SciErr allocMatrixOfBoolean(void* _pvCtx, int _iVar, int _iRows, int _iCols, int** _piBool)
	SciErr sciErr; sciErr.iErr = 0; sciErr.iMsgCount = 0;
	int *piAddr	= NULL;
	int iNewPos = Top - Rhs + _iVar;
	int iAddr   = *Lstk(iNewPos);

    //return empty matrix
    if(_iRows == 0 && _iCols == 0)
        double dblReal = 0;
        sciErr = createMatrixOfDouble(_pvCtx, _iVar, 0, 0, &dblReal);
        if (sciErr.iErr)
            addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_CREATE_EMPTY_MATRIX, _("%s: Unable to create variable in Scilab memory"), "createEmptyMatrix");
        return sciErr;

    int iMemSize = (int)(((double)(_iRows * _iCols) / 2) + 2);
	int iFreeSpace = iadr(*Lstk(Bot)) - (iadr(iAddr));
	if (iMemSize > iFreeSpace)
		addStackSizeError(&sciErr, ((StrCtx*)_pvCtx)->pstName, iMemSize);
		return sciErr;

	getNewVarAddressFromPosition(_pvCtx, iNewPos, &piAddr);
	fillMatrixOfBoolean(_pvCtx, piAddr, _iRows, _iCols, _piBool);

	updateInterSCI(_iVar, '$', iAddr, sadr(iadr(iAddr) + 3));
	updateLstk(iNewPos, sadr(iadr(iAddr) + 3), (_iRows * _iCols) / (sizeof(double) / sizeof(int)));

	return sciErr;
SciErr createCommonMatrixOfPoly(void* _pvCtx, int _iVar, int _iComplex, char* _pstVarName, int _iRows, int _iCols, const int* _piNbCoef, const double* const* _pdblReal, const double* const* _pdblImg)
	SciErr sciErr; sciErr.iErr = 0; sciErr.iMsgCount = 0;
	int *piAddr     = NULL;
	int iSize       = _iRows * _iCols;
	int iNewPos     = Top - Rhs + _iVar;
	int iAddr       = *Lstk(iNewPos);
	int iTotalLen   = 0;

    //return empty matrix
    if(_iRows == 0 && _iCols == 0)
        double dblReal = 0;
        sciErr = createMatrixOfDouble(_pvCtx, _iVar, 0, 0, &dblReal);
        if (sciErr.iErr)
            addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_CREATE_EMPTY_MATRIX, _("%s: Unable to create variable in Scilab memory"), "createEmptyMatrix");
        return sciErr;

	getNewVarAddressFromPosition(_pvCtx, iNewPos, &piAddr);
	sciErr = fillCommonMatrixOfPoly(_pvCtx, piAddr, _pstVarName, _iComplex, _iRows, _iCols, _piNbCoef, _pdblReal, _pdblImg, &iTotalLen);
		addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_CREATE_POLY, _("%s: Unable to create variable in Scilab memory"), _iComplex ? "createComplexMatrixOfPoly" : "createMatrixOfPoly");
		return sciErr;

	updateInterSCI(_iVar, '$', iAddr, iAddr + 4 + 4 + iSize + 1);
	updateLstk(iNewPos, iAddr + 4 + 4 + iSize + 1, iTotalLen);

	return sciErr;
SciErr allocPointer(void* _pvCtx, int _iVar, void** _pvPtr)
    SciErr sciErr;
    sciErr.iErr = 0;
    sciErr.iMsgCount = 0;
    int iNewPos			= Top - Rhs + _iVar;
    int iAddr				= *Lstk(iNewPos);
    int* piAddr			= NULL;
    void* pvPtr			= NULL;

    int iMemSize = 2;
    int iFreeSpace = iadr(*Lstk(Bot)) - (iadr(iAddr));
    if (iMemSize > iFreeSpace)
        addStackSizeError(&sciErr, ((StrCtx*)_pvCtx)->pstName, iMemSize);
        return sciErr;

    getNewVarAddressFromPosition(_pvCtx, iNewPos, &piAddr);

    sciErr = fillPointer(_pvCtx, piAddr, &pvPtr);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_ALLOC_POINTER, _("%s: Unable to create variable in Scilab memory"), "allocPointer");
        return sciErr;

    *_pvPtr = pvPtr;
    updateInterSCI(_iVar, '$', iAddr, sadr(iadr(iAddr) + 4));
    updateLstk(iNewPos, sadr(iadr(iAddr) + 4), 2);

    return sciErr;
SciErr allocCommonSparseMatrix(void* _pvCtx, int _iVar, int _iComplex, int _iRows, int _iCols, int _iNbItem, int** _piNbItemRow, int** _piColPos, double** _pdblReal, double** _pdblImg)
	SciErr sciErr; sciErr.iErr = 0; sciErr.iMsgCount = 0;
	int iNewPos     = Top - Rhs + _iVar;
	int iAddr       = *Lstk(iNewPos);
	int	iTotalSize  = 0;
	int iOffset     = 0;
	int* piAddr     = NULL;

    //return empty matrix
    if(_iRows == 0 && _iCols == 0)
        double dblReal = 0;
        sciErr = createMatrixOfDouble(_pvCtx, _iVar, 0, 0, &dblReal);
        if (sciErr.iErr)
            addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_CREATE_EMPTY_MATRIX, _("%s: Unable to create variable in Scilab memory"), "createEmptyMatrix");
        return sciErr;

    //header + offset
	int iMemSize = (5 + _iRows + _iNbItem + !((_iRows + _iNbItem) % 2)) / 2;
	//+ items size
	iMemSize += _iNbItem * (_iComplex + 1); 
	int iFreeSpace = iadr(*Lstk(Bot)) - (iadr(iAddr));
	if (iMemSize > iFreeSpace)
		addStackSizeError(&sciErr, ((StrCtx*)_pvCtx)->pstName, iMemSize);
		return sciErr;

	getNewVarAddressFromPosition(_pvCtx, iNewPos, &piAddr);

	sciErr = fillCommonSparseMatrix(_pvCtx, piAddr, _iComplex, _iRows, _iCols, _iNbItem, _piNbItemRow, _piColPos, _pdblReal, _pdblImg, &iTotalSize);
		addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_ALLOC_SPARSE, _("%s: Unable to create variable in Scilab memory"), _iComplex ? "allocComplexSparseMatrix" : "allocSparseMatrix");
		return sciErr;

	iOffset	= 5;//4 for header + 1 for NbItem
	iOffset		+= _iRows + _iNbItem + !((_iRows + _iNbItem) % 2);

	updateInterSCI(_iVar, '$', iAddr, sadr(iadr(iAddr) + iOffset));
	updateLstk(iNewPos, sadr(iadr(iAddr) + iOffset), iTotalSize);
	return sciErr;
SciErr allocBooleanSparseMatrix(void* _pvCtx, int _iVar, int _iRows, int _iCols, int _iNbItem, int** _piNbItemRow, int** _piColPos)
	SciErr sciErr; sciErr.iErr = 0; sciErr.iMsgCount = 0;
	int iNewPos = Top - Rhs + _iVar;
	int iAddr   = *Lstk(iNewPos);
	int iPos    = 5 + _iRows + _iNbItem;
	int* piAddr = NULL;

    //return empty matrix
    if(_iRows == 0 && _iCols == 0)
        double dblReal = 0;
        sciErr = createMatrixOfDouble(_pvCtx, _iVar, 0, 0, &dblReal);
        if (sciErr.iErr)
            addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_CREATE_EMPTY_MATRIX, _("%s: Unable to create variable in Scilab memory"), "createEmptyMatrix");
        return sciErr;

    int iMemSize = (int)( ( (double)iPos / 2 ) + 0.5);
	int iFreeSpace = iadr(*Lstk(Bot)) - (iadr(iAddr));
	if (iMemSize > iFreeSpace)
		addStackSizeError(&sciErr, ((StrCtx*)_pvCtx)->pstName, iMemSize);
		return sciErr;

	getNewVarAddressFromPosition(_pvCtx, iNewPos, &piAddr);
	sciErr = fillBooleanSparseMatrix(_pvCtx, piAddr, _iRows, _iCols, _iNbItem, _piNbItemRow, _piColPos);
		addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_ALLOC_BOOLEAN_SPARSE, _("%s: Unable to create variable in Scilab memory"), "allocBooleanSparseMatrix");
		return sciErr;

	iPos += iAddr;
	updateInterSCI(_iVar, '$', iAddr, iPos);
	updateLstk(iNewPos, iPos, 0);
	return sciErr;
SciErr allocCommonMatrixOfDouble(void* _pvCtx, int _iVar, int _iComplex, int _iRows, int _iCols, double** _pdblReal, double** _pdblImg)
    SciErr sciErr; sciErr.iErr = 0; sciErr.iMsgCount = 0;
    int iNewPos			= Top - Rhs + _iVar;
    int iAddr				= *Lstk(iNewPos);
    int* piAddr			= NULL;

    int iMemSize = _iRows * _iCols * (_iComplex + 1) + 2;
    int iFreeSpace = iadr(*Lstk(Bot)) - (iadr(iAddr));
    if (iMemSize > iFreeSpace)
        addStackSizeError(&sciErr, ((StrCtx*)_pvCtx)->pstName, iMemSize);
        return sciErr;

    getNewVarAddressFromPosition(_pvCtx, iNewPos, &piAddr);
    fillCommonMatrixOfDouble(_pvCtx, piAddr, _iComplex, _iRows, _iCols, _pdblReal, _pdblImg);
    updateInterSCI(_iVar, '$', iAddr, sadr(iadr(iAddr) + 4));
    updateLstk(iNewPos, sadr(iadr(iAddr) + 4), _iRows * _iCols * (_iComplex + 1));
    return sciErr;