static BASETYPE get_basetype( VARSPACE * v )
    TYPEDEF t ;
    BASETYPE type = TYPE_UNDEFINED, newtype ;
    int n ;

    for ( n = 0 ; n < v->count ; n++ )
        t = v->vars[n].type ;
        while ( typedef_is_array( t ) )
            t = typedef_reduce( t ) ;

        if ( typedef_is_struct( t ) )
            newtype = get_basetype( typedef_members( t ) )  ;
            newtype = typedef_base( t ) ;

        if ( type != TYPE_UNDEFINED && type != newtype )
            return TYPE_UNDEFINED ;

        type = newtype ;
    return type ;
void varspace_dump( VARSPACE * n, int indent )
    int i, t, to ;
    char buffer[128] ;

    for ( i = 0 ; i < n->count ; i++ )
        if ( i < n->count - 1 )
            to = n->vars[i+1].offset - 1 ;
            to = n->last_offset - 1 ;

        printf( "[%04d:%04d]\t", n->vars[i].offset, to ) ;
        for ( t = 0 ; t < indent ; t++ ) printf( " + " ) ;
        typedef_describe( buffer, n->vars[i].type ) ;
        printf( "%s %s", buffer, identifier_name( n->vars[i].code ) ) ;

        /* Describe arrays of structs */

        if ( typedef_is_array( n->vars[i].type ) )
            TYPEDEF r = typedef_reduce( n->vars[i].type );
            while ( typedef_is_array( r ) )
                r = typedef_reduce( r );
            if ( typedef_is_struct( r ) )
                printf( ":\n" ) ;
                varspace_dump( typedef_members( r ), indent + 1 ) ;
                printf( "\n" );

        /* Describe structs */

        else if ( typedef_is_struct( n->vars[i].type ) )
            printf( ":\n" ) ;
            varspace_dump( typedef_members( n->vars[i].type ), indent + 1 ) ;

        else printf( "\n" ) ;
int compile_struct_data( VARSPACE * n, segment * data, int size, int sub )
    int elements = 0 ;
    int position = 0 ;
    expresion_result res ;

    for ( ;; )
        token_next() ;

        /* Allow parenthized struct initialization */
        if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_leftp )
            if (( elements % n->count ) != 0 ) compile_error( MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_INIT );

            /* Note - don't ignore a trailing comma! */
            elements = compile_struct_data( n, data, size, 0 ) ;

            if ( elements >= n->count ) size -= ( elements / n->count );

            token_next() ;
            if ( token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code != identifier_rightp ) compile_error( MSG_EXPECTED, ")" ) ;

            token_next() ;
            if (( elements % n->count ) == 0 && size > 0 && token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_comma )

            token_back() ;
            return elements ;

        /* Allow empty initialization */
        if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_semicolon ) return 0 ;

        token_back() ;

        for ( ;; )
            TYPEDEF next_type = n->vars[position].type ;

            /* Next variable is a pointer */

            if ( typedef_is_pointer( next_type ) )
                res = compile_expresion( 1, 0, 0, TYPE_DWORD ) ;
                if ( !res.constant ) compile_error( MSG_INCORRECT_PTR_INIT );
                segment_add_as( data, 0, TYPE_POINTER ) ;
            else if ( typedef_is_array( next_type ) )   /* Next variable is an array */
                int elements = typedef_tcount( next_type ) ;
                BASETYPE base;

                /* Get the array base type */

                while ( typedef_is_array( next_type ) ) next_type = typedef_reduce( next_type );

                base = typedef_base( next_type );

                /* Special case: array of structs */

                if ( base == TYPE_STRUCT )
                    compile_struct_data( next_type.varspace, data, elements, 1 );


                    /* Special case: intializing char[] strings */

                    if ( token.type == STRING && next_type.chunk[1].type == TYPE_CHAR )
                        const char * str = string_get( token.code ) ;
                        int subcount = 0 ;

                        if (( int )strlen( str ) > typedef_count( next_type ) - 1 ) compile_error( MSG_TOO_MANY_INIT ) ;

                        while ( *str )
                            segment_add_as( data, *str++, TYPE_CHAR ) ;
                            subcount++ ;

                        while ( subcount++ < typedef_count( next_type ) ) segment_add_as( data, 0, TYPE_CHAR ) ;

                    else   /* Initializing normal arrays */
                        int has_parents = 1;

                        if ( token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code != identifier_leftp )
                            has_parents = 0;

                        compile_array_data( n, data, elements, elements, &base ) ;

                        if ( has_parents )
                            token_next() ;
                            if ( token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code != identifier_rightp ) compile_error( MSG_EXPECTED, ")" ) ;
            else if ( typedef_is_struct( next_type ) )   /* Next variable is another struct */
                compile_struct_data( next_type.varspace, data, 1, 1 ) ;
            else   /* Next variable is a single type */
                res = compile_expresion( 1, 0, 0, typedef_base( next_type ) ) ;
                if ( !res.constant ) compile_error( MSG_CONSTANT_EXP );
                segment_add_as( data, typedef_base( next_type ) == TYPE_FLOAT ? *( int* )&res.fvalue : res.value, typedef_base( next_type ) ) ;

            position++ ;
            elements++ ;

            if ( position == n->count && size < 2 && sub ) break ;

            /* A comma should be here */

            token_next() ;
            if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_semicolon )
                break ;

            if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_rightp )
                token_back() ;
                break ;

            if ( token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code != identifier_comma ) compile_error( MSG_EXPECTED, "," ) ;

            /* Wrap around for the next struct */

            if ( position == n->count )
                if ( size == 1 && !sub ) compile_error( MSG_TOO_MANY_INIT ) ;
                position = 0;

    return elements ;
void typedef_describe( char * buffer, TYPEDEF t )
    switch ( t.chunk[0].type )
        case TYPE_INT:
            sprintf( buffer, "INT" ) ;
            return ;

        case TYPE_DWORD:
            sprintf( buffer, "DWORD" ) ;
            return ;

        case TYPE_SHORT:
            sprintf( buffer, "SHORT" ) ;
            return ;

        case TYPE_WORD:
            sprintf( buffer, "WORD" ) ;
            return ;

        case TYPE_BYTE:
            sprintf( buffer, "BYTE" ) ;
            return ;

        case TYPE_CHAR:
            sprintf( buffer, "CHAR" ) ;
            return ;

        case TYPE_SBYTE:
            sprintf( buffer, "SIGNED BYTE" ) ;
            return ;

        case TYPE_STRING:
            sprintf( buffer, "STRING" ) ;
            return ;

        case TYPE_FLOAT:
            sprintf( buffer, "FLOAT" ) ;
            return ;

        case TYPE_STRUCT:
            if ( t.chunk[0].count > 1 )
                sprintf( buffer, "STRUCT [%d]", t.chunk[0].count ) ;
                sprintf( buffer, "STRUCT" ) ;
            return ;

        case TYPE_ARRAY:
            sprintf( buffer, "ARRAY [%d] OF ", t.chunk[0].count ) ;
            typedef_describe( buffer + strlen( buffer ), typedef_reduce( t ) ) ;
            return ;

        case TYPE_POINTER:
            sprintf( buffer, "POINTER TO " ) ;
            typedef_describe( buffer + strlen( buffer ), typedef_reduce( t ) ) ;
            return ;

        case TYPE_UNDEFINED:
            sprintf( buffer, "<UNDEFINED>" ) ;
            return ;