void chopFaLines(char *inName, char *outName)
/* chopFaLines - Read in FA file with long lines and rewrite it with shorter lines. */
FILE *in = mustOpen(inName, "r");
FILE *out = mustOpen(outName, "w");
char *commentLine;
struct dnaSeq *seq;

while (faReadNext(in, NULL, TRUE, &commentLine, &seq))
    commentLine = trimSpaces(commentLine+1);
    uglyf(">%s\n", commentLine);
    mustWrite(uglyOut, seq->dna, 100);
    uglyAbort("All for now");
    faWriteNext(out, commentLine, seq->dna, seq->size);
boolean detailTest(struct psl *psl)
/* Detailed pass/fail test. */
int size = pslBlockTotalSize(psl);
int badFactor = psl->misMatch + psl->tNumInsert + psl->qNumInsert + 2*log(1+psl->tBaseInsert + psl->qBaseInsert);
int milliBad = roundingScale(1000, badFactor, size);

if (sameString(psl->qName, "ti|18649044"))
    static int maxc = 10;
    uglyf("%s: size %d, badFactor %d, milliBad %d\n", psl->qName, size, badFactor, milliBad);
    if (--maxc == 0)
	uglyAbort("All for now");
#ifdef NEVER
#endif /* NEVER */

if (milliBad < 85)
     return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void cdwCheckDataset(char *outputFile)
/* cdwCheckDataset - Look at all the submissions for a given dataset and print helpful stats.. */

FILE *f = mustOpen(outputFile,"w"); 
struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect("cdw"); 

char query[1024]; 
struct cdwSubmitDir *submitDir; 
// Get the id associated with the submission directory. 
if (gWorkingDir == NULL)
    char cwd[1024]; 
    getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)); 
    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from cdwSubmitDir where url = '%s';", cwd);
    submitDir = cdwSubmitDirLoadByQuery(conn, query); 
    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from cdwSubmitDir where url = '%s';", gWorkingDir);
    submitDir = cdwSubmitDirLoadByQuery(conn, query); 

if (!submitDir)
    uglyAbort("There are no submissions associated with the submission directory provided.");

// Get all cdwSubmit entries associated with the submission directory. 
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from cdwSubmit where submitDirId = '%i';", submitDir->id); 
struct cdwSubmit *submitList = cdwSubmitLoadByQuery(conn, query);

struct cdwSubmit *submission;
// Keep track of the # of submissions, meta files and mani files. 
int count = 0; 
long long int totalFiles = 0, totalBytes = 0;	// Count the total files and bytes. 
struct slName *submitters = NULL, *user;    // Keep track of the submitters.   
// Loop over all cdwSubmit entries and gather/print out stats.  

for (submission = submitList; ; submission = submission->next)
    sqlSafef(query,sizeof(query), "select * from cdwUser where id = '%i';", (int)submission->userId); 
    struct cdwUser *user = cdwUserLoadByQuery(conn,query); 
    if(!slNameInList(submitters, user->email)) // If a submitter has not been seen add it. 
	slNameAddHead(&submitters, user->email);
    // Print out submission stats. 
    fprintf(f, "Sub #: %i | Sub id: %i | New files: %i | New bytes: %lld | Mani id: %i |",  
	    count, submission->id, submission->newFiles, submission->newBytes, submission->manifestFileId);  
    fprintf(f, " Meta id: %i | Files with new meta data values: %i | User email: %s | Wrangler: %s\n",
	    submission->metaFileId, submission->metaChangeCount, user->email, submission->wrangler); 
    totalFiles += submission->newFiles; 
    totalBytes += submission->newBytes; 
    if (submission->next == NULL)
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select distinct metaFileId from cdwSubmit where submitDirId=%i", submitDir->id); 
fprintf(f,"Total submissions:\t%i\n", count); 
fprintf(f,"Total files:\t%lld\n",totalFiles);
// Math magic for pretty printing the file size. 
long long int tBytes, gBytes, mBytes, kBytes, bytes; 
tBytes = totalBytes/1000000000000;
gBytes = (totalBytes - tBytes * 1000000000000)/1000000000;
mBytes = (totalBytes - tBytes * 1000000000000 - gBytes * 1000000000)/1000000;
kBytes = (totalBytes - tBytes * 1000000000000 - gBytes * 1000000000 - mBytes * 1000000)/1000;
bytes = totalBytes - tBytes * 1000000000000 - gBytes * 1000000000 - mBytes * 1000000 - kBytes * 1000;

fprintf(f,"Total bytes:\t%lld T %lld G %lld M %lld K %lld B\n",  tBytes, gBytes, mBytes, kBytes, bytes); 

fprintf(f,"Submitters: "); 
// Print out the submitters, ideally it will only be one person but in practice... Not so much. 
for (user = submitters; ; user = user->next)
    fprintf(f,"%s", user->name); 
    if (user->next == NULL)
    fprintf(f,", ");
