static int GET_account(BlogRef const blog, SLNSessionRef const session, HTTPConnectionRef const conn, HTTPMethod const method, strarg_t const URI, HTTPHeadersRef const headers) { if(HTTP_GET != method && HTTP_HEAD != method) return -1; if(0 != uripathcmp("/account", URI, NULL)) return -1; str_t *reponame_HTMLSafe = htmlenc(SLNRepoGetName(blog->repo)); if(!reponame_HTMLSafe) return 500; TemplateStaticArg const args[] = { {"reponame", reponame_HTMLSafe}, {"token", "asdf"}, // TODO {"userlen", "32"}, {"passlen", "64"}, {NULL, NULL}, }; HTTPConnectionWriteResponse(conn, 200, "OK"); HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"); HTTPConnectionBeginBody(conn); if(HTTP_HEAD != method) { TemplateWriteHTTPChunk(blog->login, &TemplateStaticCBs, args, conn); HTTPConnectionWriteChunkEnd(conn); } HTTPConnectionEnd(conn); FREE(&reponame_HTMLSafe); return 0; }
static int GET_upload(BlogRef const blog, SLNSessionRef const session, HTTPConnectionRef const conn, HTTPMethod const method, strarg_t const URI, HTTPHeadersRef const headers) { if(HTTP_GET != method) return -1; if(0 != uripathcmp("/upload", URI, NULL)) return -1; if(!SLNSessionHasPermission(session, SLN_WRONLY)) return 403; str_t *reponame_HTMLSafe = htmlenc(SLNRepoGetName(blog->repo)); if(!reponame_HTMLSafe) return 500; TemplateStaticArg const args[] = { {"reponame", reponame_HTMLSafe}, {"token", "asdf"}, {NULL, NULL}, }; HTTPConnectionWriteResponse(conn, 200, "OK"); HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"); HTTPConnectionBeginBody(conn); TemplateWriteHTTPChunk(blog->upload, &TemplateStaticCBs, args, conn); HTTPConnectionWriteChunkEnd(conn); HTTPConnectionEnd(conn); FREE(&reponame_HTMLSafe); return 0; }
static int POST_auth(BlogRef const blog, SLNSessionRef const session, HTTPConnectionRef const conn, HTTPMethod const method, strarg_t const URI, HTTPHeadersRef const headers) { if(HTTP_POST != method) return -1; if(0 != uripathcmp("/auth", URI, NULL)) return -1; // TODO: Check that Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded. str_t formdata[AUTH_FORM_MAX]; ssize_t len = HTTPConnectionReadBodyStatic(conn, (byte_t *)formdata, sizeof(formdata)-1); if(UV_EMSGSIZE == len) return 413; // Request Entity Too Large if(len < 0) return 500; formdata[len] = '\0'; SLNSessionCacheRef const cache = SLNRepoGetSessionCache(blog->repo); static strarg_t const fields[] = { "action-login", "action-register", "user", "pass", "token", // TODO: CSRF protection }; str_t *values[numberof(fields)] = {}; QSValuesParse(formdata, values, fields, numberof(fields)); if(values[1]) { QSValuesCleanup(values, numberof(values)); return 501; // TODO: Not Implemented } if(!values[0]) { QSValuesCleanup(values, numberof(values)); return 400; // Not login? } SLNSessionRef s; int rc = SLNSessionCacheCreateSession(cache, values[2], values[3], &s); // TODO QSValuesCleanup(values, numberof(values)); if(rc < 0) { HTTPConnectionSendRedirect(conn, 303, "/account?err=1"); return 0; } str_t *cookie = SLNSessionCopyCookie(s); SLNSessionRelease(&s); if(!cookie) return 500; HTTPConnectionWriteResponse(conn, 303, "See Other"); HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Location", "/"); HTTPConnectionWriteSetCookie(conn, cookie, "/", 60 * 60 * 24 * 365); HTTPConnectionWriteContentLength(conn, 0); HTTPConnectionBeginBody(conn); HTTPConnectionEnd(conn); FREE(&cookie); return 0; }
static int POST_post(BlogRef const blog, SLNSessionRef const session, HTTPConnectionRef const conn, HTTPMethod const method, strarg_t const URI, HTTPHeadersRef const headers) { if(HTTP_POST != method) return -1; if(0 != uripathcmp("/post", URI, NULL)) return -1; // TODO: CSRF token strarg_t const formtype = HTTPHeadersGet(headers, "content-type"); uv_buf_t boundary[1]; int rc = MultipartBoundaryFromType(formtype, boundary); if(rc < 0) return 400; MultipartFormRef form = NULL; rc = MultipartFormCreate(conn, boundary, &form); if(rc < 0) { return 500; } SLNSubmissionRef sub = NULL; SLNSubmissionRef meta = NULL; str_t *title = NULL; rc = parse_file(blog, session, form, &sub, &meta, &title); if(UV_EACCES == rc) { MultipartFormFree(&form); return 403; } if(rc < 0) { MultipartFormFree(&form); return 500; } SLNSubmissionRef extra = NULL; yajl_gen json = NULL; str_t *target_QSEscaped = NULL; str_t *location = NULL; strarg_t const target = SLNSubmissionGetPrimaryURI(sub); if(!target) rc = UV_ENOMEM; if(rc < 0) goto cleanup; target_QSEscaped = QSEscape(target, strlen(target), true); if(!target_QSEscaped) rc = UV_ENOMEM; if(rc < 0) goto cleanup; rc = SLNSubmissionCreate(session, NULL, target, &extra); if(rc < 0) goto cleanup; rc = SLNSubmissionSetType(extra, SLN_META_TYPE); if(rc < 0) goto cleanup; SLNSubmissionWrite(extra, (byte_t const *)target, strlen(target)); SLNSubmissionWrite(extra, (byte_t const *)STR_LEN("\n\n")); json = yajl_gen_alloc(NULL); if(!json) rc = UV_ENOMEM; if(rc < 0) goto cleanup; yajl_gen_config(json, yajl_gen_print_callback, (void (*)())SLNSubmissionWrite, extra); yajl_gen_config(json, yajl_gen_beautify, (int)true); yajl_gen_map_open(json); if(title) { yajl_gen_string(json, (unsigned char const *)STR_LEN("title")); yajl_gen_string(json, (unsigned char const *)title, strlen(title)); } // TODO: Comment or description? strarg_t const username = SLNSessionGetUsername(session); if(username) { yajl_gen_string(json, (unsigned char const *)STR_LEN("submitter-name")); yajl_gen_string(json, (unsigned char const *)username, strlen(username)); } strarg_t const reponame = SLNRepoGetName(blog->repo); if(reponame) { yajl_gen_string(json, (unsigned char const *)STR_LEN("submitter-repo")); yajl_gen_string(json, (unsigned char const *)reponame, strlen(reponame)); } time_t const now = time(NULL); struct tm t[1]; gmtime_r(&now, t); // TODO: Error checking? str_t tstr[31+1]; size_t const tlen = strftime(tstr, sizeof(tstr), "%FT%TZ", t); // ISO 8601 if(tlen) { yajl_gen_string(json, (unsigned char const *)STR_LEN("submission-time")); yajl_gen_string(json, (unsigned char const *)tstr, tlen); } yajl_gen_string(json, (unsigned char const *)STR_LEN("submission-software")); yajl_gen_string(json, (unsigned char const *)STR_LEN("StrongLink Blog")); str_t *fulltext = aasprintf("%s\n%s", title ?: "", NULL ?: ""); // TODO: Description, GNU-ism if(fulltext) { yajl_gen_string(json, (unsigned char const *)STR_LEN("fulltext")); yajl_gen_string(json, (unsigned char const *)fulltext, strlen(fulltext)); } FREE(&fulltext); yajl_gen_map_close(json); rc = SLNSubmissionEnd(extra); if(rc < 0) goto cleanup; SLNSubmissionRef subs[] = { sub, meta, extra }; rc = SLNSubmissionStoreBatch(subs, numberof(subs)); location = aasprintf("/?q=%s", target_QSEscaped); if(!location) rc = UV_ENOMEM; if(rc < 0) goto cleanup; HTTPConnectionSendRedirect(conn, 303, location); cleanup: if(json) { yajl_gen_free(json); json = NULL; } FREE(&title); SLNSubmissionFree(&sub); SLNSubmissionFree(&meta); SLNSubmissionFree(&extra); MultipartFormFree(&form); FREE(&target_QSEscaped); FREE(&location); if(rc < 0) return 500; return 0; }
static int GET_query(BlogRef const blog, SLNSessionRef const session, HTTPConnectionRef const conn, HTTPMethod const method, strarg_t const URI, HTTPHeadersRef const headers) { if(HTTP_GET != method && HTTP_HEAD != method) return -1; strarg_t qs = NULL; if(0 != uripathcmp("/", URI, &qs)) return -1; if(HTTP_HEAD == method) return 501; // TODO // TODO: This is the most complicated function in the whole program. // It's unbearable. str_t *query = NULL; str_t *query_HTMLSafe = NULL; str_t *parsed_HTMLSafe = NULL; SLNFilterRef filter = NULL; int rc; static strarg_t const fields[] = { "q", }; str_t *values[numberof(fields)] = {}; QSValuesParse(qs, values, fields, numberof(fields)); query = values[0]; values[0] = NULL; query_HTMLSafe = htmlenc(values[0]); rc = SLNUserFilterParse(session, query, &filter); QSValuesCleanup(values, numberof(values)); if(DB_EACCES == rc) { FREE(&query); FREE(&query_HTMLSafe); return 403; } // SLNFilterPrintSexp(filter, stderr, 0); // DEBUG if(DB_EINVAL == rc) rc = SLNFilterCreate(session, SLNVisibleFilterType, &filter); if(rc < 0) { FREE(&query); FREE(&query_HTMLSafe); return 500; } str_t tmp[URI_MAX]; tmp[0] = '\0'; // fmemopen shim ignores mode. FILE *parsed = fmemopen(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "w"); if(!parsed) { FREE(&query); FREE(&query_HTMLSafe); return 500; } SLNFilterPrintUser(filter, parsed, 0); fclose(parsed); tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0'; // fmemopen(3) says this isn't guaranteed. parsed_HTMLSafe = htmlenc(tmp); SLNFilterPosition pos[1] = {{ .dir = -1 }}; str_t *URIs[RESULTS_MAX]; uint64_t max = numberof(URIs); int outdir = -1; SLNFilterParseOptions(qs, pos, &max, &outdir, NULL); if(max < 1) max = 1; if(max > numberof(URIs)) max = numberof(URIs); bool const has_start = !!pos->URI; uint64_t const t1 = uv_hrtime(); ssize_t const count = SLNFilterCopyURIs(filter, session, pos, outdir, false, URIs, (size_t)max); SLNFilterPositionCleanup(pos); if(count < 0) { FREE(&query); FREE(&query_HTMLSafe); FREE(&parsed_HTMLSafe); SLNFilterFree(&filter); if(DB_NOTFOUND == count) { // Possibly a filter age-function bug. alogf("Invalid start parameter? %s\n", URI); return 500; } alogf("Filter error: %s\n", sln_strerror(count)); return 500; } SLNFilterFree(&filter); uint64_t const t2 = uv_hrtime(); str_t *reponame_HTMLSafe = htmlenc(SLNRepoGetName(blog->repo)); snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Queried in %.6f seconds", (t2-t1) / 1e9); str_t *querytime_HTMLSafe = htmlenc(tmp); str_t *account_HTMLSafe; if(0 == SLNSessionGetUserID(session)) { account_HTMLSafe = htmlenc("Log In"); } else { strarg_t const user = SLNSessionGetUsername(session); snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Account: %s", user); account_HTMLSafe = htmlenc(tmp); } // TODO: Write a real function for building query strings // Don't use ?: GNUism // Preserve other query parameters like `dir` str_t *query_encoded = !query ? NULL : QSEscape(query, strlen(query), true); FREE(&query); str_t *firstpage_HTMLSafe = NULL; str_t *prevpage_HTMLSafe = NULL; str_t *nextpage_HTMLSafe = NULL; str_t *lastpage_HTMLSafe = NULL; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "?q=%s&start=-", query_encoded ?: ""); firstpage_HTMLSafe = htmlenc(tmp); str_t *p = !count ? NULL : URIs[outdir > 0 ? 0 : count-1]; str_t *n = !count ? NULL : URIs[outdir > 0 ? count-1 : 0]; if(p) p = QSEscape(p, strlen(p), 1); if(n) n = QSEscape(n, strlen(n), 1); snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "?q=%s&start=%s", query_encoded ?: "", p ?: ""); prevpage_HTMLSafe = htmlenc(tmp); snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "?q=%s&start=-%s", query_encoded ?: "", n ?: ""); nextpage_HTMLSafe = htmlenc(tmp); snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "?q=%s", query_encoded ?: ""); lastpage_HTMLSafe = htmlenc(tmp); FREE(&query_encoded); FREE(&p); FREE(&n); str_t *qs_HTMLSafe = htmlenc(qs); TemplateStaticArg const args[] = { {"reponame", reponame_HTMLSafe}, {"querytime", querytime_HTMLSafe}, {"account", account_HTMLSafe}, {"query", query_HTMLSafe}, {"parsed", parsed_HTMLSafe}, {"firstpage", firstpage_HTMLSafe}, {"prevpage", prevpage_HTMLSafe}, {"nextpage", nextpage_HTMLSafe}, {"lastpage", lastpage_HTMLSafe}, {"qs", qs_HTMLSafe}, {NULL, NULL}, }; if(count > 0) { HTTPConnectionWriteResponse(conn, 200, "OK"); } else { HTTPConnectionWriteResponse(conn, 404, "Not Found"); } HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"); if(0 == SLNSessionGetUserID(session)) { HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Cache-Control", "no-cache, public"); } else { HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Cache-Control", "no-cache, private"); } HTTPConnectionBeginBody(conn); TemplateWriteHTTPChunk(blog->header, &TemplateStaticCBs, args, conn); if(0 == count) { TemplateWriteHTTPChunk(blog->noresults, &TemplateStaticCBs, args, conn); } for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { str_t algo[SLN_ALGO_SIZE]; // SLN_INTERNAL_ALGO str_t hash[SLN_HASH_SIZE]; SLNParseURI(URIs[i], algo, hash); str_t *previewPath = BlogCopyPreviewPath(blog, hash); rc = send_preview(blog, conn, session, URIs[i], previewPath); FREE(&previewPath); if(rc < 0) break; } // TODO: HACK // Hide the pagination buttons when there are less than one full page of results. if(count >= max || has_start) { TemplateWriteHTTPChunk(blog->footer, &TemplateStaticCBs, args, conn); } FREE(&reponame_HTMLSafe); FREE(&querytime_HTMLSafe); FREE(&account_HTMLSafe); FREE(&query_HTMLSafe); FREE(&parsed_HTMLSafe); FREE(&firstpage_HTMLSafe); FREE(&prevpage_HTMLSafe); FREE(&nextpage_HTMLSafe); FREE(&lastpage_HTMLSafe); FREE(&qs_HTMLSafe); HTTPConnectionWriteChunkEnd(conn); HTTPConnectionEnd(conn); for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) FREE(&URIs[i]); assert_zeroed(URIs, count); return 0; }
static int POST_file(SLNRepoRef const repo, SLNSessionRef const session, HTTPConnectionRef const conn, HTTPMethod const method, strarg_t const URI, HTTPHeadersRef const headers) { if(HTTP_POST != method) return -1; if(0 != uripathcmp("/sln/file", URI, NULL)) return -1; return accept_sub(session, NULL, conn, headers); }