torrent_handle add_magnet_uri(session& ses, std::string const& uri , add_torrent_params p, error_code& ec) { std::string name; std::string tracker; error_code e; boost::optional<std::string> display_name = url_has_argument(uri, "dn"); if (display_name) name = unescape_string(display_name->c_str(), e); boost::optional<std::string> tracker_string = url_has_argument(uri, "tr"); if (tracker_string) tracker = unescape_string(tracker_string->c_str(), e); boost::optional<std::string> btih = url_has_argument(uri, "xt"); if (!btih) { ec = error_code(errors::missing_info_hash_in_uri, libtorrent_category); return torrent_handle(); } if (btih->compare(0, 9, "urn:btih:") != 0) { ec = error_code(errors::missing_info_hash_in_uri, libtorrent_category); return torrent_handle(); } sha1_hash info_hash; if (btih->size() == 40 + 9) from_hex(&(*btih)[9], 40, (char*)&info_hash[0]); else info_hash.assign(base32decode(btih->substr(9))); if (!tracker.empty()) p.tracker_url = tracker.c_str(); p.info_hash = info_hash; if (!name.empty()) = name.c_str(); return ses.add_torrent(p, ec); }
torrent_handle add_magnet_uri(session& ses, std::string const& uri , std::string const& save_path , storage_mode_t storage_mode , bool paused , storage_constructor_type sc , void* userdata) { std::string name; std::string tracker; error_code ec; std::string display_name = url_has_argument(uri, "dn"); if (!display_name.empty()) name = unescape_string(display_name.c_str(), ec); std::string tracker_string = url_has_argument(uri, "tr"); if (!tracker_string.empty()) tracker = unescape_string(tracker_string.c_str(), ec); std::string btih = url_has_argument(uri, "xt"); if (btih.empty()) return torrent_handle(); if (, 9, "urn:btih:") != 0) return torrent_handle(); sha1_hash info_hash; if (btih.size() == 40 + 9) from_hex(&btih[9], 40, (char*)&info_hash[0]); else info_hash.assign(base32decode(btih.substr(9))); return ses.add_torrent(tracker.empty() ? 0 : tracker.c_str(), info_hash , name.empty() ? 0 : name.c_str(), save_path, entry() , storage_mode, paused, sc, userdata); }
torrent_handle add_magnet_uri(session& ses, std::string const& uri , fs::path const& save_path , storage_mode_t storage_mode , bool paused , storage_constructor_type sc , void* userdata) { std::string name; std::string tracker; boost::optional<std::string> display_name = url_has_argument(uri, "dn"); if (display_name) name = unescape_string(display_name->c_str()); boost::optional<std::string> tracker_string = url_has_argument(uri, "tr"); if (tracker_string) tracker = unescape_string(tracker_string->c_str()); boost::optional<std::string> btih = url_has_argument(uri, "xt"); if (!btih) return torrent_handle(); if (btih->compare(0, 9, "urn:btih:") != 0) return torrent_handle(); sha1_hash info_hash; if (btih->size() == 40 + 9) info_hash = boost::lexical_cast<sha1_hash>(btih->substr(9)); else info_hash.assign(base32decode(btih->substr(9))); return ses.add_torrent(tracker.empty() ? 0 : tracker.c_str(), info_hash , name.empty() ? 0 : name.c_str(), save_path, entry() , storage_mode, paused, sc, userdata); }
torrent_handle add_magnet_uri(session& ses, std::string const& uri , add_torrent_params p) { std::string name; std::string tracker; boost::optional<std::string> display_name = url_has_argument(uri, "dn"); if (display_name) name = unescape_string(display_name->c_str()); boost::optional<std::string> tracker_string = url_has_argument(uri, "tr"); if (tracker_string) tracker = unescape_string(tracker_string->c_str()); boost::optional<std::string> btih = url_has_argument(uri, "xt"); if (!btih) return torrent_handle(); if (btih->compare(0, 9, "urn:btih:") != 0) return torrent_handle(); sha1_hash info_hash; if (btih->size() == 40 + 9) info_hash = boost::lexical_cast<sha1_hash>(btih->substr(9)); else info_hash.assign(base32decode(btih->substr(9))); if (!tracker.empty()) p.tracker_url = tracker.c_str(); p.info_hash = info_hash; if (!name.empty()) = name.c_str(); return ses.add_torrent(p); }
torrent_handle add_magnet_uri(session& ses, std::string const& uri , std::string const& save_path , storage_mode_t storage_mode , bool paused , storage_constructor_type sc , void* userdata) { add_torrent_params params(sc); params.storage_mode = storage_mode; params.userdata = userdata; params.save_path = save_path; if (paused) params.flags |= add_torrent_params::flag_paused; else params.flags &= ~add_torrent_params::flag_paused; error_code ec; std::string display_name = url_has_argument(uri, "dn"); if (!display_name.empty()) = unescape_string(display_name.c_str(), ec); std::string tracker_string = url_has_argument(uri, "tr"); if (!tracker_string.empty()) params.trackers.push_back(unescape_string(tracker_string.c_str(), ec)); std::string btih = url_has_argument(uri, "xt"); if (btih.empty()) return torrent_handle(); if (, 9, "urn:btih:") != 0) return torrent_handle(); if (btih.size() == 40 + 9) from_hex(&btih[9], 40, (char*)¶ms.info_hash[0]); else params.info_hash.assign(base32decode(btih.substr(9))); return ses.add_torrent(params); }
TokenizerT *TKCreate(char *separators, char *ts) { /* * Description: creates a new tokenizer struct from the token stream and delimiters * Parameters: set of delimiters, token stream * Modifies: nothing * Returns: a pointer to a tokenizer struct on success, a null pointer on failure * */ if(separators == NULL || ts == NULL){ return NULL; } TokenizerT* tokenizer = (TokenizerT*)malloc(sizeof(TokenizerT)); if(tokenizer == NULL){ return NULL; } tokenizer->delimiters = unescape_string(separators); tokenizer->copied_string = unescape_string(ts); tokenizer->current_position = tokenizer->copied_string; return tokenizer; }
void convert_string_literal( const std::string &src, std::string &dest) { dest=""; assert(src.size()>=2); assert(src[0]=='"' || src[0]=='L'); assert(src[src.size()-1]=='"'); if(src[0]=='L') unescape_string(std::string(src, 2, src.size()-3), dest); else unescape_string(std::string(src, 1, src.size()-2), dest); }
const string_ref * hstcpcli::get_next_row() { if (num_flds == 0) { DBG(fprintf(stderr, "GNR NF 0\n")); return 0; } if (flds.size() < num_flds) { flds.resize(num_flds); } char *start = readbuf.begin() + cur_row_offset; char *const finish = readbuf.begin() + response_end_offset - 1; if (start >= finish) { /* start[0] == nl */ DBG(fprintf(stderr, "GNR FIN 0 %p %p\n", start, finish)); return 0; } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_flds; ++i) { skip_one(start, finish); char *const fld_begin = start; read_token(start, finish); char *const fld_end = start; char *wp = fld_begin; if (is_null_expression(fld_begin, fld_end)) { /* null */ flds[i] = string_ref(); } else { unescape_string(wp, fld_begin, fld_end); /* in-place */ flds[i] = string_ref(fld_begin, wp); } } cur_row_offset = start - readbuf.begin(); return &flds[0]; }
const string_ref * hstcpcli::get_next_row_from_result(hstresult& result) { if (result.num_flds == 0 || result.flds.elements < result.num_flds) { DBG(fprintf(stderr, "GNR NF 0\n")); return 0; } char *start = result.readbuf.begin() + result.cur_row_offset; char *const finish = result.readbuf.begin() + result.response_end_offset - 1; if (start >= finish) { /* start[0] == nl */ DBG(fprintf(stderr, "GNR FIN 0 %p %p\n", start, finish)); return 0; } for (size_t i = 0; i < result.num_flds; ++i) { skip_one(start, finish); char *const fld_begin = start; read_token(start, finish); char *const fld_end = start; char *wp = fld_begin; if (is_null_expression(fld_begin, fld_end)) { /* null */ ((string_ref *) result.flds.buffer)[i] = string_ref(); } else { unescape_string(wp, fld_begin, fld_end); /* in-place */ ((string_ref *) result.flds.buffer)[i] = string_ref(fld_begin, wp); } } result.cur_row_offset = start - result.readbuf.begin(); return (string_ref *) result.flds.buffer; }
void history_t::add_with_file_detection(const wcstring &str) { ASSERT_IS_MAIN_THREAD(); path_list_t potential_paths; tokenizer tokenizer; for( tok_init( &tokenizer, str.c_str(), TOK_SQUASH_ERRORS ); tok_has_next( &tokenizer ); tok_next( &tokenizer ) ) { int type = tok_last_type( &tokenizer ); if (type == TOK_STRING) { const wchar_t *token_cstr = tok_last(&tokenizer); if (token_cstr) { wcstring potential_path = token_cstr; if (unescape_string(potential_path, false) && string_could_be_path(potential_path)) { potential_paths.push_front(potential_path); } } } } tok_destroy(&tokenizer); if (! potential_paths.empty()) { /* We have some paths. Make a context. */ file_detection_context_t *context = new file_detection_context_t(this, str); /* Store the potential paths. Reverse them to put them in the same order as in the command. */ potential_paths.reverse(); context->potential_paths.swap(potential_paths); iothread_perform(threaded_perform_file_detection, perform_file_detection_done, context); } }
static wcstring expand_unescape_string(const wcstring &in, int escape_special) { wcstring tmp = in; unescape_string(tmp, escape_special); /* Need to detect error here */ return tmp; }
static void init_prop_string_with_escape(GList ** config_list, void *pointer_to_var, gchar * name_of_var, gchar * default_value) { *config_list = make_config_list_item(*config_list, pointer_to_var, 'e', name_of_var, 0); if (*(gchar **) pointer_to_var == NULL && default_value) { *(gchar **) pointer_to_var = unescape_string(default_value, FALSE); } DEBUG_MSG("init_prop_string, name_of_var=%s, default_value=%s\n", name_of_var, default_value); }
void preprocessor_line( const char *text, unsigned &line_no, irep_idt &file_name) { const char *ptr=text; std::string line_number; // skip WS while(*ptr==' ' || *ptr=='\t') ptr++; // skip # if(*ptr!='#') return; ptr++; // skip WS while(*ptr==' ' || *ptr=='\t') ptr++; // skip "line" if(*ptr=='l') { while(*ptr!=0 && *ptr!=' ' && *ptr!='\t') ptr++; } // skip WS while(*ptr==' ' || *ptr=='\t') ptr++; // get line number while(isdigit(*ptr)) { line_number+=*ptr; ptr++; } // skip until " while(*ptr!='\n' && *ptr!='"') ptr++; line_no=atoi(line_number.c_str()); // skip " if(*ptr!='"') return; ptr++; std::string file_name_tmp; // get file name while(*ptr!='\n' && *ptr!='"') { file_name_tmp+=*ptr; ptr++; } std::string file_name_tmp2; unescape_string(file_name_tmp, file_name_tmp2); file_name=file_name_tmp2; }
void preprocessor_line( const char *text, parsert &parser) { const char *ptr=text; std::string line_number; // skip WS while(*ptr==' ' || *ptr=='\t') ptr++; // skip # if(*ptr!='#') return; ptr++; // skip WS while(*ptr==' ' || *ptr=='\t') ptr++; // skip "line" if(*ptr=='l') { while(*ptr!=0 && *ptr!=' ' && *ptr!='\t') ptr++; } // skip WS while(*ptr==' ' || *ptr=='\t') ptr++; // get line number while(isdigit(*ptr)) { line_number+=*ptr; ptr++; } // skip until " while(*ptr!='\n' && *ptr!='"') ptr++; parser.set_line_no(unsafe_string2unsigned(line_number)); // skip " if(*ptr!='"') return; ptr++; std::string file_name_tmp; // get file name while(*ptr!='\n' && *ptr!='"') { file_name_tmp+=*ptr; ptr++; } std::string file_name_tmp2=unescape_string(file_name_tmp); parser.set_file(file_name_tmp2); }
CharLiteral (Token _token, std::string _value) : Expression(_token, nullptr, Kind::CharLit, new BaseType(_token, "byte")) { _value = unescape_string(_value); if (_value.size() > 1) { // :( // TODO: error out. } else { value = _value[0]; } }
void streamtools_object::test<18>() { std::string str; std::string expected_result; str = "SecondLife is a 3D world \n"; escape_string(str); expected_result = "SecondLife is a 3D world \\n"; ensure_equals("escape_string: newline", str, expected_result); str = "SecondLife is a 3D world \\t \n"; escape_string(str); expected_result = "SecondLife is a 3D world \\\\t \\n"; ensure_equals("escape_string: backslash and newline", str, expected_result); str = "SecondLife is a 3D world \n \n \n \\\n"; escape_string(str); expected_result = "SecondLife is a 3D world \\n \\n \\n \\\\\\n"; ensure_equals("escape_string: multipel newline and backslash", str, expected_result); str = "SecondLife is a 3D world \t"; escape_string(str); expected_result = "SecondLife is a 3D world \t"; ensure_equals("unescape_string: leaves tab as is", str, expected_result); str = "\n"; escape_string(str); expected_result = "\\n"; ensure_equals("unescape_string: only a newline", str, expected_result); // serialization/deserialization escape->unescape str = "SecondLife is a 3D world \n \n \n \\\n"; escape_string(str); unescape_string(str); expected_result = "SecondLife is a 3D world \n \n \n \\\n"; ensure_equals("escape_string: should preserve with escape/unescape", str, expected_result); // serialization/deserialization unescape->escape str = "SecondLife is a 3D world \\n \\n \\n \\\\"; unescape_string(str); escape_string(str); expected_result = "SecondLife is a 3D world \\n \\n \\n \\\\"; ensure_equals("escape_string: should preserve with unescape/escape", str, expected_result); }
static dbus_bool_t parse_section_start (BusDesktopFileParser *parser, DBusError *error) { int line_end, eol_len; char *section_name; _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); if (!_dbus_string_find_eol (&parser->data, parser->pos, &line_end, &eol_len)) line_end = parser->len; if (line_end - parser->pos <= 2 || _dbus_string_get_byte (&parser->data, line_end - 1) != ']') { report_error (parser, "Invalid syntax for section header", BUS_DESKTOP_PARSE_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX, error); parser_free (parser); return FALSE; } section_name = unescape_string (parser, &parser->data, parser->pos + 1, line_end - 1, error); if (section_name == NULL) { parser_free (parser); return FALSE; } if (!is_valid_section_name (section_name)) { report_error (parser, "Invalid characters in section name", BUS_DESKTOP_PARSE_ERROR_INVALID_CHARS, error); parser_free (parser); dbus_free (section_name); return FALSE; } if (open_section (parser, section_name) == NULL) { dbus_free (section_name); parser_free (parser); BUS_SET_OOM (error); return FALSE; } if (line_end == parser->len) parser->pos = parser->len; else parser->pos = line_end + eol_len; parser->line_num += 1; dbus_free (section_name); return TRUE; }
void streamtools_object::test<17>() { std::string str; std::string expected_result; str = "SecondLife is a 3D world \\n"; unescape_string(str); expected_result = "SecondLife is a 3D world \n"; ensure_equals("unescape_string: newline", str, expected_result); str = "SecondLife is a 3D world \\\\t \\n"; unescape_string(str); expected_result = "SecondLife is a 3D world \\t \n"; ensure_equals("unescape_string: backslash and newline", str, expected_result); str = "SecondLife is a 3D world \\ "; unescape_string(str); expected_result = "SecondLife is a 3D world \\ "; ensure_equals("unescape_string: insufficient to unescape", str, expected_result); str = "SecondLife is a 3D world \\n \\n \\n \\\\\\n"; unescape_string(str); expected_result = "SecondLife is a 3D world \n \n \n \\\n"; ensure_equals("unescape_string: multipel newline and backslash", str, expected_result); str = "SecondLife is a 3D world \\t"; unescape_string(str); expected_result = "SecondLife is a 3D world \\t"; ensure_equals("unescape_string: leaves tab as is", str, expected_result); str = "\\n"; unescape_string(str); expected_result = "\n"; ensure_equals("unescape_string: only a newline", str, expected_result); }
void get_spad_output(FILE *pfile,char *command,int com_type) { int n, i; char buf[1024]; send_command(command, com_type); n = get_int(spad_socket); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { get_string_buf(spad_socket, buf, 1024); fprintf(pfile, "%s\n", buf); } unescape_string(command); }
/* We have to return an escaped string here */ bool autosuggest_suggest_special(const wcstring &str, const wcstring &working_directory, wcstring &outSuggestion) { if (str.empty()) return false; ASSERT_IS_BACKGROUND_THREAD(); /* Parse the string */ wcstring parsed_command; wcstring_list_t parsed_arguments; int parsed_last_arg_pos = -1; if (! autosuggest_parse_command(str, &parsed_command, &parsed_arguments, &parsed_last_arg_pos)) return false; bool result = false; if (parsed_command == L"cd" && ! parsed_arguments.empty()) { /* We can possibly handle this specially */ const wcstring escaped_dir = parsed_arguments.back(); wcstring suggested_path; /* We always return true because we recognized the command. This prevents us from falling back to dumber algorithms; for example we won't suggest a non-directory for the cd command. */ result = true; outSuggestion.clear(); /* Unescape the parameter */ wcstring unescaped_dir = escaped_dir; bool unescaped = unescape_string(unescaped_dir, UNESCAPE_INCOMPLETE); /* Determine the quote type we got from the input directory. */ wchar_t quote = L'\0'; parse_util_get_parameter_info(escaped_dir, 0, "e, NULL, NULL); /* Big hack to avoid expanding a tilde inside quotes */ path_flags_t path_flags = (quote == L'\0') ? PATH_EXPAND_TILDE : 0; if (unescaped && is_potential_cd_path(unescaped_dir, working_directory, path_flags, &suggested_path)) { /* Note: this looks really wrong for strings that have an "unescapable" character in them, e.g. a \t, because parse_util_escape_string_with_quote will insert that character */ wcstring escaped_suggested_path = parse_util_escape_string_with_quote(suggested_path, quote); /* Return it */ outSuggestion = str; outSuggestion.erase(parsed_last_arg_pos); if (quote != L'\0') outSuggestion.push_back(quote); outSuggestion.append(escaped_suggested_path); if (quote != L'\0') outSuggestion.push_back(quote); } } else { /* Either an error or some other command, so we don't handle it specially */ } return result; }
static chunk_t * c_dec(const chunk_t *inp) { char *s = tor_memdup_nulterm(inp->buf, inp->len); chunk_t *ch = tor_malloc(sizeof(chunk_t)); char *r = NULL; (void) unescape_string(s, &r, &ch->len); tor_free(s); ch->buf = (uint8_t*) r; if (!ch->buf) { tor_free(ch); } return ch; }
static char *parse_key(const char **key, char *p, nx_json_unicode_encoder encoder) { // on '}' return with *p=='}' char c; while ((c = *p++)) { if (c == '"') { *key = unescape_string(p, &p, encoder); if (!*key) return 0; // propagate error while (*p && IS_WHITESPACE(*p)) p++; if (*p == ':') return p + 1; NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("unexpected chars", p); return 0; } else if (IS_WHITESPACE(c) || c == ',') { // continue } else if (c == '}') { return p - 1; } else if (c == '/') { if (*p == '/') { // line comment char *ps = p - 1; p = strchr(p + 1, '\n'); if (!p) { NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("endless comment", ps); return 0; // error } p++; } else if (*p == '*') { // block comment p = skip_block_comment(p + 1); if (!p) return 0; } else { NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("unexpected chars", p - 1); return 0; // error } } else { NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("unexpected chars", p - 1); return 0; // error } } NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("unexpected chars", p - 1); return 0; // error }
/** Parse message msg */ void env_universal_t::parse_message_internal(const wcstring &msgstr, var_table_t *vars, wcstring *storage) { const wchar_t *msg = msgstr.c_str(); // debug( 3, L"parse_message( %ls );", msg ); if (msg[0] == L'#') return; bool is_set_export = match(msg, SET_EXPORT_STR); bool is_set = ! is_set_export && match(msg, SET_STR); if (is_set || is_set_export) { const wchar_t *name, *tmp; const bool exportv = is_set_export; name = msg+(exportv?wcslen(SET_EXPORT_STR):wcslen(SET_STR)); while (name[0] == L'\t' || name[0] == L' ') name++; tmp = wcschr(name, L':'); if (tmp) { /* Use 'storage' to hold our key to avoid allocations */ storage->assign(name, tmp - name); const wcstring &key = *storage; wcstring val; if (unescape_string(tmp + 1, &val, 0)) { var_entry_t &entry = (*vars)[key]; entry.exportv = exportv; entry.val.swap(val); //acquire the value } } else { debug(1, PARSE_ERR, msg); } } else { debug(1, PARSE_ERR, msg); } }
/** Read lines of input from the specified file, unescape them and insert them into the specified list. */ static void read_array( FILE* file, wcstring_list_t &comp ) { std::vector<char> buffer; int c; wchar_t *wcs; while( !feof( file ) ) { buffer.clear(); while( 1 ) { c = getc( file ); if( c == EOF ) { break; } if( c == '\n' ) { break; } buffer.push_back(static_cast<char>(c)); } if( ! buffer.empty() ) { buffer.push_back(0); wcs = str2wcs( & ); if( wcs ) { wcstring tmp = wcs; if (unescape_string(tmp, 0)) { comp.push_back(tmp); } free( wcs ); } } } }
static gboolean parse_device_id (const gchar * id, gchar ** sgname, int * inputIndex) { gchar ** parts; int numparts; GString * p1; GString * out1; int out2; out2 = 0; parts = g_strsplit (id, ":", -1); numparts = 0; while (parts[numparts]) ++numparts; /* must be exactly 1 or 2 parts */ if (numparts < 1 || numparts > 2) { g_strfreev (parts); return FALSE; } p1 = g_string_new (parts[0]); out1 = unescape_string (p1); g_string_free (p1, TRUE); if (numparts >= 2) { errno = 0; out2 = strtol (parts[1], NULL, 10); if (out2 == 0 && (errno == ERANGE || errno == EINVAL)) { g_string_free (out1, TRUE); g_strfreev (parts); return FALSE; } } g_strfreev (parts); *sgname = g_string_free (out1, FALSE); *inputIndex = out2; return TRUE; }
static bool parse_string(char *string, char **result) { int len = strlen(string); if (len < 2) { return false; } if (string[0] == TOK_DELIM_STR && string[len - 1] == TOK_DELIM_STR) { char *unescaped = unescape_string(string); if (!unescaped) { return false; } else { *result = unescaped; return true; } } else { return false; } }
static int add_field(HTable table, char *name, char *value, char *buf, long int *pos) { int value_type; char *s; HTable tbl; value_type = get_value_type(value); switch (value_type) { case TYPE_INT: table_set_int(table, name, atoi(value)); break; case TYPE_STRING: s = unescape_string(value); if (! s) return -1; table_set_str(table, name, s); free(s); break; case TYPE_FLOAT: table_set_double(table, name, atof(value)); break; case TYPE_TABLE: tbl = table_create(); if (table_set_table(table, name, tbl)) { table_free(tbl); return -1; } if (parse_table(tbl, buf, pos, 0)) return -1; break; default: return -1; } return 0; }
static gboolean parse_section_start (GnomeThemeFileParser *parser, GError **error) { gchar *line_end; gchar *section_name; line_end = strchr (parser->line, '\n'); if (line_end == NULL) line_end = parser->line + strlen (parser->line); if (line_end - parser->line <= 2 || line_end[-1] != ']') { report_error (parser, "Invalid syntax for section header", GNOME_THEME_FILE_PARSE_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX, error); parser_free (parser); return FALSE; } section_name = unescape_string (parser->line + 1, line_end - parser->line - 2); if (section_name == NULL) { report_error (parser, "Invalid escaping in section name", GNOME_THEME_FILE_PARSE_ERROR_INVALID_ESCAPES, error); parser_free (parser); return FALSE; } open_section (parser, section_name); parser->line = (line_end) ? line_end + 1 : NULL; parser->line_nr++; g_free (section_name); return TRUE; }
static gboolean parse_section_start (AnjutaPluginDescriptionParser *parser, GError **error) { gchar *line_end; gchar *section_name; line_end = strchr (parser->line, '\n'); if (line_end == NULL) line_end = parser->line + strlen (parser->line); if (line_end - parser->line <= 2 || line_end[-1] != ']') { report_error (parser, "Invalid syntax for section header", ANJUTA_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION_PARSE_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX, error); parser_free (parser); return FALSE; } section_name = unescape_string (parser->line + 1, line_end - parser->line - 2); if (section_name == NULL) { report_error (parser, "Invalid escaping in section name", ANJUTA_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION_PARSE_ERROR_INVALID_ESCAPES, error); parser_free (parser); return FALSE; } open_section (parser, section_name); parser->line = (line_end) ? line_end + 1 : NULL; parser->line_nr++; g_free (section_name); return TRUE; }
/** The complete builtin. Used for specifying programmable tab-completions. Calls the functions in complete.c for any heavy lifting. Defined in builtin_complete.c */ static int builtin_complete(parser_t &parser, wchar_t **argv) { ASSERT_IS_MAIN_THREAD(); bool res=false; int argc=0; int result_mode=SHARED; int remove = 0; int authoritative = -1; wcstring short_opt; wcstring_list_t gnu_opt, old_opt; const wchar_t *comp=L"", *desc=L"", *condition=L""; bool do_complete = false; wcstring do_complete_param; wcstring_list_t cmd; wcstring_list_t path; static int recursion_level=0; argc = builtin_count_args(argv); woptind=0; while (! res) { static const struct woption long_options[] = { { L"exclusive", no_argument, 0, 'x' } , { L"no-files", no_argument, 0, 'f' } , { L"require-parameter", no_argument, 0, 'r' } , { L"path", required_argument, 0, 'p' } , { L"command", required_argument, 0, 'c' } , { L"short-option", required_argument, 0, 's' } , { L"long-option", required_argument, 0, 'l' } , { L"old-option", required_argument, 0, 'o' } , { L"description", required_argument, 0, 'd' } , { L"arguments", required_argument, 0, 'a' } , { L"erase", no_argument, 0, 'e' } , { L"unauthoritative", no_argument, 0, 'u' } , { L"authoritative", no_argument, 0, 'A' } , { L"condition", required_argument, 0, 'n' } , { L"do-complete", optional_argument, 0, 'C' } , { L"help", no_argument, 0, 'h' } , { 0, 0, 0, 0 } } ; int opt_index = 0; int opt = wgetopt_long(argc, argv, L"a:c:p:s:l:o:d:frxeuAn:C::h", long_options, &opt_index); if (opt == -1) break; switch (opt) { case 0: if (long_options[opt_index].flag != 0) break; append_format(stderr_buffer, BUILTIN_ERR_UNKNOWN, argv[0], long_options[opt_index].name); builtin_print_help(parser, argv[0], stderr_buffer); res = true; break; case 'x': result_mode |= EXCLUSIVE; break; case 'f': result_mode |= NO_FILES; break; case 'r': result_mode |= NO_COMMON; break; case 'p': case 'c': { wcstring tmp; if (unescape_string(woptarg, &tmp, UNESCAPE_SPECIAL)) { if (opt=='p') path.push_back(tmp); else cmd.push_back(tmp); } else { append_format(stderr_buffer, L"%ls: Invalid token '%ls'\n", argv[0], woptarg); res = true; } break; } case 'd': desc = woptarg; break; case 'u': authoritative=0; break; case 'A': authoritative=1; break; case 's': short_opt.append(woptarg); break; case 'l': gnu_opt.push_back(woptarg); break; case 'o': old_opt.push_back(woptarg); break; case 'a': comp = woptarg; break; case 'e': remove = 1; break; case 'n': condition = woptarg; break; case 'C': do_complete = true; do_complete_param = woptarg ? woptarg : reader_get_buffer(); break; case 'h': builtin_print_help(parser, argv[0], stdout_buffer); return 0; case '?': builtin_unknown_option(parser, argv[0], argv[woptind-1]); res = true; break; } } if (!res) { if (condition && wcslen(condition)) { const wcstring condition_string = condition; parse_error_list_t errors; if (parse_util_detect_errors(condition_string, &errors)) { append_format(stderr_buffer, L"%ls: Condition '%ls' contained a syntax error", argv[0], condition); for (size_t i=0; i < errors.size(); i++) { append_format(stderr_buffer, L"\n%s: ", argv[0]); stderr_buffer.append(; } res = true; } } } if (!res) { if (comp && wcslen(comp)) { if (parser.test_args(comp, 0, 0)) { append_format(stderr_buffer, L"%ls: Completion '%ls' contained a syntax error\n", argv[0], comp); parser.test_args(comp, &stderr_buffer, argv[0]); res = true; } } } if (!res) { if (do_complete) { const wchar_t *token; parse_util_token_extent(do_complete_param.c_str(), do_complete_param.size(), &token, 0, 0, 0); const wchar_t *prev_temporary_buffer = temporary_buffer; temporary_buffer = do_complete_param.c_str(); if (recursion_level < 1) { recursion_level++; std::vector<completion_t> comp; complete(do_complete_param, comp, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT); for (size_t i=0; i< comp.size() ; i++) { const completion_t &next =; const wchar_t *prepend; if (next.flags & COMPLETE_REPLACES_TOKEN) { prepend = L""; } else { prepend = token; } if (!(next.description).empty()) { append_format(stdout_buffer, L"%ls%ls\t%ls\n", prepend, next.completion.c_str(), next.description.c_str()); } else { append_format(stdout_buffer, L"%ls%ls\n", prepend, next.completion.c_str()); } } recursion_level--; } temporary_buffer = prev_temporary_buffer; } else if (woptind != argc) { append_format(stderr_buffer, _(L"%ls: Too many arguments\n"), argv[0]); builtin_print_help(parser, argv[0], stderr_buffer); res = true; } else if (cmd.empty() && path.empty()) { /* No arguments specified, meaning we print the definitions of * all specified completions to stdout.*/ complete_print(stdout_buffer); } else { int flags = COMPLETE_AUTO_SPACE; if (remove) { builtin_complete_remove(cmd, path, short_opt.c_str(), gnu_opt, old_opt); } else { builtin_complete_add(cmd, path, short_opt.c_str(), gnu_opt, old_opt, result_mode, authoritative, condition, comp, desc, flags); } } } return res ? 1 : 0; }