文件: unixd.c 项目: pexip/os-apache2
/* BS2000 requires a "special" version of fork() before a setuid() call */
pid_t os_fork(const char *user)
    pid_t pid;
    char  username[USER_LEN+1];

    switch (os_forktype(0)) {

      case bs2_FORK:
        pid = fork();

      case bs2_UFORK:
        apr_cpystrn(username, user, sizeof username);

        /* Make user name all upper case - for some versions of ufork() */

        pid = ufork(username);
        if (pid == -1 && errno == EPERM) {
            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_EMERG, errno, ap_server_conf,
                         APLOGNO(02181) "ufork: Possible mis-configuration "
                         "for user %s - Aborting.", user);

        pid = 0;

    return pid;
文件: u1.c 项目: B-Rich/CptS460
  char name[64]; int cmd;
  /* resetVideo();*/
       pid = get_pid();
       printf("I am task %d in Umode at segment=%x\n", pid, getcs());

       printf("Command ? ");
       if (name[0]==0) 

       cmd = find_cmd(name);
           case 0 : get_pid();  break;
           case 1 : ps();       break;
           case 2 : chname();   break;
           case 3 : kmode();    break;
           case 4 : kswitch();  break;
           case 5 : mywait();   break;
           case 6 : myexit();   break;
           case 7 : ufork();    break;
           case 8 : myexec("/u2");  break;
           case 9 : sin();      break;
           case 10 : sout();    break;
           default: invalid(name); break;
  char name[64]; int cmd;
  int pid;
       pid = getpid();
       printf("Das ist prozess %d im Umode segment=%x\n", pid, getcs());
       printf("Command ? ");
       if (name[0]==0) 

       cmd = find_cmd(name);
           case 0 : getpid();  break;
           case 1 : ps();       break;
           case 2 : chname();   break;
           case 3 : kmode();    break;
           case 4 : kswitch();  break;
           case 5 : mywait();   break;
           case 6 : myexit();   break;
           case 7 : ufork();    break;
           case 8 : myexec("/bin/u1"); break; 
           case 9 : sin(); break;
           case 10: sout(); break;
          default: invalid(name); break;
文件: user1.c 项目: arinn1204/MyOS
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { 
	char name[64];
	int pid, cmd;
	int pd[2];


		#ifndef _LAB_3_
			printf("I am proc %d in U mode with ppid %d: running segment=%x\n",getpid(), getppid(), getcs());
			printf("I am proc "); getpid(); printf(" in U mode: running segment=%x\n", getcs());

		#ifdef _SLEEPER_
			while(1) {
				printf("PID: %d PPID: %d\n", getpid(), getppid());
				return 0;

		printf("Command? ");
		if (name[0]==0) 

		cmd = find_cmd(name);
			case 0:		getpid();	break;
			case 1:		ps();		break;
			case 2:		chname();	break;
			case 3:		kswitch();	break;
			case 4:		wait();		break;
			case 5:		ufork();	break;
			case 6:		uexec();	break;
			case 7: 	exit();		break;
			case 8: 	pipe(pd);	break;
			case 9: 	pfd();		break;
			case 10:	uclose();	break;
			case 11:	uread();	break;
			case 12:	uwrite();	break;
			case 13:	usleep();	break;
文件: u1.c 项目: thomdabeast/CS460-1
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char name[64]; int pid, cmd, segment, i, active;
  pid = getpid();
  color = 0x000B + (pid % 5);  // avoid black on black baground

  printf("enter main() : argc = %d\n", argc);
  for (i=0; i<argc; i++)
    printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
       pid = getpid(); 
       active = getmode();
       color = 0x000B + (pid % 5);
       segment = (pid+1)*0x1000;   
       printf("I am proc %din U mode: segment=%x active=%d\n", 
            pid, segment,active);
       printf("Command ? ");
       if (name[0]==0) 

       cmd = find_cmd(name);

           case 0 : getpid();   break;
           case 1 : ps();       break;
           case 2 : chname();   break;
           case 3 : kmode();    break;
           case 4 : uswitch();  break;
           case 5 : uwait();    break;

           case 6 : uexit();    break;
           case 7 : ufork();    break;
           case 8 : uexec();    break;

           default: invalid(name); break;
文件: u2.c 项目: shank8/CS460
  char name[64]; 
  int pid, cmd;


       printf("\nIch bin Prozess %d in der U Weise: das laufen im Segment=%x\n",
                getpid(), getcs());

       printf("Command ? ");
       if (name[0]==0) 

       cmd = find_cmd(name);
           case 0 : getpid();   break;
           case 1 : ps();       break;
           case 2 : chname();   break;
           case 3 : kmode();    break;
           case 4 : kswitch();  break;
           case 5 : wait();     break;

           case 6 : die();      break;
           case 7 : ufork();     break;
           case 8 : uexec();     break;

           case 9 : chcolor();  break;

           default: invalid(name); break;
文件: int.c 项目: bhanderson/cpts460
int kcinth()
	ushort seg, off, r;
	int    x, y, z, w;

	seg = running->uss; off = running->usp;

	x = get_word(seg, off + 2*13);
	y = get_word(seg, off + 2*14);
	z = get_word(seg, off + 2*15);
	w = get_word(seg, off + 2*16);

		case 0 : r = running->pid;		break;
		case 1 : r = do_ps();			break;
		case 2 : r = chname(y);			break;
		case 3 : r = kmode();			break;
		case 4 : r = tswitch();			break;
		case 5 : r = do_wait(y);		break;
		case 6  : r = do_exit(y);		break;

		case 7  : r = ufork();			break;
		case 8 :  r = exec(y);			break;

		case 9 : r = chcolor(y);		break;

		case 10: r = putc(y);			break;

		case 11: mysleep(y);		break;

		case 99 : do_exit(y);			break;

		default: printf("invalid syscall # : %d\n", x);
	put_word(r, seg, off + 2*8);
文件: suexec.c 项目: aptana/Jaxer
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int userdir = 0;        /* ~userdir flag             */
    uid_t uid;              /* user information          */
    gid_t gid;              /* target group placeholder  */
    char *target_uname;     /* target user name          */
    char *target_gname;     /* target group name         */
    char *target_homedir;   /* target home directory     */
    char *actual_uname;     /* actual user name          */
    char *actual_gname;     /* actual group name         */
    char *prog;             /* name of this program      */
    char *cmd;              /* command to be executed    */
    char cwd[AP_MAXPATH];   /* current working directory */
    char dwd[AP_MAXPATH];   /* docroot working directory */
    struct passwd *pw;      /* password entry holder     */
    struct group *gr;       /* group entry holder        */
    struct stat dir_info;   /* directory info holder     */
    struct stat prg_info;   /* program info holder       */

     * Start with a "clean" environment

    prog = argv[0];
     * Check existence/validity of the UID of the user
     * running this program.  Error out if invalid.
    uid = getuid();
    if ((pw = getpwuid(uid)) == NULL) {
        log_err("crit: invalid uid: (%ld)\n", uid);
     * See if this is a 'how were you compiled' request, and
     * comply if so.
    if ((argc > 1)
        && (! strcmp(argv[1], "-V"))
        && ((uid == 0)
#ifdef _OSD_POSIX
        /* User name comparisons are case insensitive on BS2000/OSD */
            || (! strcasecmp(AP_HTTPD_USER, pw->pw_name)))
#else  /* _OSD_POSIX */
            || (! strcmp(AP_HTTPD_USER, pw->pw_name)))
#endif /* _OSD_POSIX */
        ) {
#ifdef AP_DOC_ROOT
        fprintf(stderr, " -D AP_DOC_ROOT=\"%s\"\n", AP_DOC_ROOT);
#ifdef AP_GID_MIN
        fprintf(stderr, " -D AP_GID_MIN=%d\n", AP_GID_MIN);
        fprintf(stderr, " -D AP_HTTPD_USER=\"%s\"\n", AP_HTTPD_USER);
#ifdef AP_LOG_EXEC
        fprintf(stderr, " -D AP_LOG_EXEC=\"%s\"\n", AP_LOG_EXEC);
        fprintf(stderr, " -D AP_SAFE_PATH=\"%s\"\n", AP_SAFE_PATH);
        fprintf(stderr, " -D AP_SUEXEC_UMASK=%03o\n", AP_SUEXEC_UMASK);
#ifdef AP_UID_MIN
        fprintf(stderr, " -D AP_UID_MIN=%d\n", AP_UID_MIN);
        fprintf(stderr, " -D AP_USERDIR_SUFFIX=\"%s\"\n", AP_USERDIR_SUFFIX);
     * If there are a proper number of arguments, set
     * all of them to variables.  Otherwise, error out.
    if (argc < 4) {
        log_err("too few arguments\n");
    target_uname = argv[1];
    target_gname = argv[2];
    cmd = argv[3];

     * Check to see if the user running this program
     * is the user allowed to do so as defined in
     * suexec.h.  If not the allowed user, error out.
#ifdef _OSD_POSIX
    /* User name comparisons are case insensitive on BS2000/OSD */
    if (strcasecmp(AP_HTTPD_USER, pw->pw_name)) {
        log_err("user mismatch (%s instead of %s)\n", pw->pw_name, AP_HTTPD_USER);
#else  /*_OSD_POSIX*/
    if (strcmp(AP_HTTPD_USER, pw->pw_name)) {
        log_err("user mismatch (%s instead of %s)\n", pw->pw_name, AP_HTTPD_USER);
#endif /*_OSD_POSIX*/

     * Check for a leading '/' (absolute path) in the command to be executed,
     * or attempts to back up out of the current directory,
     * to protect against attacks.  If any are
     * found, error out.  Naughty naughty crackers.
    if ((cmd[0] == '/') || (!strncmp(cmd, "../", 3))
        || (strstr(cmd, "/../") != NULL)) {
        log_err("invalid command (%s)\n", cmd);

     * Check to see if this is a ~userdir request.  If
     * so, set the flag, and remove the '~' from the
     * target username.
    if (!strncmp("~", target_uname, 1)) {
        userdir = 1;

     * Error out if the target username is invalid.
    if (strspn(target_uname, "1234567890") != strlen(target_uname)) {
        if ((pw = getpwnam(target_uname)) == NULL) {
            log_err("invalid target user name: (%s)\n", target_uname);
    else {
        if ((pw = getpwuid(atoi(target_uname))) == NULL) {
            log_err("invalid target user id: (%s)\n", target_uname);

     * Error out if the target group name is invalid.
    if (strspn(target_gname, "1234567890") != strlen(target_gname)) {
        if ((gr = getgrnam(target_gname)) == NULL) {
            log_err("invalid target group name: (%s)\n", target_gname);
        gid = gr->gr_gid;
        actual_gname = strdup(gr->gr_name);
    else {
        gid = atoi(target_gname);
        actual_gname = strdup(target_gname);

#ifdef _OSD_POSIX
     * Initialize BS2000 user environment
        pid_t pid;
        int status;

        switch (pid = ufork(target_uname)) {
        case -1:    /* Error */
            log_err("failed to setup bs2000 environment for user %s: %s\n",
                    target_uname, strerror(errno));
        case 0:     /* Child */
        default:    /* Father */
            while (pid != waitpid(pid, &status, 0))
            /* @@@ FIXME: should we deal with STOP signals as well? */
            if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
                kill (getpid(), WTERMSIG(status));
#endif /*_OSD_POSIX*/

     * Save these for later since initgroups will hose the struct
    uid = pw->pw_uid;
    actual_uname = strdup(pw->pw_name);
    target_homedir = strdup(pw->pw_dir);

     * Log the transaction here to be sure we have an open log
     * before we setuid().
    log_no_err("uid: (%s/%s) gid: (%s/%s) cmd: %s\n",
               target_uname, actual_uname,
               target_gname, actual_gname,

     * Error out if attempt is made to execute as root or as
     * a UID less than AP_UID_MIN.  Tsk tsk.
    if ((uid == 0) || (uid < AP_UID_MIN)) {
        log_err("cannot run as forbidden uid (%d/%s)\n", uid, cmd);

     * Error out if attempt is made to execute as root group
     * or as a GID less than AP_GID_MIN.  Tsk tsk.
    if ((gid == 0) || (gid < AP_GID_MIN)) {
        log_err("cannot run as forbidden gid (%d/%s)\n", gid, cmd);

     * Change UID/GID here so that the following tests work over NFS.
     * Initialize the group access list for the target user,
     * and setgid() to the target group. If unsuccessful, error out.
    if (((setgid(gid)) != 0) || (initgroups(actual_uname, gid) != 0)) {
        log_err("failed to setgid (%ld: %s)\n", gid, cmd);

     * setuid() to the target user.  Error out on fail.
    if ((setuid(uid)) != 0) {
        log_err("failed to setuid (%ld: %s)\n", uid, cmd);

     * Get the current working directory, as well as the proper
     * document root (dependant upon whether or not it is a
     * ~userdir request).  Error out if we cannot get either one,
     * or if the current working directory is not in the docroot.
     * Use chdir()s and getcwd()s to avoid problems with symlinked
     * directories.  Yuck.
    if (getcwd(cwd, AP_MAXPATH) == NULL) {
        log_err("cannot get current working directory\n");

    if (userdir) {
        if (((chdir(target_homedir)) != 0) ||
            ((chdir(AP_USERDIR_SUFFIX)) != 0) ||
            ((getcwd(dwd, AP_MAXPATH)) == NULL) ||
            ((chdir(cwd)) != 0)) {
            log_err("cannot get docroot information (%s)\n", target_homedir);
    else {
        if (((chdir(AP_DOC_ROOT)) != 0) ||
            ((getcwd(dwd, AP_MAXPATH)) == NULL) ||
            ((chdir(cwd)) != 0)) {
            log_err("cannot get docroot information (%s)\n", AP_DOC_ROOT);

    if ((strncmp(cwd, dwd, strlen(dwd))) != 0) {
        log_err("command not in docroot (%s/%s)\n", cwd, cmd);

     * Stat the cwd and verify it is a directory, or error out.
    if (((lstat(cwd, &dir_info)) != 0) || !(S_ISDIR(dir_info.st_mode))) {
        log_err("cannot stat directory: (%s)\n", cwd);

     * Error out if cwd is writable by others.
    if ((dir_info.st_mode & S_IWOTH) || (dir_info.st_mode & S_IWGRP)) {
        log_err("directory is writable by others: (%s)\n", cwd);

     * Error out if we cannot stat the program.
    if (((lstat(cmd, &prg_info)) != 0) || (S_ISLNK(prg_info.st_mode))) {
        log_err("cannot stat program: (%s)\n", cmd);

     * Error out if the program is writable by others.
    if ((prg_info.st_mode & S_IWOTH) || (prg_info.st_mode & S_IWGRP)) {
        log_err("file is writable by others: (%s/%s)\n", cwd, cmd);

     * Error out if the file is setuid or setgid.
    if ((prg_info.st_mode & S_ISUID) || (prg_info.st_mode & S_ISGID)) {
        log_err("file is either setuid or setgid: (%s/%s)\n", cwd, cmd);

     * Error out if the target name/group is different from
     * the name/group of the cwd or the program.
    if ((uid != dir_info.st_uid) ||
        (gid != dir_info.st_gid) ||
        (uid != prg_info.st_uid) ||
        (gid != prg_info.st_gid)) {
        log_err("target uid/gid (%ld/%ld) mismatch "
                "with directory (%ld/%ld) or program (%ld/%ld)\n",
                uid, gid,
                dir_info.st_uid, dir_info.st_gid,
                prg_info.st_uid, prg_info.st_gid);
     * Error out if the program is not executable for the user.
     * Otherwise, she won't find any error in the logs except for
     * "[error] Premature end of script headers: ..."
    if (!(prg_info.st_mode & S_IXUSR)) {
        log_err("file has no execute permission: (%s/%s)\n", cwd, cmd);

     * umask() uses inverse logic; bits are CLEAR for allowed access.
    if ((~AP_SUEXEC_UMASK) & 0022) {
        log_err("notice: AP_SUEXEC_UMASK of %03o allows "
                "write permission to group and/or other\n", AP_SUEXEC_UMASK);
#endif /* AP_SUEXEC_UMASK */

     * Be sure to close the log file so the CGI can't
     * mess with it.  If the exec fails, it will be reopened
     * automatically when log_err is called.  Note that the log
     * might not actually be open if AP_LOG_EXEC isn't defined.
     * However, the "log" cell isn't ifdef'd so let's be defensive
     * and assume someone might have done something with it
     * outside an ifdef'd AP_LOG_EXEC block.
    if (log != NULL) {
        log = NULL;

     * Execute the command, replacing our image with its own.
    /* We need the #! emulation when we want to execute scripts */
        extern char **environ;

        ap_execve(cmd, &argv[3], environ);
    execv(cmd, &argv[3]);

     * (I can't help myself...sorry.)
     * Uh oh.  Still here.  Where's the kaboom?  There was supposed to be an
     * EARTH-shattering kaboom!
     * Oh well, log the failure and error out.
    log_err("(%d)%s: exec failed (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno), cmd);
文件: suexec.c 项目: vnaybhat/emulab
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int userdir = 0;		/* ~userdir flag             */
    uid_t uid;			/* user information          */
    gid_t gid, primary_gid;	/* target group placeholder  */
    char *target_uname;		/* target user name          */
    char *target_gname;		/* target group name         */
    char *target_homedir;	/* target home directory     */
    char *actual_uname;		/* actual user name          */
    char *actual_gname;		/* actual group name         */
    char *prog;			/* name of this program      */
    char *cmd;			/* command to be executed    */
    char cwd[AP_MAXPATH];	/* current working directory */
    char dwd[AP_MAXPATH];	/* docroot working directory */
#ifdef TESTBED
    char cmdpath[AP_MAXPATH];	/* full path to command      */
    int  grouplist[NGROUPS], ngroups = 0;
    struct passwd *pw;		/* password entry holder     */
    struct group *gr;		/* group entry holder        */
    struct stat dir_info;	/* directory info holder     */
    struct stat prg_info;	/* program info holder       */

#ifdef TESTBED
     * For the Testbed, we run this from php3, and it loses all
     * outout sent to stderr, so make sure it all goes to stdout.
    dup2(1, 2);
	    int i, max;

	     * Close all other descriptors. I think this is the wrong
	     * place for this since a program can be run from the web
	     * server without going through suexec!
	    max = getdtablesize();
	    for (i = 3; i < max; i++)
		    (void) close(i); 

     * If there are a proper number of arguments, set
     * all of them to variables.  Otherwise, error out.
    prog = argv[0];
    if (argc < 4) {
	log_err("alert: too few arguments\n");
    target_uname = argv[1];
    target_gname = argv[2];
    cmd = argv[3];

     * Check existence/validity of the UID of the user
     * running this program.  Error out if invalid.
    uid = getuid();
    if ((pw = getpwuid(uid)) == NULL) {
	log_err("crit: invalid uid: (%ld)\n", uid);

     * Check to see if the user running this program
     * is the user allowed to do so as defined in
     * suexec.h.  If not the allowed user, error out.
#ifdef _OSD_POSIX
    /* User name comparisons are case insensitive on BS2000/OSD */
    if (strcasecmp(HTTPD_USER, pw->pw_name)) {
        log_err("crit: calling user mismatch (%s instead of %s)\n",
		pw->pw_name, HTTPD_USER);
#else  /* _OSD_POSIX */
    if (strcmp(HTTPD_USER, pw->pw_name)) {
        log_err("crit: calling user mismatch (%s instead of %s)\n",
		pw->pw_name, HTTPD_USER);
#endif /* _OSD_POSIX */

     * Check for a leading '/' (absolute path) in the command to be executed,
     * or attempts to back up out of the current directory,
     * to protect against attacks.  If any are
     * found, error out.  Naughty naughty crackers.
    if ((cmd[0] == '/') || (!strncmp(cmd, "../", 3))
	|| (strstr(cmd, "/../") != NULL)) {
        log_err("error: invalid command (%s)\n", cmd);

#ifndef TESTBED
     * Check to see if this is a ~userdir request.  If
     * so, set the flag, and remove the '~' from the
     * target username.
    if (!strncmp("~", target_uname, 1)) {
	userdir = 1;

     * Error out if the target username is invalid.
    if ((pw = getpwnam(target_uname)) == NULL) {
	log_err("crit: invalid target user name: (%s)\n", target_uname);

#ifdef TESTBED
	char *cp, *bp, *rname, *temp_gname = strdup(target_gname);
	gid_t rgid;
	int i;

	actual_gname = NULL;
	bp = temp_gname;
	while ((bp = strsep(&temp_gname, ",")) != NULL) {
	    if (!*bp)
	     * Error out if the target group name is invalid.
	    if (strspn(bp, "1234567890") != strlen(bp)) {
		if ((gr = getgrnam(bp)) == NULL) {
		    log_err("crit: invalid target group name: (%s)\n", bp);
		rgid  = gr->gr_gid;
		rname = gr->gr_name;
	    else {
		rgid  = atoi(bp);
		rname = bp;
	    /* Watch for duplicates */
	    for (i = 0; i < ngroups; i++) {
		if (grouplist[i] == rgid)
		    goto skip;
	    grouplist[ngroups++] = rgid;

	     * Error out if attempt is made to execute as root group
	     * or as a GID less than GID_MIN.  Tsk tsk.
	    if ((rgid == 0) || (rgid < GID_MIN)) {
	         log_err("crit: cannot run as forbidden gid (%d/%s)\n",
			 gid, cmd);

	    /* see below; need room for primary group in first two slots */
	    if (ngroups >= (NGROUPS - 2)) {
		log_err("crit: Too many groups: (%s)\n", bp);

	    if (actual_gname) {
		cp = (char *) malloc(strlen(actual_gname) + strlen(rname) + 2);
		strcpy(cp, actual_gname);
		strcat(cp, ",");
		strcat(cp, rname);
		actual_gname = cp;
	    else {
		actual_gname = strdup(rname);
     * Error out if the target group name is invalid.
    if (strspn(target_gname, "1234567890") != strlen(target_gname)) {
	if ((gr = getgrnam(target_gname)) == NULL) {
	    log_err("crit: invalid target group name: (%s)\n", target_gname);
	gid = gr->gr_gid;
	actual_gname = strdup(gr->gr_name);
    else {
	gid = atoi(target_gname);
	actual_gname = strdup(target_gname);

#ifdef _OSD_POSIX
     * Initialize BS2000 user environment
	pid_t pid;
	int status;

	switch (pid = ufork(target_uname))
	case -1:	/* Error */
	    log_err("emerg: failed to setup bs2000 environment for user "
		    "%s: %s\n",
		    target_uname, strerror(errno));
	case 0:	/* Child */
	default:	/* Father */
	    while (pid != waitpid(pid, &status, 0))
	    /* @@@ FIXME: should we deal with STOP signals as well? */
	    if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
		kill (getpid(), WTERMSIG(status));
#endif /* _OSD_POSIX */

     * Save these for later since initgroups will hose the struct
    uid = pw->pw_uid;
    primary_gid  = pw->pw_gid;
    actual_uname = strdup(pw->pw_name);
    target_homedir = strdup(pw->pw_dir);

     * Log the transaction here to be sure we have an open log 
     * before we setuid().
        char argbuf[2*BUFSIZ], *bp = argbuf;
	int i, size = sizeof(argbuf) - 1;

	*bp = '\0';

	for (i = 4; i < argc; i++) {
	    int count = snprintf(bp, size, "%s ", argv[i]);

	    if (count >= size)
	    size -= count;
	    bp   += count;
	log_err("info: (target/actual) uid: (%s/%s) gid: (%s/%s) cmd: %s %s\n",
		target_uname, actual_uname,
		target_gname, actual_gname,
		cmd, argbuf);

     * Error out if attempt is made to execute as root or as
     * a UID less than UID_MIN.  Tsk tsk.
    if ((uid == 0) || (uid < UID_MIN)) {
	log_err("crit: cannot run as forbidden uid (%d/%s)\n", uid, cmd);

#ifdef TESTBED
	gid_t groups[NGROUPS];
	int i, idx = 0;

	groups[idx++] = primary_gid;
	/* duplicate has something to do with effective gid */
	groups[idx++] = primary_gid;

	/* Move over the grouplist from above. */
	for (i = 0; i < ngroups; i++) {
 	    if (grouplist[i] != primary_gid)
	        groups[idx++] = grouplist[i];
	if (setgid(primary_gid) != 0) {
	    log_err("emerg: failed to setgid (%ld: %s)\n", primary_gid, cmd);
	if (setgroups(idx, groups) != 0) {
	    log_err("emerg: failed to setgroups (%s: %s)\n", actual_gname,cmd);
     * Error out if attempt is made to execute as root group
     * or as a GID less than GID_MIN.  Tsk tsk.
    if ((gid == 0) || (gid < GID_MIN)) {
	log_err("crit: cannot run as forbidden gid (%d/%s)\n", gid, cmd);

     * Change UID/GID here so that the following tests work over NFS.
     * Initialize the group access list for the target user,
     * and setgid() to the target group. If unsuccessful, error out.
    if (((setgid(gid)) != 0) || (initgroups(actual_uname, gid) != 0)) {
	log_err("emerg: failed to setgid (%ld: %s)\n", gid, cmd);

     * setuid() to the target user.  Error out on fail.
    if ((setuid(uid)) != 0) {
	log_err("emerg: failed to setuid (%ld: %s)\n", uid, cmd);

#ifdef TESTBED
     * All programs exist in the testbed bin directory, and we won't be
     * running those programs from that directory (cwd will not be the
     * bin directory, but rather someplace else). So, fake things
     * up so the rest of this code works okay.
    strcpy(cwd, DOC_ROOT);
    strcpy(cmdpath, DOC_ROOT);
    strcat(cmdpath, cmd);
    cmd = cmdpath;
     * Get the current working directory, as well as the proper
     * document root (dependant upon whether or not it is a
     * ~userdir request).  Error out if we cannot get either one,
     * or if the current working directory is not in the docroot.
     * Use chdir()s and getcwd()s to avoid problems with symlinked
     * directories.  Yuck.
    if (getcwd(cwd, AP_MAXPATH) == NULL) {
	log_err("emerg: cannot get current working directory\n");

    if (userdir) {
	if (((chdir(target_homedir)) != 0) ||
	    ((chdir(USERDIR_SUFFIX)) != 0) ||
	    ((getcwd(dwd, AP_MAXPATH)) == NULL) ||
	    ((chdir(cwd)) != 0)) {
	    log_err("emerg: cannot get docroot information (%s)\n",
    else {
	if (((chdir(DOC_ROOT)) != 0) ||
	    ((getcwd(dwd, AP_MAXPATH)) == NULL) ||
	    ((chdir(cwd)) != 0)) {
	    log_err("emerg: cannot get docroot information (%s)\n", DOC_ROOT);

    if ((strncmp(cwd, dwd, strlen(dwd))) != 0) {
	log_err("error: command not in docroot (%s/%s)\n", cwd, cmd);

     * Stat the cwd and verify it is a directory, or error out.
    if (((lstat(cwd, &dir_info)) != 0) || !(S_ISDIR(dir_info.st_mode))) {
	log_err("error: cannot stat directory: (%s)\n", cwd);

     * Error out if cwd is writable by others.
#ifdef TESTBED
    if (dir_info.st_mode & S_IWOTH) {
    if ((dir_info.st_mode & S_IWOTH) || (dir_info.st_mode & S_IWGRP)) {
	log_err("error: directory is writable by group or other: (%s)\n", cwd);

     * Error out if we cannot stat the program.
    if (((lstat(cmd, &prg_info)) != 0) || (S_ISLNK(prg_info.st_mode))) {
	log_err("error: cannot stat program: (%s)\n", cmd);

     * Error out if the program is writable by others.
    if ((prg_info.st_mode & S_IWOTH) || (prg_info.st_mode & S_IWGRP)) {
	log_err("error: file is writable by group or other: (%s/%s)\n", cwd, cmd);

#ifndef TESTBED
     * Error out if the file is setuid or setgid.
    if ((prg_info.st_mode & S_ISUID) || (prg_info.st_mode & S_ISGID)) {
	log_err("error: file is either setuid or setgid: (%s/%s)\n", cwd, cmd);

     * Error out if the target name/group is different from
     * the name/group of the cwd or the program.
    if ((uid != dir_info.st_uid) ||
	(gid != dir_info.st_gid) ||
	(uid != prg_info.st_uid) ||
	(gid != prg_info.st_gid)) {
	log_err("error: target uid/gid (%ld/%ld) mismatch "
		"with directory (%ld/%ld) or program (%ld/%ld)\n",
		uid, gid,
		dir_info.st_uid, dir_info.st_gid,
		prg_info.st_uid, prg_info.st_gid);
     * Error out if the program is not executable for the user.
     * Otherwise, she won't find any error in the logs except for
     * "[error] Premature end of script headers: ..."
    if (!(prg_info.st_mode & S_IXUSR)) {
	log_err("error: file has no execute permission: (%s/%s)\n", cwd, cmd);

     * umask() uses inverse logic; bits are CLEAR for allowed access.
    if ((~SUEXEC_UMASK) & 0022) {
	log_err("notice: SUEXEC_UMASK of %03o allows "
		"write permission to group and/or other\n", SUEXEC_UMASK);
#endif /* SUEXEC_UMASK */

     * Be sure to close the log file so the CGI can't
     * mess with it.  If the exec fails, it will be reopened 
     * automatically when log_err is called.  Note that the log
     * might not actually be open if LOG_EXEC isn't defined.
     * However, the "log" cell isn't ifdef'd so let's be defensive
     * and assume someone might have done something with it
     * outside an ifdef'd LOG_EXEC block.
    if (log != NULL) {
	log = NULL;

     * Execute the command, replacing our image with its own.
    /* We need the #! emulation when we want to execute scripts */
	extern char **environ;

	ap_execve(cmd, &argv[3], environ);
    execv(cmd, &argv[3]);

     * (I can't help myself...sorry.)
     * Uh oh.  Still here.  Where's the kaboom?  There was supposed to be an
     * EARTH-shattering kaboom!
     * Oh well, log the failure and error out.
    log_err("emerg: (%d)%s: exec failed (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno), cmd);