文件: caerctl.c 项目: sivapvarma/caer
static void handleCommandCompletion(const char *buf, linenoiseCompletions *lc) {
    size_t bufLength = strlen(buf);

    // First let's split up the command into its constituents.
    char *commandParts[MAX_CMD_PARTS + 1] = { NULL };

    // Create a copy of buf, so that strtok_r() can modify it.
    char bufCopy[bufLength + 1];
    strcpy(bufCopy, buf);

    // Split string into usable parts.
    size_t idx = 0;
    char *tokenSavePtr = NULL, *nextCmdPart = NULL, *currCmdPart = bufCopy;
    while ((nextCmdPart = strtok_r(currCmdPart, " ", &tokenSavePtr)) != NULL) {
        if (idx < MAX_CMD_PARTS) {
            commandParts[idx] = nextCmdPart;
        else {
            // Abort, too many parts.

        currCmdPart = NULL;

    // Also calculate number of commands already present in line (word-depth).
    // This is actually much more useful to understand where we are and what to do.
    size_t commandDepth = idx;

    if (commandDepth > 0 && bufLength > 1 && buf[bufLength - 1] != ' ') {
        // If commands are present, ensure they have been "confirmed" by at least
        // one terminating spacing character. Else don't calculate the last command.

    // Check that we got something.
    if (commandDepth == 0) {
        // Always start off with a command/action.
        size_t cmdActionLength = 0;
        if (commandParts[CMD_PART_ACTION] != NULL) {
            cmdActionLength = strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_ACTION]);

        actionCompletion(buf, bufLength, lc, commandParts[CMD_PART_ACTION], cmdActionLength);


    // Let's get the action code first thing.
    uint8_t actionCode = UINT8_MAX;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < actionsLength; i++) {
        if (strcmp(commandParts[CMD_PART_ACTION], actions[i].name) == 0) {
            actionCode = actions[i].code;

    switch (actionCode) {
    case NODE_EXISTS:
        if (commandDepth == 1) {
            size_t cmdNodeLength = 0;
            if (commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE] != NULL) {
                cmdNodeLength = strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE]);

            nodeCompletion(buf, bufLength, lc, actionCode, commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE], cmdNodeLength);


    case ATTR_EXISTS:
    case GET:
        if (commandDepth == 1) {
            size_t cmdNodeLength = 0;
            if (commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE] != NULL) {
                cmdNodeLength = strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE]);

            nodeCompletion(buf, bufLength, lc, actionCode, commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE], cmdNodeLength);
        if (commandDepth == 2) {
            size_t cmdKeyLength = 0;
            if (commandParts[CMD_PART_KEY] != NULL) {
                cmdKeyLength = strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_KEY]);

            keyCompletion(buf, bufLength, lc, actionCode, commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE],
                          strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE]), commandParts[CMD_PART_KEY], cmdKeyLength);
        if (commandDepth == 3) {
            size_t cmdTypeLength = 0;
            if (commandParts[CMD_PART_TYPE] != NULL) {
                cmdTypeLength = strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_TYPE]);

            typeCompletion(buf, bufLength, lc, actionCode, commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE],
                           strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE]), commandParts[CMD_PART_KEY], strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_KEY]),
                           commandParts[CMD_PART_TYPE], cmdTypeLength);


    case PUT:
        if (commandDepth == 1) {
            size_t cmdNodeLength = 0;
            if (commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE] != NULL) {
                cmdNodeLength = strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE]);

            nodeCompletion(buf, bufLength, lc, actionCode, commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE], cmdNodeLength);
        if (commandDepth == 2) {
            size_t cmdKeyLength = 0;
            if (commandParts[CMD_PART_KEY] != NULL) {
                cmdKeyLength = strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_KEY]);

            keyCompletion(buf, bufLength, lc, actionCode, commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE],
                          strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE]), commandParts[CMD_PART_KEY], cmdKeyLength);
        if (commandDepth == 3) {
            size_t cmdTypeLength = 0;
            if (commandParts[CMD_PART_TYPE] != NULL) {
                cmdTypeLength = strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_TYPE]);

            typeCompletion(buf, bufLength, lc, actionCode, commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE],
                           strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE]), commandParts[CMD_PART_KEY], strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_KEY]),
                           commandParts[CMD_PART_TYPE], cmdTypeLength);
        if (commandDepth == 4) {
            size_t cmdValueLength = 0;
            if (commandParts[CMD_PART_VALUE] != NULL) {
                cmdValueLength = strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_VALUE]);

            valueCompletion(buf, bufLength, lc, actionCode, commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE],
                            strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_NODE]), commandParts[CMD_PART_KEY], strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_KEY]),
                            commandParts[CMD_PART_TYPE], strlen(commandParts[CMD_PART_TYPE]), commandParts[CMD_PART_VALUE],

void addKeyboardEvents() {
	bool resetShift = false;


	if (typingTimeout > 0) {
		if (typingTimeout == 0) {

	if (DS::getPenDown()) {
		int x = IPC->touchXpx;
		int y = IPC->touchYpx;

		int tx = (x >> 3);
		int ty = (y >> 3);

		if (ty >= 12) {
			int current = -1;

			if (tx < 12) {
				current = (ty - 12) / 2;
			} else {
				current = 6 + (ty - 12) / 2;

			if (selectedCompletion == current) {
			} else {
				if (current < autoCompleteCount) {
					selectedCompletion = current;


		tx -= keyboardX;
		ty -= keyboardY;

//		consolePrintf("x=%d y=%d\n", tx, ty);

		for (int r = 0; r < DS_NUM_KEYS; r++) {
			if (( (tx >= keys[r].x) && (tx <= keys[r].x + 1)) &&
				   (ty >= keys[r].y) && (ty <= keys[r].y + 1)) {
				OSystem_DS *system = OSystem_DS::instance();
				Common::Event event;

//				consolePrintf("Key: %d\n", r);
				if ((keys[r].character == Common::KEYCODE_INVALID)) {
					// Close button
					//DS::closed = true;
				} else {
					createKeyEvent(r, event);

				//event.kbd.keycode = keys[r].character;
				//event.kbd.ascii = keys[r].character;
				event.type = Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN;

//				event.type = Common::EVENT_KEYUP;
//				system->addEvent(event);

				switch (keys[r].character) {
					case DS_SHIFT: {
						DS::shiftState = !DS::shiftState;
						DS::setKeyHighlight(r, DS::shiftState);

					case DS_CAPSLOCK: {
						DS::capsLockState = !DS::capsLockState;
						DS::setKeyHighlight(r, DS::capsLockState);

					default: {
						DS::setKeyHighlight(r, true);
						keys[r].pressed = true;


	if (DS::getPenReleased()) {

		for (int r = 0; r < DS_NUM_KEYS; r++) {
			if (keys[r].pressed) {
				DS::setKeyHighlight(r, false);

				OSystem_DS *system = OSystem_DS::instance();

				Common::Event event;
				if ((keys[r].character == Common::KEYCODE_INVALID)) {
					// Close button
					DS::closed = true;
				} else {
					createKeyEvent(r, event);
					event.type = Common::EVENT_KEYUP;

				keys[r].pressed = false;

				if (keys[r].character != DS_SHIFT) {
					resetShift = true;


	if ((resetShift) && (DS::shiftState)) {
		DS::shiftState = false;
		resetShift = false;
		for (int t = 0; t < DS_NUM_KEYS; t++) {
			if (keys[t].character == DS_SHIFT) {
				DS::setKeyHighlight(t, false);
