	int c;
	int odiscmd;

	odiscmd = discmd;
	discmd = TRUE;
	mlprompt("[Press return to continue]");
	discmd = odiscmd;
	/* loop for a CR, a space, or a : to do another named command */
	while ((c = keystroke()) != '\r' &&
			c != '\n' && 
			c != ' ' && 
			!ABORTED(c)) {
		if (kcod2fnc(c) == &f_namedcmd) {
/* For the "operator" commands -- the following command is a motion, or
 *  the operator itself is repeated.  All operate on regions.
operator(int f, int n, OpsFunc fn, const char *str)
	int c;
	int thiskey;
	int status;
	const CMDFUNC *cfp;		/* function to execute */
	char tok[NSTRING];		/* command incoming */
	BUFFER *ourbp;
	WINDOW	*wp0 = curwp;

	doingopcmd = TRUE;

	pre_op_dot = DOT;
	ourbp = curbp;

	if (havemotion != NULL) {
		cfp = havemotion;
		havemotion = NULL;
	} else {
		mlwrite("%s operation pending...",str);

		/* get the next command from the keyboard */
		/* or a command line, as approp. */
		if (clexec) {
			macarg(tok);	/* get the next token */
			if (!strcmp(tok,"lines"))
				cfp = &f_godotplus;
				cfp = engl2fnc(tok);
		} else {
			thiskey = lastkey;
			c = kbd_seq();

			if (curwp != wp0) {
			    	doingopcmd = FALSE;
				return FALSE;
			/* allow second chance for entering counts */

			if (thiskey == lastkey)
				cfp = &f_godotplus;
				cfp = kcod2fnc(c);

		if (cfp)
			mlforce("[No such function]");
	if (!cfp) {
		doingopcmd = FALSE;
		return FALSE;

	if ((cfp->c_flags & MOTION) == 0) {
		doingopcmd = FALSE;

	/* motion is interpreted as affecting full lines */
	if (regionshape == EXACT) {
	    if (cfp->c_flags & FL)
		    regionshape = FULLLINE;
	    if (cfp->c_flags & RECT)
		    regionshape = RECTANGLE;

	/* and execute the motion */
	status = execute(cfp, f,n);

	if (status != TRUE) {
		doingopcmd = FALSE;
		regionshape = EXACT;
		mlforce("[Motion failed]");
		return FALSE;

	opcmd = 0;

	MK = pre_op_dot;

	/* we've successfully set up a region */
	if (!fn) { /* be defensive */
		mlforce("BUG -- null func pointer in operator");
		status = FALSE;
	} else {
		status = (fn)();

	if (ourbp == curbp) /* in case the func switched buffers on us */

	if (regionshape == FULLLINE)

	regionshape = EXACT;

	doingopcmd = FALSE;

	haveregion = FALSE;

	return status;
/* For the "operator" commands -- the following command is a motion, or
 *  the operator itself is repeated.  All operate on regions.
vile_op(int f, int n, OpsFunc fn, const char *str)
    int c = 0;
    int thiskey;
    int status;
    const CMDFUNC *cfp;		/* function to execute */
    const CMDFUNC *save_cmd_motion = cmd_motion;
    BUFFER *ourbp;
    WINDOW *wp0 = curwp;

    TRACE((T_CALLED "vile_op(%s)\n", str));

    doingopcmd = TRUE;

    pre_op_dot = DOT;
    ourbp = curbp;

    if (havemotion != NULL) {
	cfp = havemotion;
	havemotion = NULL;
    } else {
	TBUFF *tok = 0;

	mlwrite("%s operation pending...", str);
	(void) update(FALSE);

	/* get the next command from the keyboard */
	/* or a command line, as approp. */
	if (clexec) {
	    char *value = mac_unquotedarg(&tok);	/* get the next token */
	    if (value != 0 && strcmp(value, "lines"))
		cfp = engl2fnc(value);
		cfp = &f_godotplus;
	} else {
	    thiskey = lastkey;
	    c = kbd_seq();

	    if (curwp != wp0) {
		doingopcmd = FALSE;
	    /* allow second chance for entering counts */
	    do_repeats(&c, &f, &n);

	    if (thiskey == lastkey)
		cfp = &f_godotplus;
		cfp = DefaultKeyBinding(c);

	if (cfp != 0) {
	} else {
	    if (!clexec) {
		char temp[NSTRING];
		lsprintf(temp, "(%d)", c);
		tb_scopy(&tok, temp);
	    (void) no_such_function(tb_values(tok));

    if (!cfp) {
	status = FALSE;
    } else if ((cfp->c_flags & MOTION) == 0) {
	status = ABORT;
    } else {
	/* motion is interpreted as affecting full lines */
	if (regionshape == rgn_EXACT) {
	    if (cfp->c_flags & FL)
		regionshape = rgn_FULLLINE;
	    if (cfp->c_flags & VL_RECT)
		regionshape = rgn_RECTANGLE;

	/* and execute the motion */
	if ((status = execute(cfp, f, n)) == TRUE) {
	    post_op_dot = DOT;
	} else {
	    mlforce("[Motion failed]");
	    status = FALSE;

    if (status == TRUE) {
	opcmd = 0;

	MK = pre_op_dot;

	/* we've successfully set up a region */
	if (!fn) {		/* be defensive */
	    mlforce("BUG -- null func pointer in operator");
	    status = FALSE;
	} else if (fn == user_operator) {
	    cmd_motion = cfp;
	    status = dobuf(find_b_name(str), 1, f ? n : 1);
	} else {
	    status = (fn) ();

	if (ourbp == curbp)	/* in case the func switched buffers on us */

	if (regionshape == rgn_FULLLINE)
	    (void) firstnonwhite(FALSE, 1);

    regionshape = rgn_EXACT;
    doingopcmd = FALSE;
    haveregion = FALSE;
    cmd_motion = save_cmd_motion;

static int
isearch(int f GCC_UNUSED, int n)
    static TBUFF *pat_save = 0;	/* Saved copy of the old pattern str */

    int status;			/* Search status */
    register int cpos;		/* character number in search string */
    register int c;		/* current input character */
    MARK curpos, curp;		/* Current point on entry */
    int init_direction;		/* The initial search direction */

    /* Initialize starting conditions */

    cmd_reexecute = -1;		/* We're not re-executing (yet?) */
    itb_init(&cmd_buff, EOS);	/* Init the command buffer */
    /* Save the old pattern string */
    (void) tb_copy(&pat_save, searchpat);
    curpos = DOT;		/* Save the current pointer */
    init_direction = n;		/* Save the initial search direction */

    ignorecase = window_b_val(curwp, MDIGNCASE);

    scanboundry(FALSE, DOT, FORWARD);	/* keep scanner() finite */

    /* This is a good place to start a re-execution: */


    /* ask the user for the text of a pattern */
    promptpattern("ISearch: ");

    status = TRUE;		/* Assume everything's cool */

     * Get the first character in the pattern.  If we get an initial
     * Control-S or Control-R, re-use the old search string and find the
     * first occurrence

    c = kcod2key(get_char());	/* Get the first character */
    if ((c == IS_FORWARD) ||
	(c == IS_REVERSE)) {	/* Reuse old search string? */
	for (cpos = 0; cpos < (int) tb_length(searchpat); ++cpos)
	    echochar(tb_values(searchpat)[cpos]);	/* and re-echo the string */
	curp = DOT;
	if (c == IS_REVERSE) {	/* forward search? */
	    n = -1;		/* No, search in reverse */
	    last_srch_direc = REVERSE;
	    backchar(TRUE, 1);	/* Be defensive about EOB */
	} else {
	    n = 1;		/* Yes, search forward */
	    last_srch_direc = FORWARD;
	    forwchar(TRUE, 1);
	status = scanmore(searchpat, n);	/* Do the search */
	if (status != TRUE)
	    DOT = curp;
	c = kcod2key(get_char());	/* Get another character */
    } else {
	tb_init(&searchpat, EOS);
    /* Top of the per character loop */

    for_ever {			/* ISearch per character loop */
	/* Check for special characters, since they might change the
	 * search to be done

	if (ABORTED(c) || c == '\r')	/* search aborted? */
	    return (TRUE);	/* end the search */

	if (isbackspace(c))
	    c = '\b';

	if (c == quotec)	/* quote character? */
	    c = kcod2key(get_char());	/* Get the next char */

	switch (c) {		/* dispatch on the input char */
	case IS_REVERSE:	/* If backward search */
	case IS_FORWARD:	/* If forward search */
	    curp = DOT;
	    if (c == IS_REVERSE) {	/* forward search? */
		last_srch_direc = REVERSE;
		n = -1;		/* No, search in reverse */
		backchar(TRUE, 1);	/* Be defensive about
					 * EOB */
	    } else {
		n = 1;		/* Yes, search forward */
		last_srch_direc = FORWARD;
		forwchar(TRUE, 1);
	    status = scanmore(searchpat, n);	/* Do the search */
	    if (status != TRUE)
		DOT = curp;
	    c = kcod2key(get_char());	/* Get the next char */
	    continue;		/* Go continue with the search */

	case '\t':		/* Generically allowed */
	case '\n':		/* controlled characters */
	    break;		/* Make sure we use it */

	case '\b':		/* or if a Rubout: */
	    if (itb_length(cmd_buff) <= 1)	/* Anything to delete? */
		return (TRUE);	/* No, just exit */
	    DOT = curpos;	/* Reset the pointer */
	    n = init_direction;	/* Reset the search direction */
	    (void) tb_copy(&searchpat, pat_save);
	    /* Restore the old search str */
	    cmd_reexecute = 0;	/* Start the whole mess over */
	    goto start_over;	/* Let it take care of itself */

	    /* Presumably a quasi-normal character comes here */

	default:		/* All other chars */
	    if (!isPrint(c)) {	/* Is it printable? */
		/* Nope. */
		unkeystroke(c);	/* Re-eat the char */
		return (TRUE);	/* And return the last status */
	}			/* Switch */

	/* I guess we got something to search for, so search for it */

	tb_append(&searchpat, c);	/* put the char in the buffer */
	echochar(c);		/* Echo the character */
	if (!status) {		/* If we lost last time */
	    kbd_alarm();	/* Feep again */
	} else			/* Otherwise, we must have won */
	    status = scanmore(searchpat, n);	/* or find the next
						   * match */
	c = kcod2key(get_char());	/* Get the next char */
    }				/* for_ever */