void B9PrinterComm::watchDog() { // We expect a valid handle to m_SerialDevice and // we expect the last readReady signal from the Printer to have happened within the last 10 seconds // Unless the printer is busy finding the home location int iTimeLimit = 10000; if(m_Status.getHomeStatus() == B9PrinterStatus::HS_SEEKING) iTimeLimit = 90000; if( m_serialDevice != NULL && m_Status.getLastMsgElapsedTime() <= iTimeLimit){ // Still in Contact with the B9Creator startWatchDogTimer(); emit updateConnectionStatus(MSG_CONNECTED); emit BC_ConnectionStatusDetailed("Connected to port: "+m_serialDevice->portName()); return; } // Lost Comm... if(m_Status.getHomeStatus()==B9PrinterStatus::HS_SEEKING) m_Status.setHomeStatus(B9PrinterStatus::HS_UNKNOWN); if(m_serialDevice!=NULL){ // port device still exists but getting no messages, time to reboot the port if (m_serialDevice->isOpen()) m_serialDevice->close(); delete m_serialDevice; m_serialDevice = NULL; } //Attempt to pick up were we lost contact if we find the port again within a short time qDebug() << "WATCHDOG: LOST CONTACT WITH B9CREATOR!"; emit updateConnectionStatus(MSG_SEARCHING); emit BC_ConnectionStatusDetailed("Lost Contact with B9Creator. Searching..."); m_Status.reset(); handleLostComm(); RefreshCommPortItems(); }
void StatusBar::refreshStatusBar() { const BitTorrent::SessionStatus sessionStatus = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->status(); updateConnectionStatus(sessionStatus); updateDHTNodesNumber(sessionStatus); updateSpeedLabels(sessionStatus); }
TConnectionStatusFrame::TConnectionStatusFrame(const IConnectionStatusDataSource& ds) : QFrame(nullptr), DataSource(ds), ui(new Ui::ConnectionStatusFrame) { ui->setupUi(this); QTimer* statusUpdateTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(statusUpdateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateConnectionStatus())); statusUpdateTimer->start(2000); // update it every 2 seconds }
B9Print::B9Print(B9Terminal *pTerm, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::B9Print) { m_pTerminal = pTerm; if(m_pTerminal == NULL) qFatal("FATAL Call to B9Creator with null B9Terminal Pointer"); ui->setupUi(this); //清除旧信息 ui->lineEditSerialStatus->setText(""); ui->lineEditProjectorOutput->setText(""); m_iTbase = m_iTover = 0; m_iTattach = 0; m_iNumAttach = 1; m_iXOff = m_iYOff =0; m_iPrintState = PRINT_NO; m_iPaused = PAUSE_NO; m_bAbort = false; m_sAbortMessage = "Unknown Abort"; m_iCurLayerNumber = 0; m_dLayerThickness = 0.0; m_iLastLayer = 0; connect(m_pTerminal, SIGNAL(updateConnectionStatus(QString)), this, SLOT(on_updateConnectionStatus(QString))); connect(m_pTerminal, SIGNAL(updateProjectorOutput(QString)), this, SLOT(on_updateProjectorOutput(QString))); connect(m_pTerminal, SIGNAL(updateProjectorStatus(QString)), this, SLOT(on_updateProjectorStatus(QString))); connect(m_pTerminal, SIGNAL(updateProjector(B9PrinterStatus::ProjectorStatus)), this, SLOT(on_updateProjector(B9PrinterStatus::ProjectorStatus))); connect(m_pTerminal, SIGNAL(signalAbortPrint(QString)), this, SLOT(on_pushButtonAbort_clicked(QString))); connect(m_pTerminal, SIGNAL(PrintReleaseCycleFinished()), this, SLOT(exposeTBaseLayer())); connect(m_pTerminal, SIGNAL(pausePrint()), this, SLOT(on_pushButtonPauseResume_clicked())); connect(m_pTerminal, SIGNAL(sendStatusMsg(QString)),this, SLOT(setProjMessage(QString))); QString sTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("hh:mm"); ui->lcdNumberTime->setDigitCount(9); ui->lcdNumberTime->display(sTime); }
void B9PrinterComm::RefreshCommPortItems() { if(m_bIsPrinting)return; // We assume we stay connected during the print proccess. If we are disconnected, the watchdog timer will fire QString sCommPortStatus = MSG_SEARCHING; QString sCommPortDetailedStatus = MSG_SEARCHING; QString sPortName; // Load the current enumerated available ports *pPorts = pEnumerator->getPorts(); if(m_serialDevice){ // We've previously located the printer, are we still connected? for (int i = 0; i < pPorts->size(); i++) { // Check each existing port to see if our's still exists #ifdef Q_WS_X11 if(pPorts->at(i).physName == m_serialDevice->portName()){ #else if(pPorts->at(i).portName == m_serialDevice->portName()){ #endif // We're still connected, set a timer to check again in 5 seconds and then exit QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(RefreshCommPortItems())); return; } } // We lost the previous connection and should delete this port connection if (m_serialDevice->isOpen()) m_serialDevice->close(); delete m_serialDevice; m_serialDevice = NULL; m_Status.reset(); qDebug() << sCommPortStatus; emit updateConnectionStatus(sCommPortStatus); sCommPortDetailedStatus = "Lost Comm on previous port. Searching..."; emit BC_ConnectionStatusDetailed("Lost Comm on previous port. Searching..."); handleLostComm(); } // Now we search for a B9Creator int eTime = 1000; // 1 second search cylce time for while not connected sNoFirmwareAurdinoPort = ""; // Reset to null string before scanning ports if(pPorts->size()>0){ // Some ports are available, are they the B9Creator? qDebug() << "Scanning For Serial Port Devices (" << pPorts->size() << "found )"; for (int i = 0; i < pPorts->size(); i++) { qDebug() << " port name " << pPorts->at(i).portName; qDebug() << " locationInfo" << pPorts->at(i).physName; #ifndef Q_WS_X11 //Note: We only trust friendName, vendorID and productID with Windows and OS_X qDebug() << " description " << pPorts->at(i).friendName; qDebug() << " vendorID " << pPorts->at(i).vendorID; qDebug() << " productID " << pPorts->at(i).productID; #endif #ifdef Q_WS_X11 // linux ID's ports by physName sPortName = pPorts->at(i).physName; // We filter ports by requiring the portName to begin with "ttyA" if(pPorts->at(i).portName.left(4) == "ttyA" && OpenB9CreatorCommPort(sPortName)){ #else // Windows and OSX use portName to ID ports sPortName = pPorts->at(i).portName; // We filter ports by requiring vendorID value of 9025 (Arduino) if(pPorts->at(i).vendorID==9025 && OpenB9CreatorCommPort(sPortName)){ #endif // Connected! sCommPortStatus = MSG_CONNECTED; sCommPortDetailedStatus = "Connected on Port: "+m_serialDevice->portName(); eTime = 5000; // Re-check connection again in 5 seconds if(m_serialDevice && m_Status.isCurrentVersion())startWatchDogTimer(); // Start B9Creator "crash" watchDog break; } } bool bUpdateFirmware = false; if( m_serialDevice==NULL && sNoFirmwareAurdinoPort!=""){ // We did not find a B9Creator with valid firmware, but we did find an Arduino // We assume this is a new B9Creator and needs firmware! // However, we will not upload firmware unless m_bCloneBlanks is true! if(m_bCloneBlanks){ qDebug() << "\"Clone Firmware\" Option is enabled. Attempting Firmware Upload to possible B9Creator found on port: "<< sNoFirmwareAurdinoPort; bUpdateFirmware = true; sPortName = sNoFirmwareAurdinoPort; } else { qDebug() << "\"Clone Firmware\" Option is disabled. No Firmware upload attempted on possible B9Creator found on port: " << sNoFirmwareAurdinoPort; bUpdateFirmware = false; } } else if (m_serialDevice!=NULL && !m_Status.isCurrentVersion()){ // We found a B9Creator with the wrong firmware version, update it! qDebug() << "Incorrect Firmware version found on connected B9Creator"<< sPortName << " Attempting B9Creator Firmware Update to" << CURRENTFIRMWARE; bUpdateFirmware = true; if(m_serialDevice!=NULL) { m_serialDevice->flush(); m_serialDevice->close(); delete m_serialDevice; } m_serialDevice = NULL; m_Status.reset(); } if(bUpdateFirmware){ // Update the firmware on device on sPortName emit updateConnectionStatus(MSG_FIRMUPDATE); emit BC_ConnectionStatusDetailed("Updating Firmware on port: "+sPortName); B9FirmwareUpdate Firmware; QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); Firmware.UploadHex(sPortName); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); emit updateConnectionStatus(MSG_SEARCHING); emit BC_ConnectionStatusDetailed("Firmware Update Complete. Searching..."); } emit updateConnectionStatus(sCommPortStatus); emit BC_ConnectionStatusDetailed(sCommPortDetailedStatus); } QTimer::singleShot(eTime, this, SLOT(RefreshCommPortItems())); // Check again in 5 seconds if connected, 1 secs if not } bool B9PrinterComm::OpenB9CreatorCommPort(QString sPortName) { if(m_serialDevice!=NULL) qFatal("Error: We found an open port handle that should have been deleted!"); // Attempt to establish a serial connection with the B9Creator m_serialDevice = new QextSerialPort(sPortName, QextSerialPort::EventDriven, this); if (m_serialDevice->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite) == true) { m_serialDevice->setBaudRate(BAUD115200); m_serialDevice->setDataBits(DATA_8); m_serialDevice->setParity(PAR_NONE); m_serialDevice->setStopBits(STOP_1); m_serialDevice->setFlowControl(FLOW_OFF); m_serialDevice->setDtr(true); // Reset the Aurduino m_serialDevice->setDtr(false); connect(m_serialDevice, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(ReadAvailable())); qDebug() << "Opened Comm port:" << sPortName; } else { // device failed to open if(m_serialDevice!=NULL) delete m_serialDevice; m_serialDevice = NULL; m_Status.reset(); qDebug() << "Failed to open Comm port:" << sPortName; return false; } // Delay for up to 5 seconds while we wait for response from printer QTime delayTime = QTime::currentTime().addSecs(5); while( QTime::currentTime() < delayTime && !m_Status.isValidVersion() ) QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100); if(!m_Status.isValidVersion()){ if(m_serialDevice!=NULL) { m_serialDevice->flush(); m_serialDevice->close(); delete m_serialDevice; } m_serialDevice = NULL; m_Status.reset(); qDebug() << "Found a possible Arduino Device, perhaps a B9Creator without firmware loaded, on Port: " << sPortName; sNoFirmwareAurdinoPort = sPortName; return false; } return true; } QString B9PrinterComm::errorString(){ return m_serialDevice->errorString(); } void B9PrinterComm::ReadAvailable() { if(m_serialDevice==NULL) qFatal("Error: slot 'ReadAvailable()' but NULL Port Handle"); m_Status.resetLastMsgTime(); //update for watchdog if(m_Status.getHomeStatus() == B9PrinterStatus::HS_SEEKING) { m_Status.setHomeStatus(B9PrinterStatus::HS_UNKNOWN); // if we are receiving data, we must no longer be seeking Home // we'll set the status to HS_FOUND once we recieve a 'X' diff broadcast } QByteArray ba = m_serialDevice->readAll(); // read block of available raw data // We process the raw data one line at a time, keeping in mind they may be spread across multiple blocks. int iCurPos = 0; int iLampHrs = -1; int iInput = -1; char c; while(iCurPos<ba.size()){ c = ba.at(iCurPos); iCurPos++; if(c!='\r') m_sSerialString+=QString(c); if(c=='\n'){ // Line Read Complete, process data if(m_sSerialString.left(1) != "P" && m_sSerialString.left(1) != "L" && m_sSerialString.length()>0){ // We only emit this data for display & log purposes if(m_sSerialString.left(1) == "C"){ qDebug() << m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1) << "\n"; } else{ emit BC_RawData(m_sSerialString); qDebug() << m_sSerialString << "\n"; } } int iCmdID = m_sSerialString.left(1).toUpper().toAscii().at(0); switch (iCmdID){ case 'U': // Mechanical failure of encoder? qDebug() << "WARNING: Printer has sent 'U' report, runaway X Motor indication: " + m_sSerialString << "\n"; break; case 'Q': // Printer got tired of waiting for command and shut down projectors // We will likely never see this as something bad has happened // (like we have crashed or been shut off during a print process // So if we get it, we'll just post it to the log and wait for // timeouts to correct things. qDebug() << "WARNING: Printer has sent 'Q' report, lost comm with host." << "\n"; break; case 'P': // take care of projector status iInput = m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).toInt(); if(iInput!=1)iInput = 0; if(handleProjectorBC(iInput)){ //projector status changed emit BC_RawData(m_sSerialString); qDebug() << m_sSerialString << "\n"; } break; case 'L': // take care of projector Lamp hours update iLampHrs = m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).toInt(); if(m_Status.getLampHrs()!= iLampHrs){ m_Status.setLampHrs(iLampHrs); emit BC_ProjectorStatusChanged(); emit BC_RawData(m_sSerialString); qDebug() << m_sSerialString << "\n"; } break; case 'X': // Found Home with this Difference Offset m_Status.setHomeStatus(B9PrinterStatus::HS_FOUND); m_Status.setLastHomeDiff(m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).toInt()); emit BC_HomeFound(); break; case 'R': // Needs Reset? iInput = m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).toInt(); if(iInput==0) m_Status.setHomeStatus(B9PrinterStatus::HS_FOUND); else m_Status.setHomeStatus(B9PrinterStatus::HS_UNKNOWN); break; case 'K': // Current Lamp 1/2 life m_Status.setHalfLife(m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).toInt()); emit BC_HalfLife(m_Status.getHalfLife()); break; case 'D': // Current Native X Projector resolution m_Status.setNativeX(m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).toInt()); emit BC_NativeX(m_Status.getNativeX()); break; case 'E': // Current Native Y Projector resolution m_Status.setNativeY(m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).toInt()); emit BC_NativeY(m_Status.getNativeY()); break; case 'H': // Current XY Pixel Size m_Status.setXYPixelSize(m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).toInt()); emit BC_XYPixelSize(m_Status.getXYPixelSize()); break; case 'I': // Current PU m_Status.setPU(m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).toInt()); emit BC_PU(m_Status.getPU()); break; case 'A': // Projector Control capability m_Status.setProjectorRemoteCapable(m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).toInt()); emit BC_ProjectorRemoteCapable(m_Status.isProjectorRemoteCapable()); break; case 'J': // Projector Shutter capability m_Status.setHasShutter(m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).toInt()); emit BC_HasShutter(m_Status.hasShutter()); break; case 'M': // Current Z Upper Limit in PUs m_Status.setUpperZLimPU(m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).toInt()); emit BC_UpperZLimPU(m_Status.getUpperZLimPU()); break; case 'Z': // Current Z Position Update m_Status.setCurZPosInPU(m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).toInt()); emit BC_CurrentZPosInPU(m_Status.getCurZPosInPU()); break; case 'S': // Current Vat(Shutter) Percent Open Position Update m_Status.setCurVatPercentOpen(m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).toInt()); emit BC_CurrentVatPercentOpen(m_Status.getCurVatPercentOpen()); break; case 'C': // Comment emit BC_Comment(m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1)); break; case 'F': // Print release cycle finished emit BC_PrintReleaseCycleFinished(); break; case 'V': // Version m_Status.setVersion(m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).trimmed()); emit BC_FirmVersion(m_Status.getVersion()); break; case 'W': // Model m_Status.setModel(m_sSerialString.right(m_sSerialString.length()-1).trimmed()); emit BC_ModelInfo(m_Status.getModel()); break; case 'Y': // Current Z Home position in PU's // ignored break; default: qDebug() <<"WARNING: IGNORED UNKNOWN CMD: " << m_sSerialString << "\n"; break; } m_sSerialString=""; // Line processed, clear it for next line } } } void B9PrinterComm::setProjectorPowerCmd(bool bPwrFlag){ if(bPwrFlag){ SendCmd("P1"); // Turn On Command m_Status.setProjectorStatus(B9PrinterStatus::PS_TURNINGON); } else { SendCmd("P0"); // Turn On Command m_Status.setProjectorStatus(B9PrinterStatus::PS_COOLING); } m_Status.resetLastProjCmdTime(); emit BC_ProjectorStatusChanged(); } bool B9PrinterComm::handleProjectorBC(int iBC){ bool bStatusChanged = false; if(m_Status.isProjectorPowerCmdOn() && iBC == 0){ // Projector commanded ON but current report is OFF switch(m_Status.getProjectorStatus()){ case B9PrinterStatus::PS_OFF: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_UNKNOWN: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_TIMEOUT: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_FAIL: setProjectorPowerCmd(true); // turn it on now bStatusChanged = true; break; case B9PrinterStatus::PS_TURNINGON: if(m_Status.getLastProjCmdElapsedTime()>45000){ // Taking too long to turn on, something is wrong! m_Status.setProjectorStatus(B9PrinterStatus::PS_TIMEOUT); emit BC_ProjectorFAIL(); m_Status.cmdProjectorPowerOn(false); bStatusChanged = true; } break; case B9PrinterStatus::PS_WARMING: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_ON: // Uncommanded Power off! Lost power or bulb failure? m_Status.setProjectorStatus(B9PrinterStatus::PS_FAIL); emit BC_ProjectorFAIL(); m_Status.cmdProjectorPowerOn(false); bStatusChanged = true; break; case B9PrinterStatus::PS_COOLING: // Done cooling off m_Status.setProjectorStatus(B9PrinterStatus::PS_OFF); emit BC_ProjectorStatusChanged(); bStatusChanged = true; break; default: // Nothing we can do break; } } else if(m_Status.isProjectorPowerCmdOn() && iBC == 1){ // Projector commanded ON and current report is ON switch(m_Status.getProjectorStatus()){ case B9PrinterStatus::PS_COOLING: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_OFF: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_UNKNOWN: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_TIMEOUT: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_FAIL: // We were turning off, off, failed, timed out or unknown and suddenly we're cmd on and actually on? // Best we can do is set the status on and report m_Status.setProjectorStatus(B9PrinterStatus::PS_ON); emit BC_ProjectorStatusChanged(); bStatusChanged = true; break; case B9PrinterStatus::PS_TURNINGON: // We were turning on and now we need to warm up a bit m_Status.setProjectorStatus(B9PrinterStatus::PS_WARMING); startWarmingTime.start(); emit BC_ProjectorStatusChanged(); bStatusChanged = true; break; case B9PrinterStatus::PS_WARMING: if(startWarmingTime.elapsed()>m_iWarmUpDelayMS){ // All warmed up now, ready to use. m_Status.setProjectorStatus(B9PrinterStatus::PS_ON); emit BC_ProjectorStatusChanged(); bStatusChanged = true; } break; case B9PrinterStatus::PS_ON: default: // No change, we're good. break; } } else if(!m_Status.isProjectorPowerCmdOn() && iBC == 0){ // Projector commanded OFF and current report is OFF switch(m_Status.getProjectorStatus()){ case B9PrinterStatus::PS_UNKNOWN: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_TURNINGON: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_WARMING: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_ON: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_COOLING: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_TIMEOUT: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_FAIL: // We were turning on, warming up, on, cooling off, unknown, timed out or failed and now we're off m_Status.setProjectorStatus(B9PrinterStatus::PS_OFF); emit BC_ProjectorStatusChanged(); bStatusChanged = true; break; case B9PrinterStatus::PS_OFF: default: // No change, we're good break; } } else if(!m_Status.isProjectorPowerCmdOn() && iBC == 1){ // Projector commanded OFF but current report is ON switch(m_Status.getProjectorStatus()){ case B9PrinterStatus::PS_COOLING: if(m_Status.getLastProjCmdElapsedTime()>30000){ // Taking too long to turn off, send the off command again m_Status.setProjectorStatus(B9PrinterStatus::PS_ON); emit BC_ProjectorStatusChanged(); bStatusChanged = true; } break; case B9PrinterStatus::PS_OFF: //User must have switched it on manually, we'll accept that and set the status to commanded on and Turning on cmdProjectorPowerOn(true); setProjectorPowerCmd(true); bStatusChanged = true; break; case B9PrinterStatus::PS_TURNINGON: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_WARMING: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_ON: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_UNKNOWN: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_TIMEOUT: case B9PrinterStatus::PS_FAIL: default: setProjectorPowerCmd(false); // turn it off now bStatusChanged = true; break; } } return bStatusChanged; }
void B9Terminal::onUpdateConnectionStatus(QString sText) { emit (updateConnectionStatus(sText)); }
B9Terminal::B9Terminal(QWidget *parent, Qt::WFlags flags) : QWidget(parent, flags), ui(new Ui::B9Terminal) { setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint); m_bWaiverPresented = false; m_bWaiverAccepted = false; m_bWavierActive = false; m_bNeedsWarned = true; m_iFillLevel = -1; ui->setupUi(this); ui->commStatus->setText("Searching for B9Creator..."); qDebug() << "Terminal Start"; m_pCatalog = new B9MatCat; onBC_ModelInfo("B9C1"); pSettings = new PCycleSettings; resetLastSentCycleSettings(); // Always set up the B9PrinterComm in the Terminal constructor pPrinterComm = new B9PrinterComm; pPrinterComm->enableBlankCloning(true); // Allow for firmware update of suspected "blank" B9Creator Arduino's // Always set up the B9Projector in the Terminal constructor m_pDesktop = QApplication::desktop(); pProjector = NULL; m_bPrimaryScreen = false; m_bPrintPreview = false; m_bUsePrimaryMonitor = false; connect(m_pDesktop, SIGNAL(screenCountChanged(int)),this, SLOT(onScreenCountChanged(int))); connect(pPrinterComm,SIGNAL(updateConnectionStatus(QString)), this, SLOT(onUpdateConnectionStatus(QString))); connect(pPrinterComm,SIGNAL(BC_ConnectionStatusDetailed(QString)), this, SLOT(onBC_ConnectionStatusDetailed(QString))); connect(pPrinterComm,SIGNAL(BC_LostCOMM()),this,SLOT(onBC_LostCOMM())); connect(pPrinterComm,SIGNAL(BC_RawData(QString)), this, SLOT(onUpdateRAWPrinterComm(QString))); connect(pPrinterComm,SIGNAL(BC_Comment(QString)), this, SLOT(onUpdatePrinterComm(QString))); connect(pPrinterComm,SIGNAL(BC_ModelInfo(QString)),this,SLOT(onBC_ModelInfo(QString))); connect(pPrinterComm,SIGNAL(BC_FirmVersion(QString)),this,SLOT(onBC_FirmVersion(QString))); connect(pPrinterComm,SIGNAL(BC_ProjectorRemoteCapable(bool)), this, SLOT(onBC_ProjectorRemoteCapable(bool))); connect(pPrinterComm,SIGNAL(BC_HasShutter(bool)), this, SLOT(onBC_HasShutter(bool))); connect(pPrinterComm,SIGNAL(BC_ProjectorStatusChanged()), this, SLOT(onBC_ProjStatusChanged())); connect(pPrinterComm,SIGNAL(BC_ProjectorFAIL()), this, SLOT(onBC_ProjStatusFAIL())); // Z Position Control connect(pPrinterComm, SIGNAL(BC_PU(int)), this, SLOT(onBC_PU(int))); connect(pPrinterComm, SIGNAL(BC_UpperZLimPU(int)), this, SLOT(onBC_UpperZLimPU(int))); m_pResetTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(m_pResetTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onMotionResetTimeout())); connect(pPrinterComm, SIGNAL(BC_HomeFound()), this, SLOT(onMotionResetComplete())); connect(pPrinterComm, SIGNAL(BC_CurrentZPosInPU(int)), this, SLOT(onBC_CurrentZPosInPU(int))); connect(pPrinterComm, SIGNAL(BC_HalfLife(int)), this, SLOT(onBC_HalfLife(int))); connect(pPrinterComm, SIGNAL(BC_NativeX(int)), this, SLOT(onBC_NativeX(int))); connect(pPrinterComm, SIGNAL(BC_NativeY(int)), this, SLOT(onBC_NativeY(int))); connect(pPrinterComm, SIGNAL(BC_XYPixelSize(int)), this, SLOT(onBC_XYPixelSize(int))); m_pVatTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(m_pVatTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onMotionVatTimeout())); connect(pPrinterComm, SIGNAL(BC_CurrentVatPercentOpen(int)), this, SLOT(onBC_CurrentVatPercentOpen(int))); m_pPReleaseCycleTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(m_pPReleaseCycleTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onReleaseCycleTimeout())); connect(pPrinterComm, SIGNAL(BC_PrintReleaseCycleFinished()), this, SLOT(onBC_PrintReleaseCycleFinished())); }