static jobjectArray getAvailableLocalesImpl(JNIEnv* env, jclass) { jclass stringClass = env->FindClass("java/lang/String"); if (stringClass == NULL) { return NULL; } size_t count = ubrk_countAvailable(); jobjectArray result = env->NewObjectArray(count, stringClass, NULL); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { jstring s = env->NewStringUTF(ubrk_getAvailable(i)); env->SetObjectArrayElement(result, i, s); env->DeleteLocalRef(s); } return result; }
int i18n_string_load(ErlNifEnv *env, void ** /*priv_data*/, ERL_NIF_TERM /*load_info*/) { ErlNifResourceFlags flags = (ErlNifResourceFlags)(ERL_NIF_RT_CREATE | ERL_NIF_RT_TAKEOVER); iterator_type = enif_open_resource_type(env, NULL, "iterator_type", iterator_dtor, flags, NULL); if (iterator_type == NULL) return 1; global_string_env = enif_alloc_env(); available_locales = generate_available(global_string_env, ubrk_getAvailable, ubrk_countAvailable()); return 0; }
// available_locales_for_break_iterator {{{ static PyObject * icu_break_iterator_locales(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int32_t count = 0, i = 0; const char *loc = NULL; PyObject *ret = NULL, *t = NULL; count = ubrk_countAvailable(); ret = PyTuple_New(count); if (ret != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { loc = ubrk_getAvailable(i); if (!loc) loc = ""; t = PyBytes_FromString(loc); if (t == NULL) { Py_DECREF(ret); ret = NULL; PyErr_NoMemory(); break; } PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret, i, t); } } return ret; } // }}}
static void TestBreakIteratorCAPI() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UBreakIterator *word, *sentence, *line, *character, *b, *bogus; int32_t start,pos,end,to; int32_t i; int32_t count = 0; UChar text[50]; /* Note: the adjacent "" are concatenating strings, not adding a \" to the string, which is probably what whoever wrote this intended. Don't fix, because it would throw off the hard coded break positions in the following tests. */ u_uastrcpy(text, "He's from Africa. ""Mr. Livingston, I presume?"" Yeah"); /*test ubrk_open()*/ log_verbose("\nTesting BreakIterator open functions\n"); /* Use french for fun */ word = ubrk_open(UBRK_WORD, "en_US", text, u_strlen(text), &status); if(status == U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR) { log_data_err("Check your data - it doesn't seem to be around\n"); return; } else if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err_status(status, "FAIL: Error in ubrk_open() for word breakiterator: %s\n", myErrorName(status)); } else{ log_verbose("PASS: Successfully opened word breakiterator\n"); } sentence = ubrk_open(UBRK_SENTENCE, "en_US", text, u_strlen(text), &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err_status(status, "FAIL: Error in ubrk_open() for sentence breakiterator: %s\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } else{ log_verbose("PASS: Successfully opened sentence breakiterator\n"); } line = ubrk_open(UBRK_LINE, "en_US", text, u_strlen(text), &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("FAIL: Error in ubrk_open() for line breakiterator: %s\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } else{ log_verbose("PASS: Successfully opened line breakiterator\n"); } character = ubrk_open(UBRK_CHARACTER, "en_US", text, u_strlen(text), &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("FAIL: Error in ubrk_open() for character breakiterator: %s\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } else{ log_verbose("PASS: Successfully opened character breakiterator\n"); } /*trying to open an illegal iterator*/ bogus = ubrk_open((UBreakIteratorType)5, "en_US", text, u_strlen(text), &status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)){ log_err("FAIL: Error in ubrk_open() for BOGUS breakiterator. Expected U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR\n"); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ if(status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){ log_err("FAIL: Error in ubrk_open() for BOGUS breakiterator. Expected U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR\n Got %s\n", myErrorName(status)); } } status=U_ZERO_ERROR; /* ======= Test ubrk_countAvialable() and ubrk_getAvialable() */ log_verbose("\nTesting ubrk_countAvailable() and ubrk_getAvailable()\n"); count=ubrk_countAvailable(); /* use something sensible w/o hardcoding the count */ if(count < 0){ log_err("FAIL: Error in ubrk_countAvialable() returned %d\n", count); } else{ log_verbose("PASS: ubrk_countAvialable() successful returned %d\n", count); } for(i=0;i<count;i++) { log_verbose("%s\n", ubrk_getAvailable(i)); if (ubrk_getAvailable(i) == 0) log_err("No locale for which breakiterator is applicable\n"); else log_verbose("A locale %s for which breakiterator is applicable\n",ubrk_getAvailable(i)); } /*========Test ubrk_first(), ubrk_last()...... and other functions*/ log_verbose("\nTesting the functions for word\n"); start = ubrk_first(word); if(start!=0) log_err("error ubrk_start(word) did not return 0\n"); log_verbose("first (word = %d\n", (int32_t)start); pos=ubrk_next(word); if(pos!=4) log_err("error ubrk_next(word) did not return 4\n"); log_verbose("next (word = %d\n", (int32_t)pos); pos=ubrk_following(word, 4); if(pos!=5) log_err("error ubrl_following(word,4) did not return 6\n"); log_verbose("next (word = %d\n", (int32_t)pos); end=ubrk_last(word); if(end!=49) log_err("error ubrk_last(word) did not return 49\n"); log_verbose("last (word = %d\n", (int32_t)end); pos=ubrk_previous(word); log_verbose("%d %d\n", end, pos); pos=ubrk_previous(word); log_verbose("%d \n", pos); if (ubrk_isBoundary(word, 2) != FALSE) { log_err("error ubrk_isBoundary(word, 2) did not return FALSE\n"); } pos=ubrk_current(word); if (pos != 4) { log_err("error ubrk_current() != 4 after ubrk_isBoundary(word, 2)\n"); } if (ubrk_isBoundary(word, 4) != TRUE) { log_err("error ubrk_isBoundary(word, 4) did not return TRUE\n"); } log_verbose("\nTesting the functions for character\n"); ubrk_first(character); pos = ubrk_following(character, 5); if(pos!=6) log_err("error ubrk_following(character,5) did not return 6\n"); log_verbose("Following (character,5) = %d\n", (int32_t)pos); pos=ubrk_following(character, 18); if(pos!=19) log_err("error ubrk_following(character,18) did not return 19\n"); log_verbose("Followingcharacter,18) = %d\n", (int32_t)pos); pos=ubrk_preceding(character, 22); if(pos!=21) log_err("error ubrk_preceding(character,22) did not return 21\n"); log_verbose("preceding(character,22) = %d\n", (int32_t)pos); log_verbose("\nTesting the functions for line\n"); pos=ubrk_first(line); if(pos != 0) log_err("error ubrk_first(line) returned %d, expected 0\n", (int32_t)pos); pos = ubrk_next(line); pos=ubrk_following(line, 18); if(pos!=22) log_err("error ubrk_following(line) did not return 22\n"); log_verbose("following (line) = %d\n", (int32_t)pos); log_verbose("\nTesting the functions for sentence\n"); ubrk_first(sentence); pos = ubrk_current(sentence); log_verbose("Current(sentence) = %d\n", (int32_t)pos); pos = ubrk_last(sentence); if(pos!=49) log_err("error ubrk_last for sentence did not return 49\n"); log_verbose("Last (sentence) = %d\n", (int32_t)pos); ubrk_first(sentence); to = ubrk_following( sentence, 0 ); if (to == 0) log_err("ubrk_following returned 0\n"); to = ubrk_preceding( sentence, to ); if (to != 0) log_err("ubrk_preceding didn't return 0\n"); if (ubrk_first(sentence)!=ubrk_current(sentence)) { log_err("error in ubrk_first() or ubrk_current()\n"); } /*---- */ /*Testing ubrk_open and ubrk_close()*/ log_verbose("\nTesting open and close for us locale\n"); b = ubrk_open(UBRK_WORD, "fr_FR", text, u_strlen(text), &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("ubrk_open for word returned NULL: %s\n", myErrorName(status)); } ubrk_close(b); /* Test setText and setUText */ { UChar s1[] = {0x41, 0x42, 0x20, 0}; UChar s2[] = {0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0}; UText *ut = NULL; UBreakIterator *bb; int j; log_verbose("\nTesting ubrk_setText() and ubrk_setUText()\n"); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; bb = ubrk_open(UBRK_WORD, "en_US", NULL, 0, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); ubrk_setText(bb, s1, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); ubrk_first(bb); j = ubrk_next(bb); TEST_ASSERT(j == 2); ut = utext_openUChars(ut, s2, -1, &status); ubrk_setUText(bb, ut, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); j = ubrk_next(bb); TEST_ASSERT(j == 5); ubrk_close(bb); utext_close(ut); } ubrk_close(word); ubrk_close(sentence); ubrk_close(line); ubrk_close(character); }
int32_t __hs_ubrk_countAvailable(void) { return ubrk_countAvailable(); }