int OutCoreInterp::update(double data_x, double data_y, double data_z)

    int fileNum;

    //fileNum = upper_grid_y / local_grid_size_y;
    if((fileNum = findFileNum(data_y)) < 0)
            cout << "OutCoreInterp::update() findFileNum() error!" << endl;
            cout << "data_x: " << data_x << " data_y: " << data_y << " grid_y: " << (int)(data_y/GRID_DIST_Y) << " fileNum: " << fileNum << " open file: " << openFile << endl;
            return -1;

    if(openFile == fileNum)
            // write into memory;
            updateInterpArray(fileNum, data_x, data_y, data_z);

	UpdateInfo ui(data_x, data_y, data_z);

	if(qlist[fileNum].size() == QUEUE_LIMIT)
		//cout << "erase" << endl;
		if(openFile != -1)
			// if we use mmap and write directly into disk, no need this step.
			// munmap would be enough for this step..

			// write back to disk
			openFile = -1;
		// upload from disk to memory
		openFile = fileNum;

		// pop every update information
		list<UpdateInfo>::const_iterator iter;

		for(iter = qlist[openFile].begin(); iter!= qlist[openFile].end(); iter++){ 
		    updateInterpArray(openFile, (*iter).data_x, (*iter).data_y, (*iter).data_z);
		// flush
		qlist[openFile].erase(qlist[openFile].begin(), qlist[openFile].end());

    return 0;
int OutCoreInterp::finish(char *outputName, int outputFormat, unsigned int outputType)
    int i, j;
    GridPoint *p;
    GridFile *gf;
    int len_y;
    int offset;

    //struct tms tbuf;
    clock_t t0, t1;

    // managing overlap.
    read adjacent blocks and store ghost cells and update the cells

    merging multiple files
    if(openFile != -1){
	openFile = -1;

     for(i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
            if(qlist[i].size() != 0)
                    if((gf = gridMap[i]->getGridFile()) == NULL)
                            cout << "OutCoreInterp::finish() getGridFile() NULL" << endl;
                            return -1;

                    openFile = i;

                    // flush UpdateInfo queue
                    // pop every update information
                    list<UpdateInfo>::const_iterator iter;

                    for(iter = qlist[i].begin(); iter!= qlist[i].end(); iter++){ 
                        updateInterpArray(i, (*iter).data_x, (*iter).data_y, (*iter).data_z);
                    qlist[i].erase(qlist[i].begin(), qlist[i].end());

                    openFile = -1;
                    gf = NULL;

    for(i = 0; i < numFiles - 1; i++)
            // read the upside overlap

            if((gf = gridMap[i]->getGridFile()) == NULL)
                    cout << "OutCoreInterp::finish() getGridFile() NULL" << endl;
                    return -1;

            if(gf->map() != -1)
                    openFile = i;
		    // Sriram's edit to copy over DEM values to overlap also
                    len_y = 2 * (gridMap[i]->getOverlapUpperBound() - gridMap[i]->getUpperBound() - 1);

                    if((p = (GridPoint *)malloc(sizeof(GridPoint) * len_y * GRID_SIZE_X)) == NULL)
                            cout << "OutCoreInterp::finish() malloc error" << endl;
                            return -1;

                    int start = (gridMap[i]->getOverlapUpperBound() - gridMap[i]->getOverlapLowerBound() - len_y) * GRID_SIZE_X;
                    cout << "copy from " << start << " to " << (start + len_y * GRID_SIZE_X) << endl;

                    memcpy(p, &(gf->interp[start]), sizeof(GridPoint) * len_y * (GRID_SIZE_X) );

                    gf = NULL;
                    openFile = -1;

                } else {
		cout << "OutCoreInterp::finish() gf->map() error" << endl;
		return -1;
            // update (i+1)th component
            if((gf = gridMap[i+1]->getGridFile()) == NULL)
                    cout << "OutCoreInterp::finish() getGridFile() NULL" << endl;
                    return -1;

            if(gf->map() != -1)
		    offset = 0;
                    openFile = i - 1;

                    for(j = 0; j < len_y * GRID_SIZE_X; j++)
                            if(gf->interp[j + offset].Zmin > p[j].Zmin)
                                gf->interp[j + offset].Zmin = p[j].Zmin;

                            if(gf->interp[j + offset].Zmax < p[j].Zmax)
                                gf->interp[j + offset].Zmax = p[j].Zmax;

                            gf->interp[j + offset].Zmean += p[j].Zmean;
                            gf->interp[j + offset].count += p[j].count;
			    if (p[j].sum != -1) {
				gf->interp[j + offset].Zidw += p[j].Zidw;
				gf->interp[j + offset].sum += p[j].sum;
			    } else {
				gf->interp[j + offset].Zidw = p[j].Zidw;
				gf->interp[j + offset].sum = p[j].sum;

                    if(p != NULL){
                        p = NULL;

                    gf = NULL;
                    openFile = -1;

                } else {
		cout << "OutCoreInterp::finish() gf->map() error" << endl;
		return -1;

    for(i = numFiles -1; i > 0; i--)
            // read the downside overlap

            if((gf = gridMap[i]->getGridFile()) == NULL)
                    cout << "GridFile is NULL" << endl;
                    return -1;

            if(gf->map() != -1)
                    openFile = i;
                    len_y = 2 * (gridMap[i]->getLowerBound() - gridMap[i]->getOverlapLowerBound());

                    if((p = (GridPoint *)malloc(sizeof(GridPoint) * len_y * GRID_SIZE_X)) == NULL)
                            cout << "OutCoreInterp::finish() malloc error" << endl;
                            return -1;

                    memcpy(p, &(gf->interp[0]), len_y * sizeof(GridPoint) * GRID_SIZE_X);

                    gf = NULL;
                    openFile = -1;
                } else {
		cout << "OutCoreInterp::finish gf->map() error" << endl;
		return -1;
            // update (i-1)th component
            if((gf = gridMap[i-1]->getGridFile()) == NULL)
                    cout << "GridFile is NULL" << endl;
                    return -1;

            if(gf->map() != -1)
                    offset = (gridMap[i-1]->getOverlapUpperBound() - gridMap[i-1]->getOverlapLowerBound() - len_y) * GRID_SIZE_X;
                    openFile = i - 1;

                    for(j = 0; j < len_y * GRID_SIZE_X; j++)
			    // Sriram - the overlap already contains the correct values
			    gf->interp[j + offset].Zmin = p[j].Zmin;
			    gf->interp[j + offset].Zmax = p[j].Zmax;
                            gf->interp[j + offset].Zmean = p[j].Zmean;
                            gf->interp[j + offset].count = p[j].count;
                            gf->interp[j + offset].Zidw = p[j].Zidw;
                            gf->interp[j + offset].sum = p[j].sum;

                    //if(i - 1 == 0)

                    if(p != NULL){
                        p = NULL;

                    gf = NULL;
                    openFile = -1;

    for(i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
            openFile = i;
            openFile = -1;

    t0 = clock();
    // merge pieces into one file
    if(outputFile(outputName, outputFormat, outputType) < 0)
            cout << "OutCoreInterp::finish outputFile error" << endl;
            return -1;

    t1 = clock();
    printf("Output Execution time: %10.2f\n", (double)(t1 - t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

    return 0;
int OutCoreInterp::update(double data_x, double data_y, double data_z)
    // update()
    //	push the point info into an appropriate queue
    //	if the length of the queue exceeds a limit,
    //	then
    //		if another file is loaded, write back (lazy update)
    //		if the file we need has not opened,
    //			read a file from disk
    //		update the file (PROC1)

    // find which file should be updated

      if(data_x < 0){
      cout << "4. !!!! " << data_x << endl;
      return -1;

    int fileNum;

    //fileNum = upper_grid_y / local_grid_size_y;
    if((fileNum = findFileNum(data_y)) < 0)
        cerr << "OutCoreInterp::update() findFileNum() error!" << endl;
        cerr << "data_x: " << data_x << " data_y: " << data_y << " grid_y: " << (int)(data_y/GRID_DIST_Y) << " fileNum: " << fileNum << " open file: " << openFile << endl;
        return -1;

    if(openFile == fileNum)
        // write into memory;
        updateInterpArray(fileNum, data_x, data_y, data_z);

    } else {
        UpdateInfo ui(data_x, data_y, data_z);

        if(qlist[fileNum].size() == QUEUE_LIMIT)
            //cout << "erase" << endl;
            if(openFile != -1)
                // if we use mmap and write directly into disk, no need this step.
                // munmap would be enough for this step..

                // write back to disk
                openFile = -1;
            // upload from disk to memory
            openFile = fileNum;

            // pop every update information
            list<UpdateInfo>::const_iterator iter;

            for(iter = qlist[openFile].begin(); iter!= qlist[openFile].end(); iter++) {
                updateInterpArray(openFile, (*iter).data_x, (*iter).data_y, (*iter).data_z);
            // flush
            qlist[openFile].erase(qlist[openFile].begin(), qlist[openFile].end());

    return 0;
int OutCoreInterp::finish(const std::string& outputName, int outputFormat, unsigned int outputType, double *adfGeoTransform, const char* wkt)
    int i, j;
    GridPoint *p;
    GridFile *gf;
    int len_y;
    int offset;

    //struct tms tbuf;
    clock_t t0, t1;

    // managing overlap.
    read adjacent blocks and store ghost cells and update the cells

    merging multiple files
    if(openFile != -1) {
        openFile = -1;

    // flushing
    // can be moved inside the communications
    for(i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
        if(qlist[i].size() != 0)
            if((gf = gridMap[i]->getGridFile()) == NULL)
                cerr << "OutCoreInterp::finish() getGridFile() NULL" << endl;
                return -1;

            openFile = i;

            // flush UpdateInfo queue
            // pop every update information
            list<UpdateInfo>::const_iterator iter;

            for(iter = qlist[i].begin(); iter!= qlist[i].end(); iter++) {
                updateInterpArray(i, (*iter).data_x, (*iter).data_y, (*iter).data_z);
            qlist[i].erase(qlist[i].begin(), qlist[i].end());

            openFile = -1;
            gf = NULL;

    for(i = 0; i < numFiles - 1; i++)
        // read the upside overlap

        if((gf = gridMap[i]->getGridFile()) == NULL)
            cerr << "OutCoreInterp::finish() getGridFile() NULL" << endl;
            return -1;

        if(gf->map() != -1)
            openFile = i;
            // Sriram's edit to copy over DEM values to overlap also
            len_y = 2 * (gridMap[i]->getOverlapUpperBound() - gridMap[i]->getUpperBound() - 1);

            if((p = (GridPoint *)malloc(sizeof(GridPoint) * len_y * GRID_SIZE_X)) == NULL)
                cerr << "OutCoreInterp::finish() malloc error" << endl;
                return -1;

            int start = (gridMap[i]->getOverlapUpperBound() - gridMap[i]->getOverlapLowerBound() - len_y) * GRID_SIZE_X;
            cerr << "copy from " << start << " to " << (start + len_y * GRID_SIZE_X) << endl;

            memcpy(p, &(gf->interp[start]), sizeof(GridPoint) * len_y * (GRID_SIZE_X) );

            gf = NULL;
            openFile = -1;

        } else {
            cerr << "OutCoreInterp::finish() gf->map() error" << endl;
            return -1;

        // update (i+1)th component
        if((gf = gridMap[i+1]->getGridFile()) == NULL)
            cerr << "OutCoreInterp::finish() getGridFile() NULL" << endl;
            return -1;

        if(gf->map() != -1)
            offset = 0;
            openFile = i - 1;

            for(j = 0; j < len_y * GRID_SIZE_X; j++)
                if(gf->interp[j + offset].Zmin > p[j].Zmin)
                    gf->interp[j + offset].Zmin = p[j].Zmin;

                if(gf->interp[j + offset].Zmax < p[j].Zmax)
                    gf->interp[j + offset].Zmax = p[j].Zmax;

                gf->interp[j + offset].Zmean += p[j].Zmean;
                gf->interp[j + offset].count += p[j].count;

		double delta = p[j].Zstd_tmp - p[j].Zstd_tmp;
		gf->interp[j + offset].Zstd_tmp += delta / gf->interp[j + offset].count;
		gf->interp[j + offset].Zstd += delta * (
		interp[x][y].Zstd += delta * (data_z-interp[x][y].Zstd_tmp);

		gf->interp[j + offset].Zstd += p[j].Zstd;
                gf->interp[j + offset].Zstd_tmp += p[j].Zstd_tmp;

                if (p[j].sum != -1) {
                    gf->interp[j + offset].Zidw += p[j].Zidw;
                    gf->interp[j + offset].sum += p[j].sum;
                } else {
                    gf->interp[j + offset].Zidw = p[j].Zidw;
                    gf->interp[j + offset].sum = p[j].sum;

            if(p != NULL) {
                p = NULL;

            gf = NULL;
            openFile = -1;

        } else {
            cerr << "OutCoreInterp::finish() gf->map() error" << endl;
            return -1;

    for(i = numFiles -1; i > 0; i--)
        // read the downside overlap

        if((gf = gridMap[i]->getGridFile()) == NULL)
            cerr << "GridFile is NULL" << endl;
            return -1;

        if(gf->map() != -1)
            openFile = i;
            len_y = 2 * (gridMap[i]->getLowerBound() - gridMap[i]->getOverlapLowerBound());

            if((p = (GridPoint *)malloc(sizeof(GridPoint) * len_y * GRID_SIZE_X)) == NULL)
                cerr << "OutCoreInterp::finish() malloc error" << endl;
                return -1;

            memcpy(p, &(gf->interp[0]), len_y * sizeof(GridPoint) * GRID_SIZE_X);


            gf = NULL;
            openFile = -1;
        } else {
            cerr << "OutCoreInterp::finish gf->map() error" << endl;
            return -1;

        // update (i-1)th component
        if((gf = gridMap[i-1]->getGridFile()) == NULL)
            cerr << "GridFile is NULL" << endl;
            return -1;

        if(gf->map() != -1)
            offset = (gridMap[i-1]->getOverlapUpperBound() - gridMap[i-1]->getOverlapLowerBound() - len_y) * GRID_SIZE_X;
            openFile = i - 1;

            for(j = 0; j < len_y * GRID_SIZE_X; j++)
                // Sriram - the overlap already contains the correct values
                gf->interp[j + offset].Zmin = p[j].Zmin;
                gf->interp[j + offset].Zmax = p[j].Zmax;
                gf->interp[j + offset].Zmean = p[j].Zmean;
                gf->interp[j + offset].count = p[j].count;
                gf->interp[j + offset].Zidw = p[j].Zidw;
                gf->interp[j + offset].sum = p[j].sum;
		//gf->interp[j + offset].Zstd = p[j].Zstd;
		//gf->interp[j + offset].Zstd_tmp = p[j].Zstd_tmp;

            //if(i - 1 == 0)

            if(p != NULL) {
                p = NULL;

            gf = NULL;
            openFile = -1;

    for(i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
        openFile = i;
        openFile = -1;

    t0 = clock();
    //t0 = times(&tbuf);

    // merge pieces into one file
    if(outputFile(outputName, outputFormat, outputType, adfGeoTransform, wkt) < 0)
        cerr << "OutCoreInterp::finish outputFile error" << endl;
        return -1;

    t1 = clock();
    //t1 = times(&tbuf);
    cerr << "Output Execution time: " << (double)(t1 - t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << std::endl;

    return 0;