inline double solve_quadprog(MatrixXd & G,  VectorXd & g0,  
                      const MatrixXd & CE, const VectorXd & ce0,  
                      const MatrixXd & CI, const VectorXd & ci0, 
                      VectorXd& x)
  int i, j, k, l; /* indices */
  int ip, me, mi;
  int n=g0.size();  int p=ce0.size();  int m=ci0.size();  
  MatrixXd R(G.rows(),G.cols()), J(G.rows(),G.cols());
  LLT<MatrixXd,Lower> chol(G.cols());
  VectorXd s(m+p), z(n), r(m + p), d(n),  np(n), u(m + p);
  VectorXd x_old(n), u_old(m + p);
  double f_value, psi, c1, c2, sum, ss, R_norm;
  const double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
  double t, t1, t2; /* t is the step length, which is the minimum of the partial step length t1 
    * and the full step length t2 */
  VectorXi A(m + p), A_old(m + p), iai(m + p);
  int q;
  int iq, iter = 0;
  bool iaexcl[m + p];
  me = p; /* number of equality constraints */
  mi = m; /* number of inequality constraints */
  q = 0;  /* size of the active set A (containing the indices of the active constraints) */
   * Preprocessing phase
  /* compute the trace of the original matrix G */
  c1 = G.trace();
	/* decompose the matrix G in the form LL^T */
  /* initialize the matrix R */
	R_norm = 1.0; /* this variable will hold the norm of the matrix R */
	/* compute the inverse of the factorized matrix G^-1, this is the initial value for H */
  // J = L^-T
  J = chol.matrixU().solve(J);
	c2 = J.trace();
 print_matrix("J", J, n);
	/* c1 * c2 is an estimate for cond(G) */
   * Find the unconstrained minimizer of the quadratic form 0.5 * x G x + g0 x 
   * this is a feasible point in the dual space
	 * x = G^-1 * g0
  x = chol.solve(g0);
  x = -x;
	/* and compute the current solution value */ 
	f_value = 0.5 * g0.dot(x);
  std::cerr << "Unconstrained solution: " << f_value << std::endl;
  print_vector("x", x, n);
	/* Add equality constraints to the working set A */
  iq = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < me; i++)
    np = CE.col(i);
    compute_d(d, J, np);
		update_z(z, J, d,  iq);
		update_r(R, r, d,  iq);
		print_matrix("R", R, iq);
		print_vector("z", z, n);
		print_vector("r", r, iq);
		print_vector("d", d, n);
    /* compute full step length t2: i.e., the minimum step in primal space s.t. the contraint 
      becomes feasible */
    t2 = 0.0;
    if (internal::abs(z.dot(z)) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) // i.e. z != 0
      t2 = (-np.dot(x) - ce0(i)) / z.dot(np);
    x += t2 * z;

    /* set u = u+ */
    u(iq) = t2;
    u.head(iq) -= t2 * r.head(iq);
    /* compute the new solution value */
    f_value += 0.5 * (t2 * t2) * z.dot(np);
    A(i) = -i - 1;
    if (!add_constraint(R, J, d, iq, R_norm))
      // FIXME: it should raise an error
      // Equality constraints are linearly dependent
      return f_value;
	/* set iai = K \ A */
	for (i = 0; i < mi; i++)
		iai(i) = i;
l1:	iter++;
  print_vector("x", x, n);
  /* step 1: choose a violated constraint */
	for (i = me; i < iq; i++)
	  ip = A(i);
		iai(ip) = -1;
	/* compute s(x) = ci^T * x + ci0 for all elements of K \ A */
	ss = 0.0;
	psi = 0.0; /* this value will contain the sum of all infeasibilities */
	ip = 0; /* ip will be the index of the chosen violated constraint */
	for (i = 0; i < mi; i++)
		iaexcl[i] = true;
		sum = CI.col(i).dot(x) + ci0(i);
		s(i) = sum;
		psi += std::min(0.0, sum);
  print_vector("s", s, mi);

	if (internal::abs(psi) <= mi * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() * c1 * c2* 100.0)
    /* numerically there are not infeasibilities anymore */
    q = iq;
		return f_value;
  /* save old values for u, x and A */
   u_old.head(iq) = u.head(iq);
   A_old.head(iq) = A.head(iq);
   x_old = x;
l2: /* Step 2: check for feasibility and determine a new S-pair */
	for (i = 0; i < mi; i++)
		if (s(i) < ss && iai(i) != -1 && iaexcl[i])
			ss = s(i);
			ip = i;
  if (ss >= 0.0)
    q = iq;
    return f_value;
  /* set np = n(ip) */
  np = CI.col(ip);
  /* set u = (u 0)^T */
  u(iq) = 0.0;
  /* add ip to the active set A */
  A(iq) = ip;

	std::cerr << "Trying with constraint " << ip << std::endl;
	print_vector("np", np, n);
l2a:/* Step 2a: determine step direction */
  /* compute z = H np: the step direction in the primal space (through J, see the paper) */
  compute_d(d, J, np);
  update_z(z, J, d, iq);
  /* compute N* np (if q > 0): the negative of the step direction in the dual space */
  update_r(R, r, d, iq);
  std::cerr << "Step direction z" << std::endl;
		print_vector("z", z, n);
		print_vector("r", r, iq + 1);
    print_vector("u", u, iq + 1);
    print_vector("d", d, n);
    print_ivector("A", A, iq + 1);
  /* Step 2b: compute step length */
  l = 0;
  /* Compute t1: partial step length (maximum step in dual space without violating dual feasibility */
  t1 = inf; /* +inf */
  /* find the index l s.t. it reaches the minimum of u+(x) / r */
  for (k = me; k < iq; k++)
    double tmp;
    if (r(k) > 0.0 && ((tmp = u(k) / r(k)) < t1) )
      t1 = tmp;
      l = A(k);
  /* Compute t2: full step length (minimum step in primal space such that the constraint ip becomes feasible */
  if (internal::abs(z.dot(z))  > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) // i.e. z != 0
    t2 = -s(ip) / z.dot(np);
    t2 = inf; /* +inf */

  /* the step is chosen as the minimum of t1 and t2 */
  t = std::min(t1, t2);
  std::cerr << "Step sizes: " << t << " (t1 = " << t1 << ", t2 = " << t2 << ") ";
  /* Step 2c: determine new S-pair and take step: */
  /* case (i): no step in primal or dual space */
  if (t >= inf)
    /* QPP is infeasible */
    // FIXME: unbounded to raise
    q = iq;
    return inf;
  /* case (ii): step in dual space */
  if (t2 >= inf)
    /* set u = u +  t * [-r 1) and drop constraint l from the active set A */
    u.head(iq) -= t * r.head(iq);
    u(iq) += t;
    iai(l) = l;
    delete_constraint(R, J, A, u, p, iq, l);
    std::cerr << " in dual space: " 
      << f_value << std::endl;
    print_vector("x", x, n);
    print_vector("z", z, n);
		print_ivector("A", A, iq + 1);
    goto l2a;
  /* case (iii): step in primal and dual space */
  x += t * z;
  /* update the solution value */
  f_value += t * z.dot(np) * (0.5 * t + u(iq));
  u.head(iq) -= t * r.head(iq);
  u(iq) += t;
  std::cerr << " in both spaces: " 
    << f_value << std::endl;
	print_vector("x", x, n);
	print_vector("u", u, iq + 1);
	print_vector("r", r, iq + 1);
	print_ivector("A", A, iq + 1);
  if (t == t2)
    std::cerr << "Full step has taken " << t << std::endl;
    print_vector("x", x, n);
    /* full step has taken */
    /* add constraint ip to the active set*/
		if (!add_constraint(R, J, d, iq, R_norm))
			iaexcl[ip] = false;
			delete_constraint(R, J, A, u, p, iq, ip);
      print_matrix("R", R, n);
      print_ivector("A", A, iq);
			for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
				iai(i) = i;
			for (i = 0; i < iq; i++)
				A(i) = A_old(i);
				iai(A(i)) = -1;
				u(i) = u_old(i);
			x = x_old;
      goto l2; /* go to step 2 */
      iai(ip) = -1;
    print_matrix("R", R, n);
    print_ivector("A", A, iq);
    goto l1;
  /* a patial step has taken */
  std::cerr << "Partial step has taken " << t << std::endl;
  print_vector("x", x, n);
  /* drop constraint l */
	iai(l) = l;
	delete_constraint(R, J, A, u, p, iq, l);
  print_matrix("R", R, n);
  print_ivector("A", A, iq);
  s(ip) = CI.col(ip).dot(x) + ci0(ip);

  print_vector("s", s, mi);
  goto l2a;
文件: QuadProg.cpp 项目: caomw/MPRGP
double QuadProg::solve_quadprog(Matrix<double>& G, Vector<double>& g0, 
                      const Matrix<double>& CE, const Vector<double>& ce0,  
                      const Matrix<double>& CI, const Vector<double>& ci0, 
                      Vector<double>& x)
  std::ostringstream msg;
    //Ensure that the dimensions of the matrices and vectors can be
    //safely converted from unsigned int into to int without overflow.
    unsigned mx = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    if(G.ncols() >= mx || G.nrows() >= mx || 
       CE.nrows() >= mx || CE.ncols() >= mx ||
       CI.nrows() >= mx || CI.ncols() >= mx || 
       ci0.size() >= mx || ce0.size() >= mx || g0.size() >= mx){
      msg << "The dimensions of one of the input matrices or vectors were "
	  << "too large." << std::endl
	  << "The maximum allowable size for inputs to solve_quadprog is:"
	  << mx << std::endl;
      throw std::logic_error(msg.str());
  int n = G.ncols(), p = CE.ncols(), m = CI.ncols();
  if ((int)G.nrows() != n)
    msg << "The matrix G is not a square matrix (" << G.nrows() << " x " 
	<< G.ncols() << ")";
    throw std::logic_error(msg.str());
  if ((int)CE.nrows() != n)
    msg << "The matrix CE is incompatible (incorrect number of rows " 
	<< CE.nrows() << " , expecting " << n << ")";
    throw std::logic_error(msg.str());
  if ((int)ce0.size() != p)
    msg << "The vector ce0 is incompatible (incorrect dimension " 
	<< ce0.size() << ", expecting " << p << ")";
    throw std::logic_error(msg.str());
  if ((int)CI.nrows() != n)
    msg << "The matrix CI is incompatible (incorrect number of rows " 
	<< CI.nrows() << " , expecting " << n << ")";
    throw std::logic_error(msg.str());
  if ((int)ci0.size() != m)
    msg << "The vector ci0 is incompatible (incorrect dimension " 
	<< ci0.size() << ", expecting " << m << ")";
    throw std::logic_error(msg.str());
  register int i, j, k, l; /* indices */
  int ip; // this is the index of the constraint to be added to the active set
  Matrix<double> R(n, n), J(n, n);
  Vector<double> s(m + p), z(n), r(m + p), d(n), np(n), u(m + p), x_old(n), u_old(m + p);
  double f_value, psi, c1, c2, sum, ss, R_norm;
  double inf;
  if (std::numeric_limits<double>::has_infinity)
    inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    inf = 1.0E300;
  double t, t1, t2; /* t is the step lenght, which is the minimum of the partial step length t1 
    * and the full step length t2 */
  Vector<int> A(m + p), A_old(m + p), iai(m + p);
  int q, iq, iter = 0;
  Vector<bool> iaexcl(m + p);
  /* p is the number of equality constraints */
  /* m is the number of inequality constraints */
  q = 0;  /* size of the active set A (containing the indices of the active constraints) */
  std::cout << std::endl << "Starting solve_quadprog" << std::endl;
  print_matrix("G", G);
  print_vector("g0", g0);
  print_matrix("CE", CE);
  print_vector("ce0", ce0);
  print_matrix("CI", CI);
  print_vector("ci0", ci0);
   * Preprocessing phase
  /* compute the trace of the original matrix G */
  c1 = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    c1 += G[i][i];
  /* decompose the matrix G in the form L^T L */
  print_matrix("G", G);
  /* initialize the matrix R */
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    d[i] = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
      R[i][j] = 0.0;
  R_norm = 1.0; /* this variable will hold the norm of the matrix R */
  /* compute the inverse of the factorized matrix G^-1, this is the initial value for H */
  c2 = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) 
    d[i] = 1.0;
    forward_elimination(G, z, d);
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
      J[i][j] = z[j];
    c2 += z[i];
    d[i] = 0.0;
  print_matrix("J", J);
  /* c1 * c2 is an estimate for cond(G) */
    * Find the unconstrained minimizer of the quadratic form 0.5 * x G x + g0 x 
   * this is a feasible point in the dual space
   * x = G^-1 * g0
  cholesky_solve(G, x, g0);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    x[i] = -x[i];
  /* and compute the current solution value */ 
  f_value = 0.5 * scalar_product(g0, x);
  std::cout << "Unconstrained solution: " << f_value << std::endl;
  print_vector("x", x);
  /* Add equality constraints to the working set A */
  iq = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < p; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
      np[j] = CE[j][i];
    compute_d(d, J, np);
    update_z(z, J, d, iq);
    update_r(R, r, d, iq);
    print_matrix("R", R, n, iq);
    print_vector("z", z);
    print_vector("r", r, iq);
    print_vector("d", d);
    /* compute full step length t2: i.e., the minimum step in primal space s.t. the contraint 
      becomes feasible */
    t2 = 0.0;
    if (fabs(scalar_product(z, z)) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) // i.e. z != 0
      t2 = (-scalar_product(np, x) - ce0[i]) / scalar_product(z, np);
    /* set x = x + t2 * z */
    for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
      x[k] += t2 * z[k];
    /* set u = u+ */
    u[iq] = t2;
    for (k = 0; k < iq; k++)
      u[k] -= t2 * r[k];
    /* compute the new solution value */
    f_value += 0.5 * (t2 * t2) * scalar_product(z, np);
    A[i] = -i - 1;
    if (!add_constraint(R, J, d, iq, R_norm))
      // Equality constraints are linearly dependent
      throw std::runtime_error("Constraints are linearly dependent");
      return f_value;
  /* set iai = K \ A */
  for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
    iai[i] = i;
l1:	iter++;
  print_vector("x", x);
  /* step 1: choose a violated constraint */
  for (i = p; i < iq; i++)
    ip = A[i];
    iai[ip] = -1;
  /* compute s[x] = ci^T * x + ci0 for all elements of K \ A */
  ss = 0.0;
  psi = 0.0; /* this value will contain the sum of all infeasibilities */
  ip = 0; /* ip will be the index of the chosen violated constraint */
  for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
    iaexcl[i] = true;
    sum = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
      sum += CI[j][i] * x[j];
    sum += ci0[i];
    s[i] = sum;
    psi += std::min(0.0, sum);
  print_vector("s", s, m);
  if (fabs(psi) <= m * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() * c1 * c2* 100.0)
    /* numerically there are not infeasibilities anymore */
    q = iq;
    return f_value;
  /* save old values for u and A */
  for (i = 0; i < iq; i++)
    u_old[i] = u[i];
    A_old[i] = A[i];
  /* and for x */
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    x_old[i] = x[i];
l2: /* Step 2: check for feasibility and determine a new S-pair */
    for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
      if (s[i] < ss && iai[i] != -1 && iaexcl[i])
        ss = s[i];
        ip = i;
  if (ss >= 0.0)
    q = iq;
    return f_value;
  /* set np = n[ip] */
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    np[i] = CI[i][ip];
  /* set u = [u 0]^T */
  u[iq] = 0.0;
  /* add ip to the active set A */
  A[iq] = ip;
  std::cout << "Trying with constraint " << ip << std::endl;
  print_vector("np", np);
l2a:/* Step 2a: determine step direction */
    /* compute z = H np: the step direction in the primal space (through J, see the paper) */
    compute_d(d, J, np);
  update_z(z, J, d, iq);
  /* compute N* np (if q > 0): the negative of the step direction in the dual space */
  update_r(R, r, d, iq);
  std::cout << "Step direction z" << std::endl;
  print_vector("z", z);
  print_vector("r", r, iq + 1);
  print_vector("u", u, iq + 1);
  print_vector("d", d);
  print_vector("A", A, iq + 1);
  /* Step 2b: compute step length */
  l = 0;
  /* Compute t1: partial step length (maximum step in dual space without violating dual feasibility */
  t1 = inf; /* +inf */
  /* find the index l s.t. it reaches the minimum of u+[x] / r */
  for (k = p; k < iq; k++)
    if (r[k] > 0.0)
      if (u[k] / r[k] < t1)
	      t1 = u[k] / r[k];
	      l = A[k];
  /* Compute t2: full step length (minimum step in primal space such that the constraint ip becomes feasible */
  if (fabs(scalar_product(z, z))  > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) // i.e. z != 0
    t2 = -s[ip] / scalar_product(z, np);
    t2 = inf; /* +inf */
  /* the step is chosen as the minimum of t1 and t2 */
  t = std::min(t1, t2);
  std::cout << "Step sizes: " << t << " (t1 = " << t1 << ", t2 = " << t2 << ") ";
  /* Step 2c: determine new S-pair and take step: */
  /* case (i): no step in primal or dual space */
  if (t >= inf)
    /* QPP is infeasible */
    // FIXME: unbounded to raise
    q = iq;
    return inf;
  /* case (ii): step in dual space */
  if (t2 >= inf)
    /* set u = u +  t * [-r 1] and drop constraint l from the active set A */
    for (k = 0; k < iq; k++)
      u[k] -= t * r[k];
    u[iq] += t;
    iai[l] = l;
    delete_constraint(R, J, A, u, n, p, iq, l);
    std::cout << " in dual space: " 
      << f_value << std::endl;
    print_vector("x", x);
    print_vector("z", z);
    print_vector("A", A, iq + 1);
    goto l2a;
  /* case (iii): step in primal and dual space */
  /* set x = x + t * z */
  for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
    x[k] += t * z[k];
  /* update the solution value */
  f_value += t * scalar_product(z, np) * (0.5 * t + u[iq]);
  /* u = u + t * [-r 1] */
  for (k = 0; k < iq; k++)
    u[k] -= t * r[k];
  u[iq] += t;
  std::cout << " in both spaces: " 
    << f_value << std::endl;
  print_vector("x", x);
  print_vector("u", u, iq + 1);
  print_vector("r", r, iq + 1);
  print_vector("A", A, iq + 1);
  if (fabs(t - t2) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
    std::cout << "Full step has taken " << t << std::endl;
    print_vector("x", x);
    /* full step has taken */
    /* add constraint ip to the active set*/
    if (!add_constraint(R, J, d, iq, R_norm))
      iaexcl[ip] = false;
      delete_constraint(R, J, A, u, n, p, iq, ip);
      print_matrix("R", R);
      print_vector("A", A, iq);
			print_vector("iai", iai);
      for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
        iai[i] = i;
      for (i = p; i < iq; i++)
	      A[i] = A_old[i];
	      u[i] = u_old[i];
				iai[A[i]] = -1;
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        x[i] = x_old[i];
      goto l2; /* go to step 2 */
      iai[ip] = -1;
    print_matrix("R", R);
    print_vector("A", A, iq);
		print_vector("iai", iai);
    goto l1;
  /* a patial step has taken */
  std::cout << "Partial step has taken " << t << std::endl;
  print_vector("x", x);
  /* drop constraint l */
  iai[l] = l;
  delete_constraint(R, J, A, u, n, p, iq, l);
  print_matrix("R", R);
  print_vector("A", A, iq);
  /* update s[ip] = CI * x + ci0 */
  sum = 0.0;
  for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
    sum += CI[k][ip] * x[k];
  s[ip] = sum + ci0[ip];
  print_vector("s", s, m);
  goto l2a;
void Biharmonic::JR::residual_and_jacobian(const NumericVector<Number> &u,
					   NumericVector<Number> *R,
					   SparseMatrix<Number> *J,
  if (!R && !J)

  // Declare a performance log.  Give it a descriptive
  // string to identify what part of the code we are
  // logging, since there may be many PerfLogs in an
  // application.
  PerfLog perf_log ("Biharmonic Residual and Jacobian", false);

  // A reference to the \p DofMap object for this system.  The \p DofMap
  // object handles the index translation from node and element numbers
  // to degree of freedom numbers.  We will talk more about the \p DofMap
  // in future examples.
  const DofMap& dof_map = get_dof_map();

  // Get a constant reference to the Finite Element type
  // for the first (and only) variable in the system.
  FEType fe_type = dof_map.variable_type(0);

  // Build a Finite Element object of the specified type.  Since the
  // \p FEBase::build() member dynamically creates memory we will
  // store the object as an \p AutoPtr<FEBase>.  This can be thought
  // of as a pointer that will clean up after itself.
  AutoPtr<FEBase> fe (FEBase::build(_biharmonic._dim, fe_type));

  // Quadrature rule for numerical integration.
  // With 2D triangles, the Clough quadrature rule puts a Gaussian
  // quadrature rule on each of the 3 subelements
  AutoPtr<QBase> qrule(fe_type.default_quadrature_rule(_biharmonic._dim));

  // Tell the finite element object to use our quadrature rule.
  fe->attach_quadrature_rule (qrule.get());

  // Here we define some references to element-specific data that
  // will be used to assemble the linear system.
  // We begin with the element Jacobian * quadrature weight at each
  // integration point.
  const std::vector<Real>& JxW = fe->get_JxW();

  // The element shape functions evaluated at the quadrature points.
  const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi = fe->get_phi();

  // The element shape functions' derivatives evaluated at the quadrature points.
  const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> >& dphi = fe->get_dphi();

  // The element shape functions'  second derivatives evaluated at the quadrature points.
  const std::vector<std::vector<RealTensor> >& d2phi = fe->get_d2phi();

  // For efficiency we will compute shape function laplacians n times,
  // not n^2
  std::vector<Real> Laplacian_phi_qp;

  // Define data structures to contain the element matrix
  // and right-hand-side vector contribution.  Following
  // basic finite element terminology we will denote these
  // "Je" and "Re". More detail is in example 3.
  DenseMatrix<Number> Je;
  DenseVector<Number> Re;

  // This vector will hold the degree of freedom indices for
  // the element.  These define where in the global system
  // the element degrees of freedom get mapped.
  std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices;

  // Old solution
  const NumericVector<Number>& u_old = *old_local_solution;

  // Now we will loop over all the elements in the mesh.  We will
  // compute the element matrix and right-hand-side contribution.  See
  // example 3 for a discussion of the element iterators.

  MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = _biharmonic._mesh->active_local_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = _biharmonic._mesh->active_local_elements_end();

  for ( ; el != end_el; ++el) {
    // Store a pointer to the element we are currently
    // working on.  This allows for nicer syntax later.
    const Elem* elem = *el;

    // Get the degree of freedom indices for the
    // current element.  These define where in the global
    // matrix and right-hand-side this element will
    // contribute to.
    dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);

    // Compute the element-specific data for the current
    // element.  This involves computing the location of the
    // quadrature points (q_point) and the shape function
    // values/derivatives (phi, dphi,d2phi) for the current element.
    fe->reinit (elem);

    // Zero the element matrix, the right-hand side and the Laplacian matrix
    // before summing them.
    if (J)
      Je.resize(dof_indices.size(), dof_indices.size());

    if (R)


    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule->n_points(); qp++)
	// Residual and Jacobian share a few calculations:
	// at the very least, in the case of interfacial energy only with a constant mobility,
	// both calculations use Laplacian_phi_qp; more is shared the case of a concentration-dependent
	// mobility and bulk potentials.
	Number u_qp = 0.0, u_old_qp = 0.0, Laplacian_u_qp = 0.0, Laplacian_u_old_qp = 0.0;
	Gradient grad_u_qp(0.0,0.0,0.0), grad_u_old_qp(0.0,0.0,0.0);
	Number M_qp = 1.0, M_old_qp = 1.0, M_prime_qp = 0.0, M_prime_old_qp = 0.0;

	for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
	    Laplacian_phi_qp[i] = d2phi[i][qp](0,0);
	    grad_u_qp(0) += u(dof_indices[i])*dphi[i][qp](0);
	    grad_u_old_qp(0) += u_old(dof_indices[i])*dphi[i][qp](0);

	    if (_biharmonic._dim > 1)
		Laplacian_phi_qp[i] += d2phi[i][qp](1,1);
		grad_u_qp(1) += u(dof_indices[i])*dphi[i][qp](1);
		grad_u_old_qp(1) += u_old(dof_indices[i])*dphi[i][qp](1);
	    if (_biharmonic._dim > 2)
		Laplacian_phi_qp[i] += d2phi[i][qp](2,2);
		grad_u_qp(2) += u(dof_indices[i])*dphi[i][qp](2);
		grad_u_old_qp(2) += u_old(dof_indices[i])*dphi[i][qp](2);
	    u_qp     += phi[i][qp]*u(dof_indices[i]);
	    u_old_qp += phi[i][qp]*u_old(dof_indices[i]);
	    Laplacian_u_qp     += Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*u(dof_indices[i]);
	    Laplacian_u_old_qp += Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*u_old(dof_indices[i]);
	  } // for i

	if (_biharmonic._degenerate)
	    M_qp           = 1.0 - u_qp*u_qp;
	    M_old_qp       = 1.0 - u_old_qp*u_old_qp;
	    M_prime_qp     = -2.0*u_qp;
	    M_prime_old_qp = -2.0*u_old_qp;

	for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
	    // RESIDUAL
	    if (R)
		Number ri = 0.0, ri_old = 0.0;
		ri     -= Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_qp*_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_u_qp;
		ri_old -= Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_old_qp*_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_u_old_qp;

		if (_biharmonic._degenerate)
		    ri       -= (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_qp)*M_prime_qp*(_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_u_qp);
		    ri_old   -= (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_old_qp)*M_prime_old_qp*(_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_u_old_qp);

		if (_biharmonic._cahn_hillard)
		    if (_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL)
			ri += Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(u_qp*u_qp - 1.0)*u_qp;
			ri_old += Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_old_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(u_old_qp*u_old_qp - 1.0)*u_old_qp;
			if (_biharmonic._degenerate)
			    ri     += (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_qp)*M_prime_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(u_qp*u_qp - 1.0)*u_qp;
			    ri_old += (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_old_qp)*M_prime_old_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(u_old_qp*u_old_qp - 1.0)*u_old_qp;
		      }// if(_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL)

		    if (_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_OBSTACLE || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)
			ri -= Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*u_qp;
			ri_old -= Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_old_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*u_old_qp;
			if (_biharmonic._degenerate)
			    ri     -= (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_qp)*M_prime_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*u_qp;
			    ri_old -= (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_old_qp)*M_prime_old_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*u_old_qp;
		      } // if(_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_OBSTACLE || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)

		    if (_biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)
			  case 2:
			  case 3:
			  }// switch(_biharmonic._log_truncation)
		      }// if(_biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)
		  }// if(_biharmonic._cahn_hillard)
		Re(i) += JxW[qp]*((u_qp-u_old_qp)*phi[i][qp]-_biharmonic._dt*0.5*((2.0-_biharmonic._cnWeight)*ri + _biharmonic._cnWeight*ri_old));
	      } // if (R)

	    // JACOBIAN
	    if (J)
		Number M_prime_prime_qp = 0.0;
		if(_biharmonic._degenerate) M_prime_prime_qp = -2.0;
		for (unsigned int j=0; j<phi.size(); j++)
		    Number ri_j = 0.0;
		    ri_j -= Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_qp*_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_phi_qp[j];
		    if (_biharmonic._degenerate)
			ri_j -=
			  Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_prime_qp*phi[j][qp]*_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_u_qp               +
			  (dphi[i][qp]*dphi[j][qp])*M_prime_qp*(_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_u_qp)                  +
			  (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_qp)*(M_prime_prime_qp*phi[j][qp])*(_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_u_qp) +

		    if (_biharmonic._cahn_hillard)
			if(_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL)
			    ri_j +=
			      Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_prime_qp*phi[j][qp]*_biharmonic._theta_c*(u_qp*u_qp - 1.0)*u_qp +
			      Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(3.0*u_qp*u_qp - 1.0)*phi[j][qp]        +
			      (dphi[i][qp]*dphi[j][qp])*M_prime_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(u_qp*u_qp - 1.0)*u_qp      +
			      (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_qp)*M_prime_prime_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(u_qp*u_qp - 1.0)*u_qp  +
			      (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_qp)*M_prime_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(3.0*u_qp*u_qp - 1.0)*phi[j][qp];
			  }// if(_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL)

			if (_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_OBSTACLE || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)
			    ri_j -=
			      Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_prime_qp*phi[j][qp]*_biharmonic._theta_c*u_qp                   +
			      Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*phi[j][qp]                              +
			      (dphi[i][qp]*dphi[j][qp])*M_prime_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*u_qp                        +
			      (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_qp)*M_prime_prime_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*u_qp                    +
			  } // if(_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_OBSTACLE || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)

			if (_biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)
			      case 2:
			      case 3:
			      }// switch(_biharmonic._log_truncation)
			  }// if(_biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)
		      }// if(_biharmonic._cahn_hillard)
		    Je(i,j) += JxW[qp]*(phi[i][qp]*phi[j][qp] - 0.5*_biharmonic._dt*(2.0-_biharmonic._cnWeight)*ri_j);
		  } // for j
	      } // if (J)
	  } // for i
      } // for qp

    // The element matrix and right-hand-side are now built
    // for this element.  Add them to the global matrix and
    // right-hand-side vector.  The \p SparseMatrix::add_matrix()
    // and \p NumericVector::add_vector() members do this for us.
    // Start logging the insertion of the local (element)
    // matrix and vector into the global matrix and vector
    if (R)
	// If the mesh has hanging nodes (e.g., as a result of refinement), those need to be constrained.
	dof_map.constrain_element_vector(Re, dof_indices);
	R->add_vector(Re, dof_indices);

    if (J)
	// If the mesh has hanging nodes (e.g., as a result of refinement), those need to be constrained.
	dof_map.constrain_element_matrix(Je, dof_indices);
	J->add_matrix(Je, dof_indices);
  } // for el