static int brl_construct (BrailleDisplay *brl, char **parameters, const char *device) { if (!isSerialDevice(&device)) { unsupportedDevice(device); return 0; } if ((serialDevice = serialOpenDevice(device))) { if (serialRestartDevice(serialDevice, serialBaud)) { static const unsigned char request[] = {BNO_DESCRIBE}; charactersPerSecond = serialBaud / 10; if (writePacket(brl, request, sizeof(request)) != -1) { while (serialAwaitInput(serialDevice, 100)) { ResponsePacket response; int size = getPacket(&response); if (size) { if ( == BNI_DESCRIBE) { statusCells =; brl->textColumns =; brl->textRows = 1; brl->keyBindings = "keys"; if ((statusCells == 5) && (brl->textColumns == 30)) { statusCells -= 2; brl->textColumns += 2; } dataCells = brl->textColumns * brl->textRows; cellCount = statusCells + dataCells; makeOutputTable(dotsTable_ISO11548_1); makeInputTable(); if ((cellBuffer = malloc(cellCount))) { memset(cellBuffer, 0, cellCount); statusArea = cellBuffer; dataArea = statusArea + statusCells; refreshCells(brl); persistentKeyboardMode = KBM_NAVIGATE; temporaryKeyboardMode = persistentKeyboardMode; persistentRoutingOperation = BRL_BLK_ROUTE; temporaryRoutingOperation = persistentRoutingOperation; return 1; } else { logSystemError("cell buffer allocation"); } } else { logUnexpectedPacket(response.bytes, size); } } } } } serialCloseDevice(serialDevice); serialDevice = NULL; } return 0; }
static int brl_construct (BrailleDisplay *brl, char **parameters, const char *device) { if (!isSerialDevice(&device)) { unsupportedDevice(device); return 0; } if ((serialDevice = serialOpenDevice(device))) { if (serialRestartDevice(serialDevice, serialBaud)) { serialCharactersPerSecond = serialBaud / serialGetCharacterBits(serialDevice); /* hm, how to switch to 38400 ? static const unsigned char sequence[] = {ESC, 'V', CR}; writeData(brl, sequence, sizeof(sequence)); serialDiscardInput(serialDevice); serialSetBaud(serialDevice, 38400); */ { static const DotsTable dots = { 0X01, 0X02, 0X04, 0X80, 0X40, 0X20, 0X08, 0X10 }; makeOutputTable(dots); } clearCells(textCells, sizeof(textCells)); clearCells(statusCells, sizeof(statusCells)); resetInputMode(); cursorDots = 0XFF; cursorOffset = sizeof(textCells) / 2; brl->textColumns = sizeof(textCells); brl->textRows = 1; brl->statusColumns = sizeof(statusCells); brl->statusRows = 1; beep(brl); return 1; } serialCloseDevice(serialDevice); serialDevice = NULL; } return 0; }
static int brl_construct (BrailleDisplay *brl, char **parameters, const char *device) { if (!isSerialDevice(&device)) { unsupportedDevice(device); return 0; } if ((serialDevice = serialOpenDevice(device))) { unsigned int baud = 19200; charactersPerSecond = baud / 11; if (serialRestartDevice(serialDevice, baud)) { if (serialSetParity(serialDevice, SERIAL_PARITY_EVEN)) { if (writePacket(brl, 4, NULL, 0)) { while (serialAwaitInput(serialDevice, 500)) { unsigned char response[3]; int size = readPacket(brl, response, sizeof(response)); if (size <= 0) break; if (response[1] == 4) { brl->textColumns = response[2]; brl->textRows = 1; makeOutputTable(dotsTable_ISO11548_1); makeInputTable(); if (!clearBrailleCells(brl)) break; if (!clearVisualText(brl)) break; if (!writeBrailleCells(brl)) break; return 1; } } } } } serialCloseDevice(serialDevice); serialDevice = NULL; } return 0; }
static int brl_construct (BrailleDisplay *brl, char **parameters, const char *device) { if (!isSerialDevice(&device)) { unsupportedDevice(device); return 0; } if ((serialDevice = serialOpenDevice(device))) { static const unsigned int baud = 9600; charactersPerSecond = baud / 10; if (serialRestartDevice(serialDevice, baud)) { if (identifyDisplay(brl)) { { static const DotsTable dots = { 0X01, 0X02, 0X04, 0X10, 0X20, 0X40, 0X08, 0X80 }; makeOutputTable(dots); } if ((outputBuffer = malloc(brl->textColumns))) { if (setTable(brl, 0)) { memset(outputBuffer, 0, brl->textColumns); writeCells(brl); return 1; } free(outputBuffer); outputBuffer = NULL; } else { logSystemError("Output buffer allocation"); } } } serialCloseDevice(serialDevice); serialDevice = NULL; } return 0; }
static int brl_construct (BrailleDisplay *brl, char **parameters, const char *device) { { static TranslationTable outputTable = { #include "brl-out.h" }; setOutputTable(outputTable); makeInputTable(); { const unsigned char byte = 0XFF; if (memchr(outputTable, byte, sizeof(outputTable))) { outputTable[translateInputCell(byte)] = SUB; } } } if (!isSerialDevice(&device)) { unsupportedDevice(device); return 0; } makeDownloadFifo(); if ((serialDevice = serialOpenDevice(device))) { if (serialRestartDevice(serialDevice, 9600)) { brl->textRows = screenHeight; brl->textColumns = screenWidth; brl->buffer = &sourceImage[0][0]; memset(sourceImage, 0, sizeof(sourceImage)); deviceStatus = DEV_ONLINE; return 1; } serialCloseDevice(serialDevice); serialDevice = NULL; } return 0; }
static int brl_construct (BrailleDisplay *brl, char **parameters, const char *device) { unsigned int ttyBaud = 9600; char *ttyType = "vt100"; int windowLines = 1; int windowColumns = 40; #ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H const char *characterSet = getLocaleCharset(); #endif /* HAVE_ICONV_H */ if (!isSerialDevice(&device)) { unsupportedDevice(device); return 0; } { unsigned int baud = ttyBaud; if (serialValidateBaud(&baud, "TTY baud", parameters[PARM_BAUD], NULL)) ttyBaud = baud; } #ifdef USE_CURSES if (*parameters[PARM_TERM]) ttyType = parameters[PARM_TERM]; #endif /* USE_CURSES */ { static const int minimum = 1; static const int maximum = MAX_WINDOW_LINES; int lines = windowLines; if (validateInteger(&lines, parameters[PARM_LINES], &minimum, &maximum)) { windowLines = lines; } else { logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s", "invalid line count", parameters[PARM_LINES]); } } { static const int minimum = 1; static const int maximum = MAX_WINDOW_COLUMNS; int columns = windowColumns; if (validateInteger(&columns, parameters[PARM_COLUMNS], &minimum, &maximum)) { windowColumns = columns; } else { logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s", "invalid column count", parameters[PARM_COLUMNS]); } } #ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H if (*parameters[PARM_CHARSET]) characterSet = parameters[PARM_CHARSET]; #endif /* HAVE_ICONV_H */ if (*parameters[PARM_LOCALE]) classificationLocale = parameters[PARM_LOCALE]; #ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H if ((conversionDescriptor = iconv_open(characterSet, "WCHAR_T")) != (iconv_t)-1) { #endif /* HAVE_ICONV_H */ if ((ttyDevice = serialOpenDevice(device))) { if (serialRestartDevice(ttyDevice, ttyBaud)) { #ifdef USE_CURSES if ((ttyStream = serialGetStream(ttyDevice))) { if ((ttyScreen = newterm(ttyType, ttyStream, ttyStream))) { cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); intrflush(stdscr, FALSE); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); clear(); refresh(); #endif /* USE_CURSES */ brl->textColumns = windowColumns; brl->textRows = windowLines; logMessage(LOG_INFO, "TTY: type=%s baud=%u size=%dx%d", ttyType, ttyBaud, windowColumns, windowLines); return 1; #ifdef USE_CURSES } else { logSystemError("newterm"); } ttyStream = NULL; } #endif /* USE_CURSES */ } serialCloseDevice(ttyDevice); ttyDevice = NULL; } #ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H iconv_close(conversionDescriptor); } else { logSystemError("iconv_open"); } conversionDescriptor = NULL; #endif /* HAVE_ICONV_H */ return 0; }
static int brl_construct (BrailleDisplay *brl, char **parameters, const char *device) { if (!allocateCommandDescriptors()) return 0; inputLength = 0; inputStart = 0; inputEnd = 0; outputLength = 0; if (isQualifiedDevice(&device, "client")) { static const ModeEntry clientModeEntry = { #ifdef AF_LOCAL requestLocalConnection, #endif /* AF_LOCAL */ #ifdef __MINGW32__ requestNamedPipeConnection, #endif /* __MINGW32__ */ requestInetConnection }; mode = &clientModeEntry; } else if (isQualifiedDevice(&device, "server")) { static const ModeEntry serverModeEntry = { #ifdef AF_LOCAL acceptLocalConnection, #endif /* AF_LOCAL */ #ifdef __MINGW32__ acceptNamedPipeConnection, #endif /* __MINGW32__ */ acceptInetConnection }; mode = &serverModeEntry; } else { unsupportedDevice(device); goto failed; } if (!*device) device = VR_DEFAULT_SOCKET; #ifdef AF_LOCAL if (device[0] == '/') { struct sockaddr_un address; if (setLocalAddress(device, &address)) { fileDescriptor = mode->getLocalConnection(&address); } } else #endif /* AF_LOCAL */ #ifdef __MINGW32__ if (device[0] == '\\') { fileDescriptor = mode->getNamedPipeConnection(device); } else { static WSADATA wsadata; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsadata)) { logWindowsSystemError("socket library start"); goto failed; } } #endif /* __MINGW32__ */ { struct sockaddr_in address; if (setInetAddress(device, &address)) { fileDescriptor = mode->getInetConnection(&address); } } if (fileDescriptor != -1) { char *line = NULL; while (1) { if (line) free(line); if ((line = readCommandLine())) { const char *word; logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "command received: %s", line); if ((word = strtok(line, inputDelimiters))) { if (testWord(word, "cells")) { if (dimensionsChanged(brl)) { free(line); return 1; } } else if (testWord(word, "quit")) { break; } else { logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "unexpected command: %s", word); } } } else { asyncWait(1000); } } if (line) free(line); close(fileDescriptor); fileDescriptor = -1; } failed: deallocateCommandDescriptors(); return 0; }
static int brl_construct(BrailleDisplay *brl, char **parameters, const char *device) { short ModelID = MODEL; unsigned char buffer[DIM_BRL_ID + 6]; if (!isSerialDevice(&device)) { unsupportedDevice(device); return 0; } rawdata = NULL; /* clear pointers */ /* Open the Braille display device */ if (!(serialDevice = serialOpenDevice(device))) goto failure; #ifdef DEBUG brl_log = open("/tmp/brllog", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY); if(brl_log < 0){ goto failure; } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* autodetecting ECO model */ do{ /* DTR back on */ serialRestartDevice(serialDevice, BAUDRATE); /* activate new settings */ /* The 2 next lines can be commented out to try autodetect once anyway */ if(ModelID != ECO_AUTO){ break; } if(serialReadData(serialDevice, &buffer, DIM_BRL_ID + 6, 600, 100) == DIM_BRL_ID + 6){ if(memcmp (buffer, BRL_ID, DIM_BRL_ID) == 0){ /* Possible values; 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 */ int tmpModel=buffer[DIM_BRL_ID] / 0x20; switch(tmpModel){ case 1: ModelID=0; break; case 2: ModelID=1; break; case 4: ModelID=2; break; default: ModelID=1; } } } }while(ModelID == ECO_AUTO); if(ModelID >= NB_MODEL || ModelID < 0){ goto failure; /* unknown model */ } /* Need answer to BR */ /*do{*/ serialWriteData(serialDevice, SYS_READY, DIM_SYS_READY); serialReadData(serialDevice, &buffer, DIM_BRL_READY + 6, 100, 100); /*}while(strncmp (buffer, BRL_READY, DIM_BRL_READY));*/ logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "buffer is: %s",buffer); /* Set model params */ model = &Models[ModelID]; brl->textColumns = model->Cols; /* initialise size of main display */ brl->textRows = BRLROWS; /* ever is 1 in this type of braille lines */ MAKE_OUTPUT_TABLE(0X10, 0X20, 0X40, 0X01, 0X02, 0X04, 0X80, 0X08); /* Need to calculate the size; Cols + Status + 1 (space between) */ BrailleSize = brl->textColumns + model->NbStCells + 1; /* Allocate space for buffers */ rawdata = malloc(BrailleSize); /* Phisical size */ if(!rawdata){ goto failure; } /* Empty buffers */ memset(rawdata, 0, BrailleSize); memset(Status, 0, MAX_STCELLS); return 1; failure:; if(rawdata){ free(rawdata); } return 0; }
static int brl_construct (BrailleDisplay *brl, char **parameters, const char *device) { short n, success; /* loop counters, flags, etc. */ unsigned char *init_seq = (unsigned char *)"\002\0330"; /* string to send to Braille to initialise: [ESC][0] */ unsigned char *init_ack = (unsigned char *)"\002\033V"; /* string to expect as acknowledgement: [ESC][V]... */ unsigned char c; TimePeriod period; if (!isSerialDevice(&device)) { unsupportedDevice(device); return 0; } brlcols = -1; /* length of braille display (auto-detected) */ prevdata = rawdata = NULL; /* clear pointers */ /* No need to load translation tables, as these are now * defined in tables.h */ /* Now open the Braille display device for random access */ if (!(MB_serialDevice = serialOpenDevice(device))) goto failure; if (!serialRestartDevice(MB_serialDevice, BAUDRATE)) goto failure; if (!serialSetFlowControl(MB_serialDevice, SERIAL_FLOW_HARDWARE)) goto failure; /* MultiBraille initialisation procedure: * [ESC][V][Braillelength][Software Version][CR] * I guess, they mean firmware version with software version :*} * firmware version == [Software Version] / 10.0 */ success = 0; if (init_seq[0]) if (serialWriteData (MB_serialDevice, init_seq + 1, init_seq[0]) != init_seq[0]) goto failure; startTimePeriod (&period, ACK_TIMEOUT); /* initialise timeout testing */ n = 0; do { approximateDelay (20); if (serialReadData (MB_serialDevice, &c, 1, 0, 0) == 0) continue; if (n < init_ack[0] && c != init_ack[1 + n]) continue; if (n == init_ack[0]) { brlcols = c, success = 1; /* reading version-info */ /* firmware version == [Software Version] / 10.0 */ serialReadData (MB_serialDevice, &c, 1, 0, 0); logMessage (LOG_INFO, "MultiBraille: Version: %2.1f", c/10.0); /* read trailing [CR] */ serialReadData (MB_serialDevice, &c, 1, 0, 0); } n++; } while (!afterTimePeriod (&period, NULL) && n <= init_ack[0]); if (success && (brlcols != 25)) { if ((prevdata = malloc(brl->textColumns * brl->textRows))) { if ((rawdata = malloc(20 + (brl->textColumns * brl->textRows * 2)))) { brl->textColumns = brlcols; brl->textRows = BRLROWS; brl->statusColumns = 5; brl->statusRows = 1; { static const DotsTable dots = { 0X01, 0X02, 0X04, 0X80, 0X40, 0X20, 0X08, 0X10 }; makeOutputTable(dots); } return 1; } else { logMallocError(); } free(prevdata); } else { logMallocError(); } } failure: if (MB_serialDevice) { serialCloseDevice(MB_serialDevice); MB_serialDevice = NULL; } return 0; }