void ogranich (int* x, int* y, int* vx, int*vy, const char* text1, COLORREF color)
        if (*x < 0)
            *vy = -10000;
            *vx = -10000;
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();
            text (text1, 100, 200, color);
        if (*x > 1500)
            *vy = 10000;
            *vx = 10000;
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();

            text (text1, 100, 200, color);
        if (*y > 800)
            *vy = 10000;
            *vx = 10000;
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();
            text (text1, 100, 200, color);
        if (*y < 0)
            *vy = -10000;
            *vx = -10000;
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();
            text (text1, 100, 200, color);
void print_palochka (palochka Main)

    txSetFillColor (TX_GREEN);
    txSetColor     (TX_GREEN);
    txCircle (Main.x1, Main.y1, r);
    txCircle (Main.x2, Main.y2, r);
    txLine   (Main.x1, Main.y1, Main.x2, Main.y2);

    //txLine   (Main.x1, Main.y1, Main.x1 + Main.vx1*40, Main.y1 + Main.vy1*40);
    //txLine   (Main.x2, Main.y2, Main.x2 + Main.vx2*40, Main.y2 + Main.vy2*40);

void TitryEnd()
    int t = 0;
    while (t <= 100)

        txTextOut (-100+t*13, 200, "Конец первой части");

        txSleep (50);

        txSetFillColor (TX_WHITE);
        txClear ();

void Setka (double zoom, double a, double b, double PerX, double PerY)
    txBegin ();

    txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
    txClear ();

    txSetColor (TX_WHITE, 3);
    txLine (0, b / 2, XWindow, b / 2);
    txLine (a / 2, 0, a / 2, YWindow);
    txLine (XWindow, b / 2, XWindow - 30, b / 2 - 15);
    txLine (XWindow, b / 2, XWindow - 30, b / 2 + 15);
    txLine (a / 2, 0, a / 2 + 15, 30);
    txLine (a / 2, 0, a / 2 - 15, 30);

    txEnd ();
void Dvig_and_draw (C_Ball b [], int N)
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        b[i].x += b[i].vx;
        b[i].y += b[i].vy;

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        if (b[i].x + b[i].r >= XWindow)
            b[i].vx = -b[i].vx;
            b[i].x = XWindow - b[i].r;
            b[i].Red = 255;
        if (b[i].x - b[i].r <= 0)
            b[i].vx = -b[i].vx;
            b[i].x = b[i].r;
            b[i].Red = 255;

        if (b[i].y + b[i].r >= YWindow)
            b[i].vy = -b[i].vy;
            b[i].y = YWindow - b[i].r;
            b[i].Red = 255;
        if (b[i].y - b[i].r <= 0)
            b[i].vy = -b[i].vy;
            b[i].y = b[i].r;
            b[i].Red = 255;

        if (b[i].Red - Dist (0, 0, b[i].vx, b[i].vy) / 3 > 0) b[i].Red -= Dist (0, 0, b[i].vx, b[i].vy) / 3;
        b[i].color = RGB (b[i].Red, 0, 255 - b[i].Red);

        txSetColor (b[i].color);
        txSetFillColor (b[i].color);
        txCircle (b[i].x, b[i].y, b[i].r);

    Ottalkiv (N, b);
void GoatLove()
    int t = 0;

    txPlaySound ("kzl.wav");

    while (t <= 50)

        txTextOut (500, 350, "И его все любили");
        FxDrawGoat (500, 150, t%2*20, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
        FxDrawMan (800, 150, t%2*20, t%2*20, 0);

        txSleep (100);

        txSetFillColor (TX_WHITE);
int main ()
    _txWindowStyle &= ~ WS_CAPTION;
    txCreateWindow (XWindow, YWindow);
    C_Ball ball [4500] = {};
    Mass_Ball (ball, 4500);
    for (int i = 0;; i++)
        txBegin ();
        if (!GetAsyncKeyState (VK_SPACE))
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txSetColor (TX_BLACK);
            txClear ();
        Dvig_and_draw (ball, 4500);
        txSleep (0);
        txEnd ();
void Titry()
     int t = 0;

     while (t <= 100)

        FxDrawGoat (500, 350, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 5);

        txTextOut (-600+t*18, 200, "История одного козла (Автор: Иван Черемисенов)");
        txSleep (70);

        txSetFillColor (TX_WHITE);
        txClear ();


void kolba ()
    txSetFillColor (TX_WHITE);
    txSetColor (TX_WHITE);
    POINT kolb [4] = {{0, YWindow}, {0, 250}, {XWindow/2, 250}, {XWindow/2, YWindow}};
    txPolygon (kolb, 4);

    txSetColor (RGB(0, 0, 255), 7);
    txLine (XWindow/2, 250,     XWindow/2, YWindow);
    txLine (XWindow/2, YWindow, 0,         YWindow);
    txLine (0,         YWindow, 0,         YWindow - 50);
    txLine (0,         YWindow - 100, 0,   350);
    txLine (0,         300,     0,         250);
    txSetColor (TX_GREEN, 10);
    txLine (0,         250,     XWindow/2, 250);

    txSetColor (TX_RED, 10);
    if (peregorodka() == false) txLine (0, 300, 0, 350);

    if (peregorodka2() == false) txLine (0, YWindow - 100, 0, YWindow - 50);

    // Manometr
void MoveShar ()
    int x = 100, y = 100;
    int x1 = 1000, y1 = 700;
    int x2 = 500, y2 = 300;
    int x3 = 800, y3 = 500;
    int x4 = 906, y4 = 701;
    int vx = 3, vy = 0;
    int vx1 = -3, vy1 = 0;
    int vx2 = -3, vy2 = 3;
    int vx3 = 4, vy3 = 4;
    int vx4 = 5, vy4 = -5;
    double dt = 1;
    double v = 3;
    double Diametr = 20;
    double Diametr1 = 10;

    while (!GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE))
        if (!GetAsyncKeyState (VK_SPACE))
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();

        dt = dt + 0.001;
        Score (dt, 750, 50);

        DrawShar (x, y, Diametr, TX_LIGHTBLUE);
        DrawShar (x1, y1, Diametr, TX_LIGHTGREEN);
        DrawShar (x2, y2, Diametr, TX_RED);
        DrawShar (x3, y3, Diametr, TX_RED);
        DrawShar (x4, y4, Diametr, TX_RED);

        Sharik (&x, &y, &vx, &vy, &v, &dt);
        Sharik1 (&x1, &y1, &vx1, &vy1, &v, &dt);
        Sharik_COMP (&x2, &y2, &vx2, &vy2, &v, &dt);
        Sharik_COMP (&x3, &y3, &vx3, &vy3, &v, &dt);
        Sharik_COMP (&x4, &y4, &vx4, &vy4, &v, &dt);

        if (Dist (x1, y1, x2, y2) <= 15 + 15)
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();
            text ("Win 2!", 100, 200, TX_LIGHTBLUE);
        if (Dist (x1, y1, x3, y3) <= 15 + 15)
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();
            text ("Win 2!", 100, 200, TX_LIGHTBLUE);
        if (Dist (x, y, x2, y2) <= 15 + 15)
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();
            text ("Win 1!", 100, 200, TX_LIGHTGREEN);
        if (Dist (x, y, x3, y3) <= 15 + 15)
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();
            text ("Win 1!", 100, 200, TX_LIGHTGREEN);
        if (Dist (x, y, x4, y4) <= 15 + 15)
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();
            text ("Win 1!", 100, 200, TX_LIGHTGREEN);
        if (Dist (x1, y1, x4, y4) <= 15 + 15)
            txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
            txFloodFill (1600, 100);
            txClear ();
            text ("Win 2!", 100, 200, TX_LIGHTBLUE);
        txSleep (0);
void DrawShar (int x, int y, int Diametr, COLORREF color)
    txSetColor (color);
    txSetFillColor (color);
    txCircle (x, y, Diametr);
int MovingOn (/* const */char allMap [MASSLAYER][MASSSIZE][MASSSIZE], int layer, int* pos, int x, int y, int* nyamka)

	HDC WallImage = txLoadImage("images/DoorMetall.bmp");
	HDC DoorImage = txLoadImage("images/spinportal.bmp");
	HDC FloorImage = txLoadImage("images/plitkafloor.bmp");
	HDC FoodImage = txLoadImage("images/edaplitka.bmp");
	HDC KnifeImage = txLoadImage("images/plasma-bulb.bmp");

	int vy = 0;
    int vx = 0;
    int t = 0;
	int colo = TX_BLACK;
	HDC KNIF = KnifeImage;

    txBegin ();

    while (true)

         txSetFillColor (MEOW_COLOR);

         DrawKarta (0, 0, 1 * SIZEB, 1 * SIZEB, allMap, layer, FoodImage, WallImage, DoorImage, FloorImage, KNIF);

		 if (t % 16 == 1)
			 if (KNIF == KnifeImage) KNIF = FloorImage;
			 else if (KNIF == FloorImage) KNIF = KnifeImage;

         MovePelByXY (&x, &y, &vx, &vy, allMap, layer);

         pelmen (x, y, 15, 6, 6, t % 15, t % 15);

         if      (allMap [layer][YM][XM] == 'w') *pos = 1;
         else if (allMap [layer][YM][XM] == 'v') *pos = 2;
         else if (allMap [layer][YM][XM] == 'y') *pos = 3;
         else if (allMap [layer][YM][XM] == 'z') *pos = 4;

		 if (allMap[layer][YM][XM] == NYAM)
			 allMap[layer][YM][XM] = SPACE;
			 *nyamka = *nyamka += 1;

         if (allMap [layer][YM][XM] == WIN) return 1;
         if (allMap [layer][YM][XM] == 'A') return 2;
         if (allMap [layer][YM][XM] == 'B') return 3;
         if (allMap [layer][YM][XM] == 'C') return 4;

		 if (allMap[layer][YM][XM] == KNIFE) 
			 if (KNIF == KnifeImage) return 0;

         txSleep (30);

	txDeleteDC (WallImage);
	txDeleteDC (DoorImage);
	txDeleteDC (FloorImage);
	txDeleteDC (FoodImage);
	txDeleteDC (KnifeImage);
void MoveShar ()
    CBall Ball [6] = {{750, 400, 0, 0, 25, 3}};

    CBall sn1 = {0,    0,   5, 5, 8};
    CBall sn2 = {1500, 0,   5, 5, 8};
    CBall sn3 = {1500, 800, 5, 5, 8};
    CBall sn4 = {0,    800, 5, 5, 8};

    CBall snbig1 = {sn1.x, sn2.y, 5, 5, 16};
    CBall snbig2 = {sn3.x, sn4.y, 5, 5, 16};

    CBall snBIGG = {snbig1.x, snbig2.y, 5, 5, 32};

    double t = 0;
    double dt = 1;

    int N = 6;
    int i = 1;

    HDC vrag = txLoadImage ("vrag.bmp");
    HDC igrok = txLoadImage ("igrok.bmp");
    HDC fon = txLoadImage ("fon1.bmp");
    HDC snaryad1 = txLoadImage ("снаряд20.bmp");
    HDC snaryad2 = txLoadImage ("снаряд40.bmp");
    HDC snaryad3 = txLoadImage ("снаряд80.bmp");

    while (!GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE))
        txSetFillColor (TX_BLACK);
        txClear ();

        txBitBlt (txDC (), 0, 0, 1500, 800, fon, 0, 0);

        txTransparentBlt (txDC (), Ball[0].x - Ball[0].rad, Ball[0].y - Ball[0].rad, 50, 50, igrok, 0, 0, TX_WHITE);
        Upravlenie (&Ball[0], dt);

        while (i < N)
            Ball[i].x = random (20, 1480);
            Ball[i].y = random (20, 780);
            Ball[i].vx = random (1.5, 3.5);
            Ball[i].vy = random (1.5, 3.5);
            Ball[i].rad = 30;

        All_Vrag (Ball, vrag, dt, N);

        i = 1;

        while (i < N)
            if (Dist (Ball[i], Ball[0]) <= Ball[i].rad + Ball[0].rad)
                txMessageBox ("Вы съедены!!!", "Поражение", 0);

        if (GetAsyncKeyState ('L'))
        Stena (&Ball[0]);
            if (Ball[0].x + Ball[0].rad > 1500 ||
                Ball[0].x - Ball[0].rad < 0    ||
                Ball[0].y + Ball[0].rad > 800  ||
                Ball[0].y - Ball[0].rad < 0    )
                txMessageBox ("Вы задохнулись!!!", "Поражение", 0);

        Snaryad_polnost (&sn1, &sn2, &sn3, &sn4, &snbig1, &snbig2, &snBIGG, snaryad1, snaryad2, snaryad3, &Ball[0], dt);

        if (Dist (sn1, Ball[0]) <= sn1.rad + Ball[0].rad ||
            Dist (sn2, Ball[0]) <= sn2.rad + Ball[0].rad ||
            Dist (sn3, Ball[0]) <= sn3.rad + Ball[0].rad ||
            Dist (sn4, Ball[0]) <= sn4.rad + Ball[0].rad ||
            Dist (snbig1, Ball[0]) <= snbig1.rad + Ball[0].rad ||
            Dist (snbig2, Ball[0]) <= snbig2.rad + Ball[0].rad ||
            Dist (snBIGG, Ball[0]) <= snBIGG.rad + Ball[0].rad )
                txMessageBox ("Вы сгорели!!!", "Поражение", 0);

        t += 0.005;
        Score (t, 750, 20);

        if (t > 20)
            txMessageBox ("Победа!!!", "Победа", 0);
        txSleep (0);
    txDeleteDC (vrag);
    txDeleteDC (igrok);
    txDeleteDC (fon);
    txDeleteDC (snaryad1);
    txDeleteDC (snaryad2);
    txDeleteDC (snaryad3);
void Prepyatstvie (int x, int y)
    txSetFillColor (RGB(random (0, +255), random (0, +255), random (0, +255)));
    POINT Prepyatstvie [4] = {{x - 10, y - 40}, {x + 10, y - 40}, {x + 10, y + 40}, {x - 10, y + 40}};
    txPolygon (Prepyatstvie, 4);
int DvigChel_1 (int x, int y)
     int time_end     = clock();

     Point_t loc      = {x, y};

     Score_t score    = {0};

     Chel_t chel      = {&loc, SPEED};

     Reaction_t react = {&loc, &score};

     PointEN_t locEN  = {291, 195, 5, 5};

     PointEN_t locEN2 = {500, 500, 1, 1};

     PointEN_t locEN3 = {400, 550, 4, 4};

     int time         = 0;

     int counter      = -2;

     int counteren    = 0;


     HDC Cover        = txLoadImage ("Resourses\\Images\\Cover.bmp");

     txPlaySound ("Resourses\\Music\\track_1.wav", SND_ASYNC);

     DrawArbuz (386, 59);
     DrawArbuz (449, 269);
     DrawArbuz (95, 402);
     DrawArbuz (345, 449);
     DrawArbuz (723, 491);
     DrawArbuz (703, 294);

     while (1)


        Interface      (&score, &time, &time_end);


        Bonus (&score);

        txSetColor     (TX_YELLOW);
        txSetFillColor (TX_YELLOW);
        txRectangle    (locEN.x - 13, locEN.y - 13, locEN.x + 13, locEN.y + 13);

        MoveEnemy (&locEN);


        if (counteren % 12 < 5) DrawEnemy_1 (&locEN);

            if (counteren % 12 < 9) DrawEnemy_2 (&locEN);

            else DrawEnemy_3 (&locEN);

        if ((loc.x < locEN.x + 14) &&
            (loc.x > locEN.x - 12) &&
            (loc.y < locEN.y + 13) &&
            (loc.y > locEN.y - 12)) return 0;

        txSetColor     (TX_YELLOW);
        txSetFillColor (TX_YELLOW);
        txRectangle    (locEN2.x - 13, locEN2.y - 13, locEN2.x + 13, locEN2.y + 13);

        MoveEnemy (&locEN2);


        if (counteren % 12 < 5) DrawEnemy_1 (&locEN2);

            if (counteren % 12 < 9) DrawEnemy_2 (&locEN2);

            else DrawEnemy_3 (&locEN2);

        if ((loc.x < locEN2.x + 14) &&
            (loc.x > locEN2.x - 12) &&
            (loc.y < locEN2.y + 13) &&
            (loc.y > locEN2.y - 12)) return 0;

        txSetColor     (TX_YELLOW);
        txSetFillColor (TX_YELLOW);
        txRectangle    (locEN3.x - 13, locEN3.y - 13, locEN3.x + 13, locEN3.y + 13);

        MoveEnemy (&locEN3);


        if (counteren % 12 < 5) DrawEnemy_1 (&locEN3);

            if (counteren % 12 < 9) DrawEnemy_2 (&locEN3);

            else DrawEnemy_3 (&locEN3);

        if ((loc.x < locEN3.x + 14) &&
            (loc.x > locEN3.x - 12) &&
            (loc.y < locEN3.y + 13) &&
            (loc.y > locEN3.y - 12)) return 0;

        txTransparentBlt (txDC(), loc.x - 10, loc.y - 10, 21, 21, Cover, 0, 0, TX_WHITE);

        if (Controls (&react) == 1)   {DrawChel_1 (&loc); return 0;};

        if (ReactionEnd1 (&loc) == 1) 
                                if (score.points > 400) return score.points + 20 - time;
        if (time > 40) return 0;


        if (counter > 2) counter = -2;

        if (counter < 0) DrawChel_1 (&loc);

           else DrawChel_2 (&loc);

		if (GetAsyncKeyState ('M')) sleep--;
		if (sleep < 0) sleep = 0;
        if (GetAsyncKeyState ('P')) sleep++;

        if (GetAsyncKeyState (VK_ESCAPE)) MenuInGame(&loc, 1);

        Sleep (sleep);

     time_end = time;

     txDeleteDC (Cover);
 void all_fizics (palochka* Main)

    //{ всё остальное

    Main->x   += Main->postup_x;
    Main->y   += Main->postup_y;
    Main->alf +=    Main->vrach;

    Main->x1 = Main->x + sin(Main->alf)*R;
    Main->y1 = Main->y + cos(Main->alf)*R;
    Main->x2 = Main->x - sin(Main->alf)*R;
    Main->y2 = Main->y - cos(Main->alf)*R;


    //{ отталкивание от стенок


    Main->vx1 = Main->postup_x + Main->vrach*R*sin(Main->alf + txPI/2);

    Main->vy1 = Main->postup_y + Main->vrach*R*cos(Main->alf + txPI/2);

    Main->vx2 = Main->postup_x - Main->vrach*R*sin(Main->alf + txPI/2);

    Main->vy2 = Main->postup_y - Main->vrach*R*cos(Main->alf + txPI/2);

    double E1 = Main->vx1*Main->vx1 + Main->vx2*Main->vx2 + Main->vy1*Main->vy1 + Main->vy2*Main->vy2;

    bool a = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        if (stencos[i] >= 1 || stencos[i] <= 20 ) stencos[i]++;

    if (Main->x1 <=     0 && (stencos[0] < 2 || stencos[0] >= 5))

        Main->vx1 = -Main->vx1;
        a = 1;
        stencos[0] = 1;

        double _vx = Main->vx2*cos(Main->alf) - Main->vy2*sin(Main->alf);
        double _vy = Main->vx2*sin(Main->alf) + Main->vy2*cos(Main->alf);
        _vy = -_vy;

        //Main->vx2 = _vx*cos(-Main->alf) - _vy*sin(-Main->alf);
        //Main->vy2 = _vx*sin(-Main->alf) + _vy*cos(-Main->alf);
        sis_cor_turn (_vx, _vy, -Main->alf, &Main->vx2, &Main->vy2);

    if (Main->x2 <=     0 && (stencos[1] < 2 || stencos[1] >= 5))
        Main->vx2 = -Main->vx2;
        a = 1;
        stencos[1] = 1;

        double _vx = Main->vx1*cos(Main->alf) - Main->vy1*sin(Main->alf);    // the zhirnaya funkcija!
        double _vy = Main->vx1*sin(Main->alf) + Main->vy1*cos(Main->alf);
        _vy = -_vy;                                                            // the zhirnaya funkcija!
//2015-08-08 2015-08-08-15.02

        //Main->vx1 = _vx*cos(-Main->alf) - _vy*sin(-Main->alf);
        //Main->vy1 = _vx*sin(-Main->alf) + _vy*cos(-Main->alf);
        sis_cor_turn (_vx, _vy, -Main->alf, &Main->vx1, &Main->vy1);  // akRotate

    if (Main->y1 <=     0 && (stencos[2] < 2 || stencos[2] >= 5))
        Main->vy1 = -Main->vy1;
        a = 1;
        stencos[2] = 1;

        double _vx = Main->vx2*cos(Main->alf) - Main->vy2*sin(Main->alf);
        double _vy = Main->vx2*sin(Main->alf) + Main->vy2*cos(Main->alf);
        _vy = -_vy;

        //Main->vx2 = _vx*cos(-Main->alf) - _vy*sin(-Main->alf);
        //Main->vy2 = _vx*sin(-Main->alf) + _vy*cos(-Main->alf);
        sis_cor_turn (_vx, _vy, -Main->alf, &Main->vx2, &Main->vy2);

    if (Main->y2 <=     0 && (stencos[3] < 2 || stencos[3] >= 5))
        Main->vy2 = -Main->vy2;
        a = 1;
        stencos[3] = 1;

        double _vx = Main->vx1*cos(Main->alf) - Main->vy1*sin(Main->alf);
        double _vy = Main->vx1*sin(Main->alf) + Main->vy1*cos(Main->alf);
        _vy = -_vy;

        //Main->vx1 = _vx*cos(-Main->alf) - _vy*sin(-Main->alf);
        //Main->vy1 = _vx*sin(-Main->alf) + _vy*cos(-Main->alf);
        sis_cor_turn (_vx, _vy, -Main->alf, &Main->vx1, &Main->vy1);

    if (Main->x1 >= sizeX && (stencos[4] < 2 || stencos[4] >= 5))
        Main->vx1 = -Main->vx1;
        a = 1;
        stencos[4] = 1;

        double _vx = Main->vx2*cos(Main->alf) - Main->vy2*sin(Main->alf);
        double _vy = Main->vx2*sin(Main->alf) + Main->vy2*cos(Main->alf);
        _vy = -_vy;

        //Main->vx2 = _vx*cos(-Main->alf) - _vy*sin(-Main->alf);
        //Main->vy2 = _vx*sin(-Main->alf) + _vy*cos(-Main->alf);
        sis_cor_turn (_vx, _vy, -Main->alf, &Main->vx2, &Main->vy2);

    if (Main->x2 >= sizeX && (stencos[5] < 2 || stencos[5] >= 5))
        Main->vx2 = -Main->vx2;
        a = 1;
        stencos[5] = 1;

        double _vx = Main->vx1*cos(Main->alf) - Main->vy1*sin(Main->alf);
        double _vy = Main->vx1*sin(Main->alf) + Main->vy1*cos(Main->alf);
        _vy = -_vy;

        //Main->vx1 = _vx*cos(-Main->alf) - _vy*sin(-Main->alf);
        //Main->vy1 = _vx*sin(-Main->alf) + _vy*cos(-Main->alf);
        sis_cor_turn (_vx, _vy, -Main->alf, &Main->vx1, &Main->vy1);

    if (Main->y1 >= sizeY && (stencos[6] < 2 || stencos[6] >= 5))
        Main->vy1 = -Main->vy1;
        a = 1;
        stencos[6] = 1;

        double _vx = Main->vx2*cos(Main->alf) - Main->vy2*sin(Main->alf);
        double _vy = Main->vx2*sin(Main->alf) + Main->vy2*cos(Main->alf);
        _vy = -_vy;

        //Main->vx2 = _vx*cos(-Main->alf) - _vy*sin(-Main->alf);
        //Main->vy2 = _vx*sin(-Main->alf) + _vy*cos(-Main->alf);
        sis_cor_turn (_vx, _vy, -Main->alf, &Main->vx2, &Main->vy2);

    if (Main->y2 >= sizeY && (stencos[7] < 2 || stencos[7] >= 5))
        Main->vy2 = -Main->vy2;
        a = 1;
        stencos[7] = 1;

        double _vx = Main->vx1*cos(Main->alf) - Main->vy1*sin(Main->alf);
        double _vy = Main->vx1*sin(Main->alf) + Main->vy1*cos(Main->alf);
        _vy = -_vy;

        //Main->vx1 = _vx*cos(-Main->alf) - _vy*sin(-Main->alf);
        //Main->vy1 = _vx*sin(-Main->alf) + _vy*cos(-Main->alf);
        sis_cor_turn (_vx, _vy, -Main->alf, &Main->vx1, &Main->vy1);

    double E2 = Main->vx1*Main->vx1 + Main->vx2*Main->vx2 + Main->vy1*Main->vy1 + Main->vy2*Main->vy2;

    if (a)
        double vx = (Main->vx1 + Main->vx2)/2, vy = (Main->vy1 + Main->vy2)/2;

        Main->postup_x = vx;
        Main->postup_y = vy;

        double vx1_e = Main->vx1 - vx;
        double vy1_e = Main->vy1 - vy;

        double vx2_e = Main->vx2 - vx;
        double vy2_e = Main->vy2 - vy;

        txSetFillColor (TX_BLUE);
        txSetColor     (TX_BLUE);
        //txLine (Main->x , Main->y , Main->x  + Main->postup_x*50, Main->y + Main->postup_y*50);
        txLine (Main->x2, Main->y2, Main->x2 + vx2_e*50, Main->y2 + vy2_e*50);
        txLine (Main->x1, Main->y1, Main->x1 + vx1_e*50, Main->y1 + vy1_e*50);

        double znak = 1;

        if ((vy1_e*(Main->x1 - Main->x2) - vx1_e*(Main->y1 - Main->y2)) > 0) znak = -1;

        //Main->vrach = znak*sqrt(vx1_e*vx1_e + vy1_e*vy1_e)/R;

        Main->vrach = znak*sqrt((Main->vx1*Main->vx1 + Main->vx2*Main->vx2 + Main->vy1*Main->vy1 + Main->vy2*Main->vy2 - 2*vx*vx - 2*vy*vy)/(2*R*R));

        if (stencos[0] == 1 || stencos[1] == 1) {Main->x+= 3;}

        if (stencos[2] == 1 || stencos[3] == 1) {Main->y+= 3;}

        if (stencos[4] == 1 || stencos[5] == 1) {Main->x-= 3;}

        if (stencos[6] == 1 || stencos[7] == 1) {Main->y-= 3;}

        Main->vx1 = Main->postup_x + Main->vrach*R*sin(Main->alf + txPI/2);

        Main->vy1 = Main->postup_y + Main->vrach*R*cos(Main->alf + txPI/2);

        Main->vx2 = Main->postup_x - Main->vrach*R*sin(Main->alf + txPI/2);

        Main->vy2 = Main->postup_y - Main->vrach*R*cos(Main->alf + txPI/2);

        double E3 = Main->vx1*Main->vx1 + Main->vx2*Main->vx2 + Main->vy1*Main->vy1 + Main->vy2*Main->vy2;

        //printf ("  %lf  %lf  %lf\n", E1, E2, E3);

        while (GetAsyncKeyState (VK_SPACE));



void block (int x, int y, COLORREF color)
    txSetColor (color);
    txSetFillColor (color);
    txRectangle (x, y, x+1*SIZEB, y+1*SIZEB);