static void rna_Controller_unlink(bController *cont, bSensor *sens, bActuator *act) { if(sens) unlink_logicbricks((void **)&cont, (void ***)&(sens->links), &sens->totlinks); if(act) unlink_logicbricks((void **)&act, (void ***)&(cont->links), &cont->totlinks); }
void unlink_actuator(bActuator *act) { bController *cont; Object *ob; /* check for actuator pointers in controllers */ ob= G.main->object.first; while (ob) { cont= ob->controllers.first; while (cont) { unlink_logicbricks((void **)&act, (void ***)&(cont->links), &cont->totlinks); cont= cont->next; } ob= ob->; } }
void unlink_controller(bController *cont) { bSensor *sens; Object *ob; /* check for controller pointers in sensors */ ob= G.main->object.first; while (ob) { sens= ob->sensors.first; while (sens) { unlink_logicbricks((void **)&cont, (void ***)&(sens->links), &sens->totlinks); sens= sens->next; } ob= ob->; } }
static void rna_Sensor_unlink(bSensor *sens, bController *cont) { unlink_logicbricks((void **)&cont, (void ***)&(sens->links), &sens->totlinks); }
/* XXX Logick bricks... I don't have words to say what I think about this behavior. * They have silent hidden ugly inter-objects dependencies (a sensor can link into any other * object's controllers, and same between controllers and actuators, without *any* explicit reference * to data-block involved). * This is bad, bad, bad!!! * ...and forces us to add yet another very ugly hack to get remapping with logic bricks working. */ void BKE_sca_logic_links_remap(Main *bmain, Object *ob_old, Object *ob_new) { if (ob_new == NULL || (ob_old->controllers.first == NULL && ob_old->actuators.first == NULL)) { /* Nothing to do here... */ return; } GHash *controllers_map = ob_old->controllers.first ? BLI_ghash_ptr_new_ex(__func__, BLI_listbase_count(&ob_old->controllers)) : NULL; GHash *actuators_map = ob_old->actuators.first ? BLI_ghash_ptr_new_ex(__func__, BLI_listbase_count(&ob_old->actuators)) : NULL; /* We try to remap old controllers/actuators to new ones - in a very basic way. */ for (bController *cont_old = ob_old->controllers.first, *cont_new = ob_new->controllers.first; cont_old; cont_old = cont_old->next) { bController *cont_new2 = cont_new; if (cont_old->mynew != NULL) { cont_new2 = cont_old->mynew; if (!(cont_new2 == cont_new || BLI_findindex(&ob_new->controllers, cont_new2) >= 0)) { cont_new2 = NULL; } } else if (cont_new && cont_old->type != cont_new->type) { cont_new2 = NULL; } BLI_ghash_insert(controllers_map, cont_old, cont_new2); if (cont_new) { cont_new = cont_new->next; } } for (bActuator *act_old = ob_old->actuators.first, *act_new = ob_new->actuators.first; act_old; act_old = act_old->next) { bActuator *act_new2 = act_new; if (act_old->mynew != NULL) { act_new2 = act_old->mynew; if (!(act_new2 == act_new || BLI_findindex(&ob_new->actuators, act_new2) >= 0)) { act_new2 = NULL; } } else if (act_new && act_old->type != act_new->type) { act_new2 = NULL; } BLI_ghash_insert(actuators_map, act_old, act_new2); if (act_new) { act_new = act_new->next; } } for (Object *ob = bmain->object.first; ob; ob = ob-> { if (controllers_map != NULL) { for (bSensor *sens = ob->sensors.first; sens; sens = sens->next) { for (int a = 0; a < sens->totlinks; a++) { if (sens->links[a]) { bController *old_link = sens->links[a]; bController **new_link_p = (bController **)BLI_ghash_lookup_p(controllers_map, old_link); if (new_link_p == NULL) { /* old_link is *not* in map's keys (i.e. not to any ob_old->controllers), * which means we ignore it totally here. */ } else if (*new_link_p == NULL) { unlink_logicbricks((void **)&old_link, (void ***)&(sens->links), &sens->totlinks); a--; } else { sens->links[a] = *new_link_p; } } } } } if (actuators_map != NULL) { for (bController *cont = ob->controllers.first; cont; cont = cont->next) { for (int a = 0; a < cont->totlinks; a++) { if (cont->links[a]) { bActuator *old_link = cont->links[a]; bActuator **new_link_p = (bActuator **)BLI_ghash_lookup_p(actuators_map, old_link); if (new_link_p == NULL) { /* old_link is *not* in map's keys (i.e. not to any ob_old->actuators), * which means we ignore it totally here. */ } else if (*new_link_p == NULL) { unlink_logicbricks((void **)&old_link, (void ***)&(cont->links), &cont->totlinks); a--; } else { cont->links[a] = *new_link_p; } } } } } } if (controllers_map) { BLI_ghash_free(controllers_map, NULL, NULL); } if (actuators_map) { BLI_ghash_free(actuators_map, NULL, NULL); } }
static void rna_Actuator_unlink(bActuator *act, bController *cont) { unlink_logicbricks((void **)&act, (void ***)&(cont->links), &cont->totlinks); }